Master Evenstar: Hello again, my lovely readers! I apologize for the long wait again. I'd actually planned on having this chapter out last month, but then I was sentenced to a challenge that tested my very body, mind, and soul…final exams. Then I wanted to post this chapter when I got home since we had early release, but I crashed as soon as I got home every day. So long story short, I'm not the world's fastest updater. This chapter goes out to everyone that's waited patiently for this chapter. (Suddenly perky) So, on with the show!

Eragon: (Takes out reviews) Well, the results are in, and it looks like almost nobody wants Vanir to be let out of his cage!

Vanir: I hate all of you!

Murtagh: (steals reviews from Eragon) Also, since there are so many reviews, you'll understand that we can't really reply to all of them, as much as we wish we could. In the future, we'll take the questions of the first 10 reviewers, but for this one, we've gone though and picked our favorites. We apologize to those whose reviews didn't make it to this chapter. Please know that your review was very much appreciated (seriously, Master E. here gets all gushy every time she gets a review).

Master Evenstar: Shut up! Let's just get started.

Kalinnnn writes:

That's a really interesting idea of a fanfiction. Anyways, here are my questions.
1. (To all Characters in General) Do you read Eragon fanfics? And if you do, how do you feel about them if you're portrayed bad or take part in scenes you really wouldn't like to take part into?
2 (To Murtagh) You're dumb!Why did you accept to serve Galbatorix? You should've died instead! You have no dignity at all!
3 (To Eragon)You're not stupid, despite what most people say. They are just jealous that they are not you!

All characters: Yes, and we've regretted it ever since.

Eragon: The horror!! The horror!! (thinks back to a particularly graphic Eragon/Murtagh fanfic)

Murtagh: Ah, thanks. I really feel the love.

Eragon: I'll say! Finally! Someone that likes me more than you!! (Glomps kalinnnnn)

Queen Islandzadi writes:

Hey! You put my review in! Yay!...Thankee!


1. Can I have a hug too?

2. No matter what happens in the previous, I am now going to have to kidnap you. Sorry...But I must give in to the crazy fangirlish desire, or I will spontaneously combust...& that would be messy.

1. Do you wanna hang out some time? You're awesome!

Please update soon!

-Queen Islanzadi

Murtagh: (sighs but hugs)

Master Evenstar: All right Islandzadi. I'll make you a deal. Since you are a returning reviewer, I'll let you borrow Murtagh during the down time between this chapter and the next. I wouldn't want any spontaneous combusting of my reviewers.

Saphira: Sure! I'm free next Saturday.

Immortali writes:

Well, I was going to say let him rot in the cage, but the kick to the head with combat boots made me feel kind of bad for him so... let him out, but as punishment make him fight the entire cast armed with nothing but a pointy stick. Oh, and I have something very good to threaten Eragon and Arya with. It's a thing I borrowed from Inheritance Character Correction University. It's called reality spray. Just spray it on them and it will make them revert to what they should be in reality. Like Eragon should NOT have that much skill with Zar'roc after only like, a few months. Especially if he had no training to begin with. And like Arya would be a lot more ditzy and NOT look so freaking perfect all the time, I don't care if she is an elf!! So, yeah. But be careful. If you spray them with too much, they'll turn into cardboard. I think you're only supposed to spray once for ten seconds, and if you really need to, once more for five seconds. So have fun!! And PLEASE update quicker this time!! BEWARE!!

Master Evenstar: Thanks! Hmmm, I wonder…(sprays Arya and Eragon)

Eragon: Behold! My awesome sword wielding abilities! (swings Zar'roc over his head and flies backwards on the back swing)

Arya: Like, OMG! Are you sure this stuff is like working? I like don't feel any different.

Master Evenstar: Coooooool!!!!

Tpfang56 writes:

I have a question for Ayra:

-If Eragon puffed up a little, became smarter, had better control, was more elf-like, made the right decisions, stopped eating meat, was more powerful, had a better heart, and knew what to do... would you be with him? (P.S Your movie character was done very very very badly, I hope you realize that.)

A question for Eragon:

-Did you like your movie adaptation? Did you like your character in it?


-Do you actually think I fangirl you? Nice character, but I prefer someone from Lord of the Rings(I think that "Eragon"(especially the movie), kinda rips it off. Eragon/Frodo are practically in the same situations with different items and characters.

Arya: Maybe… if he could stay like that for longer than five seconds.


Master Evenstar: Oh, stop being so dramatic and answer your question.

Eragon: I thought my character was great!

Master Evenstar: And just the fact that you think that if proof enough that you're not as awesome as Murtagh.

Murtagh: Lord of the Rings?

Master Evenstar: No, it's ok. I see where she's coming from.

Murtagh: But—

Master Evenstar: Shush so we can answer the next question.

Eragon: But I—

Master Evenstar: SHUSH!!!!!!!!

Ani-hilator writes:

Hey Evenstar!
Sorry, I can't call you Master Evenstar as I am currently undergoing Padawan training with my master Kari, who I have never met but who I have a telepathic connection with.
Anyway, I have about a million questions for your coughs friends here.

For Murtagh ((One of) my ONE TRUE LOVE(s) has to come first!)

1) If you had to choose, which girl would you go out with in Inheritence? Evenstar, you're not included in this one!
2) Is the fanfic where you and Eragon fall in love and kiss true? sighs and hopes the answer is 'NO DEFINETLY NOT!'
3) Can you persuade Evenstar to go out with, I dunno, Eragon or Roran or Oromis or Vanir or someone like that so YOU CAN BE MINE?! glares pointedly at Evenstar and tells her to leave Murtagh to answer his own questions
4) How much did Galbatorix torture you when he captured you? Or anyone else for that matter!
5) If it hurts a lot (or even not at all, I'm not fussy!), can I rub your back for you? PLEASE?
6) Are you jealous of Anakin Skywalker? gazes dreamily out of the door at her awaiting Jedi boyfriend Not only cos he is my bf! Cos he makes a much better angsty emo than you! Especially with those yellow eyes! Aren't you even a teeny bit jealous of those yellow eyes?
7) How did you get your hair like that? And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can I stroke it?!
8) Can I have a kiss? uses the Force to shut the door, the blinds, anything to make sure her bf Ani doesn't see what might transpire inside room!

For Eragon:

1) Are you jealous of Murtagh?
2) Are you a member of the moronic idiots who worship Star Trek, commonly known as coughs Trekkies? pukes at even having to type such a dirty word

For Arya:

1) Are you also a disciple of Jediism/a Jedi? Because I have never known anyone who is not to be so devoid of visible emotion! Except for me, of course, when I am bothered! is slapped by her Master, Kari, who disapproves of such a negative onlook to Jediism and Padawan training
2) If you are, do you fancy Anakin Skywalker? Or Obi-Wan? Or anyone else in Star Wars?

For Oromis:

1) Why don't you have any hair? Even on your bum? That's just freaky!

For Durza:

1) Why don't you use magic to make yourself younger like the elves? Then you'd be REALLY HOT!

For Galbatorix:

1) Same as I asked Durza, only I doubt you'd be hot as a younger man anyway!

For all of the characters:

1) looks at female characters Why don't you guys all worship Murtagh? Force, he's hot enough to burn you!
2) looks at male characters Why can't you all have floppy hair like Murtagh has? has a little tantrum on the floor Sorry, I am a member of the Cult of the Floppy Hair, which means that I rate any guy I meet! Here are my ratings: Murtagh - 9.5, Eragon - 5, Galbatorix - 0, Durza - 3, Ajihad - 3 and Roran - 4.
3) How does it feel, those of you who I just rated, to know what I think of you in that way? What are your feelings about the rating I gave you?

Ok, that's it for now! Sorry about the essay, Evenstar. I am good at writing.

Signed: Sapphi Hedler, aka The Inherijediist!

Master Evenstar: That's ok. I wouldn't want to come between you and your master.

Murtagh: Don't worry. The answer to your second question is DEFINITELY NOT. Thankfully, Master Evenstar is not a fan of Inheritance yaoi.

Vanir: Yeah, she prefers Fullmetal Alchemist yaoi. She's a real RoyxEd junkie.

Master Evenstar: (Shoves RoyxEd fanfic under the couch and whacks Vanir) What was that for?!?!

Vanir: Payback, bitch!

All the canon characters: (dog pile on Master Evenstar to keep her from attacking Vanir)

Murtagh: To answer questions 4 through 8, yes Galbatorix tortured me a lot. Who's Anakin Skywalker? My hair looks that way naturally. And not now, I'm a little busy trying to keep Master Evenstar from killing Vanir for exposing her Fullmetal Alchemist yaoi interest.

Master Evenstar: Let me hurt him just a little bit!!

Eragon: What's a Trekkie?

Master Evenstar: (stops struggling for a moment) They're heathens!!

Brom: What she means is they're a group of people that prefer Star Trek to Star Wars.

Eragon: Oh. Well, I've never seen either of those.

Master Evenstar: (hisses) HEATHEN!!! HEATHEN!!

Arya: No, but it sounds like an interesting religion. I'll look into pursuing it.

Master Evenstar: Finally! A non-heathen.

Oromis: I'm not about to talk about my body hair!

Master Evenstar: Or lack there of.

Oromis: Respect your master!

Master Evenstar: Please, I'm my own master. Mentors are a different story. I have many of those.

Durza: Hmmm, I'll give it a try. (puff of smoke, nothing happens) I must study this feat harder.

Galbatorix: (glares)


keep vanir in the cage. it will be hilariouse. any ways...

1. where exactly did you go when murtagh shot you with that arrow, and what did it feel like? was it painful, or soothing, or what?

1. are you and voldemort brothers?
2. is there any particular reason that you both share the nick name 'baldy'?
3. how is it the riders fault that your dragon was killed?!

1. i know you don't like eragon, but you could at least give him a chance!
2. why the heck won't you eat meat!? it's good for your brain!

1. i have only one thing to say for roran... ARE YOU INSANE!? you seriously think you can kill the ra'zac? they eat people!

1. do you guys have something wrong with you or is that the only way you can speak?

that's it! i loved seeing my questions here! update soon!

Durza: It was painful, yet oddly soothing…

Master Evenstar: …Okaaaaaaay, masochism.

Galbatorix: Who is this "Voldemort" and how dare you call me baldy?! (Unsheathes his sword)

Master Evenstar: Voldemort is the antagonist of the Harry Potter series, and no attacking the question askers!!

Arya: I don't have time for such emotional attachment, and meat eating is against my morals.

Roran: I must try, for I am noble and gallant!

Master Evenstar: And full of enough testosterone to power a nuclear plant.

Ra'zac: Buzz, buzz, hiss, buzz, hiss, hiss!!

Master Evenstar: Does hat answer your question? Well, that's all the time we have for today. Tune in next chapter, which I will hopefully get up quicker next time. (Mutters under breath) Though probably not likely since I'm one of ROTC's new filing monkeys.