What if instead of Being Wizards, they were Llamas?
Answer: That would be awesome.
"Hairy…you're a llama." Llama Hagrid said in his llama voice.
"No way!" Llama Hairy bleated. "I thought I was just an alpacka!"
"No, Hairy. You're a llama. Just like me!"
Llama Hairy laughed in his llama voice. "This is great!"
He turned to his wooly cousin and aunt and uncle. "Haha! I'm a llama, and you're just some stupid alpackas!"
Dudley Alpacka lunged to bite Llama Hairy, but Llama Hagrid leapt forward and tripped him with one of his awesome hooves.
"Alright." Llama Dumbledore said, clicking his hooves together in glee. "Time for the school song."
"Here's a Llama." Llama Snape sang.
"There's a Llama." Llama McGonagall sang.
"And another little llama." Llama Flitwick sang.
"Fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama, llama duck." Llama Hairy chorused.
"Llama, Llama, Cheesecake Llama." Llama Malfoy scowled.
"Tablet, brick, potato Llama." Llama Hermione sang.
"Llama Llama mushroom llama, llama, llama, duck." Llama Hairy chorused.
"I was once a treehouse," Llama Hagrid sang. "I lived in a cake."
"But I never saw the way." Llama Colin Creevy sang.
"The orange stayed a rake." Llama Ron sang.
"I was only three years dead," Llama Sirius came out of nowhere and sang. "But I told a tale!"
"And now listen little child to the safety rail." Llama Percy sang.
"Did you ever see a llama?" Pavarti sang.
"Kiss a llama?" Penelope sang.
"On a llama?" Lavender sang.
"Llama's llama tastes like llama, llama, llama duck." Llama Hairy chorused.
"Half a llama"
"Twice a llama" Llama George and Llama Fred sang.
"Not a llama" Dudley Alpacka sang.
"Farmer, Llama, Llama in a car, alarm a llama, llama, llama duck." Llama Hairy chorused.
"Is that how it's told now?" Llama Crabbe sang.
"Is it all so old?" Llama Nicholas sang.
"Is it made of lemon juice?" Llama Professor Umbridge croaked.
"Doorknob, ankle, cold." Llama Pansy sang.
"Now my song is getting thin," Llama Cho Chang sang.
"I've run out of luck." Llama Goyle sang.
"Time for me to retire now and become a duck." Llama Hairy sang.
Suggested by PiptacoWhat if Harry was a girl?
Answer: Voldemort wouldn't kill him…I mean, uh, her.
"Oh my gosh." Voldemort breathed as he looked at the giggling little girl in Lily's arms. "Isn't she just adorable? I can't kill cute little peoples, now can I?" He said in a babyish voice.
Lily back away shocked. "What do you do to my husband?"
Voldemort started to cry. "I can't believe that I killed this little girl's daddy!"
Harriet started to wail too. So did Lily.
"As long as you're sorry, you can be forgiven." Lily said.
"Ok." Voldemort said, wiping away tears with his pale hand. "I'm so sorry."
"See? Don't you feel better?" Lily said, patting him on the back.
"Mhhmmm-hmmm." Voldemort said, smiling weakly.
"Would you like to join us for a tea party?" Lily asked, and Harrit clapped her pudgy hands and laughed.
"Sure!" Voldemort said. "But I have to go soon, I'm scheduled to murder this boy named Neville Longbottom."
Suggested by hpnerd328What if Peter was a werewolf instead of Remus?
Answer: Remus would be a punk emo goth.
James and Remus passed the snitch back and forth while Peter scratched his ear with his foot and Sirius just sat there, looking awesome.
Remus was wearing a leather jacket with the sleeves cut off, black sandles, nose piercings, mouth piercings, tongue piercings, eyebrow piercings, and had seven piercings on his left ear and eight on his right. Totally cool.
His hair was spiked up in a Mohawk and his face was scrunched into a miserable expression, as though his cat had died. This was his happy expression, believe or not.
An equally sad and scary looking gal came up and sad in an expressionless tone. "Wanna come to the Ball with me?"
Remus looked deepy unhappy, but then remember, this is how he always looked. "I guess." He shrugged. "Wear something black." He said.
The sad and scary looking gal shrugged and walked away.
Sirius leapt up and punched him in the arm. "Good going, Remus!"
"Hey," He said. "It's Rock."
"Oh, yeah." Sirious said. "Rock."
"Anyways, now we all have dates to the dance! I'm going with Lily, Sirius is going with twenty different girls, and you're going with…wait, what's her name?"
"I don't know, and I don't care." Rock replied.
"Wait!" Peter said, pulling himself off the ground. "I don't have a date."
Sirius shrugged. "Too bad for you, you just have a fuzzy little problem."
Suggested by hpnerd328