Ok, I'm listening to something incredibly sad and I'm writing a funny story…Odd, eh? Well, it's a plot bunny inspired story, so bear with me here!

Anywho, here's the thing: What if Sunny finds a cursed website that…well, you'll see.



"A peacock?! THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT!"

"Why are you yelling, Sunny?"


Sunny was seething at the monitor, as though it had called him a very bad name. "This website says my spirit animal's a PEACOCK! THAT'S LAME!"

Sideswipe thought for a moment before venturing to ask, "Sunny, do you even know what a peacock looks like?"

"Uh, no. But an animal that has two human obscenities in it's name CAN'T be good!"

"Try Googling it, then tell me what you think."


A few awkward moments later…

"So, what do you think?"

"…Huh? Oh, sorry, I wasn't listening. I was too busy staring at my feathered friend here. Isn't he handsome?" Sunny was practically drooling over the regal looking bird on screen. Sideswipe was about to mention that the peacock was a symbol of vanity, but then again…He'd let his brother enjoy himself. For now.

"Ok, move your aft. I wanna try that test." Grumbling, the yellow twin allowed him to try. But he'd have to save that peacock picture for his Myspace profile.


"Hmmmm…This thing says my spirit animal's a bull. What'd you get, 'Hide?" Ratchet had discovered the website as well, and passed it on to Ironhide…and Optimus…and Jazz.

"Says I'm a bear." Ironhide nodded, satisfied. "You, Optimus?"

"Wolf." Replied the red and blue leader. "Sounds about right. Jazz?"

"Panther." Smirked the suave mech. "HELLYEAH."

"Speaking of animals, where's Bee?" piped up Ratchet, looking up.

"Out playing with Floodlight and Sam. Should we show him this?" asked Ironhide curiously.

"He'll probably be back late." Optimus said sagely. Jazz nodded.

He was about to say more, but a sudden screech emitted from somewhere in the base, almost frying their audios. A sudden blinding light, then…


"Optimus? 'Hide? Ratchet? Jazz? Guys?"

Bee and Floodlight had returned from their day with Sam, only to find the base dark and spooky like. Floodlight's optics glowed brightly in the darkness as he glanced nervously around. "Bee?" he said nervously. "It's ok, Flood." He said, reassuring the little mech on his shoulders.

The light from Flood's optics fell on a black, snakelike thing. "KITTY!" squealed the youngling, and leapt on the black form on the ground. The yowl from the thing hurt both their audios. "GETOFF!" snarled the thing, as Flood clung on to the writhing form. "Kitty!" he squealed again, hugging it tightly.

Wait a second…that thing's voice…it couldn't be…!


"Yeah, Bee?"


Holy heck. This is a strange and twisted plot bunny…