Disclaimer: I don't own South Park… in any way… and I never will… not even a little bit – if I did do you seriously think I'd be writing HERE?

Warning: Some sexually explicit writing is present in the story. If that offends you then by all means, leave.

"Ohhh… mm, yeah!" Butters moans as sweat beads roll down his forehead. His head is tilted back. Then he hears a door open.

"Oh goodness! C-Clyde!" Butters quickly zips up his pants and blinks nervously.

Clyde looks down at Butters' nether region. "Were you just jacking off?"

"W-what?" Butters stutters.

"Stroking your wiener." Clyde clarifies.

"I… I, uh…" Butters looks down to the floor in embarrassment.

"I mean it's okay if you were. I do it too." Clyde confides.

"You do?" Butters looks at Clyde in surprise.

"Yeah, of course." He says.

"Do, do the other boys do it too?" Asks Butters, timidly.

"Oh, um, I don't know. I guess so." Clyde shrugs in response.

"Maybe we could ask them?" Butters suggests.

"Yeah, maybe." Clyde pauses, "Are you going to finish up here?"

"Oh! Well um… I-I guess I am." Butters fidgets a little.

"Can I join?" Clyde asks nonchalantly.

"Sweet Jesus! I don't know." Butters eyes widen.

"We could go in a stall together." Clyde continues. "Then no one can see us."

"Well… okay… I guess." Butters heads towards a stall. Clyde follows him in and closes the door.

"Have you ever done this before? With another boy that is?" Butters questions.

A rare light shade of red crosses over Clyde's cheeks. "No… have you?"

Butters shakes his head. "Do… do you wanna start?" He wrings his hands a bit.

"Okay." Clyde reaches down to his pants and pulls the zipper down. His member pops out.

"Oh, goodness! My, that's really big isn't it?" Butters tells him.

"I… haven't noticed… can I see yours?"

"It's kind of small so don't laugh." Butters pulls down his pants and takes out his wiener.

"Aw… it's cute." Clyde remarks. Butters raises an eyebrow at him. "I mean… yeah, it's small. You're right."

"So… do we just do it ourselves, or watch each other… or…?"


"Which one?"

"Both I guess." Clyde inadvertently starts to rub his member. Butters slowly does himself, but more gently so.

Clyde softly moans to himself and gradually quickens his pace. He seems more experienced in this than Butters as Butters decides to follow his lead and do the same with his hands. Clyde spits in his hands and then goes back to his concentration. Butters does the same, but slightly uneasily, but he begins to enjoy himself more and more.

"This is really nice." Butters mentions. Clyde only grunts in reply. "Maybe we should do this more often." Clyde opens his eyes and stares at Butters slightly ticked off. "Quiet… just enjoy it."

"Oh, all right then." Butters decides to close his eyes and continue.

"Oh, Ohhh!" Clyde seems to be near frantically beating his penis. His breathing becomes faster and heavier. Butters' breathing begins to be in synch with Clyde's.

"Clyyyyde! I can't keep going!" Butters yells. "Boy-howdy, I think something's gunna happen!"

Clyde's groans get louder – whether he hears Butters is anybody's guess.

"Oh Jesus!" Butters reaches climax. Clyde shortly follows suit.

Butters sits down on the closed toilet beneath him out of breath. He is covered in sweat. "Ahh… aw, I'm all sticky."

Clyde stifles a laugh. "Man, that felt gooood." A satisfied smile creeps across his face.

Butters smiles back. "It did, didn't it? Golly. That was… certainly something." Clyde sleepily nods. "So, we'll do it again sometime?"

"Most definitely."

--End of Chapter 1--