Once Kuki fell asleep Mushi skipped down the stairs with a makeup case of Sharpies ready to ruin the house and Kuki's nights of babysitting all in one night.

Mushi(Pulling out a red Sharpie) Keep me inside will ya? Well meet payback.

Mushi scribbled on the walls laughing maniacally as she did it.

Mushi(Grabbing scissors) Nowwwwwww let's play hairdresser Mrs. Warden.

Mushi cut Kuki's hair until there was just scalp left laughing hysterically at her older sister's bald head.

Mushi: If I'm not grounded now I will be soon enough but tonight's my last supper just like Jesus.

Mushi pulled a blue sharpie and made an ocean scene under the red scribbles proud of her mural not thinking what her parents were going to say when they got home the next morning.

Mushi(Grabbing a chainsaw) Time for some furniture and TV redecorating then my tummy growls for Kuki's pizza and Dr. Dew.

Mushi sawed all the furniture and TV in half cackling when she was done.

Mushi(Grabbing the pizza box) MMMMMMMMMMMMM meatlover's my favorite.

Kuki moaned slowly turning over and squinting not knowing her hairs fate yet.

Mushi(Grabbing a cup) Evening sleepy So I was thinking we need to find a common bond here because tonight was not our best night as sitter and client.

Kuki(Groggily) What-are-you-doing-out-of-bed?

Mushi(Sneering) Just stirring the pot of trouble and seeing what kind of tasty concoction it can make. In short making things harder on you Mrs. Warden.

Kuki(Snapping her eyes open) What have you done Mushi Alice Sanban?

Mushi(Giggling) Just look for yourself Kuki Eloise Sanban.

Kuki looked around and found all the furniture and a TV sawed in half, Mushi's new mural, and a whole lot of black hair she had no idea was hers.

Kuki(Grabbing Mushi) It's 3:00 and I'll be a monkey's uncle if you aren't grounded longer thanks to your outburst tonight.

The door downstairs slammed and Kuki hoped to God it was her parents who saw everything tonight thanks to nanny cams all over the house.

Kuki(Running down the stairs) Thank God you guys are here your daughter is out of her mind tonight and she needs a firm talking to.


Mrs. Sanban(Handing Kuki a mirror) I take it you haven't seen her handiwork yet Kooks sweetie.

Kuki took one look at the mirror and her face turned red anger flooding inside of her taking the stairs two at a time.


Mushi(Beaming) That it'd be silly and the perfect payback for keeping me inside while my friends played and it was both.


Mrs. Sanban: The furniture and TV's fine we had extra everything for such an occasion Kuki. As for the hair I'm giving Kuki permission to cut any one of your toys or a bunch of stuffed animals of her choice Alice.

Mushi got a scared look on her face as Mrs. Sanban handed Kuki scissors and Kuki made quick work of a bunch of Rainbow Monkeys and a Rapunzel Tangled doll.

Kuki(Smiling) That was kind of liberating actually I mean I feel a whole lot better. How about you Moosh?

Mushi(Weeping) My-my-my-my-my monkeys and my-my-my-my-my Tangled doll. I will never forgive you for this Eloise.

Kuki: Good because I'll never forgive you for all the stuff you did to me tonight including cutting my hair.


Kuki: Right because you can't buy them back or anything?

Mushi(Throwing shoes at Kuki) It would cost a fortune most of those cut monkeys are discontinued and the Tangled doll isn't exactly easy to find.

Kuki: Great and my hair will grow back in about three months thanks to you.

Mushi(Pointing to the door) Out everybody I just want to sleep and forget this poor monkey massacre ever happened.

Kuki: Don't forget poor Tangled Rapunzel.


Kuki: Yea it may knock me down a bit but my bedroom's a monkey mural and it has a numbered lock so good luck getting in.

Mushi threw a pillow at her door making it slam and she bawled her eyes out screaming my poor monkeys aloud.

Kuki(Yawning) Time-for-me-to-talk-to-the-rainbow-monkey-peeps-and-get-some-shut-eye-mom-and-dad.

Min and Kahn kissed Kuki's cheeks and walked off also ready for bed and other things Mushi couldn't understand but Kuki was close to understanding it.

Kuki(Closing her door) Sex fiends but I guess they have to be because Mushi is a handful and refuses to leave them alone.

Kuki booted up her computer and turned her webcam on smiling on the other side of it.

Kuki(Cheery) Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my rainbow peeps Kuki Sanban president of Monkey Enthusiast here with my monkey news.

Kuki pulled out a calendar and showed circled dates.

Kuki: First on the agenda is Princess MIMI's b day so happy b day to you Princess MIMI and Prince Adam do remember a gift this time.

Kuki blew a party horn and threw confetti screaming yipee and twirling a noisemaker with a party hat on.

Kuki(Giggling) Nexxxxxt we have Monkeypalooza which us in Rainbow Monkey central know is like Comicon or Woodstock to us so get those monkey costumes finished my peeps.

Kuki put a purple Rainbow Monkey costume on twirling around so the viewers saw it.

Kuki: See I'm going as Princess MIMI and again a happy b day Princess MIMI. Sadly I was going to bring my little sis to Monkeypalooza but we're fighting since she ruined my night and cut my hair if you haven't noticed.

Kuki yawned getting to her last Monkey news.

Kuki: And lastly the Rainbow Monkey dance takes place on Friday so girls bring your gentlemen and gentlemen bring your ladies and dance the night away.

Kuki swooned kissing a picture of Wally hoping the project ended soon.

Kuki(Twirling around with her Wally picture) I hope a certain someone asks me to the Rainbow Monkey dance if the viewers don't know yet it's Wally Beatles.

Kuki took her Princess MIMI costume off dtermined to get one more thing out in the open.

Kuki: My sister Mushi is going to spread rumors saying I'm no longer a Monkey Enthusiast but let me squash them by saying yes I did cut half her monkeys but she had it coming for my hair incident so don't fret I'll always be here to blog and keep everybody posted.

Kuki blew a kiss at her webcam and turned everything off crawling into her bed and drifting off to sleep.

The next morning Kuki was woken up by Mushi in the living room belting out the Spongebob Squarepants theme song.

Mushi: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Kuki turned off the TV as Mushi dove for the remote whining at her older sister.

Kuki(Looking at her phone) Now to check the M E website to see who liked my newest post.

Mushi(Growling) Give- me- back- the- TV- and- cable- remotes- now- Elloise.

Kuki(Chugging DR. Dew) Make me Squirt.

Mushi: I can get out of this grounding anytime I want Kuki.

Kuki(Chuckling) I think not orphaned monkey that won't be coming with me to Monkeypalooza.

Mushi(Pushing Kuki) Give- me- the- remotes- now- Mrs. Nicety Nice Nice.

Kuki: Sorry but the G word and I are the best of friends.

Mushi(Confused) The G word?

Kuki(Tisking Mushi) Grounded duh. I mean no wonder you're failing reading you don't even know your letters.

Mushi(Jumping at Kuki) Give them, give them, give them, give them, gggiiivvveee themmmmmm nowwwwwww!

Min(Rubbing her eyes) What's with the ruckuss in here?

Kuki(Giving Min the remotes) I caught Mushi who's supposed to be grounded from TV watching it behind our backs.

Min: Impossible we took the batteries out of the remotes last night.

Mushi(Trying to snatch the remotes) Yea and my Wii remotes had batteries that work perfectly fine.

Kuki: She also told me she can get out of this grounding anytime she wants.

Min(Taking Mushi's batteries) Your dad and I were talking last night Mushi Alice and since Kuki did a beautiful job watching you last night we're going to make her the grounding master around here.

Mushi(Gulping) Grounding master I don't like the sound of that.

Kuki: I do so mom please do tell me more.

Min: You tell your dad, Mushi and I what she's punished from and the adults mak sure she does it.

Kuki: And I get to pick anything to ground her from?

Min(Nodding) Anything you like.

Kuki: Alright TV, no playing outside, no having friends over, and no candy or sugar for a week.

Mushi(Open mouthed) She just took all the fun things away she can't do that. Can she do that?

Min(Nodding) She sure can she's the grounding master and your dad who will be home all Summer which starts today will make sure Kuki's punishments are followed.

Mushi(Glaring at Kuki) So what am I supposed to do all week grounding master?

Kuki: Well since Fairy Tales are your thing I say you read more to find better excuses when your caugght slacking off.

The doorbell rang and red and blue lights flooded the windows as Mushi whispered oh no closing her eyes tight.

Min: This better not be your handiwork Alice or the grounding master will have more to add on I bet.

Mushi(Whispering) Please no, please no, please no not now please God not now.

Min: Officer how may I help you?

Officer: Ma'm we have reason to believe the purple sweatered daughter of yours is concealing stolen goods.

Kahn: Police what's going on now?

Min: Apparently Mushi's hiding stolen goods which these days I wouldn't doubt.

Officer(Reading a notepad) 5 DVD's 10 video games and 20 candy bars then she walked out as if nothing ever happened.

Min: Where did she put all her shoplifted things?

Officer: A marigold Rainbow Monkey backpack then as I said walked off as if nothing ever happened.

Kahn: Sorry to pry but do you have proof she did this?

Officer(Nodding) An eyewitness and survailance Mr. and Mrs. Sanban. Here the store is giving you their survailance tape too.

Mrs. Sanban played the tape and sure enoungh Mushi was stealing DVD's, Games, and candy bars snickering the whole time.

Officer: Walmart has put a treaspass against your daughter if she comes back cops will be called but if she returns it they said that no charges will be filed.

Min grabbed Mushi's backpack and opened it to find Frozen, Despicable Me 1&2, Turbo, Rio, a bunch of video games, and candy bars spilled out onto the table.

Min(Embarrassed) I am so sorry

Officer: We confronted her and told her that we would definitely be visiting her sometime this week so here we are.

Kahn(Gulping) We?

Officer(Nodding) Walmart's manager, backup in case she runs, and of course the chief of police.

Min(Walking off) One moment please I'll get the culprit and her sister who is now the grounding master in the house.

Officer(Sitting on the couch) Great because i hear your other daughter is up for valedictorian at her school.

Kahn(Smiling) That's good the huh?

Min(Standing up) I'll just go get my daughter's detective and store manager. Be back in two shakes.

Min not knowing her own strength pushed the swinging door to the kitchen into the wall leaving a dent walking up to a weeping Mushi and a curious Kuki.

Min: Ok those tears worked when you cut your hand on a broken bottle at 2 and learning to ride your bike at three but Mushi Alice Sanban those tears won't save you now.

Kuki: Since I'm the grounding master and am about to punish her more mama. Do you think you could tell me what her charges are?

Min(Pulling out Mushi's chair) Sure our Little Butterfly was caught shoplifting from Walmart which I'm guessing she was too stupid to understand they have cameras and security.

Kuki(Grabbing a pen and a notepad) Great and let me guess they aren't pressing charges if she gives the stuff back?

Min(Opening the door) Correct and they also said they'd be visiting to Mushi but I'm guessing she thought she was off the hook.

Kuki(Plopping down on the couch) Gentlemen Kuki Elloise Sanban at your service and of course you met my sister Mushi.

Mushi(Bawling and begging) I'm sorry I didn't mean to steal just please don't take me to jail i'm too fragile for jail.

Kuki(Placing the pen and notepad in front of Mushi) This nifty punishment was given to me when Fanny and I hit each other. Mommy and daddy wanted to know what I learned after I hit her.

Mushi(Wiping her eyes) You hit someone?

Kuki(Nodding) It was how Fanny and I became friends.

Mushi(Looking at the pen and notepad) So what do I do with these?

Kuki(Beaming) You are going to sit here and write a three page apology to Walmart telling them what you learned.

Mushi(Hopping up) Great I'll get my laptop and we can get started.

Kuki(Pushing Mushi down) I think not Moosh. See I never had the advantage of a laptop at your age.

Mushi(Looking dejected) Wait you don't think i'm using those do you?

Kuki(Shoving the pen into her palms) That's exactly what I want you to do.

Mushi(shaking her wrists) What if my wrists cramp up?

Kuki: Then shake them out but nobody's leaving until the police, Walmart's manager, mom, dad, and myself are satasfied.

Mushi(Whimpering) Can't-it-be-one-sentence?

Kuki(Shaking her head) If you can sum up what you learned in one sentence you haven't learned much.

Mushi(Wiping her eyes) One page my final offer.

Kuki: Three pages my final offer and FYI I would have been done by now.

Mushi grumbled and raised her pen writing a letter a minute hating Kuki's punishment with an art.


Kuki: I wrote like I've never written before and soon enough I was finished. well that and I worked through the cramps which I would reccomend.

Mushi: Ouch-stupid-ouch-dumb-ouch-aggravating-cramps-why-did-I-have-to-steal?

Kuki: Ask yourself that question in your apology.

Mushi's hand moved faster and as Kuki predicted she was finished in no time.

Kuki(Looking at the pages) Punctuation is a little off but acceptable at best.

Walmart Manager: Does this Madison live near here?

Mushi(Nodding) Two houses down and she talked me into it.

Officer: Actually a red head was rather quick to leave with her so this Madison may have talked your sister into it.

Kuki(Shaking her head) If anything Mushi talked Madison into it knowing Madison she's not a leader she's a follower and Mushi is definitely the pushy, bossy, altogether needing her own way leader in the friendship.

Ofiicer(Reading) And this dragon, talking donkey, and princess did they run with an ogre by the name of Shrek?

Mushi(Smiling guiltily) So you met them before also Puss In Boots?

Officer: Enough fairy tales Madison will be checked up on and if we find anything on her she'll be talked to as well until one of you crack.

Kuki(Skipping off) I'll come with you Maddie and I are the best of friends.

Mushi(Quickly dialing a number) Fine I'll just be here when you two get back.

Walmart manager: Three Mrs. Sanban.

Mushi(Mimicing the Walmart manager) Three Mrs. Sanban. Yea, yea, yea three have fun and i'll be here when you get back.

Kuki, the officer, and Walmart manager left Kuki having a tasty plan up her oversized sleeves for Madison.

Madison shrieked when she saw the police outside her house with Walmart's manager and her best friend's sister.

Kuki(Ringing the doorbell) Just let me do the talking.

Officer: Fine just try to get her to tell you who the mastermind behind the operation is.

Kuki(Shaking a Mcdonald's bag) Also thanks for stopping these will defintely come in handy.

Madison(Hyperventilating) Mushi-we've-gone-too-far-we-don't-deserve-to-feel-this-guilt-anymore-and-i'm-telling-on-you.

Mrs. Johnson noticed her daughter in tears once Kuki walked in and knew all of her daughters problems involved the police officer and man following Kuki in.

Kuki: Officer and Walmart manager Madison Maddie meet the police officer and Walmart manager.

Manager: I get the feeling that the purple sweater was the mastermind.

Kuki(Holding Madison close) I told you so.

Madison: M-M-M-M-M-M-Mushi s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-said i-i-i-i-i-i-i-if I-I-I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-d-didn't d-d-d-d-d-do i-i-i-i-i-i-it s-s-s-s-she w-w-w-w-w-wouldn't b-b-b-b-b-b-be m-m-m-m-my f-f-f-f-friend a-a-a-a-a-a-anymore.

Kuki(Patting next to here) Come here Maddie I got nuggets, fries, ice cream, Coke. and barbecque sauce.

Kuki wiped tears from her eyes as the officer took out a pen and pad.

Officer: This may be hard for you Maddison but I want you to try and remember the conversation Mushi and you had.

Madison(Munching a french fry) I remember everything from the first word to the last one. I was super smart and recorded it.

Officer: Good l would love to hear that conversation.

Madison handed a dictaphone to the officer who pushed play and heard Mushi's voice.

Mushi: Madison we can't lose we're five, small, cute, sweet, and our eyes are hypnotic.

Madison(Whispering) Mushi keep it down my parents are downstairs and you're talking about shoplifting from Walmart.

Mushi(Giggling) Would you relax Mrs. Worrywart?

Madison: Have you ever thought what we're going to do if we get caught?

Mushi(Pretending to cry) Please Mister don't call the police my friend and I are awfully sorry.

Madison: That tears it you're like the Titanic and I'm not going down with your ship.

Mushi: Hmph fine i'll just give you the friendship bracelet you made for me back and our friendship can sail on.

Madison(Dejected) But your my only friend all the other girls hate me because of you.

Mushi(Snickering) Soooooooooooooo joining me or what?

Madison(Crying) Fine you win i'll be the distraction as usual.

Mushi: Great now just get your mom to drive us and I'll do the rest with your help of course.

Madison(Crying) I-thought-we-were-true-blue-friends-you-lied-to-me.

Mushi: Yea well just remember I'm the idea girl and your always the distraction.


Mushi: Uhh yea I mean you could never plan this Walmart thing you're a dummy.

Madison: Right and your the ventriliquist.

Mushi: Right now let's get a move on.

Madison pushed stopped and saw a moving truck across the street from her.

Kuki(Hugging Madison) Is that enough proof for you? I mean geez Mushi admitted she was the ringleader.

Officer: Yes she did but the main question is where is the stuff Madison was manipulated into stealing?

Madison's hands shook as she turned over her backpack bawling begging the officer not to tak her away.

Wal mart manager: I'm not pressing charges as Kuki Sanban said her sister confessed to being the ringleader.

Mrs. Johnson(Wiping Madison's eyes) And you're not grounded seeing you were talked into this and forced to steal.

Madison(Grabbing her Mcdonald's bag) Good because I see new neighbors, a girl my age, a reason to drop Mushi like a bad habbit, and a reason to join The Brownies seeing the new girl is one of them.

Officer: Ma'am sorry to waste your time we'll be out of your hair now.

Kuki: Maddie come on let's go introduce you to the new neighbors.

Madison skipped across the street with Kuki as Mushi followed her parents across the street.

Madison(Walking up to the new girl) Heyyyyyyyyy I'm Madison and I live across the street.

Girl(Sniffing) Are those Mcdonald's nuggets I smell?

Madison(Opening the box) Yea wanna share with me?

Girl: Sure and cool hair Madison I always wanted red hair.

Madison(Swishing her hair) Yea my mom calls it her Happy Sunset.

Girl: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM thanks for sharing Madison.

Madison(Beaming) your welcome and cool patches uhhhhhhhh friend.

Girl(Giggling) Cleo named after Cleopatra the queen in egypt long ago.

Madison: So Cleo how long have you been in Brownies?

Cleo: A little over a year and I could always use a friend there. The other girl's in my troop hate me.

Mushi(Skipping up to Cleo) Did I hear friend? Because I'm an amazing friend and this girl was mine first.

Madison(Grumbling) Oh great here comes trouble.

Cleo(Stouting) Uhhhhhhhhhhh excuse you but we were having a nice conversation here.

Mushi: You know she's not a natural red head she colors her hair daily.

Mrs. Johnson: No she doesn't I'm her mother I would now. She was born a red head and she'll die a red head.

Cleo: So where were we? Oh yeah my patches and The Brownies so looking to join?

Madison(Brightening) Are you kidding? Selling cookies. playdates, a whole bunch of new people, sleepovers, and a new friend what could be better?

Mushi: Oh please Madison would never pass initiation she cries when she gets a papercut.

Cleo: So do I and they let me in.

Madison(Sticking her tongue out at Mushi) At least I still don't wet the bed or wear pull ups.

Cleo(Laughing hysterically) Mushi-please-tell-me-Madison's-kidding. I-mean-what-are-you-three?

Mushi(Stouting) I'm-five-and-Madison-was-supposed-to-keep-my-bed-and-underwear-wetting-a-secret.

Madison(Beaming) Careful she's also a thief and turns her friends into clones of herself.

Cleo(Turning her back on Mushi) And that was the dealbreaker a burglar and a manipulator yea thanks but no thanks.

Madison(Following Cleo into her house) Yea thanks but no thanks.



Mushi stomped off tears trickling down her face as Kuki, Mr. and Mrs. Sanban followed her back home.

Well R&R and I'll write more soon my fans and peeps.