
I waddled into the living room of Sam's house. Puffing after the not-so long trek from the bathroom. Jacob was sitting with Sam and Paul, another of the wolves in our pack, looking anxious as ever.

I rolled my eyes, grunting my way into a sitting position. We had been married for one and a half years when he decided to start looking at kittens in the pet shop. That's when I knew we had to have kids.

Don't get me wrong, I love cats but Jacob didn't, and they didn't like him. At all. And seeing him with that yowling, spitting ball of fuzz, with its claws sunk into his skin as deep as they could go, and his begging face, I knew it was time. So we got pregnant.

I spent seven months confined to my human body because we didn't know how the stress of the change would affect the embryo, and then I had two beautiful children after eighteen hours of unbearable pain. I cussed the world, cursed Jacob, broke into tears, and told him how sorry I was.

The funniest thing I had said he caught on film. It was just after a contraction, when I was yelling to the doctors how much I wanted to rip the father's special parts off, and how he was a jackass to have done this to me. I had said, "Jacob, I'm so sorry you Mother Fucking Bitch! I love you, you prick."

It was my attempt to apologize through the pain. It was hysterical.

But when all was said and done, I was holding two precious little babies. One I named Ezra, the girl, I had her one minute before the boy, who I named Ezekiel. Much to my surprise they were perfect blends of us. The girl had her father's dark skin but my hair. Her father's eyes but my body shape. The boy had my skin, his father's hair, my eyes, but Dad's build. I had never seen such beautiful children. They weighed in at six pounds six ounces, both of them. The boy was twenty-two inches; the girl was twenty and a half.

They grew up. Their first birthday had just passed and here I was, hugely pregnant again. Three months after they had stopped breast feeding I realized that my belly was growing. Again. We found out later on that I was having one baby this time. The doctors said I was slightly after my first trimester.

Well now I was onto ending my second trimester, bigger than a blimp, and feeling like the fattest, ugliest thing this side of yesterday. Jacob, however, was in love with my "Mother Look", as he so affectionately dubbed it. I wanted to rip his arms off for making me go through this again but somehow I loved it. It was just too confusing to dwell on, so I focused on the child. We didn't know the sex, didn't want to know the sex, so I had fun throwing names at Jacob, we had a competition going on between us that usually ended in me laughing and his kissing me.

The reason we were at Sam's was because of Emily, she was pregnant again, but there were some complications and she was hospitalized two months too early. He was a nervous wreck, blaming himself, Jacob understood to a certain extent, Paul was clueless, but a nice enough guy that he wanted to be there to help.

After so much time Jacob had taken over the full position of Alpha. Sam gratefully stepped down taking the role of Beta. Which was slightly uncomfortable because Leah was also Beta but she was so over Sam and so into Paul that it was a little startling; her nonchalance over the guy. I sighed, closing my eyes. This little sucker inside of me was draining my energy; I was urinating for the two of us, eating for the two of us, and sleeping enough for half of me.

Every time I would doze off, this little bugger would start thrashing around inside of me like there was a concert and it was the mosh pit. Then I would have to wake Jacob up and make him sing, it was the only thing that made the baby settle down, not to mention our other kids in the crib in the next room. When one was crying the other would be asleep and as soon as we got the crying one to go to sleep, the other would wake up and bawl.

It was funny watching their little personalities. Even at this age Ezra was obviously a social butterfly. She started cooing and gargling as soon as she saw someone coming close to her, waving her little arms and scooting towards them. She was going to be a knock out with her big dark eyes. Ezekiel, on the other hand, was very Alpha material. He was more silent, tended to enjoy being to himself but was always there for Ezra when she was crying, even me and Jacob when we were upset. He would lift his little hand and set it on our cheek, giving a big toothless grin and always was gooing something until we smiled.

Jacob was very proud of his babies and very proud that he made twins.

"Just like I promised, baby." He would gloat, and then I'd remind him who carried the little devils for seven months.

It was a miracle they didn't need to stay in the hospital, but they were perfectly formed and even large for premature babies. Billy later let me know that it was the werewolf in them and that we should keep an eye on their development just in case.

But now we were worried about Emily, Ezra and Ezekiel playing with some old Sesame Street toys that squeaked and Clarice was with Quil. And suddenly, as if I had the best idea in the world, I turned to Paul.

"Why don't you drive Sam to the hospital, Paul? I mean, if he's so worried, he should at least be where she is, right?" The guys looked at me as though I was genius.

"Why didn't we think of that?" Sam looked stumped, jumping out of the chair, racing around the house and collecting his things. Jacob walked over to me, helping me out of the chair.

"C'mon babies!" He smiled, squatting next to the twins, "We're going to go home now!" The gurgled in joy at seeing their father at their level. I smiled softly, resting my hand on my protruding belly. He scooped the kids up, one in each arm, as Sam and Paul raced outside climbing into the truck. I waved as they pulled away, Sam yelling to go faster, waving, and worried all at the same time. It was funny to see how pregnant women and children could change a man's attitude.

I waddled next to Jacob as we walked home. I paused halfway there reaching out and touching Jacob.

"You're a good daddy." I stated.

His eyes warmed up, looking at me and the babies in his arms, "I've had a good wife." He smiled, leaning over and kissing my forehead. I opened the door to our house for him, watching with certain tenderness as he set the babies in their happy camper. He spun around catching me looking at him wistfully. Embarrassed I turned around, hiding the blush on my face walking into the kitchen. I was seriously craving ice cream, pickles and bananas.

I heard him walk up behind me. I grinned shyly as he placed both hands on my waist, resting his hips against my lower back, kissing my ear.

"You're so sexy, baby." I laughed at the honest to God lust in his voice.

"You're so blind." I tried to brush him off, shaking free of his grasp, setting down the carton of lard and sugar, looking for a bowl, "Do we have pickles?"

Much to my dismay he followed me, cutting me off with a firm planting of his arm across my path. I looked up at him exasperated, only to be met with one of his most intense gazes he could muster. I froze looking at him, at his eyes, at the serious expression on his face.

"I seriously wanna fuck you so hard you can't stand."

My jaw dropped. He had said stuff like this before and after I was pregnant, but ...I was pregnant! That didn't mean I wasn't lustful or that I didn't get horny, but I honestly didn't think I could be attractive. I smiled coyly, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Well the kids are still asleep. You'll just have to wait till later."

"How do you do that?!" He spun around to face me, "How can you just say no to sex?!"

"I didn't say no. I said 'later'." I grinned wider as he huffed in astonishment. I grabbed the pickles and snatched a banana.

"You seriously weren't turned on by what I said at all?"

"Umm… absolutely. But the kids."

"Dude..." He sat across the table from me, watching me scoop together this disgusting mass I was sure would make me happy. "If you had said something like that to me, I'd be all over that like bees on honey."

I snorted, "Yeah, I know you would."

He rolled his eyes, exasperated, letting his head fall to the table in surrender. "Make me some, will ya?"

-Three Years Later-

"Jacob!" I screamed from the bed, "My water broke!"

I heard him clattering around down stairs in a panic. "SAM! SAM! Goddamnit SAM! She's giving birth!"

I smiled as Emily began up the stairs with her little baby boy. We weren't yet sure, but we believed that he and Ezra were imprinted. She walked in looking at me kindly, "I've got the kids in the van, let's get you going honey."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, waddling out the door for the third time in my life to go to the hospital. I glared at Jacob, who was running around frantically. "I hate you." I hissed, crawling into the van we had to buy to fit our growing family. Ezra and Ezekiel were five now, and both were beautiful werewolves. Turned at the age of four for the first time, scaring us to death. Though I guess the change is easier for them at a young age to the fact that they have more bones. Ezra was a lovely reddish blond color with my build; Ezekiel was more like his dad but less scruffy with a shockingly white belly.

The newest addition, Gabriel, was 3 years old and had dark blonde hair, blue eyes, but incredibly dark skin. And now number four was on the way.

I sighed as Jacob careened down the road, "Is it always going to be like this?"

"Hey!" he snapped, "No complaining, I am giving you everything you said you wanted."

I smiled, "Yeah... I love you."

His big hand wrapped around mine, "I love you too."

A/N: Completely finished! Also, for any confusion- I imagine they would be able to have something akin to litters since they're were-wolves. I would assume that having five to six kids at once would worry a Doctor, so they just recover from pregnancy really fast and have another (human sized) litter.