Disclaimer: Yep, NGE is actually mine. I won it off Anno last week in a poker game, but then I decided to give it back to him after he offered me something shiny.
Chapter 1: The argument
Shinji cringed at the volume of his flatmate's voice.
Uh-oh, I'm in for it now! He thought with a shudder, mentally preparing himself for the verbal bashing he was about to receive from one very pissed off, Asuka Langley Sohryu.
"Yes?" he croaked out, not sure whether she had actually heard his reply or not. But after remembering from past painful experiences, ignoring the German female was not a wise option and would only infuriate her even more.
It took several moments before Shinji's mind finally registered that Asuka was yelling at him from the bathroom. Obviously! She did say "toilet seat", you idiot. He mentally slapped himself for his own cluelessness but then quickly remembered what Asuka had just said.
Wait a minute- I DID put it down! Of course, the twenty-four year old had to remind himself the consequences of arguing back with the red head. Shinji decided that it would be easier just to let it slide this time, therefore bit his pride and said his renowned line, "I'm sorry."
It wouldn't be surprising to say at the least that Asuka wasn't happy at listening to her boyfriend's pathetic attempt at an apology. Opening the wooden door of their bathroom, Asuka slammed it behind her and took several long strides until she was standing in front of the object of her current frustration.
"I hate it when you apologise. You become so vulnerable," she complained, mumbling something along the lines of 'House broken male.'
"I'm sorry," he repeated hanging his head with shame whilst his shoulders slumped, preventing the redhead from initiating eye contact.
"See! There you go again, punishing yourself for no good reason!" Asuka proclaimed, shaking her head in disgust.
Shinji wanted to protest against her insults and defend his dignity, but he had to remind himself that Asuka's erratic behaviour was most likely due to PMS. It had to be, why else was she acting like an emotional ticking-time bomb? Just ignore her, Shinji. Let Asuka run her course until she calms down and then give her a hug and tell her that she's right & you're wrong. Of course, it'll only feed her ego even more...
"HEY!" the German cried, placing her hands on her hips and putting her foot onto the couch so she could lean closer to him. "Don't ignore me, Shinji Ikari. I swear to God, I'm really getting tired of your attitude. All you ever do these days is ignore me and then apologise. What happened to the guy I fell in love with when we were in university? The one who would listen to my problems? The one that actually gave a damn about me?"
Usually when they would have an argument, Asuka would pout & cry as her way of winning, but today was different. Today, the young woman could feel something inside snapping and she was horrified to realise that she had no control over it.
"You know what, Asuka?" Shinji asked somewhat rhetorically, feeling his own anger beginning to bottle up. "I am sick and tired with listening to your pissing & moaning!" Instantly rising from his seat as if to punctuate his frustration, the sudden action barely gave Asuka enough time to regain her footing. "Stop acting like a stubborn little brat, Miss Asuka Langley Sohryu, and grow up!"
Most women (as well as a few men) would've felt intimidated by Shinji's incredible height; standing by 6ft 3, making him even taller than Touji by just several inches. But because of Asuka's family background, the German female had also managed to claim an incredible height, reaching to the status of 5ft 11. Her height had always made it easier for Asuka to hold her ground during these times, she could always be able to make Shinji feel as though he were standing at the feet of Unit 02.
Although, the young female had to admit that she was genuinely surprised by Shinji's sudden change, yet secretly pleased to see her boyfriend's new-found sense of confidence, at the same time. FINALLY he's standing up for himself! He's got more balls than I give him credit for.
"Oh, so we're reverting back to the stage of addressing each other by our full names, ha?" she countered, crossing her arms over her chest and placing one hip out to make herself appear more desirable. A smirk spread itself onto her perfect features while fluttering her long, black eyelashes at the same time. Had this been any other situation Shinji would've been too awestruck to continue this argument.
Don't you even think about throwing in the towel now. If you let Asuka win then she's going to think that she's right. Not only that, Shinji but if you let her win then she's going to think that you'll serve her on hand & foot and for once in your life, you're not going to take that crap anymore.
"If I recall correctly, you were the one who started this full-name basis. Not me," he retorted with a smirk of his own.
The German female growled in anger at the realisation that she was losing and if there was one thing she hated more than pointless apologies, it was the stench of defeat. True, she was happy that Shinji finally got the courage to stand up to her, however, it did not mean that she enjoyed him gaining victory over them. Especially, if she had been the one to begin them.
"What's the matter, Miss Sohryu?" her flatmate chided. "Cat got your tongue?"
Arschloch, he knows that I've got nothing. Still, it doesn't mean that I'm not going without a fight!
Regaining her composure, the young woman shook her head in response. "No, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mister Ikari. I'm just merely wondering how long it's going to take you before YOU come up with an apology," she said arrogantly before making her way to the kitchen.
Shinji looked at his girlfriend in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Are you serious? That's the whole reason this argument began in the first place! You're just contradicting yourself." He wasn't sure whether his girlfriend was actually being serious or not, but whatever Asuka was getting at, Shinji could no longer find neither the mental strength, nor the patience to put up with her sudden childlike attitude.
"What are you doing?" Asuka asked, following Shinji into their bedroom. She could feel her heart rate beginning to increase when she noticed her boyfriend going through his draws and placing them into his favourite dark-blue backpack.
That's his favourite one, he usually uses it when he's... the young woman could feel her heartbeat slowing down. Instead, only to feel it being crushed at her sudden realisation; Shinji was leaving.
"I'm through with always apologising and always making it appear that it isn't your fault. You always make me take the blame for everytime you've ever screwed up and I don't see why I should anymore," throwing the backpack over his shoulder. "I want a meaningful relationship, not like the one Kaji & Misato had during uni. Although I'm sure if you would have been thrilled at the opportunity of seeking comfort from Kaji's bed."
Had someone been outside Asuka & Shinji's bedroom that person would have been alarmed at the screaming of obscenities in several different languages before hearing the sound of a hand meeting flesh.
Shinji gently touched his swollen cheek while looking at Asuka in shock, though he quietly admitted that he deserved that punishment. Using Kaji's name to insult Asuka was as low as he could go, making him feel suddenly ashamed of himself for talking about the man he admired, in such a disrespectful manner.
"Get out," the German hissed, alarmed to feel tears beginning to well in her electric-blue eyes. I don't want him to see me like this.
"Asuka, I'm-" he began, feeling truly guilty for what he just said.
"GET OUT NOW!" she screamed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to hold her emotions much longer.
Shinji felt his heart slowly breaking as Asuka's body was started to tremble. He noted that her long auburn hair had provided the young woman a curtain to hid her anguished features forcing the 24 yr old to want nothing more in that moment than do simply hold the hurt woman and apologise for everything he said, yet he knew that if he didn't obey her order, things would only worsen things between them.
Asuka waited to hear the door to their apartment close before she collapsed on her knees and bawled her eyes out, at the same time feeling disgusted with herself for being so weak. How dare he talk about Kaji like that! How could he even think that I'm still in love with Kaji after all we've been through together? Finding solitude against the bedroom wall, the redhead curled herself into a ball whilst rocking back-and-forth as a pathetic attempt to silence her inner turmoil, which only proved to be ineffective.
All those nights we shared together, our dates, playful banter, mucking around during our study sessions and all the other good times we shared at university and living together, did he not take them seriously? Did he only see them as an act? Did he even care about us at all? More tears cascaded from beneath her closed eyelids as her thoughts continued, each ripping the girl's fragile self until she could no longer hold her sobs in.
"I hate you..." she whispered to herself. "I hate you, Shinji Ikari..." the tears continued. "And I never want to see you again." Asuka finally finished before burying her face into her hands while she cried her heart out.
Outside the apartment, Shinji Ikari could feel tears of his own spilling from his cobalt-blue eyes as the sound of Asuka's crying was more painful than any of her insults would. I'm so sorry, Asuka. You don't know how much I want to go in and ease your pain, but I can't. Someone needs to make you realise that you can't always get your way, he thought in utter agony before beginning his journey to Kensuke's apartment.
I don't want to do this, Asuka. Please believe me when I say that. Shinji pleaded quietly, knowing that she would never hear him. But I need you to know that the reason I'm doing all of this is because I need to know if you actually care about us. I need to know if you see the same possibilities in our relationship as I do. I need to know...
Pulling out a small wooden mahogany box from his denim jeans, Shinji opened it and took the gold item from its resting place. Holding it up to the sun, the young man couldn't help but marvel at the colours from the expensive gems that were embedded into what Shinji hoped to be, Asuka's engagement ring.
"... if you want to be with me forever."