Haley James has lived in Connecticut her entire life with her mom and dad. She's an Honor student, guitarist and all around Preachers daughter. (Figuratively). Her best friend is her brother Jake. (Jake still has Jenny, but there are no complications with Nikki.)

Nathan Scott lives with his unhappy mother and his unfeeling father in Tree Hill, North Carolina. He's popular, an amazing basketball player and the "bad boy" of Tree Hill. He is a cocky jerk who doesn't think about other people.

What happens when Haley and Jake move to Tree Hill to live with their Godmother: Karen Roe?

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill :(

A/N: Hey I'm Mary and new at this! Please help me along the way and please review!


Haley and Jake are siblings. Their parents die and they have to move in with Karen, who is their Godmother. Jake and Lucas become best friends and Haley resents Lucas for that. Peyton, Brooke and everyone else are the same.

Fifteen-year-old Haley James looks at the test with not a hint of shock. Of course she had gotten an A. That's just the way she was. Straight A's, all AP classes, College courses, all of that. Her parents expected it from her. They expected her to make curfew, eat all of her veggies, finish her homework, be everywhere on time. Haley was used to it by now. The pressure to do extremely well was all she was used to. Don't get her wrong, she loved her parents, it's just that somtimes they expected so much from her.

Behind her, her sixteen-year-old brother Jake sighed. Another C. His parents wouldn't be too thrilled. Especially when his little sister did better than him. He knew that his parents expected less of him then of Haley. He and Haley talk about that all the time. There's nothing they dont talk about. From Haley's music to Jake's love life. They were best friends. Jake was much better in music class. At least there he didn't have to compete with Haley. Not that he didn't want Haley in all of his classes. He loved her, but it didn't make it easier in the house that she was better than him at everything.

"What'd you get this time Jake?" Haley whispered as she turned in her desk to face him.

"A C." Jake said this soft and sighed loudly. He then rolled his eyes to Haley when the teacher said his name. She gave him a disapproving look and turned back to the board.

The bell rang and it signaled the end of the day, causing Jake to cheer and Haley to groan. They packed up their things and went to their lockers. Once they were all packed up, they headed home, walking slowly down the street. Several people stopped them along the way. Or rather stopped Jake. Jake was popular and on the schools basketball team. Lots of people liked him. Not so much Haley, seeing as she was the quiet as a mouse bookworm, a real- live tutor girl.

Reaching their house, Jake unlocks the door and they step inside. The nanny leaves and Jake picks up his little girl. Haley smiles as she puts her backpack down on the coffee table, unzipping it removing her homework.

"Hey Jenny!" Haley cooed this tickling her neice's chin and giggling. The baby giggled in response and shoved some of Haley's hair in her mouth. "She needs to grow out of this." Jake laughed in response. He puts her down and sighs, opening his science binder. My little sister is my tutor. How pathetic is that? They got working and at around 5:00 Haley started making dinner.

The phone rang at about five thirty. That was usually when their parents got home. Jake picked up the phone. He mumbled something then started yelling. He was yelling in hysterics and Haley couldn't understand him. When he hung up the phone, Haley walked in with a concerned look on her face. Jake looked about to cry.

"Oh my God, Jake! What's wrong?" Haley asked this with little sister concern flooding her face.

"Um, Haley, Mom and Dad got in a car accident on their way home from work." As Jake said this, Haley's face was contorted into immedate horror. "They aren't doing too well. They were rushed to the hospital. The paramedics couldn't save them." Jake said this last piece of news as he wrapped Haley into a giant bear hug. She started sobbing.

Three weeks later

"You all packed?" Haley yelled into the other room to Jake.

"Yes! How many times have you asked me that?" Jake was laughing at his little sister.

"I'm sorry! I just need to make sure we have everything to go some random women's house!" Haley said the last part sort of bitterly. Jake sighed and pulled her into a hug. They were to leave for their Godmother's house in an hour. She had been best friends with their mom. They had never met her, and were wondering what she was like.

The car ride to the house where Haley and Jake were supposed to live was unbearably quiet. Haley was actually happy when Jenny started crying so she could pull herself away from the agonizing conversation taking place.

"We're here!" Karen Roe exclaimed. They pulled up to a nice looking house and Lucas, Karen's son, who was also fifteen, smiled back at them.

"Welcome to Tree Hill." Lucas said this comfortably and continued. "You probably won't like it the first day, though. Not very friendly." He then laughed, leaving Haley and Jake confused and left out on the joke. Thhey squeezed each others hands and climbed out of the car. Karen was carrying Jenny, who already seemed smitten with the new grandmother figure. They were giggling at each other as Karen brought her into the house. Haley went around to the back and pulled her luggage out of the trunk. When she got back around to the front, Jake and Lucas were laughing and talking like they were brothers. She sighed, feeling the odd one out, and walked into the house.

"Your room is right in here hun," Karen pointed out the bedroom she'd be sharing with Jake and Jenny. "Sorry about the tight space." Her face was apologetic and Haley gave her a reassuring smile.

"It's okay." Haley was really shy and quiet. She walked into the small room and put her stuff down on the bed with pink covers. She was guessing it was hers. Haley sighed. She stood up and started unpacking her stuff. It's going to be a long three years until I'm eighteen.