Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't own Wicked. The last line of this is from the song Up Against the Wall by Boys Like Girls.

"I'm going with her."

Glinda stood, dumbfounded.

Fiyero was leaving her. With Elphaba.

Just a few short moments ago, she had been overjoyed that her best friend had returned.

But now she was leaving, and she was taking Glinda's fiancé with her.

The blonde met Elphaba's pleading eyes, but she looked away. She couldn't handle this. She didn't deserve this.

Fiyero grabbed Elphaba's hand, and Glinda's heart sank as she watched his dark fingers encircle her green ones. Glinda's hands didn't fit in his that perfectly. Fiyero tugged Elphaba toward the exit, and she turned around to give Glinda one last look, begging for her forgiveness. But Glinda could only scowl at her and turn away, making sure she heard them leave before letting her tears fall freely.

Through her uncontrollable sobs she yelled after them, "Fine! Go! You deserve each other!"

Glinda sat, feeling a little faint. She buried her head in her hands until her tears had subsided. Raising her head, she looked at the empty room around her.

"Who says its better to have loved and lost," Glinda whispered to the still air, "I wish that I had never loved at all."