A word from ohateder

First off- I'M SO, SO, SO SORRY to have kept you all waiting for SUCH a long time. I mean, damn, when I think about it, I was in high school when I started writing this fic, and now I'm almost done with university. I know how annoying it is to keep waiting for a new chapter of a story to come out on , and seeing ideas that you'd LOVE to read more about…but never get written out, due to the author being a lazy bum :D

The other reason I haven't updated this story for eons is well, I lost my manuscript ... ('^.^)
I like writing out my stories first on paper ( usually random pieces of scrap paper), then can I actually sit and edit it on the PC. God only knows how many story ideas got lost this way- thrown away carelessly while spring cleaning and whatnot. But this story had a really, really good ending, and I had written out a good part of the sequel too. Alas, I can't even remember a bloody sentence from the story.

So these are the basic outlines of the next two sequels to this story- I won't be writing them, since, ah, the ideas are too stale, and I'm planning other stories instead, too. I have a oneshot GwenxKevin in mind, and I thought I'd get more ideas with the new series- but frankly I find it..slightly boring. Trust me, I've tried watching it, but I just can't.

So here they are, just for your entertainment. I was writing these out the same time I was publishing We Meet Again. Yep, back in the time of the original series.

The second story involved Ben and Kevin helping each other out and becoming friends (yeah, remember then we had no idea this would actually happen)…due to them both being catapulted into outer space. (It was Gwen's fault, for once)They have to trek their way back to earth, while fighting an array of monsters, and of course, each other. One of my favorite ideas from that story was a scene where Kevin and Ben get captured and locked up in the same cell. Kevin pretends to seduce Ben in his sleep. Ben goes nuts and raises hell- and that prompts the guard to enter their cell so he could get Kevin "off" Ben- well obviously Kevin takes advantage of the situation and knocks the guard down. Yet, our beloved hero still couldn't get the fact that the whole thing was a show (even after Kevin explained it to him), and the throughout the rest story whenever Kevin gets too close to him, or asks him to "trust me," Ben interprets it in an entirely wrong way, and pure weirdness occurs (like Ben jumps down into the void of space, instead of grabbing Kevin's hand to board the hacked spacebike). Even when they reach Earth, Ben is so convinced that Kevin likes him that he apologizes to Gwen for "stealing Kevin" when she reveals her emotions towards Kevin. Obviously, Gwen hits him in reply.

The third story had already been made into an episode, lol, who'd guessed. Basically, it was about Gwen losing her powers, and Kevin suddenly changing sides to side with, yep, Charmcaster, to get Ben's Omnitrix. It was a lot more serious and dealt with trust issues between the three of them…which have been already explored very well later in the series. Of course, Kevin was a double agent…actually quadruple when you think about it..hmmm..

The fouth was something about the trio and Grandpa Max opening up some kind of space academy, after aliens revealed themselves- but that's it. I spent more time and effort on the previous three, since they were more fun to write- especially the second.

If I find my book (which is highly unlikely), I will put the sequel stories. But for now, just for my beloved readers who'd waited so long- I will put up the last few chapters of this story by the next two weeks. It won't be as great as the original, but I'll try.

Thank you, each and every one of you who had read this far, and encouraged me for more. May cookies rain upon you from the heavens.