Omake – Uchiha Slaughter

One day, Itachi decided to kill everyone for reasons not totally clear to us yet.

So he waddled up to the Uchiha compound and prepared to kill everyone. Except for his brother. Because Sasuke was needed for plot purposes, so Itachi can't touch him. Not in a physical sense, anyway. He was still welcome to mentally abuse and torture his dear little bro as much as possible. In fact, psyche scarring was highly suggested. In short, anything to make his brother a moody, brooding avenger was welcome. Itachi wasn't really sure why, but a voice told him to. And Itachi never questioned The Voice. Yes, it's capitalized.

Now, you'd think for a clan that makes up an entire police force, the people would be scattered around town in order to subdue the criminal element of the village, and so making a clan-wide massacre pretty difficult. Of course, as we all know, no crime ever goes on in Konoha, so every single Uchiha always stays in the compound. They don't even outside to get the milk – it's delivered.

And so Itachi found the entire clan in the compound… on a week day… when most of them are suppose to be outside doing their job…and generally avoiding getting slaughtered. Except Sasuke, who's in school like normal kids.

Making sure that every single Uchiha was home – Itachi carried a list around with him – the soon to be ex-ANBU began his descent into the Missing-nin life, which he heard had an excellent health package, and an even better salary. And despite the fact over twenty Jonins lived in the compound, they all got killed. Because at age thirteen Itachi was so good that he could beat up twenty Jonins single handedly… all at once… without tiring in the slightest.

Then he proceeded through the manor, murdering everyone… also encountering no opposition, despite the skilled elite the place housed. Because after all, Itachi was the only good shinobi to come from the strongest clan in the village. And because Itachi could totally take on dozens of shinobis without getting hit once… at thirteen. But mostly because he had his almighty Mangekyo, which, at age thirteen, could cast Tsukuyomi dozens of times… at everybody, without stopping for coffee. He also casted Amaterasu a record breaking fifty times, also without coffee break. Of course, by the time he was reintroduced at age eighteen, he could only cast each one or two times before tiring out. He blamed it on the drugs.

It was interesting to note also that every member of the Uchiha family – main or otherwise – was conveniently packed into a single room. Because after all, given the name compound, one could surmise the Uchiha clan lived in a rather large complex. And should they be all over the place, it would make it so very difficult for Itachi to commence his slaughter to its fullest extent. Of course, the fact that of every single member, not one had the bright idea to escape and call for help – easily done if Itachi had been properly stalled – was something of an added bonus. Why they didn't we will never know, and hell if Itachi was going to ask. But it sure made his killing everyone so very simple.

All except for Sasuke… who Itachi simply scarred mentally. And that's how Itachi killed –

Kisame looked up from the excerpt of the book 'Mangekyo – an Autobiography of Itachi Uchiha' and snorted loudly, baring his sharp and filed teeth. "Yeah, so where is the part that mentions me or the rest of the Akatsuki helping?"
