Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, nor do I own some of the characters in this fanfic. But, I do own other characters that you'll find in this fanfic.

"Pokémon Stories." --
"The Other Mewtwo."
Chap. 01. --
"You've Gotta Be Her Last One Standing!"
"Mewtwo?! You O.K.?!"

"(I am not sure. At first, I feel wonderfully awful, then, I fell awfully wonderful.)"


"(Yes. Both these feelings overwhelm me to the point where I can not eat nor sleep.....)"

".....& it hurts to breathe, but you don't care?!"


"I can't help you there; you'll have to find that out on your own?!"

"(But, how?!)"

"Listen to heart; it's easy! 'Just close your eyes, pretend that your heart has a voice, & you'll hear what it would say."

A few weeks later.....
"(Help?! Somebody, help?!)"

"Maya?! What's wrong?"

"(My brother! My sister! They are hurt! They need help!)" she pointed to them, revealing them to be in terrible shape.

"Say no more?! Let's get them inside."

A few minutes later.....
"What happened?!"

"(We were traveling through the forest, looking for Cachucalala, when she just dropped right in front of us. Then a shadow crawled down a tree, & then it turned into a Pokémon, & then back into a shadow, & then it attacked Nick. Everything went dark & black after that.)"

"You mean, you passed out?!"


"A pokémon that can turn into a shadow?!" I said to myself as I then realized what Maya's attacker could be. "Maya?! When you passed out, did you have any nightmares at all?"

"(Yes. I didn't sleep well because of it, which is unusual, since I'm normally a good sleeper.)"

"I figured as much." I said, crossing my arms & pulling a frown onto my face. "Look like you were attacked by a Darkrai."

"Uh-huh. The Pokémon personification of nightmares, it can make it's body 2-dimensional like a shadow, & it can trap both people & Pokémon in nightmares." I replied to Maya as her face went pale while Mewtwo's eyes winched. "But not all Darkrai are bad."


"Yep! In fact, Darkrai can be very loyal to anyone they befriend, some'll even risk their lifes for their friends. & if you make friends with a Darkrai, you'll never ever have a nightmare. Even the smallest one!"

"(Are you sure?)"

"Yep! & if a Darkrai attacked you, it probably had a good reason. I should know, after all, my mom raised a Darkrai all the way from a baby."

"(WHAT?!?!)" Both the Mewtwo screamed out of pure & utter shock. "(Why did you not tell me about this before?)" my starter Pokémon asked me sternly.

"Well, that's probably because you never asked about it before now, Mewtwo." I answered him as best I could. "& you know how too painful a memory for me to bearly even talk about my mom much unless asked."

"(I do not understand, Mewtwo?!)" Maya said, as she was confused. "(What does she mean?)"

"(Amber's mother.....well, she.....)"

".....She passed away a couple of years ago."

"(Oh, dear?! I am so sorry! I had no idea!)"

"It's O.K., Maya, it happened a long time. None of it's your fault, it's not like you've done anything wrong."

"(Amber.....I-I can not thank you enough.....for anything.....& everything.)" Maya replied, all choked up. "(Thank you.)"

"You're welcome! & don't mention it?!" I told her. "O.K.?!"

That's when we all heard it! "Mnm?!"

"(He's waking up! Will he be O.K.?)"

"I'm not sure, Maya." I replied to the 'mostly female' Mewtwo.


"(Are you O.K., little brother!?)"

"Mew, mew mew, mew." Nick sqeaked in reply. "Mew mew mew, mew mew mew mew, mew mew, mew mew mew mew, mew mew mew mew, mew mew mew, mew mew mew mew."

"(Oh, dear! How horrible?!)"

"What did he say?"

"(He said that he had a nightmare where our whole family died & he could only sit & watch.)"

"Oh, dear?!"

"(A nightmare, indeed.)" Mewtwo said. "(No one should have to ever watch helplessly as the ones they care about wither away & die.)"

"If you say so, Mewtwo."

"(That was very thoughtful of you to say. Yes, very thoughtful indeed.)"

"(Really?! I.....I mean, thank you Maya.)" My starter pokémon, Mewtwo, replied as his face suddenly then went aglow with bright crimson spots.. "(Aww, shucks!!)"