Waves VI

It was around nine at night when Ratchet decided that Alexia needed to get some rest.

"Um…Where am I staying?" The black haired teen asked looking up at the yellow medic.

"You'll be staying with Optimus until we are able to make room for you in one of the spare rooms," the CMO replied as he carried her down the hall to the red and blue mechs room.

Alexia didn't realize just how tired she was until she saw the twin sized bed sitting in the corner of Optimus's room. Ratchet sat her down on the floor and couldn't help but smile when she all but ran to the bed and jumped on it. Just as he turned to leave Alexia spoke.

"Thanks Ratch," the green eyed teen mumbled as she curled up with one of the overstuffed pillows and fell asleep.

"You're very welcome Alexia," he said as he turned and left so she could get some sleep.

The medic found Optimus in his office going over a list of supplies that were needed. Sensing Ratchet's presence he looked up at him and smiled softly.

"How is Alexia?" He asked, motioning for the yellow mech to take a seat. Ratchet took the seat in front of his leader and sighed wearily.

"Not so well?" Optimus asked upon hearing the medic sigh heavily.

"It appears that the All Spark's energy is heavily connected to Alexia's emotions," he said as he rubbed his optics tiredly. "I ran a few simulations on Teletraan I and came to a disturbing discovery." Optimus locked his optics with the CMO.

"What do you mean 'disturbing'?" The red and blue mech asked as he knitted his optic ridges together.

"Alexia can kill us," Ratchet said in a completely serious tone. Optimus had to blink several times before he fully registered what the medic had just told him.

"I'm afraid I don't follow," he said.

"The waves emitted from Alexia are tied to the emotions that she feels, whether they are memories or what is happing to her at that exact moment doesn't matter. As I told you, I ran a few simulations on Teletraan I and found that if she was able to conjure up a strong enough memory, or if the situation was dire enough, the energy wave released could kill any Cybertronian in proximity of her," Ratchet explained as he sent Optimus several charts and a few files over their personal line. The red and blue mech scanned them and rubbed his optics tiredly.

"Where is she now?" He asked.

"She's in your quarters sleeping," the CMO replied as he took in his leaders tired form. Scanning him quickly he frowned.

"Take the rest of the night off Optimus," Ratchet said as he took the data pad from said mech's hands.

"I will as soon as I finish the supplies list," he replied as he reached for the pad. The Search and Rescue Hummer frowned and subspaced the item.

"As your Chief Medical Officer I order you to take the remainder of the evening off or I will be forced to manually off line you," he said in a stern voice. The red and blue mech chuckled slightly and raised his hands in defeat.

"Very well Ratchet," he said with a smile as he got to his feet and made his way down the hall to his room.

The door to Optimus's private quarters opened with a soft hiss. The instant he entered the room his scanners picked up on Alexia's sleeping figure and he smiled as he made his way to his recharge bed.

He was almost there when, out of the corner of his optic, he saw that the black haired teen was shivering. She had kicked off all of her blankets. Kneeling down beside her he ever so gently covered her back up. Her shaking ceased and she unconsciously moved closer to the warmth of Optimus's hand. Sleep well Alexia, he thought as he removed his hand and lay down on his recharge bed. Mere seconds passed and the red and blue mech was in stasis.

It was around three in the morning when Alexia woke up. Sighing, she rolled onto her other side to try and get a few more hours of sleep. These efforts were in vain though. Running a hand through her short black hair she got to her feet and decided to go for a walk.

Of course, it was only once she as in the hallway that she had no idea where anything was in the base. Sighing she ran a hand through her black hair and decided to go right since she was right handed, hey it made sense to her.

Five minutes and three right turns later, she found herself in front of the med bay doors. Well at least I know where I am, Alexia thought as she made her way into the large room. Her original intention was to find Ratchet and see if he could give her something to help her sleep.

What she didn't expect was to be pulled buy some invisible forced over to where the permanently off lined mech known as Jazz was laying. Somehow she managed to climb up the table and pull back the sheet that was covering him.

Looking down at the silver former second in command Alexia felt a strong wave of sadness overtake her. Perhaps it was the All Spark effecting her but she felt as of she had known the mech for ages. Taking in the rest of his form she was surprised to find that he was pretty small compared to the others.

Sitting on his chest she stroked the smooth, yet cold, silver armor that covered his frame. I wish I could do something…something to help you but…I don't know how, Alexis thought miserably as she rested her head on her knees and slowly drifted back asleep.

Its cold, Alexia thought as she unclosed her green eyes. Upon doing so she found that she was standing, well more like floating, in the middle of nothing but a sea of blackness. It was so dark that she couldn't even see her own hands.

Where am I? She wondered panicking slightly, looking around for any source of light.

No place a kid like you should be, a voice said. Alexia whipped around only to see a small glowing light blue orb floating no more then five feet from her.

Jazz? She ventured. The light pulsed in, what she guessed was, surprise.

How'd ya know ma' name? The light questioned moving a little closer to her.

Optimus told be about you, she answered softly. And how you…you died. Tears stung Alexia's emerald eyes at the unwanted images that flitted through her mind.

Awww 'ey now girl don't cry, Jazz said moving close enough that Alexia could feel the small amount of heat coming from him. Without thinking Alexia threw her arms round the glowing orb and pulled it to her chest.

I want to help you…but I just don't know how! She yelled helplessly.

The instant Alexia said that her body jolted awake like it had been shocked by an electric current. Before she was even fully conscious she clutched her chest as a familiar burning pain erupted in it. Gasping for air she placed her hands on Jazz's chest for support.

Somewhere in her mind, she came to the insane conclusion that somehow she was channeling Jazz's life back into his body. I need more power, the black haired teen thought desperately. Emotion, that what Ratchet said fuels it. A memory, a strong one. She grabbed the first vivid memory she could think of. Her father.

Alexia screamed as a powerful wave of blue energy shot from her body. The force of the energy wave knocked several heavy cabinets of supplies over and shook the walls of the base. Not only that, it also pulled three mechs out the human equivalent of REM sleep.

Optimus jolted online and instinctively reached out to Ratchet and Ironhide through their connections. They were up and had felt it as well. The red and blue mech then turned his attention to Alexia. His optics widened in horror when she realized that she wasn't there. Oh Primus no, he thought as he jumped to his feet and sprinted out his door to med bay.

He met up with Ratchet and Ironhide just outside the med bay doors before bursting in. All three of the mechs stopped dead in their tracks at what they saw.

"J-Jazz?" Optimus stammered at the back of a short silver mech that was standing in front of him. Said mech turned around, pulled back his visor and cracked a huge grin.

"'Sup Optimus?" He asked playfully. Optimus tried to say something, but words failed him. Ratchet was speechless, as was Ironhide. Alexia was the one to break the stunned silence.

"It worked," she said breathlessly. "It…worked." The last thing she heard was Optimus yelling her name. Then there was only darkness.