

Ashley and I have been together for a hundred years now and our love still burns as brightly as it did the first night we kissed. She helped me to adapt to my new powers and I have finally begun to accept my new life as a vampire. Somehow she remained a half vampire and turned me into one as well. While we both have that hunger we are able to walk around in sunlight.

We have talked about the night we almost died on many occasions and while we still aren't sure what saved Ashley, we both have our theories. She thinks that being only half vampire let her fight off what was in my blood. I think it was her humanity.

We stay together going around the world and destroying those who are a threat to others. I like to joke that we are like Batman and Robin, but of course she does not understand the reference. I miss my family, but the ache of their loss has lessened over the years and in my heart I know that they forgive me. I keep a locket with me at all times, on one side is an old family portrait I found and on the other a picture of her. I may have to get a bigger locket though for the newest addition to our family.

Ashley and I recently saved a little boy almost killed in a fire. His entire family was destroyed. With a lot of prodding I convinced Ashley to let us raise him. His name is Aurelius. While Ashley pretends to view him as nothing more than a pet sometimes I will see her sneak into his nursery, after I have put him down, and whisper tiny nothings to him.

Right now our life is not set in stone and we have no idea what the future has for all three of us. However, as of now there is no one whose happiness can combat that of our tiny, exceptionally nontraditional, beautiful family.