Hi all this is what you've been waiting for the trip to wave mission chapter.

Also I've been wondering should I send Naruto and his teammates to Tokyo for the shaman fight. And if I do that I'll need some help finding idiots for Naruto to fight up against.

Also at the end of the chapter I'll be interdusing my new assistant and now on with the story.

Chapter 3: Tora's assassination and Mission to wave.

Team 7 has been together for a month now and where getting along nicely. Sasuke stopped being an avenger after Naruto let Miko and Fugaku Uchiha talk to him. Sakura had her fangirl habits pounded out of her by Kyuubi (a month of being forced watch what happened to fangirls will do that to her) though she and Sasuke have been dating for two weeks now. Kakashi was to lazy to train them and just gave them d-rank missions to work on there close to perfect teamwork though after Kyuubi nearly beheaded him using a pair of ice skates Kakashi was never late for a team meeting again. Kyuubi tought Sasuke ninjutsu, Sakura medic jutsu, and Naruto taijutsu and how to use his dagger correctly.

Now team 7 was hunting down the bane of all genin Tora the cat.

"Cherry Blossom in position" said Sakura to her radio device.

"Burning Fan in position" said Sasuke to his device.

"Spirit caller in position" said Naruto to his device in a happy tone.

"We see the target shall we move Cyclops-sensei" all three said in unision which erated Kakashi.

"Naruto that's the last time you come up with the code names" said Kakashi calmly until he was hit full blast by the sound of four exploion's going off in his ear (Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura took off there radio's and attached explosive notes to them while Kyuubi sent a radio to Kakashi's frequency and set of an explosive note on it).

After Kakashi was sent the sounds of explosives team 7 headed into a clearing blocking any escape route with clones to fool the cat. When Tora was about to run Kyuubi's shadow came from above causing Tora to look up just in time to see Kyuubi bringing a sledgehammer down on to its head with incredible force. The aftermath was let's just say team 7 took a stray cat from the ally's and gave it to the Daimyo's wife. The cat was later killed by team 7 at a much later date.

-another month of d-rank missions-

"WE'VE HAD IT WITH D-RANK MSSIONS GIVE US A C-RANK ONE" yelled the genin and corpse puppet to the hokage and Umino Iruka.


The hokage decided it was time to give them a speech about mission ranking.

While the hokage was giving his speech Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura all were discussing fashion, ninja techniques, and different cooking methods. When the hokage saw that no one was listening to his speech he signed and said "Okay Iruka give team 7 the only C-rank mission we have left right now"

"Yes sir" said Iruka handing Kakashi a scroll and leaving the room to get something.

"Your mission is simple to protect Tazuna the bridgebuilder while he works on the bridge connecting Wave to the mainlands" said the hokage as Iruka brought Tazuna in.

"Thee brats are suppose to protect me they look like they can't fight their way out of a paper bag especially the blond one" said Tazuna about to take a swing a sake until he felt a wave of impending doom coming from Naruto.

Naruto took out his dagger and charged low at Tazuna but was stopped by Kakashi holding him down. Naruto in a attempt to get out of Kakashi's hold to inflict bodily harm onto Tazuna stabbed right at Kakashi's manhood with his dagger. Kakashi barily dodged luckily for him however unluckily for Tazuna Naruto was freed. Naruto charged at Tazuna again and stabbed him in the manhood causing all the men in the room to clench their legs together and wince as Tazuna let out a loud shrill scream that could be heard all the way to Suna.


Gaara was walking with some groceries bags containing all his favorite foods when he heard a shrill scream of a guy losing his manhood (how Gaara knows that I have no idea).

"Must be Kyuubi or his container if he has one since when Kyuu-sama's mad he tends to make it so the guy that angered him never has children again" said the Shukaku sand spirit inside Gaara actually feeling symbathy for the poor idiot that lost his manhood which caused Gaara to wince.

-Back in Konoha 4 hours later-

Team 7 was waiting for Kakashi to appear and each one was preparing traps while Kyuubi was instructing them on what they were doing wrong. When Kakashi appeared with a new Icha Icha paradise book Kunai and Shuriken came flying at him as well as raining explosive tags, logs, sledgehammers, and kitchen sinks let just say Kakashi not only lost consisness but his new book as well. Tazuna was surprised by all this but was still in pain from Naruto stabbing his manhood.

After Kakashi came back to the world of the living again Kyuubi took out a scroll and unsealed a stretch limo(AN Naruto and Kyuubi tought Sasuke and Sakura about cars and such) Kakashi and Tazuna were wondering what the heck is that thing.

Kyuubi grapped Tazuna while Naruto opened a door in the middle of the car and Kyuubi threw Tazuna in. Tazuna landed perfectly on his seat thanks to Kyuubi throwing him in properly. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura came in next and sat across from Tazuna. Kyuubi went into the drivers seat and told everyone to buckle up which Naruto helped every into doing. Kakashi was made a roof ordament.

As soon as everything was ready Kyuubi put the peddle to the metal and they were off.

-1 hour later in wave country-

The stretch limo hard blood on its left side from running over the Demon Brothers Goru and Zoru while they were pretending to be a puddle to bad for them that Kyuubi liked driving into puddles. Also luckily for team 7 the limo came with a water travel feature (AN: Kyuubi stole the limo while he and Naruto were still in Japan). They however had to get out before the limo overheated so in was sealed away. They are now walking forward when a giant sword came swinging at them. Kyuubi grabbed the sword and punched it with a chakra infused fist completely and utterly destroying it except for the handel which was thrown towards Zabuza's head (sorry if the story is anti climatic people but I want to get to the bridge battle quickly but still get in the main points and don't worry Zabuza will have a new sword for the bridge battle). Zabuza was dazed but quickly recovered but not fast enough because Kyuubi punched him right in the gut and sent him flying into a tree very badly injured Kyuubi was going to go for the kill when two senbon punctured Zabuza's neck. Kakashi went and checked if Zabuza was dead while the hunter-nin that 'killed' Zabuza came and took the 'corpse' away.

A hour had passed and Team 7 were eating dinner after a while Kyuubi being the only one not eating (he's a walking corpse for crying out loud) decided to break the news to everyone tat Zabuza was very much alive then he and Naruto explained their reasoning surprising Kakashi. After that they kept on eating with Kakashi saying he was going to train them. Inari said that they were all going to die which caused Kyuubi to laugh and Naruto to shrug and call Inari a wimp in a playful manner. After dinner every got ready for bed and went to sleep.

-the next day in a clearing near Tazuna's house-

"Okay team 7 today we are going to climb tree's" said Kakashi giving them an eye smile.

"Done it without hands" replied team 7 with a bored look.

"How about water walking them" asked Kakashi a bit angered that they already knew the easiest thing he was going to teach them.

"Done that as well as found out our elemental affinity and multitasking the control excercises" said Naruto smiling at Kakashi's gob smacked face while Kyuubi was laughing his ass off and Sasuke and Sakura were snikering.

"What then what are your affinities" asked Kakashi getting out of shock

"Naruto's wind and earth, Sakura's earth and lighting, and I'm fire and earth" said Sasuke casually.

"Okay I'll teach you all a new jutsu so what techniques do you know" said Kakashi wondering what 'his' students knew.

"I'll go first" started Naruto "I know the kage bushin, bushin daibakuha, mizu bushin, tsuchi bushin, Henge, kawarimi, kage shuriken bushin, giant shuriken body, and Fuuton: Dust Tornado" said Naruto all his ninjutsu.

"My turn" said Sakura "I know Chakra scapal, Mythical palms technique, some storage seals, tsuchi bushin, Doton: moving land river, and numerous other medic jutsu" said Sakura

"My jutsu are Katon: Goukakyu no jutsu (Fire release: Grand fireball technique), Katon Housenka no jutsu (Fire release: Phoenix flower technique), Katon: Karyu endan (Fire release: Fire dragon blast), Katon: Ryuka no jutsu (Fire release: Art of the fire dragon), and Doton: Head hunter technique" said Sasuke listing off all his jutsu.

((Translations for jutsu's needed meaning I don't know if all the ones in Japanese actually mean this.))

Kakashi looked like he was smacked in face with a wrecking ball, had several exploding pies thrown at him and got ran over by several herdes of reindeer at the fact that his students knew such high level techniques. He them turned to Kyuubi who nailed in the face with a wrecking ball, exploding pies, and unleashed several herdes of reindeer onto Kakashi.

Team 7 looked at what happened and started laughing at what happened. When they calmed down Kyuubi tought them Doton: Doryuheki (Earth release: Mud wall).

When Kakashi was waking up he was nailed in the back of the head with a small battle fan by Naruto ((if you need a visual think of a smaller version of Temari's fan also Naruto is keeping it up his sleeves)). Naruto then called Kakashi a wimp and left to continue training. Kakashi asked Tsunami(Tazuna's daughter for those that don't know or forgot) how long he had been out and what happened while he was out. Tsunami's reply to that was "You were out for 6 days and Naruto got Inari to brighten up by Kaiza speak through him to Inari."

After that Kakashi tried to get up but found his legs and arms chained to 5000 lbs weights making Kakashi immobile. When Kakashi asked why this was Tsunami said that his students told her that he was getting lazy and needed practice. So Kakashi spent the day trying to get out of the chains. It was dinner when Kakashi got the chains off. They ate and went to sleep with Team 7 fully prepared for Zabuza and the Hunter-nin.

End Chapter

That's it for now people also hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry for all the time it takes to get around to my stories but I want to make sure they all are caught up to. Now meet y assistant Megaman EXE.

Megaman: Okay I'm doing this now where his Lan (aims megabuster at me)

Me: now now if you shoot me Lan will suffer years of torture changing him forever (Megaman shoots me in the leg and Lan starts screaming in pleasure)

Megaman: What the HECK.

Me (all fixed up): I never said what kind of screams now did I. Anyway mega care to list off some new story idea's for the reviewers to vote on.

Megaman: Okay

First up is Falzer Naruto we know you've seen stories where Naruto becomes megaman but this one is Naruto becoming a huminiod Falzer (think Megaman's cybeast form of Falzer) anyway Naruto is going to be Falzer's reincarnation and they say the destruction caused by the Cybeast Falzer is greater then that of Kyuubi's.

Next is Naruto the Monkey Sage a story where Naruto is given a very special gift by the monkey king Enma. Will team 7 become the new up coming of the sannin.

Next Madusa's Eyes: What if the reason why Orochimaru ran from Konoha was because he found out that the Yondiame was going to use his son Naruto as a living weapon but the plan backfires and thanks to kyuubi Naruto's serpentine like features are taken to a whole new level turning Naruto into a madusa.

Finally Actor Extrodanair Naruto: What if Naruto didn't want to become a ninja but instead he wanted to become an actor. But after not being aloud to addesion in Konoha he runs away and finds Princess Yuki of Snow country who takes him under her wing and teaches him everything she knows about acting. Whatch out Konoha because Naruto's ability to act out his pain is going to mean trouble for the ones who've caused it.