My lucky day.

Disclaimer: Well, I don't own anything of Lucky Star. I'll never will 'sobs'. But I do own some ideas for fics.

A/N: First fic! Hope you like it Konami lovers XD...


"A-AAA-AAAAA!!!... Konata had a cold, as she was laying on her bed surrounded by god knows how many tissues from the cold and sore throat she had right now, the only thing she was happy for is that she skipped 'THE' History test. "...CHUUUU!!! Crap, I should have listened what Kagamin said...".


Weekend in Konata's house...

"Waaa! It's raining! Come on! Let's go play outside!" Konata was just jumping around and trying to convince her friends to go outside an play like when they were children.

"No way I'm going out, I don't want to catch a cold." -Said Kagami "Besides exams are just on the corner of... Oh I see now, you DO want to get sick so you can skip exams, do you?" Said with a grin on her face after discovering Konata's plan.

"Tsk!". Konata's plan was too obvious, but she tried to hide it. "How can you say that? (Insert puppy-like expression here) I just want to do something funny with you guys...". Kagami did not buy it anyways.

"Hehe, come on sis, it'll be fun! Just like when we used to play, remember? Nee Miyuki-san?". Tsukasa gave her friend a cute smile.

"So, she's on Konata's side now?". Thought Kagami as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Kagami-san, once they finish playing we'll cover them with towels and give them some hot tea, they'll be fine". Miyuki smiled to Kagami so she could feel less worried about their friends.

As both girls were out playing with the little spots filled with water on the floor, jumping on them, falling down due their unstable running, both of them quite soaked for the soft rain, a sneeze came out Konata's and Tsukasa's mouth.

Both Kagami and Miyuki had a big sweat drop over their heads...

"Too late...". Said Kagami, already heading for two towels, while Miyuki went to make some tea.


"AAAACHHHUUUU!!! Damn rain, I don't like you anymore... Damn medicines, they're so bitter... Damn chicken soup, so flavour-less..." Konata said as reaching out for some more tissues, but luck wasn't on her side today, she already used them all. "Damn tissues! There should be an eternal box of them, If I were on a online game I could ask someone for some. Damn real life... Ok, that was too much..."

Konata was resting on her bed, or at least the small space left of it, she was mostly covered in her mangas and a few novels Kagami had recommended her, she had to admit they weren't that bad. At least she skipped her History exam and probably the math test for the next day.

'Knock knock' "Konata-chan, are you awake?". Said Sojiro in a whisper, trying not to wake Konata if she was sleeping.

"I'm awake, come on in".

"Feeling better?".

"More or less, I think my fever has gone already". Konata smiled at her dad making him feel better too, he had slept less that night. He was worried 'cause Konata had quite a high fever. She seemed to be okay now.

"Aaaaachuuuu! But my cold is still there".

"Glad to see you're feeling better Konata, you have a phone call from Kagami".

"Oh! Thanks dad. Gimme! Gimme!". With that, Sojiro gave her daughter the phone, opened the door and said "If you need something call me, ok? I'm gonna sleep for a while". He really needed it.

"Thanks dad, rest well".

Konata picked up the phone:

"Hello? Konata? How are you feeling? Has your fever went down?". Kagami's tone sounded worried.

"Don't worry, it's no big deal, my fever is almost gone, but... A-AAA-AAAAA!!!". Konata covered her mouth, succesfully stopping the sneeze.

"The cold is still there... 'Sigh' At least you're better now".

"But I feel sorry for Tsukasa, I dragged her along and she's also sick". Konata was really sorry, if she alone went sick she wouldn't feel guilty. "Guess I screwed things up".

Kagami felt sorry too, hearing Konata say she's sorry for something is not a common thing, besides Tsukasa didn't got that sick, just caught a little cold, but not a fever. She had to admit her twin sister was lucky for that, tough she did skipped school.

"Don't worry, she's fine. Ummm, so... Can I come over to your place? There's something I want to give you, so...". Kagami thanked she was talking on the phone, she was now blushing a little, but her voice was betraying her, she was almost whispering.

"So, can I...?".

"Kagamin, you just need to say "I want to see you", there's no need to ask!". Teased Konata, almost able to see a blushing Kagami.

"Wha- I- I... I-It's not that!. The blush rising.

"Come on, don't tell me you didn't missed me today. I sure did". Konata's voice sounded more sincere this time.

"B-BAKA! Of curse I- I... M- missed you... And Tsukasa! (Gosh! What's wrong with me?!) "I'm just lending you my notes so you don't get behind in class! More than you already are!". Tomatoes were white compared to Kagami now, thanks heavens telephones existed.

"Ok, I got it, I just love to tease you Kagamin! I bet your cheeks are as red as a XXkachu's!.

"I'll just ignore your last statement... Can I go or not?". Kagami let out a sigh, hoping the conversation would take another course.

"6 O'Clock?". Konata stopped the teasing, fearing Kagami would get really mad at her.

"Deal, see you then, take care".

As both hanged up, a little blush appeared on their faces.

"...ACHUUUUUU!!! I hope Kagamin brings tissues with her...". Said Konata while making some more room on her bed so she could get some sleep before Kagami arrived.


A/N: Well, that's it for now. I know it's a little short and there's a lack of "action" between Konami, but please be patient, I already have the ideas in my mind so I'll update quickly. Oh yes, don't forget to submit your reviews! Suggestions, good comments, bad comments, anything you want to say. Thanks, and be ready for some "action" on chapter 2!