A/N- This is the way Lifeline SHOULD have ended. Note, the first line may belong to TPTB but the rest is all mine.

We Have Her

"Colonel, we lost Doctor Weir on the Replicator planet. Can you lock on her locator beacon, beam her up?"

The desperation in his voice wasn't well hidden as Sam scanned the planet amidst the pounding of the Replicator ship. At first there was nothing and she shook her head when suddenly the console beeps.

"I have her signal." Sam answered happily. "Beaming her to the bridge now..."

All eyes went to the front window where there was a flash of light. When it died down there was Elizabeth Weir, looking no worse for where.

"Colonel Sheppard." Sam answered joyfully. "We have her."

In the jumper as he pulled into the 302 bay John felt a huge tension lift from his chest. "Copy that," he stated.


He had a single minded purpose, to get to the bridge as soon as possible. He practically ran the entire way there with Rodney and Ronan close behind. He had to make sure that she was okay, he had to make sure that she was alive and then suddenly as he rounded a corner John saw her walking towards them.

They both stopped for a moment. Relief spread across both their faces as they saw that each other was alive and well. Rodney and Ronan came up behind John while Samantha and Colonel Elis came up behind Elizabeth but before any one could say anything both John and Elizabeth crossed the distance between them. And just like when John was returned to her during the siege, she threw her arms around him. Only this time, he reciprocated with as much emotion.

Not caring about the eyes of the people around them, Elizabeth and John held onto each other as though the other was their one and only lifeline in the world. Elizabeth buried her head in the crook of John's neck and John in turn tangled his hand in her hair. He could feel her trembling slightly and decided that he needed to look into her face.

They broke the hug at the same time, and the result wasn't awkwardness, just understanding. Their eyes stared at each other and he nodded. "It's good to see you."

"Yeah," Elizabeth whispered nodding imperceptibly herself. "It is good to see you too." She sighed and shook her head. "I thought-"

"What you did," John interrupted. "Was incredibly stupid, and brave and-"

"-and it worked." Rodney interrupted coming forward. "We got the ZPM."

"That's good to hear." Elizabeth replied with a small smile before turning to face Colonel's Carter and Elis with a thankful look on her face. "Thank you, for getting me out of there."

"I almost didn't have a lock but-"

"But you got her." John interrupted, causing Elizabeth to turn back to him and he smiled his usual smile only Elizabeth could see that it was the same one that he reserved for her. It was the same smile that he had given her during her first incident with the nanites when John had thought that he had lost her. They held the gaze for a moment before John looked back to Sam. "Thank you."

They all had their Elizabeth back, and no one was gladder than John.