Fandom: Transformers


Name: Alexia Gale

AKA: Alex

Age: 19

Sex: F

Date of Birth: June 16, 1988

Place of Birth: Tranquility, California

Element: Air (Gemini)


Accent: American

Blood Type: O+

Dislikes: loud noises, crowds, being cold, being alone, small spaces (is claustrophobic), lightning

Likes: reading, drawing, working with her hands, climbing trees, rain

Least Favorite Food: salads

Favorite Food: ramen


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 156 lbs.

Dimensions: waist- 15" hips- 20" chest- 18"

Hair Color: black (boy-cut)

Eye Color: green (ranges from bright to dark depending on the lighting and her mood)

Piercings/Tattoos: silver studs in her ears

Favorite outfit: baggy dark blue jeans, deep red t-shirt, and her black sneakers.

Mental Two of these are done in a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best.

Intelligence (scale of 1-10): 8

Eyesight: 20/20

Willpower: 9

Mentality: sane

Other: is an only child, both parents are divorced


Alexia Gale was born and raised 20 miles from Tranquility. When she was ten her parents divorced and she was sent to live with her dad in Tranquility, her mom moved away to New York and she never saw her again. Other then her parents divorce she lived a relatively normal life. Her father worked as a professional photographer and often took her to his photo-shoots.

One night, shortly after Alexia had graduated High School, one of her best friends was out taking pictures of a passing thunderstorm and was struck by lightning and killed instantly. Ever since then she's been terrified of lightning.

She moved out of the house and attended the local Community College for a year, but dropped out because she was unable to pay for her classes. However, she was able to get a job as a writer for the local news paper. She worked there for five months until she quit. The environment was stifling and her boss gave her a ridiculous amount of work (he gave her three stories once that he wanted done on two days). So as of now she is currently unemployed and is living with her dad, who is pressuring her to go back to school and get a degree.

Before the start of this story, Alexia and her father had gotten onto an argument about her education and she ran out of the house. Shortly afterwards Megatron and Optimus got into a fight near her and her fathers ranch style home. Megatron pushed Optimus back causing him to fall onto their house and crushing her father, killing him instantly. Alexia comes running home, guilty about yelling at her only family member, only to find him crushed in the wreckage of their house.