The next day a girl in brown hair unkempt, green eyes looking worn and drowsy, wrinkled jeans, a wrinkled graphic T, and scuffed up high tops roamed the halls of Violet's Home a little boy wearing Dash Parr everything beside her talking a mile a minute.

Little Boy: Whoaaaaaaaaaaa look at this school it's ginormusly humungously huge.

Girl(Rubbing her head) Why didn't I get coffee on the way?

Little Boy(Skipping up the halls) Becuase you were nervous about your job interview?

Girl: Jonny I know mom and dad say you love stating the obvious little brother but quit it.

Jonny(Shrugging) MMMMMMMMKKKKKKKKKKKK so who are we meeting Deidra?

Deidra Long looked down at a paper and then saw a door in front of her.

Deidra: Violet Parr and Jake Smith and as it looks we found their office.

Jonny before Deidra could open the door shoved it open catching Jake and Violet in a liplock.

Jonny: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what kind of school is this?

Violet(Shoving Jake off of her) Hey little sack can we help you?

Jonny(Pointing at Deidra) This is Deidra or Dee to her friends and me. She's here for her interview.

Violet( Shaking Deidra's hand) Nice to meet you Mrs. Long so why don't you and your brother sit a spell?

Deidra set an Ipad in front of Jonny as he went on Netflix and started watching The Defenders.

Jake: Right Mrs. Long now Violet jumped the gun at hiring you. See this isn't your run of the mill babysitting job.

Deidra(Pointing at Jonny) And HE isn't your run of the mill babysitting job either but I watch him every day.

Jake(Smirking) Oh puhlease he's one boy we're a school here Mrs. Long.

Deidra: Yea and he's a one man wrecking team if you catch him on a bad day.

Jake(Pinching Jonny's cheeks) Hahhhhhhhhh don't make me laugh he's adorable.

Deidra(Wincing) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you found his kryptonite.

Jonny(Growling) I-know-you-did-not-just-pinch-me-and-call-me-adorable-man-I-don't-know.

Deidra(Hiding under a desk) Do you have the air force, marines, navy, or army on speed dial. If not you're going to need to do that ASAP.

Jonny slammed the Ipad down and grew into a giant a move Jake and Violet never saw coming as Deidra remained under the desk slurping up Gummy Worms one after the other.

Deidra: Super Peeps word of advice duck and cover when he's angry he'll snatch anything up including you.

Jake(Looking at folders) Uhhhhhhhhh why isn't Jonny Long in any of these folders?

Violet(Pushing Jake down) Gee Captain Obvious I don't know maybe because he was in hiding like most heroes.

Deidra(Handing Jonny a teddy bear) Awwwwwwwwwwwww there, there little bro here's Teddy now calm down and watch the Defenders.

Jonny roared even more smashing whatever was in his way which in this case was everything fragile.

Jake(Moaning) Nooooooooooooo not my frabrejei egg that's priceless

Violet(Backhanding him) There are more important things to deal with idiot. Take for instance the giant six year old tearing up the place.

Jake: Do you know how much that egg cost?


Jake shrieked never being in this position before as John roared his sights back on Teddy and Deidra and Violet was nervous when she saw this.

Deidra(Humming a song) If you go dow in the woods today

You're sure of a big surprise

If you go down in the woods today

You'd better go in disguise

John smile swaying his head to the song as Violet caught on smiling this also being Jack Jack's favorite song.

Violet: For every bear that ever there was

Will gather there for certain

Becuase todays the day

The teddy bears have there picnic

Jake looked confused as John giggled dancing around the room still a giant.

Deidra: Picnic time for teddy bears

The little teddy bears

Are having a lovely time today

Watch them, catch them unawares

And see them picnic on their holiday.

John giggled bear hugging Deidra as Violet took the next verse.

Violet: See them gaily gad about

They love to play and shout

They never have any cares

At six o clock their mommies and daddies

Will take them home to bed

Becuase their tired little teddy bears.

Jack Jack hearing his favorite song ran in with his teddy bear then gasped seeing a giant boy in the middle of the room.

Deidra: Every teddy bear who's been good

Is sure of a treat today

There's lots of marvelous things to eat

And wonderful things to play

Jack Jack: Beneath the trees

Where nobody sees

They'll play hide and seek

As long as they please

Cause that's the way

The teddy bears have their picnic

John shrank snuggling his teddy bear and sucking his thumb as Violet and Jack Jack plopped down next to him.

Deidra: Picnic time for teddy bears

The little teddy bears are having

A lovely time today

Watch them, catch them unawares

And see them picnic on their holiday

Jack Jack: See them gaily gad about

They love to play and shout

They never have any cares

At six o clock their mommies and daddies

Will take them home to bed

Because their tired little teddy bears

Because their tired little teddy bears

After the song John sniffled knowing Jake may still be mad about the fabrojai egg as Jack Jack grabbed a basket and a blanket.

Jack Jack: There these two can have a picnic and we can introduce ourselves

John shook Jack Jack's hand as Deidra smiled knowing the giant to little bro morphosis well and also knew who to blame for it.

Violet(Looking up from the desk) Is it safe to come out?

Deidra: Sure, sure he's fine with Teddy by his side. Remember that the next time he goes giant loco Teddy is the key either him or the song.

Jake(Brushing himself off) So why is your brother a hiding super?

Deidra threw newspaper after newspaper at Jake and Violet.

Deidra: You tell me Mr. Long you made him. I mean your school did and you helped quite a bit.

Violet(Growling at Jake) You-did-this-to-this-poor-boy?

Jake: It was an expieriment I didn't know he would become The Incredible Hulk minus the green skin.

Deidra: There's a lot Jake hasn't told you like the fact that I applied to his school as a baysitter and he told me girl's can't babysit super kids.

Violet(Sitting down) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh did he now?

Deidra(nodding) He told me to go home and play with my dollies and to take my failed expierimented special needs brother with me.

Violet(Taking a piece of paper from her desk) No wonder he was so against you when I said I was going to hire you.

Jake: She's leaving stuff out too like they had to move to several different counties before residing here in Trenton.

Deidra: After you turned my sweet little brother into a science expieriment.

Violet wrote things on the paper then slid it to Deidra who signed immediately and Violet grinned having a plan for Jake.

Violet: Jonny sweetie follow me and do you have parents? If so call them and they'll live here with Deidra and you too.

Jake(Jogging aalongside Violet) So we're just hiring her on the spot?

Violet(Snarling) Not a word from you Jake not another word this is your fault.

Deidra: I told him the same thing but go home and play with my dollies was all I heard.

Violet(Leading Jonny to an empty room) Big enough hey short stuff? So unpack and then you can meet the rest of the crew who because of Jake' party are still sleeping at 12:00 PM.

Jake: Violet you know nothing of the Long family we can't stash them here.

Violet: We are not stashing them here their not stolen goods we're keeping them here because their humans.

Deidra(On the phone) Yes mom we're fine just get dad and yourself here Jonny has a new school to get used to and we're invited for the ride.

Jake: Violet you being hangry at me isn't going to help right now Honey Bear.

Jonny(Looking up) Hangry?

Violet(Ruffling John's hair) Hungry and angry but I'm not hangry I'm just angry.

Jake: Ok I may have been hasty with Deidra and Jonny but if you knew their backstory you would be too.

Wendy yawned squeakily and walked up to Violet her hair going all over the place like Deidra's.

Violet: Great news Wend you and the rest of the supers are Jake's for the day Deidra and I are going to play with our dollies maybe at a spa or the mall.

Jake(Gulping) Uhh Violet I was being sexist against Deidra I understand that now but leaving me with a whole bunch of kids isn't fair.

Violet: Maybe Aphrodite and Margo would like to join us we can make it a girls day out.

Jake(Blocking the exit doors) Nobody's leaving I mean it.

Jack Jack(Walking down the hall) Grrrrrrrr why can't Wendy leave me alone for a milisecond.

Jack Jack shot fire at Jake as he screeched and backed off not ready for it and Violet ushered the teens out the door with her.

Violet(Pecking Jake) We'll be back later when playing with our dollies gets boring.

Jake(Smirking) Ha ha very funny Violet great joke now get back in here.

Aphrodite: Vie don't do it I sooooooooo need a makeover.

Violet(Pointing at the gates) Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh angry parents handle them Mr. Girls Play With Their Dollies.

Jake: Violet this isn't funny anymore.

Violet(Getting into the Terrawind) It's not supposed to be it's a learing expierience.

Jake made to run after Violet but she opened the gates and a mother and father bombarded Jake pinning him to the wall.

Mother: Soooooooooooooooo you're the one that turned our sweet son into a giant huh? I'm Cindy Long and this here is my husband Jason Long and he's going to block the exit door.

Jason knowing his wife in this mood ran to the exit door as Jonny took the entrance door knowing in the right mood he could block anybody from getting in.

Cindy(Letting Jake go) Sooooooooooooo Mr. Anax is there any reason you can think of for me not to be mad at you?

Jake: This was a two person job your daughter Deidra signed your and Mr. Long's name to a permisson slip saying I could expieriment on John.

Cindy(Turning her hand into a phone) Yes hello Mrs. Long? This is Jake Anax III from Jake's School For Gifted Supers I have Deidra and Jonny here. Deidra has informed me that it's ok for me to hit Jonny with a couple doses of gamma ray. Now how hard is that?

Jake: Look Cindy I'm not fully to blame here Deidra came to me with a sob story saying Jonny wanted more than anything to be a hero.

Cindy(Getting red on the face) Mrs.-Long-to-you-and-I-don't-care-if-blood-was-trickling-down-Deidra's-eyes-every-decision-about-our-son-goes-through-Jason-and-Cindy-Long-his-parents.

Jake(Backing up) Point taken Mr. and Mrs. Long now excuse me but I have a whole school of kids to watch all by myself.

Jonny(Walking next to Jake) Soooooooooo what's for breakfast I'm famished.

Jake(Walking into the kitchen) Cereal, toast, bagels, english muffins, pop tarts anything you can pour or stick in a toaster is yours for the taking.

Jonny hummed Gamma Ray by Beck pouring himself Lucky Charms as Jake walked around the school finding weary kids stumbling into the kitchen all of them noticing John.

Billy(Rubbing his eyes) Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh no partying for me for awhile.

Edith(Yawning) Hey kid so are you new here?

John slowly looked up seeing Edith and it was love at first sight as Edith giggled sitting next to him.

Jonny: Yea I can turn into a giant when I get angry. What can you do?

Edith(Smiling) I make a mean plate of Smores.

Jonny and Edith laughed as Lucy and Gru yawned walking into the kitchen to find Jake wrangling all the kids into the kitchen.

Jake: Alright Supers first things first I want you to meet a new super Jonny Long and just so the rumors that might be going around will be extravagant let me say off the bat that I turned Jonny into a super and it's my fault he is the way he is.

Edith(Shocked) Did you hit this poor thing with gamma rays?

Jake: Yea, yea, yea gimmie a break I didn't think it would turn him into Bruce Banner's alter ego.

Gru(Looking worn) Need-coffee-like-now-and-sugar-maybe-Red-Bull-or-something.

Minnion(Handing Gru his breakfast) Bello.

Lucy(Rubbing her head) Ughhhhhhhhhhh watching John and Julie all night is not easy on my head.

Jake(Hugging Gru and Lucy) Excellent adults are up. How's about you help me babysit?

Lucy: I need asprin and caffeine first.

Gru(Sipping coffee) Sure what else do I have to do?

Dave noticed Edith laughing and snuggling against Jonny as he was off at a run Gru and Lucy looking to see where he was headed.

Dave(Jumping in the middle of Edith and Jonny) No, no, no, no, no, no bad, bad, bad, bad.

Gru(Smiling) I taught him well.

Lucy(Grabbing Dave) Come on you little yellow gremlin I have got to teach you some manners.

Jonny(Standing on the table) To let everybody know helping Jake babysit is a bad idea he's being punished for pumping me full of gamma rays.

Gru and Lucy(Staring at Jake) You did what?

Jake: I gamma rayed him but I made a big speech about it as you guys walked in here.

Lucy: I'm deaf without my caffeine

Gru: Ditto now excuse me I have a boy to scare away from my 11 year old daughter.

Lucy: And I have a husband to convince that dating at Edith's age is perfectly normal.

Gru dashed off Lucy beating him to Edith and she put police tape around Edith and Jonny.

Lucy: Gru we've been through this sweetie they need to date sometime.

Gru(Trying to push past Lucy) She's-only-11-she-should-be-thinking-about-allowance-candy-and- her- friends- not- boys- never- boys.

Lucy(Snuggling Gru) Gruey Bear she needs this I mean you always said she could do to be a little more outgoing Honey.

Gru(Storming off) No their growing up too fast before I know it Agnes will be dating and in love with a boy.

Agnes(Excited) Can I really? Because there are a bunch of available boys here.

Gru just shrieked in frustration and stormed off Lucy nipping at his heels

Edith(Walking off) Nice going Aggie you broke dad.

Agnes: How do we know you didn't break him?

Edith: He wasn't shrieking when he was around me.

Agnes(Slurping gummy worms) I was only kidding. I know Gru likes at least one baby bird he can keep an eye on.

Edith: Yea and you're the littlest bird in the nest.

Agnes(Looking hopefully up at Lucy) Unless Lucy and Gru get me a baby brother.

Lucy(Ruffling Agnes' hair) We've been through this youngest Gru and I aren't making any more babies.

Gru slammed the bedroom door as Lucy picked the lock and stormed in after him.

Lucy: Yea real great parenting Gru making Edith think it's ok for John and Margo to date but not her.

Gru(Throwing his hands up) I didn't want any of them to date that was your call not mine.

Lucy: So what we're supposed to lock them up and make sure the opposite sex never finds them?

Gru(Pacing around the room) I didn't know that was an option.

Lucy: I was kidding Gru that would get us locked up.

Gru(Plopping onto the bed) Before we know it Margo will be in College, Edith will be starting Junior High, John will be a heartbreaker, and Agnes will be thinking up ways to get a baby brother.

Lucy(Slinking next to Gru) Gru I know you hate seeing them grow up but eventually that will happen with or without us but the memories we make while their at this age will last forever.

Gru wept as he hugged Lucy and Lucy wiped his tears knowing they could have no more kids with Lucy's tubes tied but Agnes was still confused by that concept.

Gru(Kissing Lucy) Soooooooooooooo when do we sit Agnes down and explain why she can't have a baby brother?

Lucy(Standing up) Now but I need you and the little yellow gremlins to help out.

Minions came from all around the room with Ice cream sundaes as Lucy led them to Agnes's room where she hummed her unicorn song.

Lucy: Agnes sweetie sit down we have stuff to talk about Princess.

Agnes(Clutching her unicorn) Ok but make this quick it's almost Uni's date time and this week it's Berry the blue bear.

Lucy: Well-uhh-honey-this-is-hard-to-explain-to-you-but-mommy-can't-have-babies-anymore.

Agnes(Looking confused) Why not? I mean I thought all mommies had babies.

Lucy: Well here's the thing Agnes and the little yellow gremlins are going to help here. See I had a surgery that tied up some stuff inside me.

Dave opened a stuffed minion up and produced a bunch of long balloons and tied them together.

Dave: Taduhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bello

Lucy: Thanks Dave I wish it was taduhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but it was a very painful procedure.

Dave(Shrugging) No taduhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?

Lucy shook her head no as Agnes hung on her every word.

Lucy: So after the doctors tied some stuff up in this very painful procedure I was told that I could never have kids again.

Agnes: Soooooooooooo I'll be the babiest birdy forever?

Lucy(Hugging and kissing Agnes) Yea but look at it this way we'll give you all the attention you need.

Gru: You'll do everything last.

Lucy: No crying baby to hate until their old enough to talk.

Gru: No new sister or brother to fight with.

Lucy: And you'll get extra special attention being the smallest.

Agnes(Kissing Gru and Lucy) Yea and dating and I are a long way away.

Dave slid a bowl of ice cream to Agnes, Gru, and Lucy and they ate it with gusto as Jake had his own hands full with another party being orchestrated by Billy.

In the auditorium Billy was DJ as the kids all danced and drank sugary drinks making them hyped up.

Jake(Filming himself) I hope your happy Mrs. I'll Go Play With My Dollies. Our son is wrangling another party and the adults are joining him.

Billy: You gotta fight for your right to parrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Jake: If you were here this wouldn't be happening.

The kids and adults screamed with glee as The Beastie Boys blared from the speakers.

Matthew: Awwwwwwww mom's just jealous its the Bea-stie-boys.

Jake: Grrrrrrrrrrrr Matt stop encouraging him and fighting for his right to be grounded.

Billy scratched records as a DJ should then switched songs to Livin On A Prayer by Bon Jovi.

Billy: This song is dedicted to anyone who's ever had to live on a wing and a prayer.

Gru(Holding his ears) What is going on a rave?

Jake(Storming off) This is what happens when she puts me in charge.

Lucy grabbed a megaphone and kicked all the non supers out as Jake watched amazed that she could get everyone to leave so fast.

Billy: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy who's Captain Buzzkill?

Lucy(Grabbing Billy) Let's go Mr. Electric you have an apology to give.

Matt(Turning into a white kitten) I'll murder you with cuteness babe.

Lucy(Shoving Matthew away) First off stop being a chauvinistic pig we're ladies not babes, and two have you forgotten my daughter Agnes drips with cuteness I'm cute proof.

Matt(Purring) Are-you-sure-babe? I'm-a-purr-machine-Jaclyn-loves-my-purr-machine.

Lucy(Kicking Matthew away) And again cute proof but I'm guessing Jaclyn is a teen girl which is why you can tempt her kitty cat.

Billy: Uhh did I mention this was all Matthew the cat boys idea.

Lucy: Come on Mr. DJ you owe your dad an apology.

Billy mumbled sorry as Violet ran back in feeling sorry for Jake and angry at Billy.

Violet(Grabbing Billy) Billy no mumbling Jake doesn't speak mumbling now I want a real apology ans does-he- ok where's Jonny?


Violet(Looking at Deidra) Soooooooooooo any suggestions?

Deidra was nowhere to be found and before anybody knew it she was on TV at the candy store Edith giggling on Jonny's back.

Deidra: Jonny be a good boy now and I'm sure the owner won't call the police.

Owner: Are you kidding he foiled a robbery this kids a hero.

Jonny(Beaming) See me hero and so is White Dove.

Deidra: White Dove?

Edith waved keeping one hand firmly on John's shoulders.

Edith: I wanted Black Widow you know like the spider but apparently it was already taken.

Deidra: Jonny people are running in fear please control your urges and shrink back little bro.

John shrugged as the Terrawind screeched into the parking lot and the supers got out with tranquilizer guns locked and loaded.

Deidra: Guys hold off White Dove is calming him down.

Edith: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh shh, shh, shh that's right big guy take it easy.

Violet: Just like another dynamic duo.

Deidra(Shooing people away) Alright people nothing more to see here.

Jonny(Walking up to the heroes) Sup guys just doing what I do foiling robberies.

Violet(Grabbing Jonny's hand) I need to teach a new word called boundries and as a hero you will need lots of them.

Jonny: At least nobody was hurt except the robbers.

Violet: Jonny we're a hush, hush school you can't go around foiling robberies it could get us shut down.

Jonny(Scowling) I don't care what you say I'm a hero I foil robberies with White Dove it's what we do.

Violet: If I have to shackle you young man I will.

Jonny smirked as Deidra smirked also knowing about the last time he was shackled.

Jonny: My parents tried that once long story short they owe our old landlord millions which is why their happy I'm here.

Edith: Yea what's the big deal he foiled a crime heroes do that on a daily basis.

Violet: Not heroes that are trying to lay low.

Jonny convulsed as his muscles became bigger and Edith jumped on his back gently talking to him.

Edith: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I know you're a good guy even if Violet doesn't. I will always see you as a good guy big and little guy.

Jonny controlled himself as the Terrawind pulled into the driveway of the school Violet taking a vow of silence against Jonny and Edith at the moment.

Violet: Billy three weeks no TV, no video games, no friends over, and no going outside unless it's for school.

Billy: Three weeks that isn't fair.

Violet: Four keep going young man I am a woman scorned right now.

Billy stalked off as Violet saw secret service men and the president at the doors of the school.

Violet: Commander and Cheif how goes it?

President: I would like to speak to Jonny Long and White Dove right now.

Violet grabbed Jonny and Edith as the president smiled down at them.

President: Kids nice job on foiling that crime today so from now on you're allowed to foil more if you like. In fact encourage the others to do the same the cops sure aren't doing anything.

Jonny(Sticking his tongue out at Violet) I told you I did good.

Edith: Come on big guy let's get you some lunch and a snack. Then we can play video games till we nod off.

Violet: I don't think so you two although you did good still broke the rules so one week the same punishments as Billy.

Edith and Jonny shrugged walking off and Violet saw a lot of Bruce Banner and Black Widow in Edith and Jonny.

Well that's it for now and sorry for the long pauses but I have a job now and can't write every day anymore. Deidra I hope you like your character and me as your little or not so little brother lol.