The colors of that which held lush green life in the Forest of the End was clouded by the smoke of battle, as for miles thousands and thousands of shinobi from all over the world fought and killed one another, blinded by fear and panic they desperately call forth their deadly ninja arts. The forest is littered with the dead. Blood flows as freely as the river. What everyone fails to notice is that every time someone dies their chakra would fly away from their bodies. There were so many bodies on the battlefield, both living and dead, that vision became easily blurred, as if it were raining humans. The air was filled with the battle calls of warriors, the cries of dying fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, the wails of children agitated by some irrational fear of each other.

As Sakura and her friends approached the oncoming darkness a sudden silver flash comes up close behind them.

"Huh? Kakash-sensei!" Sakura said confused.

"Yo!" He said smiling underneath his mask.

"I thought you had to stay behind and-"

"I told you I wouldn't let any of you die remember? Besides… I may not have the Sharingan, but I was pretty good before I had it too."

"Thank you Kakashi." She said smiling.

Naruto, I'm almost there. Her eyes fixed in front of her.

"Arrow-link!" Shikamaru ordered.

"Roger!" everyone replied.

Lee took to the head of the group.

"For Naruto-kun!" He yelled anxious for battle.

Sakura's team made a phalanx shape charging their way to the base of the cliff, where there was an abandoned cavern for ninja who needed emergency supplies.

As they ran five enemy ninja jump in front of the group.

"Konoha senpu!" Cried Lee as he did a spinning kick knocking them all away.

A huge rock barrier is erected in front of them.

"Got it!" Sakura said. As she pulled her right fist back building up the chakra and unleashing it all as she smashes through the rock. It collapses on the rock nin behind the barrier. They all jump over the rubble. As they reach the clearing right before the cliff's drop, there are too many shinobi, they have to stop. It is too congested, as they land there are 12 kage buushins in front of them.

"On it!" Tenten says unrolling one of her scrolls. Dozens of kurenai fly at the opponent popping all the buushins, they turn to dust, but as they turn to dust it is revealed they all are carrying an explosive tag. The tags begin to burn as they explode. When the smoke clears, Gaara has erected a shield of sand over all of them. When he lowers it, hundreds of kurenais come flying at them. Hinata and Neiji use their rotations and deflects them all. As more shinobi's appear, Kiba and Akamaru create trap holes under them, with their Gatsuuga. Shino provides cover with his insects, and Ino forces several ninjas to fight amongst comrades. They held their own but it seemed as though every time they defeated one foe, three more would replace them.

"Neiji, I've defeated 40 shinobis already. You better keep up." Lee said taking out his nunchaku.

Neiji just scoffed. He rotated taking care of clear 25 shinobis all at once.

"You too Tenten." Lee sasy with what looks like a simple swing, 10 surrounding shinobi fall over.

"That Lee." Tenten complains as she flips through the air, a scroll twirls around her firing off hundreds of kurenais attached to different tags, some giving off sleeping gas, others laughing, others itching.

Kankuro's puppets fly through the air firing rapid poison darts at several enemies.

"Water Dragon swipe jutsu!" Kakashi declares as water swirls around his feet, then unleashes three dragons who rotate around him blasting enemies away.

"This is getting us nowhere. Chouji, Kazekage, Temari!" Shikamaru ordered.



"Hey, we're ranked higher than you." Temari replied smiling like a smart-alec.

Chouji uses his multi-size attack to extend and enlarge his arm. With a swipe of the arm he swats away 50 enemies.

Temari swings her fan, blasting away an entire area of enemy shinobi.

Gaara extends his arms using the sand from the ground he floods the cliff sending the rest of the shinobis off.

"Alright, the path is clear." Sakura declares, happily.

But as she does so a beam rips out of the cliff-side, sending several of them through the air.

A roar echoes throughout the valley.


Gaara manages to shield everyone from debris and help the ones flying through the air land safely.

Two giant hands made of what looks like blue flames reach from the hole created by the destroyed cliff.

"What is that?" The pink haired kunoichi asks.


As it raises its head out of the crater, nine ominous eyes gaze around wildly.

The creature pulls itself out of the crater. Half of its body emerges. Its torso seems to be made of stone and wood. Its mouth is covered in jagged teeth. Its shoulders are covered by several hills of wood and stone.

"That's…" Shikamaru says shuttering in its sight.

"The War Bijuu… Apocalypse." explains Kakashi.

Sakura's eyes look away from the creature…

If it's been summoned… that means… She sees Naruto's face. He's gone…

"Sakura-san…" the team gathers around her.

"Naruto-kun…" Hinata-chan speaks sadly looking at the creature.

I'll never see his face again. Sakura thinks feeling her strength drain.

"Uzamaki Naruto…" Gaara adds.


The creature roared defiantly.

All the shinobis fighting had stopped to gaze in terror, the older shinobis, because of the knowledge of the oncoming danger, the younger ones simply because the creature's cry alone was enough to strike fear in the strongest of shinobi, almost as if its sound alone assured death. The creature opened its mouth. A low grumbling sound vibrated through the earth.

Naruto…. Are you in there somewhere? Only Sakura's face was not of horror. It was of deep sadness.


A mist came out of its mouth, like an eerie fog it scattered into the air then collected together in the sky, churning and bubbling into black storm clouds. And as if some virus every other cloud it touched turned black. Lights flashed furiously inside it.

Neiji only looked on in terror. What he saw, was horrifying, nine different charkas swirling together, each one had a face, swishing up and down it's body.

"Hinata….?" Was all that he had the courage to say.

"I see it…" She said, shuttering.

The creature clenched its fists and held its arms close to its body, charging up for an attack.

"Everyone find cover!" Kakashi yelled.

"Sakura!" Ino cried, snapping Sakura too.

The monster punched out its fists and then opened them after it reached the full range of motion. Suddenly lightning struck out of the dark cloud, bolts ten meters in diameter lashed out at the lands in every direction, flashing twelve times, hundreds of shinobis killed.

The bolts ripped past Sakura, Kiba and Akamaru had to jump to get out of the way. Trees fell on Lee but he luckily managed to punch his way clear, shattering the trees with his fists.

"We have to retreat… we won't last long against it at this point." Sai exclaimed, for the first time ever emitting an emotion… the emotion of terror.

"No. It's safest close to the creature. It's using long range attacks. As long as we stay hidden, we'll be a lot safer here." Shikamaru stated.

Streams of blue seem to bleed right out of the earth as the soul chakra of hundreds of shinobi flew through the air collecting in one spot.

"Look there, on its shoulder!" Kankuro exclaimed.

Everyone looked, there on its shoulder stood Sasuke or so they thought, wearing Akatsuki garb.

Sakura's eyes narrow. Her anger focuses.

Sasuke!!! You did this to Naruto!… I will not forgive you.

The air blurred as the creature was building up chakra in its mouth. Despair fell on the valley as ninjas were fleeing for their lives now. Trampling each other, killing each other to get ahead.

"Yes! You see? All those different ninja villages, kages… They are nothing, in the end, you are nothing but animals. But I will change that, I will create a utopia, once I have cleared the world of your venom." Madara proclaimed riding on the monster's shoulder. "Apocalypse, unleash the fires of hell upon these fools!"

Flames and ash showered from its mouth, as a giant glow shot forth hitting the earth, causing a crack in the land. A huge explosion happens in the distance sending shockwaves for miles, knocking down trees. The air is on fire. Shinobis are burnt alive

Those in the vicinity who are not burnt run around screaming, covered in flames. The Earth splits apart, as magma starts rising from the very veins of the planet.

"We have to get to Sasuke. It seems he's the one reaping the benefits of the creature's killings." Shikamaru states.

"Get me up there, and I'll crush him." Sakura says, deadly determined. "I can never forgive him for taking Naruto-kun away…"

A streams of blue chakra continue to blaze by them towards the Madara.

"I'm not so sure it is Sasuke… his Chakra is completely different…" Neiji says.

"It's almost as horrifying as the monster's." Hinata adds.

"He must have undergone another change, created by Madara." Kakashi adds. "Madara was talking about switching bodies… it may be possible that he can switch bodies like Orochimaru did."

"I don't care! Madara, Sasuke. We have to make them pay. We don't have time to just sit around and do nothing, because we did that, he died. If no one else is going to go, I will go! Anyone can try to stop me but I'll kick your butt." Sakura stands up fighting back tears.

I've never had the strength to do anything… I couldn't protect Naruto at all… but now… now I can at least avenge him.

"Sakura stop!" Kakashi, cautioned. "Do you think Naruto would've wanted you to get yourself killed trying to avenge him? Hasn't Sasuke's path taught you anything?"

Kkkkkk…. Sakura clenched her teeth and sat down.

"We will get Madara, but we have to do it wisely. We need a plan."


Now shinobis tried attacking the demon but nothing had any affect on it. It simply absorbed it and came back with an even more devastating attack. Humans weren't the only things affected by it. The landscape was being completely reshaped. The life from the trees started to whither as the leaves turned orange and fell, the trees, turned ash grey, and contorted. Life seemed to be fleeing everywhere the creature laid its gaze. Someone tries shooting a fireball at Madara, he slaps it away.

"Fool! You think you can harm a god?" Madara exclaims arrogantly. "Now taste my wraith! Apocalypse, destroy the cliff!"


Forty-five beams of light pierce the ground on the cliff.

"Beams of chakra?" Kankuro shouts.

"No… it's the creature's tails!" Neiji's face is etched in horror.

The beams start to bubble and move, wriggling from side to said as if they had their own life. Each movement cutting the land. They start to move faster leaving the earth covered in dust clouds. They follow the other tails creating a circular shape… as they reach the former tail's hole. The land crumbles. The lake drains into the cracks of the shattered land. Shinobis are drowned and buried and crushed. Blue streams of light flicker wildly across the land and through the dust storm to Madara.

"YES! YEEEEESSS!!!!!" he said, drooling with power. "GIVE ME YOUR LIFE FORCE!!!!!!"

The creature lets out a roar as the rotation of the tails underneath cause a huge collapse. The land crumbles. Dust causes impaired vision for miles. For minutes no one is able to see. The creature lets out another roar as it creates violent tornados everywhere clearing the dust and debris away to reveal a giant ball of sand encasing the konoha shinobis.

"It can't be!" Neiji panics.

"What is it Neiji?" Kakashi asked.


Everyone turns to Neiji, awaiting news on the mention of their fallen camrade."

"Naruto? Where is he?"

"His chakra. It's confining the creature's chakra to its form."

"What?" Ino asks surprised.

"What does that mean, Neiji?" Tenten asks.

"It means… that creature… is Naruto…"

No it can't be… the monster is him? Naruto would never just murder in cold blood. His smile flashed in her mind again. Naruto, just what did they do to you?

"If it is Naruto… that means he's probably being controlled." Shikamaru stated. "If we take out the controller, we might be able to calm him down."

Suddenly the ground they stood on shook violently.

"AH!" Gaara fell to his knees.

"Kazekage!" Kankuro shouted concerned.

"He's trying to get in. I don't know if I can take another hit."

"Quick, someone decide what we're going to do before-" Before Kiba could finish his sentence, a bolt of lighting cut the ball in half. They scream as their individual halves plummeted towards the broken earth.

"Ah..UH!" Gaara stabilized both halves.

"Gaara…" Temari looked on worried.


To their horror the creature was looking right at them. It now stood full stature at 80 feet high. "Oh! It seems we do have some Konoha ninjas participating in the battle." Madara said playfully. "I was going to save Konoha as sort of a dessert for my pet here."

"You sick bastard!" Sakura cried. "Give Naruto back!"

"I'm sorry I can't do that now. Everything I take, I take for keeps. Just like all your greedy little shinobis and your villages."

"Why?" Sakura cried. "Why did you do this to him?"

"Oh dear. It was nothing personal… he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You sure surprise me though Sakura-chan. I didn't think you cared this deeply for Naruto. I mean come on, he was loud, and annoying, the bane of all his friend's existence, right? I mean it's impossible for any one to care about him… let alone … love him right?"

"SHUT-UP!" Sakura screamed, rage filled her every pore.

"Those were the words you used weren't they?"

Sakura covers her ears.

"Fools, I grant you what you all wished for, no one annoying, or troublesome, our loud, or worthless-"

"How dare you!" Hinata said. "Don't you dare speak about Naruto like you know him."

"It's pointless speaking to those who are going to die, anyway." The Sharingan master sighs.

Shikamaru places his hand on Sakura's shoulder and looks at Madara. Wind blows his hair around as he smiles.

"Change of plans everyone. The plan is simple: kick his butt."

"As if you could even get close. Apocalypse!"

The bijuu screams again, conjuring mini tornadoes that cut up the sand into several pieces.

"Gaara get us in close!"

Gaara lowers himself to the ground while the other pieces he throws at Madara.

The winds continues to cut and slice the sand pieces.

Neiji and Lee jump from piece to piece closing the gap between them and the Sharingan master. They land before the others. Neiji swipes at Madara's legs as Lee kicks downward toward his head. Madara jumps above Neiji's swipe, as he blocks Lee's kick with his left forearm. Neiji just smiles and falls into a wide armed stance.

"Hakke Hyaku Nijuha Sho!!!!" Neiji declares. While Neiji strikes Madara 128 times Lee flips backwards from his kick landing and thrusting himself at Madara again.

"My turn! Primary Lotus!" Lee declares landing a kick on Madara's chin, sending him flying into the air. What were faces of achievement turn to faces of frustration as Lee's kick sticks in Madara's head and Neiji's last blow sinks into his chest.

Using his Byakuugan, Neiji knew what was going on.

"Earth Buushin?"

"Oil buushin." Said Madara appearing to their right.

There was a explosive tag attached to the buushin.


PPPPPEEEEEOFFFF! The explosion sent the two flying away, while they were burning.

"Neiji! Lee!" Tenten calls, unleashing her weapon summon.

They all pierce straight through Madara, and he falls limp.

"Alright Tenten!" Ino calls excitedly.

To their dismay, Madara stands up, his wounds were gone and the weapons that still stick in him pop out.

Madara looks to his left, Tenten looks to her right as Apocalypse' arm swats down, knocking them towards the ground.

Hinata, Kiba and Shino land around Madara. Shino lifted his arms creating a tornado of bugs, lifting Madara off the ground and covering him completely, Kiba and Akamaru use Gatsugaa cutting up the body, as the body falls, Hinata readied herself. She created a kaiten similar to Neiji's but hers had spikes that stuck out. Madara's body falls in and is cut up. Inside the vortex Madara's body bounce around.


Sakura floats in front of the creature's eyes.

"Naruto! Naruto. Can you hear me?"

The creature looks at her like a child observing a toy.

"EEEEEORRRRRK" Its roar cuts her up and knocks her off of her sand plate. Gaara manages to catch her.

Naruto… don't you recognize me?

Please Naruto… change back.


"Water style: tiger jutsu!" Tiger claws burst out of the vortex and cover team 8.

"Chidori nagashi!" The water intensifies the electrical currents that run through their bodies.

"Raikiri!" Kakashi leaps at Madara only to be dodged and stepped on by him. Madara forces Kakashi's face down into the creature's shoulder. But as soon as he gets in the air, cherry blossom petals surrounded him. There were slight blurs in the air, but as his eyes focused three giant painted lions come crashing through the cherry blossom petals, tackling him. As he falls onto the ground a big puff reveals the one who got tackeld to be Sakura. Sai tries to stab Madara from behind only to be kicked in the face by Madara as he flips forward. They all fall forward.

"Pathetic… as to be expected of Konoha shinobis."

Their bodies rattle as their skin cracks to reveal puppets. The puppets fire off poison gas balls and fire off twenty kurenais each. Madara jumps out of the fog only to be met by a gust of wind.

"Take that!" yells Temari as she waves her fan at Madara.

"Katon!" Madara begins his fire seals.

"Crap!" Temari knows she's in trouble.

"Water style Dragon Jutsu!"

A dragon made of water comes crashing down on Madara slamming him into the creature's shoulder.

As he starts to get up a shadow reaches into his.

"Shadow bind." Declares Shikamaru, as the shadow of a hand makes it's way up Madara's neck.


A huge sound echoes as Chouji slams his huge hands down on Madara.


The creature tilts its head, did it recognize her? This little pink haired creature.

"Apocalypse! What are you doing?" Destroy them! The Sharingan user calls out to it.

"No! don't!" Sakura pleaded.

… It hesitated…

"Damn it! Seems part of that brat still lingers. I have to take care of her before something goes wrong."

Madara lifts Chouji, slamming him into Shikamaru, despite the shadow bind. He leaps after Sakura.

"You little wench come here." Madara screams as he punches her in the facing sending her flying to the ground.

Gaara manages to soften the blow, with a patch of soft sand.

Naruto… Sakura thinks hoping to reach Naruto.

"You, kill them all!" Madara orders Apocalypse, as he leaps after Sakura.

"Everyone protect Sakura!" Kakashi calls giving his own orders.

They all leap away as Apocalypse swats at them hitting its shoulder. Its tails raise up ready to swing at the descending shinobi when suddenly he is wrapped in sand.

Gaara groans.

"I've used up most of my chakra already…. Is this the best I've got?" The Kazekage asks of himself.

Madara lands kneeing Sakura in the stomach full impact. She coughs up blood.

"I can't afford to have you around any longer." Madara says.

"Leave her alone!" Kakashi demands, landing behind him.

"I'd like to think I was a really patient man but you all seem to want to die right away, as is with stubborn shinobis." Madara says annoyed. "Fine, I shall forgive you all only if you become part of me. Now die as you witness my true power!"

A curse seal emanates from his Sharingans and as it covers him his body starts to bulk up. Glowing. He sprouts wings and his shoes tare to reveal talons. The earth shakes again as another monster joins the battle, one that looks like a man-hawk. He grows horns and has blue skin that is covered with tomoes.


Gaara is doing everything in his power to simply keep the sand around Apocalypse. The creature stares at him for second, two different eyes recognize him, those of Naruto's and those of Ichibi's Shukaku. The creature inhales, greatly expanding it's stomach. Gaara's eyes widen. He knew this technique all too well.

"No!" He holds his hand out in front of him to create a sand shield, as the wind bullet impacts there is a furious sand storm that develops. There after it clears, Gaara lies on his back still conscious but unable to move.


Something's wrong, I'm not yet as powerful as I should be. Madara notices his speed isn't as great as he thought it would be.

They all leap to save Sakura, but as they do, Madara arches his head back and draws his arms to his side, clutching his fists, he glows brightly and then unleashes his power.


A bright light absorbs their figures as from space you can see a little ball glowing. The impact is so great it pushes Apocalypse over. The gusts of wind roll for miles pushing over trees and throwing bits of earth everywhere. The shockwaves are felt all the way back at Konoha, where there is also a battle taking place.

Sakura opens her eyes. She can feel the wind breezing by her. Her body is light like she's floating. Where she is she can see the tops of the trees. She looks around Lee and Chouji are close to her, their bodies are burnt and cut up. Looking ahead of her the ground gets closer and closer, the wind gets louder and louder, until…


With a loud thud, she hits the earth, her body bouncing off the ground she lands on her back.

Gaara looks over to where the fight is taking place. He sees several figures in the air in free fall. He extends his arms.

"Guhhhk!" he groans trying to muster something to cushion their falls.

"Fools, waste my time." Madara scoffs as the bodies of his enemies land all around in the crater created by his attack.


The creature is on its belly next to Gaara.

"Uzamaki Naruto." The sand Kage says.


The creature is angry, furious that something seemed to attack it. It picks itself up off the ground, roaring and swatting around aimlessly. It lashes about violently, knocking Gaara in the air again. He lands in some trees with a thud.

"Uzamaki Naruto!" Gaara screams angrily. The creature stops for a moment, and looks at the little ant. "Aren't you stronger than this? How can you be controlled? The Uzamaki Naruto I know would never allow himself to be a tool."

EEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!! The creature roars as it reaches down towards Gaara to grab him.

"Naruto would never break the bonds he fought so hard to protect!"

The creature stops.


"Hm… it looks like I'll have another loud mouth to deal with." Madara says starting to walk away.

"Give Naruto back…." A voice faintly speaks.

Madara turns around. To his surprise Sakura slowly picks her self up off of the ground, and strikes a fighting pose.

"It is pointless little girl. You cannot defeat me."

"If you are so sure of yourself shut up and fight, or are you so weak that you're afraid?"

I have to find a way, no matter how impossible it may seem. I will see him again. Sakura promises herself.

"Insolent little wretch. You dare speak to your god that way?" With that he disappears from Sakura's vision.


Madara knees Sakura in the stomach. And backhands the back of her head, she flies a few feet away and then skids across the gravel.

"Now you know."

"That was nothing!" Sakura says, smiling and getting up again. "You have yet to see me fight."

It looks like somehow Gaara has Naruto preoccupied… If I can get rid of Madara… We can get Naruto back…. I have to do something… but what? Think… think…

She closes her eyes to focus. She opens her eyes. She runs over to Tenten and Sai and grabs Tenten's bag of weapons and pulls two kurenais out from it. Sakura charges in throwing numerous weapons, stars, kurenais, small daggers, and caltraps. Madara just catches or deflects them.

"This is it?" Madara mocks. "You make this too easy."

Sakura concentrates her chakra as when she punches through boulders. With his Sharingan Madara sees this.

"So easily predicted."

Sakura stabs Madara as hard as she can. It punctures his skin.

"Nice work…. Too bad it's simply an annoyance. I hope you feel better now, because you're going to die."

Sakura steps away and smiles. There's an explosive tag attached.

"I stand by my statement." He smiles and punches Sakura in the sternum. She falls back slidding again across the rough terrain, gasping for air. As the explosive tag explodes, smoke is everywhere.

Sakura tries to get up but falls back down. She looks at the smog as it clears.

"I did it." She says smiling.

"Didn't do much that is."

Her eyes widen.

"I cannot emphasize enough how weak you are… it's a wonder why either of the boys cared for you."

"Damn you! Don't you talk about them!"

"Sakura why deal with all this pain? Become part of me, you can see them again. Sasuke… and Naruto-kun."

Damn it body… move…. move! She screams at herself.

"You can become part of the most powerful being in the entire world."

"You're pathetic!"


"You're nothing compared to Naruto." She said slowly getting up. "For all the abilities you posses, you posses not one ounce of strength."

"Why you stupid girl!"

"You think you're so tough, picking on those weaker than you. How does that prove you're strong when you're already stronger than them?" She said clenching her fists now.

"And what do you know of strength? You can barely make me blink. Naruto? He was weak, he couldn't even tell you how he felt. I defeated him, making him much weaker than me!"

"You're wrong again!" She shouted. "Naruto… he was truly strong. He had the power to make everyone else just as strong as he was, to lift everyone up to a new level. His heart was a million times more powerful than your fists. You are nothing but a pathetic weakling!" She glares right at him. Newfound determination.

"Shesh… You annoying bitch!" He shouts as he charges Sakura.

"Got you." She says as she pulls strings leading out of the ground next to her.

As Madara charges blindly at her, fifty kurenai fly out of the ground piercing and tangling Madara up.

"What? When did you…?" The Uchiha master asked surprised.

"I knew I had to eliminate your eyes that saw everything. So I feigned an attack with the kurenai. I was hoping you'd be the arrogant jerk you are and take it like an idiot. I attached an explosive tag which was just perfect, because you can't see through smoke unlike the Byakuugan." She said mocking Madara. "And when you knocked me away I planted this trap and covered it up as I slide across the landscape. And another thing: I know you have regenerative powers, which, no matter it's origins, uses up chakra, so these strings and kurenais in your body, I'm using my medical chakra to disrupt the flow, have fun feeling all that pain! I know it may not last long, but it'll give me the time I need."

Sakura pulls out Sai's blade that she had gotten prior. Concentrates her chakra again.

"I wonder if when I cut off your head you'll still be able to use Chakra." She shouts.


"You brought this on yourself. You took away the two people I care about more than anyone. You hurt my friends, made fun of them, and mock everything they stand for. And for that I can never forgive you!" She said striking a swiping stance with the blade. "Now, there's only one thing you can do besides die." She said with her eyes burning fiercely. "Give me back my Naruto!"

Apocalypse turned his head, it recognized that voice, Gaara saw this.

Sakura ran at Madara, while concentrating everything on one single moment, one single point. This had to be it. All she had, everything left in reserves. She ran full speed, making sure not to look at his eyes knowing full well that one glance and her chance would be gone forever.

"No! Apocalypse, kill her!" Madara screamed.

The creature started to move towards them.

No matter what I can't stop. Even if I lose my arms and legs I have to finish this. Sakura promised herself.

"Stop Naruto!" Gaara cried. "She is fighting for you!"

The creature hesitates unsure of what to do. His master calls for him, but this other ant, he can't help but remember it having some importance to him.

"Now Apocalypse now! Splatter her blood on the field!"

"Don't you remember her?" Gaara says. "The one you fought so hard for?"

"Now! Now! Now!"

"Your greatest bond?"

"AAAAAAH!" With that scream she flew past Madara, cutting his head clean off. His body falls limp on the ground, as it falls it shatters into many little pieces.

She falls to her knees…

"It's over." She says dropping Sai's blade. She struggles to her feet, the amount of energy she has left is barely enough to take two steps. She turns around to face Apocalypse. "Naruto. It's over now. You're free." She said smiling. "How am I going to explain you to Tsunade?" She said jokingly.

"You won't have to." Said a voice.

Sakura's eyes bulged, filled with terror. Behind her the little pieces gathered and reformed Madara's body. She barely turns her head before Madara grabs her head and slams it into the ground.


"Don't you get it you little bitch? I'm immortal all thanks to your man there." He throws her up in the air.

"Sakura-san…" Hinata starts to stir.

The other team members start to wake but they're unable to move.

"Don't give up…" Ino says as a Madara forms seals and three lightning tigers strike at Sakura's defenseless body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAuhhAAAAAHH!!" Sakura's cries reach the creature's ears.

Why did this little creature's noise hurt him so much?

"Naruto!" Gaara called out to him. "Look at her. The pain she is bearing, she is bearing for you."

KKKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…. The creature stood, docile, wondering.

For it? What did that mean? To bare the pain for someone else?

"She bares it because she believes so strongly in the bond you two share, that she would give up her life for it."

Madara picks her up by the collar of her shirt and shoots a giant fireball at her point blank.

"Naruto, the feelings you have. They are the same for her. You care about her. You once protected her from me, when I was a monster, even at the risk of your own life."

Naruto…. He kept calling him that, but the creature couldn't remember. Every time it did try to remember the significance of that name it's head pounded. Who is that?

As Sakura got to all fours Madara runs full speed and kicks her sending her flying through the air. As she lands she tumbles through the dirt a few times before stopping. Bruises started to appear on her body, as blood had already started dripping from her mouth. She was bleeding internally, and without chakra to use, she could not heal her wounds.

Gaara could sense the situation was getting worse, but his bones were broken, having been crushed by the creature's wind bullet.

"Look at her now Naruto…" Gaara spoke desperately now. "Can you stand there and watch someone you care about die in front of you? Can you watch as you lose Sakura too??"

Sakura… that name…

Madara picks up Sakura, by the neck. She looks like nothing but a rag doll in his hand now. She put her hands on his wrist, trying desperately to struggle free, but only managing short little sounds, as the air in her body started to grow less and less.

"Now, you die!"

He begins to choke the life out of her. Madara prepared a Raikiri in his right Talon.

The creature looked at her now. Her face was familiar. Images of her flashed in its mind. Images of her angry, of her surprised, of her crying. Then he remembered her smiling at him. She was one of the few people that had ever believed in his strength. Her face now… was a sad one… it was in pain… she looked up at him… her eyes… so alone…

Before she slips into unconsciousness she says the only thing that's on her mind.



The creature lets out a roar.

"Huh?" Madara takes notice of a change in demeanor by the creature he believes to be Apocalypse. "I'll finish you and attend to matters." He says as he juts his hand towards her heart.

"No! Sakura!" Kakashi screams.

"Move body!" Shikamaru orders himself.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" Ino cried closing her eyes.


Suddenly… his arm stops…. A hand covered with red and blue flames is holding onto his left arm. He turns in terror as he sees Naruto.

"Naruto!" Hinata exclaims.

"Always so troublesome…" Shikamaru smiles.

"What? Impossible!" Madara shouts confusedly.

"Take… ggrrrrr…. your hands off my Sakura-chan!" Naruto says, threateningly.

Madara tries to break away from the creature but it holds fast to his arm. It grabs the forearm of the hand holding Sakura and with a quick squeeze breaks Madara's arm.

"AH!... AHuhAAAAH!!!!" Madara screams releasing her. She falls to the floor. Naruto catches her with his tail and places her down gently. He looks at her for a moment, still not fully able to control his power. Naruto's chakra waves back and forth over his body, fluctuating between larger and smaller flames, changing colors. His eyes are white, but his intent is clear. He is going to kill Madara this day.

This …. Bastard… Naruto thought. There were no swears in the human language that could describe his cruelty.

"RAAAAAAH!" Naruto slams Madara into the ground. It steps on his back and pulls on his arms.



Naruto breaks his arms and then kicks him in the neck, sending him rolling across the crater crashing into the wall.

Madara comes to, his body starting to heal.

"How is this possible?" Before he can even begin to think of an explanation, Naruto is hanging upside down staring him in the face.

"Apocalypse" He says using his Sharingan to try and calm it. He digs into its mind only to be forced out. His head snaps back from the backlash, denting into the stones behind him.

Naruto opens his mouth and shouts.


With his roar alone creates a giant ball of electrified water that hits Madara and pushes him back, cutting him and burning him, as he is pummeled through the earth.

Kakashi's eyes widen at the display of power.

"This… this is Naruto?" Neiji speaks in complete awe.

Naruto teleports over to Sakura…. Looking at her….

Sakura-chan… you went through all this for me… He smiles sadly.

"RRRRRrrrrrrrRRRRR" His eyes wince as he tries to maintain control of his chakra… to not give into his feral side. He goes to touch her face but sees his hands. His nails are like that of a beast.

"N… Naruto-kun…?" Sakura speaks.


The earth rumbles.


The mountains around crumble. As the ground splits apart to reveal Madara. His clothes are tattered, and he breathes heavily. His killer intent is as intense as his chakra.

Good he's still alive… I can make him suffer for what he did to Sakura-chan.

Naruto starts growing fangs as his chakra waves wildly. More tails begin to appear. He begins to lose himself to anger.


"You would bare your teeth at me, you're master? Fine then, I will just have to beat some sense into you… Kyuubi."

"I'll… ggggrrrrrr…. Kill….YOU!" Naruto roars.

Naruto disappears and re appears in front of Madara, he swipes down with his chakra-encased body. Madara dodges at the last second, Naruto's tails, now five in total, turn into hands and swing at Madara. Madara manages to block with his wings and his arms. Naruto swings his left arm at Madara who jumps to the side of it avoiding it. The force of Naruto's swing levels a whole row of trees. Naruto rotates mid air, picking up velocity, spinning like a top in the sky, he extends his leg to kick Madara in the face but Madara leans back and kicks Naruto in the stomach as he catches himself extending his arms behind himself. Madara quickly creates hand seals.

Rocks fall on Naruto, but break harmlessly on his back. A huge storm of lightning rips through Naruto sending him flying back. Madara appears behind him. Naruto unable to twist mid air due to the velocity he is being sent at through the air, head butts Madra in the face. Madara falls onto the ground bouncing off. As he stands up Naruto whizzes by slashing his left shoulder with his claws. Madara brushes the pain off as his shoulder heals almost immediately.

"You see, you cannot kill me. You don't have the power Naruto. You've always been weak. So weak you couldn't save this body and so weak you couldn't save Sakura chan from my wraith."


A sixth and seventh tail appears. Naruto's form is completely overtaken by the fire of his chakra.

Madara is the first one to attack this time, shooting sand spikes from his mouth. They pierce through Naruto's body, Naruto leaps at the oncoming Madara only to be uppercutted by a giant fist made out of water that erupts from the ground. Madara jumps off the top of a tree, while creating seals, and flies above Naruto. As he finishes he puts both his palms together facing out towards Naruto and a huge wall of air fires down upon him. He creates a square shaped crater in the ground, flattening the plant-life. He fires off several rounds of flames from his mouth, lighting up the hole.

He lands next to the crater, only to have it give way under him as Naruto's tails grab hold of him and pull him towards the creature. Naruto creates a sand axe with his right hand and as Madara descends towards him he readies the finishing blow.


Ino who is up now, is performing medical ninjutsu on Sakura. The others gather around her, as Kakashi watches the forest light up different colors.

"What a battle…." He observes.

"… but who will win?" Neiji watches with his Byakuugan.

Ino looks at Sakura who's starting to get color again. She opens her eyes, coughing.


"He's over there…" Ino answers. "Fighting that Madara guy."

She looks off into the forest.


"Let's go." Shikamaru orders. "He may need us there."

"But can't you feel that?" Kiba says. "He doesn't need any of us there."

Kakashi looks at Sakura's eyes, eyes that long to be with the person she cares about the most. "He does need us." He says smiling.

Kiba looks at Sakura confused for a minute then smiles. "It's decided then, let's go!"

They all take off towards the thunderous sounds of blasts and punches.

Naruto and Madara leap at each other, punching and kicking, neither resulting in a hit. Madara tries a haymaker on Naruto with his right arm as Naruto punches him in the joint bending his arm. Naruto kicks upward at Madara. Madara catches it with his knee and elbow crunching down on his leg. Madara spins behind Naruto and kicks him in the back with his right leg as Naruto back hands him in the back of the head with his left arm, they both go flying in opposite directions through trees and boulders. Naruto plants his feet on a tree and using its bend he goes flying back towards Madara. Madara lands on a stone but using his chakra force he rebounds himself back at Naruto. He creates two Raikiris with his hands as Naruto creates two giant claws with his. As they meet the land cracks apart. They are both still. Naruto is growling wildly and Madara is shouting. Naruto has pierced Madara's stomach with his claws and is extending them while cutting him up with wind blades from his palm. Madara has pierced Naruto's chest with his Raikiris. They both spill blood.

"What an amazing battle!" Chouji remarks. The group can see the two fighting in the distance now.

"Just being in the presence of it is horrifying." Lee adds.

Sakura gazes at who she thinks is Naruto…

No… not again… she remembers back to the time she tried to stop him on the bridge… I'll save you this time for sure Naruto. No matter what even if it kills me, because you mean that much to me.

They continue towards the centre of the craters.

Naruto and Madara release each other as they both back away and land. They both heal automatically from each other's wounds.

"This is never going to end…" Madara says. "I'll have to use 'it' then. Before he becomes the Kyuubi again."

They charge at each other one more time at full speed. Madara is forming seals with his hands. Naruto leaps at him.

"Elemental seal. Cage of the stars!"

Suddenly Naruto is wrapped by every element possible, fire, water, and sand from underneath, lightning and air from above. Another substance forms, metal. He is completely covered.

"You heal fast but you won't fair so well against this." Madara says changing his final hand seal to a different one. Huge metal spikes punctures through almost every inch of Naruto's body.

"RRAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Naruto roars in pain.

Sakura's heart sinks as she hears his cries.

I have to move faster. He needs me. She takes off ahead of the group.

"Time to finish this off." Madara says creating more hand seals. "Didn't think I'd have to use my trump card on a mangy beast. But it seems I have to erase your very existence on his planet." He finishes his hand seals and raises his hand. "Hellfire, judgment of the gods!"

Make it in time, make it in time! Sakura yells as she leaps towards the two.

Madara laughs victoriously as he lowers his hand to deliver the final blow. Suddenly his hand stops….

"What?" Madara says.

"I won't let you hurt my friends anymore."

That voice! Madara thought.

"Uchiha… Sasuke?"

"That's right. You won't use my body for your evils anymore."

"I knew it… this body was slower than it should've been."

Madara struggles to lower his arm but it starts to raise back up.

"You're dead, go away!"

"You… may have … used my body… but you cannot use my soul too!" He looks at Naruto. "Naruto… my friend…"

The creature stills.

"I acknowledge it here. You are stronger than me." He smiles. "Now … save me… as you have always promised to."

"NARUTO!" Sakura shouts.

The creature's eyes change back into the blues everyone recognizes and the ninth tail forms.

"AAAAH!!!" Naruto screams as the metal shatters from his chakra. He holds his right hand up. A huge swirling sphere of blue and sharp winds forms.

Sasuke loses his power over his body. As Madara begins to lower his arms.


But before he lowers it Naruto has already reached him and placed the Rasengan directly in his face.

"NnnnnoooooOOOOOOO!!!!" Madara shouts as the ball engulfs him.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" For a the second before the Fuuton Rasengan Shuriken hits, Madara sees a vision of the Kyuubi in full form roaring at him from behind Naruto.

"So it came true after all." Madara says smiling bitterly.

A huge crater forms again as inside the giant orb Madara's body is torn to bits and pieces, they try to pull back together, but just before they reach each other a wave of water hits them, then lightning, then fire, then sand, then air, over and over again pressing him up against the earth, driving him through then pushing him out into space. The pieces get smaller and smaller, until they dissentarate completely.

As the powers dissipate the Earth finally settles as a crater miles and miles long is revealed. The surviving shinobi all stand in awe at the battle they just witnessed a battle that will never be matched and one that has forever left it's mark on the face of the Earth. Ninjas from all the other countries appear helping each other's injured walk, regardless of what their forehead protectors showed. They all stood on the edge of the craters with Kakashi and the others together.

Sakura walks through the fog of dust to where the sound of crackling chakra is coming from.

Naruto rears back his head and lets out a roar declaring his victory.


He snaps his attention towards Sakura.

"You did it." She smiles.

The creature gets on all fours, and growls… as if warning her to stay away. Some butterflies appear by Naruto but as soon as they touch his chakra they crumple and die. The ground that he stands on decays, becoming infertile and the water that touches him dries up. She continues to approach him regardless of the scene.

"Naruto… I have something to say to you. I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry for what I said in the forest."


"I know you must be hurting…" Sakura said, her voice soft and gentle. "Because you've had this monster inside you… you fought to get everyone's acknowledgement… and they still ignored you and treated you horribly… and I'm no better than them…" Tears welled up in her eyes. "you cared about me so much Naruto… and I never saw it… I always yelled at you and made everything your fault… and even despite that Naruto… you never got mad at me once… instead you would smile and fight even harder to protect me… you would hide your pain…"


The creature lashed out its tails at her, hitting her shoulder.

Sai started towards them but Kakashi put a hand in front of him, shaking his head 'no'.

"We still have to stop him." Sai protests.

"Only she has the strength to stop him." He replies.

Sakura winced. The burn was worse then when Naruto had hit her that one time. Tears fell down her cheeks.

"This isn't you, Naruto. Show me the kind Naruto I know… show me that smile … the real one, full of life and love for me…" Sakura continued. The tails continued to whip out at her, lashing her, bruising her, but she continued forth, every time she fell she got back up. "You don't have to be that anymore, you don't have to be alone anymore… because I'm here." She held out her arms wide open to Naruto smiling happily. "So please Naruto… don't push me away… don't hide from me anymore…"

All the tails whipped her at once… stabbing through her chest legs and arms… She fell down, but again she just got right back up, despite the blood dripping from her body, and continued to hold her arms out toward Naruto, smiling, hoping with every fiber in her body that it would reach him. "Naruto… I don't care about this pain…" She started to cry. "Because…because … the thought of not being able to be close to you… would be more unbearable then death… because Naruto…the truth is…" She said gently. "… the truth is… I … I love you." She cried.

The wind blew around her and flowed onto Naruto encircling him. The creature calmed, and the flames encasing Naruto slowly disappeared. It revealed a blonde haired blue-eyed boy in a torn orange and black jacket. Naruto was back.

She smiled and started laughing despite her coughing up blood, she continued to walk towards him.

Just…just… one… just one touch… please… She thought crying, her vision blurring.

As the last few flames covering his face disappeared, before she could reach him and hug him, Sakura fell.

"Na… ruto-kun."

"Sakura!" Naruto called catching her. "Sakura-chan… Hey, green eyes… wake up. Eh? I'm here. I'm back. It's me." She didn't answer. "you wanna see that smile? I'll show it to you… my breath might smell but… hey, if you come back I promise I'll brush my teeth everyday.. huh?" She opened her eyes.

"Na… ruto-kun." She said weakly. "Please… don't ever leave me again…"

"Never." He said smiling at her.

She smiled back warmly. "I'm… I'm so happy… I was finally … able … to tell you…" Her breathing was labored now.

"Me too…" He said almost crying now. "But hey you can tell me that every day."

She smiled at him, she knew what was going to happen. "I'll still mean it everyday… even… even wh…wh…."

"No. NO! Don't you do that." Naruto ordered. "Don't you give up on me. Don't you-" He started tearing, unable to speak… She put a hand on his cheek and with her thumb wiped away his tear.

As the world turned dark his was the last face she saw. She was happy. Her hand slipped off of his face.

"NO!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Naruto-kun…." Hinata said.

The other Konoha shinobis were in tears. even Neiji could not help but tear up. These two people who were in front of them, had over come so many obstacles to be together… and then were cruelly parted again, it just seemed unfair. Kankuro and Temari carrying Gaara arrive to the sad scene.

The shinobis from the other villages could only watch this boy was no monster this boy who knew such pain and sorrow, a monster would not be able to cry so with such soul tearing pain.

Naruto's put his hand on her face. His tears falling on her still peach skin.

UZUMAKI NARUTO came a low rumbling voice.


Kyuubi?! Leave me alone.


What can I do? I can't do anything… she's gone…


Naruto's eyes widened and fell on Sakura. "Come back to me." He lowered his head and gently kissed the lips of his love. Still warm, still soft.

A wind started to gust around them. A golden aura shoots out of his body, turning night into day, splitting the clouds. Sakura starts to glow gold. Her wounds heal, every bruise gone, every cut vanished, her eyes opened.

"Naruto-kun?" she said confused.

"I told you I'd never leave you…" He smiled.

Sakura didn't know how it was possible but she didn't care. She smiled and laughed. They hugged. Suddenly a small noise echoed through the valley, it started as one small noise but soon hundreds of others would be heard too as the sound got louder and louder. Naruto and Sakura got up. The shinobis around the crater were all clapping.

"What's this all about?" Naruto asked.

Sakura smiled. "It's for you." She replied softly.

Naruto scratched the back of his head and chuckled.

"I missed that."


"That weird little chuckle."

Naruto scrunched his eyebrows embarrassed, he smiled.

"And Naruto."


She walks over to him.

"I missed you." She says looking up at him. She looked down kind of embarrassed as to what she was about to try to do. Naruto was nervous. He had never kissed Sakura for real before. His heart was beating fast, he breathed intensely. She could feel it on her hair, every time it ran across her pink strands, the butterflies in her stomach sent a tingle down her spine. She hid her eyes from his, glancing up only in small increments, then looking down. Every time she looked into his eye she melted completely, she was doing everything in her power already just to be this close to him. They were both intunned with one another, each look got a return look, and each nervous glance got a nervous laugh. She finally looked up at him giving him permission, and in her emerald eyes he saw a girl who loved everything that he was: annoying, loud, and all. She loved him without regret. She acknowledged and confirmed his existence and his love. There in front of her stood a man who loved her mind, body, and soul. He never judged her, not once, and always believed in her. She wanted to share her feelings with him completely. She was his to take. Their arms reached for each other without even a single thought. He lowered his head as she rose up to meet his, for a second both heads cocked back just a little to look at each other's faces again. Staring into those emerald greens his soul just plunged into them. She closed her eyes as if trying to keep him in there forever. He lowered his lips and she raised hers and as they met…. Crash Like two storm fronts meeting head on, their passions collided. The first touch of their lips are intense and clumsy, this was both their first time. They had to breath deep after the first; their noses touched breathing in deep the other's scent. He put his right hand on her cheek and his left arm wrapped over her shoulder, she put her left hand around his neck and wraps her right arm under his left, and then again as souls drawn to each other with the exhale, they met again, gently this time, taking in every sensation, soft, warm, lush. They fell into rhythm with each other's every move. He places his lip on her upper lip massaging them gently with his lower lip, the sensation was so delicious that she found herself biting his bottom lip a little. As he leaned into her more, she worked her left hand through his thick hair, each row rolling throw her fingers. She holds his head firmly to hers, as if trying to take him in completely. Their bodies touch completely know, they smile inside, truly and happily from the very depths of the hearts, as he, as she, knew they were where they belonged.

The gold aura, which had continued to emanate from Naruto from before, poured out now in even greater amounts, spilling into the sky as with a sudden flash, it started to rain gold. It sprinkled onto the land, causing it to glow. The dead trees disappeared and new ones grew in its place, rapidly. The shinobis who were thought dead found themselves revitalized, with their wounds completely gone. If they hadn't been so confused they probably would have started fighting again. But then, the clouds swirled and clumped and formed into nine beautiful creatures. Sakura stayed in Naruto's arms as they looked up.

Everyone watched in amazement.


"Naruto-kun!!!!!" came Chouji's voice.


"Sakura-chan!!!!" came Ino's voice.

There rushing down the side of the crater were all their friends.

"Everyone!" Sakura yelled, waving.

The group smiled as they ran towards Naruto and Sakura.

Sakura ran off towards them as Naruto turned to look at the sunrise.

Goodbye… Kyuubi. Naruto smiled.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata called.

He looked over at everyone who was gathered around Sakura.

I have so many friends that are dear to me.

"HEY EVERYONE!" Naruto called after them as he ran to them. Naruto was so happy, he remembered that day he had returned home after training for two and a half years. He never thought he'd feel that good again… but here he was, Sakura loved him open-heartedly, he had all his friends and teachers… he had a family, sure it was a weird size, and sure their were a lot of weird people, but finally after all that time he was home.


Naruto and all characters within the story are copyright of Masashi Kishimoto.


There you have it. The end. I really really hope you liked it. Please give a review if you have time, (ESPECIALLY LADIES for some reason 90 percent of the few reviews I've gotten are from males)) please let me know if something works well or if it doesn't.