I've finally gotten around to starting a Bones fic!

Before, I've written fics for Standoff and JAG, please check them out and review ;D

I have a few unfinished stories, I seem to start a story but then I get dissapointed in the lack of reviews and I get major writers block.

Soooo, please review and let me know wether to continue and tell me if you like this story ;)

I'd love to hear ideas for the story too :D

Enough rambling, here's chapter 1

10 Dates - Booth and Brennan fic.

"Bones, I'm telling you! I'm right. The stepfather did it! I feel it in my gut. There's just something about him. Something bad"

Booth's voice was high pitched almost shouting as he tried to convince his partner. He was getting more and more agitated, gesturing wildly as they walked towards his car.

They had just talked to the mother and stepfather of their newest victim, a 7 year old girl found strangled in a park.

They had worked on this case for more than a week coming up with nearly no evidence and we're both getting more and more frustrated.

These cases, involving children, always affected the FBI agent and the anthropologist more than other cases. Their hearts were torn in pieces at the thought of what gruelling things the little girl had gone through.

They hadn't gotten any useful information from talking to the parents. Apart from Booths gut feeling about the stepfather being the murderer.

"Booth! How can you base a decision solely on your gut feeling?" Temperance was shouting back at him, her face red and angry making Booth jump back scared she was going to attack him.

"It's not rational! We have no evidence indicating the father being guilty of killing his daughter. Nothing even points in that direction" She continued as they reached the car.

"My gut feeling points in that direction" Booth kept on. Throwing his arms in the air at her stubbornness.

"ARRGGGHHH", was all that Temperance could reply as she took a seat in Booths car and slammed the door behind her.

They drove towards the Jeffersonian in complete silence. Blood boiling in their veins and angry mumbling being the only sound interrupting the uncomfortable silence.

They reached the car park in front of the Jeffersonian and Temperance ran out as soon as the car was at a stop.

"Bones, wait! Come on, don't be like that!", Booth called after her before locking the car and going after her.

He missed the elevator by a second and was left standing behind the closing doors starring into the eyes of his partner.

She looked angry. He knew she was angry of course, but there was something else in her eyes too. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he thought she looked sad.

He took the next elevator up and walked quietly to her office. The door was closed and he stopped for a second taking a deep breath.

He knocked and waited for a reply. None came and he knocked again. Still no answer. He decided to chance it and opened the door slowly.

Temperance was standing across the room looking out the window. Her stance was defensive, her hands resting on her hips and her shoulders tense.

"Booth go away!" She said harshly.

"I won't. I can't, Bones" He said gently walking towards her, as he continued, "We need to talk."

"I think we've talked enough" Temperance said, her voice now softer, but not gentler. She sounded like she had already given up.

"Bones, don't say that" Booth couldn't believe how they'd come to this point. They always fought and bantered, but mostly it was just for fun and even when it wasn't, they always managed to sort out their differences.

What was so different about this time? He thought to himself.

He walked the last few steps towards her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. She shivered and almost shook it off, but Booth didn't loosen his grip. He didn't want to stop touching her. An electric current was running through his arm to his hand in to her, then bringing a new current back making his heart beat faster than he ever thought possible.

Booth turned her towards him, grabbing her other shoulder too. Temperance kept avoiding his gaze, looking down at her feet.

Her heart was beating furiously too, she felt warmth spreading from his grip on her shoulders. It didn't make her stance any more relaxed though. She stood still as if frozen to the spot. She couldn't do this. Not now. She couldn't talk to him, She wasn't ready.

Booth felt her tense up even more and suddenly he felt himself being pushed towards the door. Being taken by surprise he was too late in objecting. Temperance was shouting at him telling him to get the hell out of her office. Telling him to leave her alone, to stay out of her life. The worst blow came when she took a deep breath, looked him straight in the eyes and in a icy calm voice said:

"I don't need you Booth, I never did"

Then she shut the door and left Booth speechless in the hall starring at the closed door in front of him.