A/N: I know I should be working on my other fic right now, but in my defense, that one is pretty much finished ... on paper that is. I just need to edit and type and post, but I don't like uploading everyday because ... well, I don't know why. But here we go, another fic. It's going to be very fluffy and probably a little angsty, but we'll see. This is just the first chapter after all .
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize Not mine.
It was a crisp autumn day and the Marauders were out by their favorite spot by the Black Lake. Remus wasn't very happy with his three friends at the moment; not only were they skipping classes by coming out here, but it was cold! Remus hated the cold. Suppressing a shudder, he crossed his arms and leaned against an old tree trunk while he watched Sirius and James wrestle each other, coming dangerously close to falling into the lake.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Remus sank to the ground and picked up a stick, idly prodding it into the soft earth next to him, turning it slightly in his fingers, trying to bury it deeper.
"I wish you'd at least let me bring a book!" he called out bitterly to his friends. Sirius, who was currently trying to shove James off him so he could breathe, turned to the lycan and rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Remus. A little time away from your books won't do you any harm," he emphasized the last word as he roughly pushed James off of himself and into the lake. Laughing slightly as James' head immerged from the black water, he made his way over to Remus and sat down. "You spend too much time with those ruddy things. Sometimes I wonder what's more real to you, the fantasy worlds they create in your imagination-" Sirius lightly knocked on Remus' head as if it was a door "-or us." Remus lifted his gaze from the stick to Sirius' stormy grey eyes. Before he could respond, James came up and smacked Sirius upside the head.
"Alright Pads, you win … for now. I'm going back up to the dorm to change," he smirked. He ruffled Sirius' hair and started walking merrily towards the castle. Peter quickly scrambled after him, not wanting to loose track of the boy he worshiped for even the smallest amount of time.
"So …" Remus turned to look at Sirius. Sirius cocked his head slightly. "You do like spending time with us, don't you Remus?"
"Of course I do," Remus said. "You three are my best friends! I just … well …" blushing, the sandy-haired boy trailed off. He couldn't admit his feelings to Sirius, he was too afraid of how the raven-haired boy would react.
"Rem, you can tell me anything, you know that, don't you?" Sirius asked softly.
"Not this. You'd be disgusted with me."
"I'm sure I wouldn't." Remus sighed.
"Can we just go back to the dorm? I'm rather tired now." It was obvious Remus didn't want to talk about this anymore. Sirius nodded and bit his lip.
"Yeah, come on." The Animagus got to his feet and Remus followed suite, shoving his ice-cold hands in his pockets to warm them as they trudged back to the castle.
Remus was glad when they finally reached their destination and he flopped onto his bed and buried his face in his pillow. He hadn't realized how tired he really was until he was lying on the soft bed.
"What'd you do to him, Pads? He looks dead!" James teased, punching Sirius' arm. Sirius scowled at him.
"I didn't do anything; he's just tired is all. Now shut up so he can sleep," he snapped as he pulled his robes over his head and tossed the carelessly onto the floor.
"Well, he was fine when we left," James muttered.
"You know, I'm fully awake and can hear every word you two are saying," came Remus' voice, muffled slightly by the pillow.
"I know," both boys in question said in unison.
"Well, can't you find something more interesting to talk about? Something that doesn't involve me?"
"Like Lily's eyes?" James asked. Sirius snorted at that, earning himself a smack upside the head.
"Yes, please. That will bore me to sleep," Remus muttered, turning his head slightly to grin at his friends. James scowled.
"You two just don't know how to appreciate the beautiful things in life!"
"Oh, get over it Prongs! She bloody despises you!" Sirius sighed, sitting down on the closest bed –which just happened to be Remus'- to pull off his sneakers. James' scowl increased, but instead of retorting, he simply turned to Peter.
"Come on Pete, let's go to the kitchens." Peter didn't need to be told twice and soon both boys had disappeared, leaving Remus and Sirius alone … again. Remus stifled a groan and buried his face in his pillow.
"What's wrong? You're started to worry me." Remus pulled the pillow over his head. "Remus, did I do something wrong?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"Then why are you hiding under a pillow?"
"Very intelligent response," Sirius remarked dryly. "Come on, I know when something's up with my best mate."
"I thought Prongs was your best mate?" Remus lifted the pillow so he could see Sirius.
"Just let him keep thinking that," Sirius winked. Remus smiled and removed the pillow from his head as he sat up.
"Really? I'm your best mate?"
"Yes, and your hair looks ridiculous now by the way," Sirius laughed as he ran a hand through Remus' silky locks. Both boys sat silently as Sirius continued the movement a few more times. Remus' eyes had fluttered shut at the contact and Sirius couldn't help but think how beautiful Remus looked just then. He leaned in and pressed his lips to Remus'.
"Mmm, Sirius," the lycan sighed against his mouth and kissed him back. Sirius let a soft moan escape his lips and Remus' eyes shot open. He quickly pulled away and muttered something about a History of Magic essay before bolting out of the room, leaving a very confused Sirius sitting on his bed.