-- Clyde's room --

"Uhwa I'm s-sorry to hear that, Clyde." Butters says with a frown.

"Thanks… that means a lot." Clyde continues lying on his bed. "It's just… that… I've been feeling extra sad lately. Like some kind of depression or something ever since my parents told me a week ago about them splitting. It was totally unexpected."

"Have they been fighting a lot lately or somethin'?"

"No… I mean, no more than usual." He blinks up at Butters. "Okay… a little more so. But I-I didn't think it was any big deal!!"

"Aw, gee wiz."

"My mom told me that they had one big argument and now my dad is just sick of her and wants to move out." Clyde tells him.

"Y-you can't take it out on yourself, Clyde."

"What if it's my fault, Butters?! What if I somehow caused this? Oh god… maybe it's cause I stole my dad's Playboy magazine!" He becomes increasingly worried.

Butters shifts in his chair. "A… Playboy magazine?"

"Yeah… where they have a lot of naked girls and stuff."

"Mind if I uh… take a look at it?"

Clyde gets off the bed. "No one knows about my secret hiding place so close your eyes."

Butters closes his eyes, "Okay. Uh, I'm not looking."

Clyde walks over to his closet and shuffles around inside until he finds a shoe box. Inside is the magazine. He takes it out and plops it on Butters' lap on his way back to the bed. "There."

Butters opens his eyes and looks down. "Wow… this looks neato!"

"Shh! Don't let my mom overhear us!" Clyde pauses. "Sh-she's still crying in her room so I don't want her to know about this."

Butters doesn't hear him. "Golly! Look at the pretty flowers!" He flips pages.

Clyde looks at him curiously. "Um, they're not flowers."

Butters looks up. "Well, uh, sure they are! Look!" He holds a page to Clyde vertically.

Clyde blushes upon seeing the girl in the picture in a sexually deviant pose. "Let's do something else." He jerks the magazine out of Butters' hands and places them on his bedside table.

"Okay!" Butters smiles. "So… what do you want to do?"

Clyde lies back on his head. "I dunno. I'm too tired to think."

Butters thinks. "Can I have the Playboy back?"



Clyde sighs, "Another time, all right?"

Butters walks over to Clyde. "How about what we did earlier? Back at school?"

Clyde looks up and smiles mischievously. "I'd like that."