Push Push (Lady Lightning)

A Darkwing Duck Fanfiction

Written by Cubby


I don't own Megavolt or any of the other Darkwing Duck characters. Mischa Rode is a character of my own creation, however.

The city of St. Canard was victim to a terrible thunderstorm that evening. You'd expect most citizens to be indoors, complaining about the weather and how the obscenely cheerful weather lady on Channel 6 was wrong once again about the weekend. You'd also expect a certain rubber-clad rat to be enjoying himself on such an occasion but this evening he just couldn't get his thoughts straight.

Megavolt leaned against the cool glass window of his lighthouse lair, watching the lightning flash every so often. The thunder enhanced the usually calming effect that lighting had on him, but no matter how grand the spectacle was nothing could keep him from his mind.

"I don't know why I'm feeling this way or what to do about it." The buck-toothed villain mused aloud as he stroked a light bulb with affection. "I haven't done anything with any of the other members of the Fearsome Five in a while and it's been even longer since I've pulled off a heist by myself."

The light bulb said nothing but Megavolt continued his reverie.

"What do you think? Has my career fallen into a rut?"

Again, the bulb said nothing yet he could hear it talking back to him.

"Well, that is true. I haven't done anything to free your friends from their oppressors. Maybe that's why I've been laying so low lately. Thanks, little friend." He sighed happily as he looked out over the raging waters. "I've got to stop thinking like that. You know, little friend, I'm going to do some rescuing once the rain stops and I'll bring you back some new friends, okay?"

The suburbs of the city at one o' clock in the morning were deserted and that's just how Megavolt wanted it to be. He figured that taking a trip down Memory Lane, or what little he had left of it, would help him get his spark for crime back. He smiled as he remembered one of the earliest crimes he had committed: He had broken into a neighbor's house shortly after his 'accident' and had stolen all their lamps, light bulbs, and a hair dryer. Sadly, there was no toaster to liberate.

He looked around at row after row of quaint and quiet houses, feeling like a kid in a candy store as he thought about how many appliances he could free in that early morning. He walked past a couple houses, deciding on a small place with forest green siding and a blaze of yellow light coming from one of the first floor rooms. It was the only house as far as he could see that still had its lights on at such a late hour. He smiled and began to walk up the driveway, assessing what way would be easiest to enter.

"This is too easy." He smirked as he noticed that this poor dolt had left one of their windows wide open. His blue rubber boots made soft squeaking noises as the rain on the grass made contact with his feet.

The open window was only a few feet off the ground and no real obstacle. He managed to hoist himself over the windowsill and land with a soft thud on the other side. The small kitchen was only a few paces away from the warm glow of the lamp in the next room.

He went to take a step forward but tripped over something. When he lifted his head off of the floor, he noticed a small cardboard box underneath his foot. In fact, the room was lined with cardboard boxes and a couple milk crates. He smiled as he realized this person had probably just moved to the city and wouldn't notice if anything was missing. He picked himself up and tiptoed around the boxes and crates, making his way into the next room.

This room was different from the kitchen in its interior design but the contents were the same. A pile of boxes was sitting next to a large bookshelf and what appeared to be a large, bundled up gray blanket was lying on the sofa straight ahead of him. He kept moving but immediately froze when he saw a slender foot beginning to peek out from the blanket. He glared at the foot and moved closer to the lamp, smirking as he saw a box of light bulbs at the base of the floor lamp.

Once he got to the lamp, he decided to take apart the lamp and carry it back to the lighthouse in one of the boxes. He slowly walked over to the other side of the room and took the top box off the pile. Opening it up, he found several photo albums and a couple of yearbooks.

Hey, this is the yearbook from the last year I was in school! He thought to himself. He snickered softly at the thought that this could be the new house of one of the bullies he had gone to school with. It would be even better if he managed to haul off all of their appliances and lights right from under their nose while they slept on the couch. Out of curiosity, he took the books out of the box and set them down by the lamp. He sat down on the floor and opened up the yearbook.

He didn't remember very much, except for memories that were swamped in pain or loneliness, and some of the black and white portraits of the old bullies made him cringe. He looked over at the figure on the couch and went back to flipping through the pages. He was about to close the book and exchange it for a photo album when an old Polaroid fell out from in between the pages. Picking it up, he noticed a boy and a girl in the picture, smiling happily. The short-haired, freckle-faced mouse girl was hugging the rat boy from behind as he flushed with embarrassment and he tried to fend her off. It was almost cute at how the two unknown teenagers acted.

Wow, I wonder who they are. Megavolt stared at the picture a moment longer and then recognized the buck teeth, bulbous black nose, and messy brown hair that had belonged to him when he was a kid. His eyes opened wide in shock as he realized that the person in the picture with him was most likely the girl in the photo. He tossed the yearbook down on the floor and kept the picture in his view as he snatched up the nearest photo album.

There were pictures of the girl in all the stages of her young life and as he found more pictures of her as a teen, he began to appear beside her more and more. She was always happy, always smiling with him and he would still try to fend her off but nonetheless, he was happy, too.

For the first time in a long time, he felt the unfamiliar heat of a blush begin to creep up his neck and face.

But…but I never had a girlfriend when I was younger! Unless…I did and I just don't remember her. Wait, then why did we break up? This is too weird, I'm just gonna leave now. He sighed heavily as he put the album and book back into the box and set it back on the pile. He went back and picked up the box of light bulbs by the lamp. He still had that promise to fulfill to his little friend.

With one last glance, he stared at the lump on the couch and turned to leave. He walked right into the floor lamp and they both fell with a crash. The person under the lump yelped at the sudden noise and fell off of the couch.

Megavolt and the girl in the photo made eye contact as they both rubbed the pain out of their bodies. She shrieked and immediately froze, her gray eyes wide with fear.

"Um…" She managed to squeak as he stood up and advanced towards her. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed the Polaroid in his hands. She leapt for him and seized the picture from him. Megavolt just stared at her in disbelief. Had he really meant that much to this girl in her youth?

"I don't know who you are, " she said as her voice quivered, "and you can take whatever you want from my house but don't take this picture from me! Please, you can do whatever so long as you leave me with this photo and all the books that were in the same box as it."

Megavolt blinked at her a few times. He always enjoyed it when his victim was quaking in fear in his presence but for some reason her obsession with the books and pictures just threw him through another loop.

"Uh, can I have that lamp and that box of light bulbs?" He said as he pointed at each item. She glanced at the picture and then nodded.

"Well, uh…thanks." He said as he moved back towards the lamp and box of bulbs. "Oh, and can I have one of these boxes to put these in? And a toaster?"

She stared at him in confusion, still clutching the photo close to her heart. "A toaster? You mean, you aren't going to kill me and then ransack my house for money and the stuff burglars always want?"

"Well, no. I mean, I must've been pretty important to you if you have all those old pictures with me still in them. I'll just free these poor things from your oppressive rule and be on my way." Megavolt explained candidly as he turned off the lamp, unplugged it, and began to take it apart. This time it was the girl's turn to stare in disbelief.

"You know that guy in my memories?"

"Of course, I just said that he's me."

The girl shrieked gleefully and tackled him in the darkness. He just fell back onto the floor with her and let her wrap her arms around his neck. Somehow, it did seem familiar but it felt new at the same time. The blush that had faded was now back again.

Author's Note

This is the first fanfiction I've posted online in a few years so please, be gentle with me. I hope you enjoy finding out more about Mischa Rode, Megavolt, and their past and future together. And I'd also appreciate reviews with some critique so I know what I need to improve upon but if you don't review that's okay, too. Also, I've only seen the first 27 episodes of the series that were released on DVD and read plot summaries online, so if the timeline of things seems off, please tell me in a review or e-mail so I can fix it.

I've had this idea for months now, but I finally just figured out how I wanted to get it in the written word. I'll try to post chapters on a regular basis if you're interested in reading more, so keep your eyes open.