This is the last chapter of this story, hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, but I do own Kimi-chan and Fuu-chan.

"Fuu nee-chama! How do you open the door?" Kimiko asked.

"Just pull the handle silly!" She pulled the handle. "Hey it won't work!" She pulled it again.

"So we're trapped here?!" Sango asked, she looked uncertain.

"No, no, you push the door open," Moriyo gave the door a slight push. "There you go, no you ca n go home."

"Oh, that's all you had to do. Boy, do I feel stupid." Inuyasha opened the door all the way. "Are you coming or not?"

"No, I have to stay and rule my people. Thank you for all your help." she bowed down respectfully. Kikyo pushed her grandmother up, "I forgot, my mother asked if you remembered." Kikyo took out the little music box and handed it to Moriyo. "Well, I don't really know what she meant,but . . .here."

"Oh!" Moriyo's eyes widened, "Well this is . . ."

A black hole appeared in front of the group. "Ahhh!!! A worm hole!" Kagome yelped, her hair whipping crazily against the wind.

Inuyasha took a tight hold on Fuu and Kikyo. Kikyo grabbed Kimiko just before she flew into someone.

Inuyasha looked around the room. "We're back."

"Awesome!!!" Shippo jumped up.

"Om my gosh!!! We need to gets to home!" Kimiko exclaimed.

"How?" Fumika asked, she rubbed her head.

"With this!" Kimiko took out the little key she had in her backpack the whole time.

"That's the key you found!" Kagome exclaimed. "I didn't know you kept it with you the whole time."

"Umm . . . yeah, but we have to be leaving now." Fumika said. She looked at the others, " Sorry I didn't get to meet you guys properly. I might soon." She glanced at Kikyo's stomach. "Very soon."

"We have to go now!" Kimiko waved her hand good bye.

"Wait," Inuyasha grabbed her arm, "At least let us see you go off."

Kikyo got up, "He's right."

"Alrighty then!" Fuu smiled. They walked out of the door.

"Hey wait you guys! I'm coming too!" Kagome got up from the floor. A hand shot up, not letting her go any further.

"What're you doing, Miroku?" Kagome asked as she tried pulling away.

"You should leave them be, they're a family and I think they need their time alone." Miroku let go of her arm.

Bangs covered Kagome's eyes, "Well, I guess you're right. I do meddle a little too much." She sat back down on her knees and wondered when they were going to be back.

"Oh he didn't mean it that way, Kagome." Sango consoled her.

"Yeah, Kagome doesn't meddle," Shippo defended her.

"I never said that, I-" Miroku began babbling.

"It's alright, I know what you mean," Kagome assured him.

"Come on!" Kimiko said impatiently. She grabbed Fuu's hand and pulled on it. "The cave!" Kimiko smiled.

They went through the cave, only to meet a field of wild flowers. "I guess we have to say our good byes." Kimiko turned to the couple, teary eyed. "I'll miss you 'lots!" She ran to Kikyo, hugging her kindly. "I'll miss you too." She returned the hug.

Kimiko let her go and faced Inuyasha. " I'll miss you too shorty." He patted her head. Kimiko embraced him too. "I'll see you in . . ." she counted her fingers. She let out a gasp, "In seven years!"

Kikyo chuckled at her reaction, "In two years"

"Kimi-chan, we have to leave now or the portal might close completely." Fuu grabbed her wrist.

"I'll see you in a while, too bad I didn't get to know you better." Kikyo smiled.

"You will very soon, by the looks of it."

"Yeah, well bye shorties," Inuyasha said, he waved good bye.

"Bye bye!" they said together. Kimiko took out her key and threw it in the air. A puffy pink cloud came and stopped in front of the sisters.

"Well, I guess my job here is done," Kimiko jumped on the cloud. "Wight?"

Fuu hopped onto the cloud too, "You're staying with mommy, right?"

"Yeah, I'm staying."

"Good." the two girls were raised onto the air, until they were no longer visible.

The couple blinked. "Wait . . . how'd we get here?" Inuyasha looked at his surroundings.

"I don't remember coming here . . " Kikyo said.

"Hahaha, maybe we were doing something. We just . . . may not remember. Geez, do I feel stupid."

"Ittai!" Kikyo winced and held her stomach.

"Kikyo!" Inuyasha's eyes widened.

"There you are!" They turned to the owner of the startling voice.

"Ai!" Kikyo smiled, the smile was soon replaced by a wince.

"Oh! Let's take you somewhere safer to have it, come on!" Ai signaled them to her hut.

Inuyasha picked her up bridal style, he ran into the hut and settled Kikyo on the mat. Kikyo grabbed her stomach and winced.

Now with Kagome and the others.

"They're taking too long, what if something happened?" Kagome tapped her fingers on the floor nervously.

"Now that you say it has been taking a while." Sango got her boomerang.

"Let's spread out, we need to find them as soon as possible!" Kagome stood up and grabbed her bow and arrows.

"Are you sure lady Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"I'm sure." Kagome turned to Shippo, "Let's go together."

"Ok!" Shippo climbed up Kagome's shoulder.

Hours later . . .

An infant's cry pierced the sky above the hut they were in.

"She's all cleaned up for you," Ai handed Kikyo the baby.

Kikyo gladly accepted it, she cradled it in her arms, "Hi there, Fuu chan."

"Fuu?" Ai asked.

"Fumika," Kikyo smiled. Inuyasha stared at the infant cradled in her arm, "Fuu, huh?" The infant grabbed his finger, she plopped it in her mouth.

"We'll have another one in two more years," Kikyo passed Fuu onto Inuyasha's hands.

Inuyasha the infant. The baby had Kikyo's scent with some of his mixed in between.

"Well I'll leave you two alone for now," Ai exited the room.

"Kikyo, I . . ." Inuyasha began, but was interrupted by raven haired teenager crashing through the door.

"Inuyasha!" she exclaimed happily. She ran up to him, giving him a warm hug. She turned to Kikyo, "Oh wow, I didn't realize you were there." Her eyes went huge, "Is that her?"

Kikyo nodded, she looked at the baby in her arms and then back to Kagome. You could see that she wanted to hold it. Kikyo hesitated, but let her hold the fragile infant.

"How cute," Kagome said in awe, she held up the baby, causing Kikyo to gulp in worry that she'll drop it

"You better not drop her," Inuyasha said.

"It's not like I was! Wait . . . you have the rosary on, why did you do that, I thought you hated it." Kagome asked, she walked to him.

"Well, Kaede put it on me the first day I met you, dork." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's head and made her nod.

"Did you say good bye to Fuu and Kimi properly?"

"What are you talking about, I don't know those people. Are they someone from our missions that I don't remember?" Inuyasha asked, tucking in his hand under his sleeves.

"So you guys don't remember?!" Kagome exclaimed. "You too, Kikyo?"

"Remember what?" she asked as she took the infant back from Kagome's arms.

Kagome slapped her forehead, "Forget it." She turned to Inuyasha, "Now there was something I've been wanting to do to you for a very long time."

Inuyasha blushed and tilted his head up a little more. "What?"

Kagome smirked, "Here's for all you've done!!!!!!!!!" She opened her mouth, the words that Inuyasha dreaded hearing came out of her mouth, "SIT! SIT!!! SIT!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!! SITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Inuyasha fell onto the floor with loud thumps, making a big hole in the floor. Kagome breathed heavily, "SIT!" She said one last time. Inuyasha fell deeper into the hole, he quickly got up as soon as it was over,"What the hell was that for?!?!?!"

"I said that a little while ago!!!" Kagome yelled back.

Kikyo sweat dropped, she turned back to face her new baby. The baby looked at her father and the raven haired teenager in a yelling combat.

Ai came in, only to find a big hole in her floor. "What the . . . who did this?!"

"Oops," Kagome and Inuyasha said at the same time.

Miroku, Sango and Shippo came back to the hut. "They're still not here?" Sango asked as she looked around the hut.

"I lost Kagome, I don't know where she went, at least I found you guys," Shippo jumped up gleefully.

"It's dark and it's already been hours since they left," Miroku leaned on his staff for support..

"Wait, do you hear that?" Sango asked.

They ran outside, following Sango. "I hear it now." Miroku ran faster.

"Oh boy, they're fighting again as usual." Shippo said dully.

"Kagome?" Sango opened the door to the hut. Kagome and Inuyasha were talking with a woman and Kikyo was on a bed. She headed for Kikyo, "Hey what're you doi-" Her eyes widened, she walked to the infant cradled in Kikyo's arms. "Is this her?" She played with the infant's fingers.

"How did you know it was a her?"

"Well Kimi and Fuu were girls so I thought-" Kagome made stop signals with her hands. Sango immediately stopped talking. "Forget what I said."

Kikyo looked at her awkwardly, "Alright if you say so."

"She's here now, that's great, " said Miroku.

"Her name is Fumika, Fuu." Kikyo told him.

"Fuu," Shippo neared her to get a better look at it.

"Well, you know what? I have to go home, I haven't seen my family in a long time," Kagome ran out the hut. "I'll see you guys soon!" She waved. "We'll see you off, Kagome!" Sango jumped up to her with Miroku and Shippo following close behind her.

Soon they were out of sight. Kikyo turned to Inuyasha, he leaned down, giving her a passionate kiss, Kikyo gladly returned it. She chuckled, "Fuu."

Fuu looked up at them, giving them a toothless smile.

The end of The Truth came crashing onto us, pretty sad that this fic came to an end. Now I have to finish up Assassination Abomination then I think I'll start another one. Heheh, anyways I hope you guys have a happy new year! Please review so I can get to know the people that are reading my fic. Happy last day of '07, though it's sad the year's almost over.