A/N: I got my inspiration for this from that new show Dirty Sexy Money. I've not seen it but I figured why the hell not give it a Harry Potter Spin! This story takes place post DH but I'm forgetting the epilogue. Let me know if this is something I should continue or what.

For the first time in a long time Hermione Granger was a free woman. She was free from school and was now a practicing lawyer. She was free from Voldemort and the only tyrants she had to worry about now were bill collectors. She was also free from Ron after a mildly awkward 'you're just a friend' talk. Yes, the world was hers and right now she was working on making it a better place. She had become a champion for the wizarding world's most unwanted; elves, half-breeds, giants and any other creature that could weasel its way into Hermione's heart.

While she was quite content with her philanthropic lifestyle, being a defender of the disadvantaged didn't exactly bring the galleons rolling in. It was this predicament that had Hermione actually considering Lucius Malfoy's offer of being the Malfoy family lawyer.

She waited outside of Lucius' office and thought back to their rather interesting first meeting.

She was sitting in her rather small and dingy office, working on a case for a house elf.

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione looked up to see the receptionist, Linda.


"Um, there's a man here to see you….a Mr. Malfoy?"

Hermione's face contorted into one of extreme puzzlement.

"Oh…well send him in, I guess."

She wasn't sure if she would be seeing Lucius or Draco, but what she did know was there was no reason either one of them would come calling.

"I suppose I should feel fortunate to be meeting with you, as I'm not a desperately poor half-breed," Lucius drawled as he entered her office with a swagger of superiority.

Hermione was immediately reminded how much she disliked the Malfoys.

"Oh well I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, I'd guess you're what….half man, half demon spawn?" she answered back coolly.

For a minute Hermione thought he would slap her for being an insolent mudblood, but Lucius only chuckled.

"I'm glad to see you're a little spit-fire. I need that for the position I'm looking to fill."

Hermione scoffed, "And what is that? Do you need a new nanny to change Draco's diapers or does Narcissa need a surgeon to make sure her plastic face doesn't fall off? Either way, I'm neither so I don't see why you're here."

Lucius took a seat in front of her desk.

"Tsk tsk, Miss Granger. Now you're just being rude. Just hear me out."

With a roll of her eyes she gestured for him to proceed.

"Look, I'm going to level with you, here," he started.

Hermione looked up and saw something in Lucius Malfoy that she had never seen before; vulnerability. Vulnerability, even in a pathetic, low-life, scumbag, asshole, was something that Hermione found hard to ignore.

"The final battle, while good for the wizarding world, has proved to be most damaging for the Malfoy name."

Hermione knew exactly what he was talking about. The Malfoys should have been in Azkaban for their loyalty to Voldemort. Fortunately for them, the hero, Harry Potter, had testified on their behalf, explaining Narcissa's part in the Dark Lord's demise. While they had avoided hard time, the Malfoy name was quite tarnished. Not only were they thought of as traitors, the reckless behavior induced by fortune didn't exactly win them any sympathy. In short, Hermione thought of them as the Hiltons of the wizarding world.

"I'm quite certain you're aware of our troubles, so I'll get right to the point. We need a good family lawyer to take our name out of the mud. Someone who is shrewd and efficient and I believe those are qualities you posses. You also have a degree in law, which would prove very useful in being a lawyer."

His usual smugness had returned.

Hermione looked at him incredulously.

"Let me get this right, you want me to be your personal lawyer? I'm sorry, but you're not exactly my kind of client. Why would I waste my time being the legal babysitter for a family of spoiled snobs when there are people out there who actually need help?"

Lucius shifted in his seat and leaned on the desk.

"I thought you might feel that way, which is why I'm happy to tell you that your efforts will be generously compensated. It's said you're a bright witch, but just in case that's not entirely accurate, I'll clue you in; galleons will give you the freedom to do all the good deeds you desire."

Hermione couldn't argue with that logic. She couldn't help but think of all the great things she could do with the 'generous compensation.'

"I can see that my offer has sparked your interest. I'll give you a week to think about it. When a week is up, see me here" he said handing her a business card.

Lucius got up to leave but Hermione wasn't finished.


He turned slowly, hoping she had just decided to take the job.

"Why me?"

Lucius looked her up and down and a smile spread across his face.

"Actually, it was Draco who suggested you."

With that, he took his leave and Hermione was left utterly perplexed. The strange thing was his last statement was what surprised her the most. Draco had suggested her? Did he actually regard her as a talented lawyer or was this some ploy?

Hermione was taken out of her memory when a passing wizard plopped down the Daily Prophet on the chair next to her. She looked over at it and decided she might as well read a bit while she waited to give Lucius her answer. She was immediately grabbed by the headline:

Draco Malfoy- Diagon Alley Sex Scandal!

Apparently Draco was caught in Diagon Alley propositioning a hooker. What was more damaging was this prostitute had turned out to be a cross-dresser. In a few minutes she'd be in Lucius' office accepting the position and she wondered just what the hell she was getting herself into.