A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a loooong time guys! It's been a long month of family problems, school problems and homework. But you don't wanna hear about that! Finally, here's chapter nine! I'm not really sure about this chapter, but we'll have to see.

[Three days after her birthday party an stuff

Haley walked out of the school with a huge grin on her face, only because she had an amazing date with Nathan that evening. She was so excited that she got lost in her thoughts and didn't realize that Nathan was standing in front of her. She nearly tripped over him and he caught her, gracefully.

"Nice moves there, Hales," Nathan said laughing. His grip on her was making her blush and she stood up quickly and brushed the hair out of her eyes. He pulled her face towards his and they shared an amazing kiss. Although, every kiss was amazing. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Sorry, but I gotta go. Don't worry though, there'll be a lot of that tonight." His voice finished seductively. She smiled at him as he walked away.

She kept walking to the lunch table that Peyton and Brooke were sitting at. On her way there, a group of slutty looking girls came up to her. The 'head' girls name was Stacy. Apparently, she had her eyes on Nathan before Haley had gotten there. So far, she had only tormented Haley from a distance. Haley groaned inwardly.

"So, new girl," Stacy started, her voice full of disgust. "That was a very inappropriate display of "affection" you and Nathan just shared." She cocked her head, giving Haley a glare. Haley just rolled her eyes.

"Jealous, much?" Haley challenged. Defending her relationship with Nathan gave her newfound courage. Stacy's jaw dropped. Apparently, no one ever stood up to her. Brooke and Peyton soon realized their face-off and came over. They stood behind Haley and Peyton put her hand on Haley's shoulder.

"Don't go there, new girl. I think you, Nathan and I all know that he's gonna get bored of you. At first, you were fine because you were "forbidden fruit". Nathan lives for drama. When nothing exciting is going on, he'll drop you," Stacy said icily.

"Oh, and go for second best? Oh wait, that's not you. I'm pretty sure you're way further down the line," Brooke jumped in. She was really starting to like Lucas and he would want her to protect Haley. Peyton and Haley tried to stifle their giggles. Stacy huffed and walked away, her mindless cronies trying to console her. Haley gave Brooke her gratitude.

"Thanks guys. Not that those stupid, gross, annoying, mindless, jerk dummies get to me," Haley finished her verbose sentence and Brooke and Peyton gave her weird looks. "What? Too many adjectives?" They both nodded leading her over to their table. Sitting there were Lucas, Jake, Bevin, and Skillz. They had seen what had happened. Jake quickly stood up an offered her a seat. She took it graciously and ran her hands over the back of her thighs to smooth her skirt before sitting.

"What just happened?" Lucas asked turning to the girls. Haley smirked and ate one of Jakes fries. He slapped her hand and she hit him on the back of the head. The past few days had been like they were when they were kids.

"I want another, noodlehead," Haley complained as he held her hands away from his tray. No one answered Lucas because they were laughing at the other scene in front of them.

"Not gonna happen, Haley Bop." Jake then moved his tray and she reached for it but toppled over. Everyone at the table including her were laughing, tears in their eyes. The bell rang and everyone said their goodbyes.

It was Friday. Basketball day. Haley's three least favorite days of the week were Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those were the days that she and Nathan didn't see each other as much. Except today, she was asked to help the cheerleaders. They practiced in the gym with the basketball boys. Peyton had seen her dance and she was pretty good. Walking into the girls locker room after school, Brooke handed her a pair of Tree Hill High sweatpants and a tank top. She quickly changed and walked out into the gym with Peyton. Heads were turning as she walked out. The sweatpants were slim fitting on her and the tank top showed her figure. She blushed and walked over to where the cheerleaders were stretching.

"Haley, did you notice the eyes?" Peyton raised her eyebrows suggestively and everyone else giggled. Haley narrowed her eyes and turned to face the players. Nathan caught her eye and winked, while passing the ball back and forth with Lucas. Haley had noticed that they were a lot nicer to each other ever since her party. She and Lucas had talked, and they were okay.

"Uh, why did you guys make me do this? I have no coordination. I don't want anyone to see me trying to be a cheerleader!" Haley exclaimed, taking the spotlight off of 'the eyes' and she reached out to grab her toes. She couldn't really grasp them and Peyton laughed at her attempted stretches.

"Don't worry, Tutor Girl. We wanted to try out a new routine and Heather's sick. Her part is really easy so you don't have to worry about messing up," Brooke assured her, using a nickname that Haley commented was very "Um, clever?"

"Yeah, well I'm pretty sure I can mess up the easiest parts, too. I don't think you guys understand how unfit I am to do this. You caught me at a very coordinated time when I was dancing yesterday. Which, I'm pretty sure will never repeat itself. You can kiss your unbroken legs goodbye," Haley says. Everyone laughs at this, and Haley cracks a smirk.

After cheer leading practice, Haley and Peyton walked out of the locker room laughing about how bad Haley was. Brooke and Peyton didn't think that she was too bad. They actually thought that she was better than Heather. Heather had bronchitis and couldn't make it to the game that night. This meant that Haley had to fill in for her since they were short on the squad and Haley was going to be there anyway.

"So, Hales, got any big plans tonight after the game?" Peyton asked. She looked over at Haley who had a Nathan-like smirk on her face. Peyton had noticed how much each of them had changed since her arrival to the small town.

"Actually, Nathan and I were gonna do something. We're not really sure what yet, but we wanted some time together before I get occupied with mid-terms and driver's ed," Haley said, one eyebrow raised. Peyton laughed. Haley was always one for the studying.

"Ah, yes. Mid-terms. The ruining of all that is good in the world!" Peyton said dramatically. They walked out into the cool, brisk, air. Haley saw Nathan leaning against his car. She expected that he was waiting for her. Her expectations were confirmed when he walked up to them grinning.

"Hey pretty girls," he said flirtatiously. They both giggled. He helped Haley into his car and held the door open for her. Peyton stood by and watched admiringly at how cute they were together.

"You comin Blondie?" Haley asked. Nathan looked up at her hopefully. He really liked that they could be friends. She nodded thoroughly and her blond curls shook and he opened the back door for her. She smiled brightly. Haley was glad that everything was going good. But she knew in the back of her mind that it wouldn't stay like this for the next three years.


I finished this chapter on thanksgiving. ! I've been sick for about a week and it's been really hard in the house with my sister having a 5000 word essay and this being the only computer for a house full of five people that are computer obsessed. (:

Pllllleeeease review, it what makes me keep writing!