Beyond the Veil

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, any spells, objects, characters, and/or areas therein. Any real-life places are used with express permission of a resident of the planet upon which they are located. Any characters, spells, objects, etc, that are used within, that do not appear in the canon Harry Potter universe, are the property of the author. Any relation to ideas from other fanfiction is coincidental. Thank you.

Okay, this is a plot bunny that ate several smaller plot bunnies, so I have to get it out before it devours my conscious mind.

In this fanfiction, 8 years after the climatic battle against Voldemort, Harry decides to break the number one rule of time-travel.

He is going to change history.

Chapter 7: Attack then Bid you Farewell

Hermione screamed. Sir Daniel apparently used the noise to decide who he would attack first. He flew across the distance between them, his sword raised. Harry leapt in fron of Hermione, and quickly cried, "Reducto." His spell sailed straight through Sir Daniel, who laughed at Harry's attempt.

Meanwhile, Ron looked confused. "How are you supposed to attack us if you are a ghost? You can't touch us, can you?"

All movement paused at Ron's question. Sir Daniel floated in place for a moment, before laughing.

"No. I cannot touch you or truly harm you." His eye's hardened. "However, they can." Sir Daniel waved his hand and flew upwards. Immediatly, three of the suits of armors on the wall jumped to life, and began to rush at the three First-Years...


I am so sorry. I have lost almost all inspiration for this story, and I have too busy with my college life to write a proper update.

Due to life circumstances, I am going to have to step away from fanfiction for at least the next couple of years. Hopefully I will be back, but we will have to see what happens. This story is going to be on hiatus until I get back, and I am also going to put it up for adoption. I will not be able to send you the original documents, so if you want to adopt this story, just post a review. If you want to see if anyone is taking up this story, check the reviews. Try to put any adoption requests as reviews on this chapter or the very first chapter, to make it easier for people to find them.

Thank you all for your support. I really apperciate it and am sorry that I have to leave you hanging like this.

P.S. Plot Point: My vision for this story included Hermione and Ron traveling back as well. However, due to the effects of their time line collapsing, they are able to go back in their grown up bodies. Do what you will with that idea.

Love you all, and Happy Writing.