Title: Eclipse Rating: R
Main Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter
Pairings: Severus/Lily, Remus/Sirius, one-sided!Remus/Lily, one-sided!James/Lily
Setting: Hogwarts castle, Marauder's fifth year
Summary: When Sirius Black's prank goes horribly awry, Severus Snape is forced to concede to a future he never imagined. While change makes some improvements in his life, including an unlikely friendship with a Marauder and a romantic relationship with his best friend, Severus learns not everyone is entitled to happy endings. AU. Severus POV. Multi-pairing.
Spoilers: PoA and beyond
Challenge: Sky Samuelle proposed an AU Sevily where "Sirius' prank on Snape in fifth year go awry when James doesn't reach Severus in time: Lupin bites Severus, almost killing him. Lily realizes her feelings for her best friend might not be only platonic". The challenge is posted on FictionAlley Park.
Chapter Word Count: 2,110
A/N: I hadn't planned to update quite so soon, but since the writing is going smoothly, why not? I'd like to thank SnapeFanatic1, duj, LinkinPark04, Sky Samuelle, Revengent, NorthAngel27 and Princess of Lightning for commenting on the previous chapters! Reviews make it all worth while.

i. "Red follows grey across the air, the waves of
moonlight ebb and flow
But with the Dawn she does not go and in the
night-time she is there." -- Oscar Wilde, The Sphinx

ii. "Have I held out for something
That is never going to happen?" -- Snow Patrol, One Night is Not Enough

iii. "I am dangerous
never let the light sentiments
of poetry fool you." -- Ann Barcelon, Remember

"Don't say things like that, Severus!"

"I'd rather be dead!" I shouted again, kicking aside the clean sheets that covered me. My whole body trembled with dizziness as I tried to stand up, and the cold floor beneath my bare feet made me shudder with sudden, overwhelming discomfort. Staring up at Lily's stricken face, I seethed. "Black wanted me dead, and you know what, Lily? I agree with him! I wish I had died, rather than become -- this!"

I had remained resolutely silent the day before, when my parents had been summoned to the school to hear the terrible news of the werewolf attack. Dumbledore had stood over my bed, speaking reassuring words to me before their arrival. I had ignored him when he had inferred that a werewolf could enjoy a reasonably normal life apart from the nights the full moon rose.

"Society has advanced, Severus. Ignorance and prejudice are giving way to enlightenment as more of your kind step forward to reveal the truth about themselves."

With a shrug, I had dropped my gaze to the highly polished floor and Dumbledore's boots. "People will always fear what they don't understand, sir." I had recognised my tone as surly, but the Headmaster did not call me out for my attitude. "Even the most advanced wizards still shy away from Dark creatures."

"You are not a dark creature, Severus," he had told me forcefully, his blue eyes blazing as he looked at me. His gaze had been a silent challenge. "You are a normal young man with a problem, a problem I would like to help you overcome the best I can. As I have told you, you will be welcome at Hogwarts so long as I am Headmaster here."

"I'm dangerous."

"A ridiculous notion. During all other phases of the moon, you will remain just as harmless as you are now. You will enjoy complete control over yourself, so long as you choose to enforce it. As for the time of the full moon, well, arrangements can be made for you. Perhaps you will not even need to endure as Remus Lupin has endured. There is hope on the horizon. Potions are even now in development, Severus," he had informed me. "These potions might permit a werewolf to keep his human mind even during the transformation." This fact had not changed the look of utter sorrow in his blue eyes, and I had turned my face away from him as best I could with the thick bandages binding me, not wanting to give myself permission to hope.

My mother had dissolved into tears at once at the sight of me. Horrible, muffled sobs had risen from her throat when the curtain around my bed was drawn back to exposed my scarred and bandaged face. When I met her eyes, she had given an unearthly wail, falling at once towards Dumbledore, who had slung an arm around her shoulders and cradled her a moment, looked uncomfortable. My father had remained remarkably stoic, almost to the point of disinterest, paying more attention to the broomstick riders soaring beyond the small window than he did to me or the Headmaster. He had spoken little, scarcely paying attention until Dumbledore had rattled off the list of potions I was to be given. When he had started to explain the process of security my parents would have to follow when I was at home on hiatus, my father had finally appeared to notice the conversation going on around him.

"I don't understand," my mother had gasped when Dumbledore had mentioned sending me home for recuperating. "You can't be considering sending him home for the now, Dumbledore! I'm not so sure we'll be able to have him with us over the summer holidays either. We live near Muggles! What if he got out of hand, or --"

"-- God forbid, bit somebody," finished my father at once, looking repulsed as he studied my shattered hand in its white cast. "Nothing doing, absolutely no chance of him returning home now or in June. No, he's far better off at the school, a sharp lad like Severus." It was the first compliment I had ever heard escape his lips, and it rang false in my ears. "Anyway, as you must know, I don't know the first thing about those potions you're going on about. Nor does my wife. It'll only add to the confusion at home. No, he'll have to be kept here, out of harm's way."

For the first time in my life, they had been united in something, both of them determined to keep me out of their lives forever now that they finally had an excuse to abandon me. Dumbledore had looked perplexed. "I was under the impression, Eileen, that you were a talented Potions brewer in your time here. Perhaps you could consent to brewing some mixtures for him, in your spare time. If that is not acceptable, there are of course Apothecaries, and many are happy to deliver by owl order."

"Eileen, make potions?" my father had gaped. He had given my mother a sharp look that clearly indicated there would be some serious shouting going on at Spinner's End that evening. Normally, he preferred to ignore any traces of magic that either my mother or I exhibited, and having such talk thrust at him made him uncomfortable. "I'm afraid that's not possible. Look, sir," he had drawled, shaking his head at Dumbledore. "We're not interested in drawing attention to ourselves in that way, not at all. All this magic nonsense, well, I put up with it for Eileen's sake, and the boy's, but you can't seriously expect us to devote our lives to his condition! Now, we can hardly be blamed for the fact that you've allowed these creatures into the school."

"No," Dumbledore had said sadly. "I suppose not."

"Well then, I expect you'll agree when I say that you and the school governors are solely responsible for this regrettable incident. It was one of your charges that put my son in this condition, and it'll be you who deals with the situation. Is that quite clear?"

My mother had faltered under my glare. "Toby, please," she had whispered into my father's ear. "It's not Severus' fault. We can hardly wash our hands of the boy! Hogwarts closes over the summer; the Professor can't very well host him in the empty dormitories. Perhaps we can arrange for him to stay with one of your sisters, or out in the country over the holidays."

"He'll be kept in school," my father had directed on no uncertain terms, and had stormed from the room. My mother had left a few minutes later, after wringing my hand a number of times and rambling on nervously in her small voice about how she loved me no less and would make certain to write.

I had studiously ignored both them and Dumbledore, who had tried to soothe my feelings by offering me a box of candy that had been left on the bureau. It was not until he handed it over that I had spotted the name Remus on the tag, and pushed it back at him. I had fallen asleep intermittently, listening to the sounds of a Quidditch match through the window and assuring myself none of it mattered. When Lily was finally allowed to visit, however, my anguish had erupted.

"I wish he'd killed me!" I screamed at the top of my voice, my arms flailing in inarticulate anger and panic. "Why did they have to pull him off me? I'm destroyed. My whole life is ruined." Glaring up at her through dark, fiery eyes, I pointed a finger at my ruined face. "Who will look at me now?" I demanded, despite the fact that I had never considered myself attractive and had never previously been so vain as to care about my looks.

"I'm looking," came her soft voice, so quiet she was almost inaudible.

"You!" I hollered, my rage exploding upon the only target in the room. I pictured my father when I shouted her down. He had always been one to erupt in violence and accusations at the least provocation, and as much as I hated what I was doing, I saw myself imitating his anger. "What do you care what happens to me? You're great friends with the lot of them still, aren't you?"

Shaking, I remembered the day of the Sorting our first year, when she had settled between Sirius and James and I had wondered if she would be lost from me forever. The old jealousy flared in my heart. "I expect yesterday when I was being force fed Skele-gro and listening to my parents argue with Dumbledore about who should take responsibility for me, you were up in your common room with your stupid Gryffindor pals, listening to that arse Sirius Black brag about how he got the last laugh!"

Lily raised her face to me, and I could see pain behind the burning ferocity of her expression. "Severus, you're being ridiculous," she announced coldly. "I'm sorry you're in pain, and I'm sorry for what you're going through. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, let alone on you, my best friend, but you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Can't you see I'm trying to help you? You might remember that the next time you decide to jump down my throat." She dropped a number of books onto my lap, knocking my breath away. "Slughorn sent more homework up with me," she added, spinning on her heel and marching toward the door.

All at once my anger evaporated. The hospital wing seemed too large and deserted for me to bear remaining there alone. "No, Lily, don't go. I'm sorry."

"What was that, Severus?" she asked coldly, her tone brisk, unwilling to let me off the hook so easily.

"Stay with me," I requested, unable to look her in the face for fear she would be gloating. Something about her always stole the pride and aloofness that I was determined to cloak myself with and I sat there before her, vulnerable. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. Only, please don't go. I can't stand to be here by myself." My honesty made me embarrassed, but it worked. She walked back to my side and took my hand. Somehow, the heat of her skin made everything I had endured worthwhile.

"Don't shout at me anymore, okay? Do you promise?"

"Of course. I'm sorry."

"I'd be upset too," she pointed out reasonably. "Look, Severus, I know that you're angry. I realise that you're hurt and probably scared." I blushed at this and opened my mouth to deny everything, but she ignored me and continued on. "I certainly don't envy you, but there is no reason to make it any worse that it already is. Besides, look at the silver lining. Most werewolves have to endure everything independently, with no help from the outside world. At least you won't be completely alone."

I shrugged rudely. "How so? Don't tell me you're planning to have Lupin bite you as well."

She laughed in my face, refusing to be insulted. "No, but you do see the point, don't you? Unlike most, you already know a fellow werewolf. You've got Remus Lupin." Her expression became serious. "I don't suppose you want to hear this, but he could help you, Severus. After all, he's gone through the same thing. He wasn't born a werewolf, he was bitten too. He's spent years coping with the aftermath of it, going to St Mungo's so they could poke and prod him, trying experimental potions. He'd certainly help you understand yourself better, now."

"How do you know all this about him?" I demanded, a bit envious of him. I pictured Remus and Lily sitting side by side before the Gryffindor fireplace, exchanging secrets, and my jaw clenched against the insults I wanted to hurl. "I wasn't under the impression that Lupin said two words in a row to anybody except Sirius Black."

"We talk, of course," she informed me easily, unaware of my resentment. "If you stopped insulting him for five minutes, you would realise he's an excellent conversationalist. I suppose you'd rather like him, actually, if you spent time getting to know him. He's nothing like James or Sirius."

"I don't care what he knows or what he's like, Lily. There is no possibility of me ever speaking to that mangy werewolf, and that's final." I gave her a harsh look and she sighed, the bright possibility of hope fading from her eyes.