Hello every one! I got this Idea when I was watching sailor moon the other day. A part of this story isn't mine, it's from Naoko takeuchi . . . I think that is how you spell it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Kikyo walked wandering around a village, she looked at her suroundings, remembering when the witch brought her back to life. It was just a short while ago, she couldn't get it off her mind. She looked at the village before her, it almost looked exactly like the village she used to live in. except for the name, Koram Village (A/N:Coudn't think of anything else) . She wandered around the village looking at the children and the people living in it.

She watched as the men lifted up heavy logs, she looked elsewhere chidren playing tag. Chasing eachother until they grew exhausted. A woman touched Kikyo's sleeve slightly,"Are you lost?"

Kikyo looked at the woman a while before answering, "Yes, I just know the name of this village, but besides that I am completely lost."

"Come to my hut," The kind woman let her in, her foot steps echoed as she walked inside. The woman signaled her to the wooden chair. "How long have you been here?" She asked.

"Just today," Kikyo looked at the fire under the pot of stew the woman was cooking.

"Well, do you have someone you are looking for? Possibly any relatives?" The woman put some spices in her stew, she stirred it , making the spices dissapear into the water.

"No, none at all . . ." Kikyo remembered Kaede, figuring she wouldn't want her back. Especially when she was with her reincarnation now.

The woman stared at her intently, "You can stay here, until your wounds are healed." The woman pointed at her bloody kimono top.

Kikyo smiled, "It's alright, I can do it myself." Kikyo looked at herself amazed that her clay body had the ability to bleed like a true human's. . . . .But what if it wasn't her's? What if it was Inuyasha's? Kikyo remebered when her hand slipped from Inuyasha's earlier today.

"No, dear. I need to inspect those wounds myself!" The woman took her to a bedroom and layed her on the futon.

"No, ma'am. I'm fine, I don't need any help," Kikyo started getting up from the futon, but was pushed back by the woman.

The woman called her apprentice, she brought a bucket of water and herbs along with a towel.

The woman removed her clothes, and dabbed the the bloody spots of her arm with the little towel. The woman stopped and looked closely at Kikyo's arm, she touched it, hard clay. The woman stepped back. "You're not human."

"I knew you would say such thing, I told you not to inspect my wounds." Kikyo stood up and began to put her clothes back on. The woman however stopped her, "I haven't finished healing your wounds."

Kikyo looked at her shocked, she lay back on the futon. "You are not scared of me, but why?"

The woman's eyes saddened, " My brother was brought back to life by a witch, he was made of clay. She said if I found the herb that would make him human, was the only way I could get my brother back. "

"Did you ever find it?" Kikyo asked.

"Yes, but . . ." tears formed on the edge of her eyes. " She killed him before I could give it to him." The woman took a while to look straight at Kikyo.

Kikyo's eyes saddened, "Since then I had no use in it, so I'll give it to you." The woman smiled, putting back those painful memories in the back of her head.

"You would?" Kikyo asked unbelievingly.

"I have no other use for it." The woman gave her new priestess clothes. She walked over to a cabinet, looking for the herb. "I found it." She took hold of the herb and threw it in the hot bucket of water and stirred it inside. She gave a spoon full of the herb water to Kikyo shoving it into her mouth.

"It burns . . ." Kikyo clasped her hand onto her mouth. It took a while for the burning in her mouth to pass. "I was also ressurected by that witch, she's dead now so she won't hurt anymore of the dead." Kikyo jabbed her finger into her flesh making sure, she was a real human now. She smiled, wondering if it was a dream or not, but then again it has been a while since she has had one of those before.

"I didn't know it would work that fast. What is your name priestess?'

"Kikyo and your's?" Kikyo asked.

"Ai" she paused and inhaled the air around her, " You smell like bellflowers."

Light red stained Kikyo's cheeks.

"Ai! The village is under attack!" a group of woman came rushing in .

Ai stood up and grabbed her bows and arrrows, once she left Kikyo stood up looking for a weapon her self, bow and arrows stood in the corner of the room. "Perfect." She hurridly put on her clothes and ran outside with the bow and arrows..

"Kikyo!" Ai turned back and saw Kikyo running outside. Kikyo shot the demon coming from behind Ai. Ai touched her heart gratefully. "Go back to bed, we can take care of this!"

"I can't just leave you there!" Kikyo shot multiple arrows. The village was on fire, it was a terrible sight. A man came out of the flames, wearing black clothes and riding ontop of a black horse. He grabbed Kikyo and put her on his horse. He held her tightly so she wouldn't escape.

"Kikyo!" Ai cried.

Once the man took her to a clearing far away from the battle, they stopped. Kikyo struggled in his tight grasp. He finally threw Kikyo onto the ground. Kikyo grabbed his Katana from his belt buckle. The man gasped. Kikyo slaughtered him. He fell limply to the ground.

Kikyo looked at the Katana in her hand, "This might be useful." Kikyo looked at her skirt. (I think those are her pants . . . or is it called haori?) "Hmm . . .I didn't know there was a strap to put this in." Kikyo put the katana in her strap on the side of her leg. The clothes she wore was white and had a blue outline, with long sleeves. There was a blue crescent moon on the back of her long sleaved haori. She took a closer look at her skirt, it was also white with a blue sewing line. It also had flesh revealing slits on the side of the skirt. The skirt eached her mid thigh.

Kikyo shivered, she wasn't used to short skirts. Kikyo walked out of the clearing, she heard some people talking and such.


"Ouch! I need to . . ."

Now that voice was too familiar. Kikyo panicked, not knowing what to do. She stopped, Didn't I want him dead? He betrayed me! He killed me! Not only that, but when he said he would be only mine, I caught him with my reincarnation!

"Kikyo?" That same familiar voice asked.

Kikyo clenched her katana and entered the clearing they were at. "You . . ." Kikyo said in a deadly low voice. "You betrayed me!" Kikyo got out her katana and headed for

"A katana?" Inuyasha looked shocked. He got out his own sword and both swords clashed. "Kikyo listen to me!"

"What is there to listen about? Your new lover?"


Kikyo and Inuyasha backed up a bit. "Quit hurting him!" Kagome told Kikyo angrily.

Kikyo smirked and headed toward him, both of their swords fell out of their hands because of the friction. Kikyo and Inuyasha stood about two inches away from eachother, their noses about to touch. A pink cloud formed over their heads.

"What's that?" Shippo asked loudly.

Inuyasha and Kikyo looked up, their chins almost touching. "A cloud . . .Pink?" They asked eachother.

A young girl fell from the sky, Kikyo and Inuyasha panicked. "What the hell is that?" The stretched out their arms, trying to catch the girl. Their arms connected as the girl fell onto them. Just the sight of them looked like they were a family of three.

"I'm here!!!!" The young cried happily. The girl had snow white hair in two pony tails. She wore a cute festival kimono with star patterns on it. And a huge smile to show off.

I got this idea when I was watching sailormoon earlier. The cloud and the girl was naoko's idea. But the girl is my own character. I'll try to update soon!