Bandaid: ;D Oh yeah! second story to my Naruto drabble series. This, featuring my favorite character, would have to be my favorite so far that i've written.
DEDICATED: This story is dedicated to the one and only ' The Rouge Fox ' who has ben editing my stories for me and giving me inspiration to write this.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for the pants im wearing and my ipod. The shirt is my friends and im only barrowing it until the laundry is done.
He couldn't help imagining the pale face of his 'master;' waiting and hoping that, against all odds, he would be the next victim to his master's... Playful wishes. He could imagine the moaning, the groaning, and the bodies intertwined in a dance that one could only dream of.
Oh dear lord, his imagination getting the best of him. If anything, he would need a cold shower. Maybe THAT would help calm his mind... And his body. As his master called on him, his thoughts seemed to grow and his body seemed to heat up at the thought of pleasurable 'punishments.'
Walking faster, his thoughts became more vivid and more... 'Dirty.' He was almost to his room when he heard it. A voice that he knew oh so well sending his mind into even MORE pleasurable thoughts. Tempting; so very tempting. Turning so he could control his blush and cover the swell in his pants.
Oh, how the world seemed against him. There he stood, leaning his slim, pale body against the almost beige-colored walls-- shirt open to expose pale, delicate skin; silky black hair contrasting sharply against his pale skin; golden eyes smoldering.
"Kabuto, you seem to be avoiding me of late... why is that?"
His silky snake-like voice reached his ears as he stared at his master.
"Avoiding you? Whatever do you mean, Orochimaru-sama?"
Was his reply; it was a bit shaky as images kept flashing.
Orochimaru came forward off the wall, hips shaking slightly -seductively tempting his mind to spew up even more thoughts and images. Smirking, Orochimaru finally reached Kabuto and leaned in, eyes flashing.
"Don't. Lie to me."
He said hissing slightly, brushing lips against lips. Electric shocks were sent down Kabuto's spine as his brain finally overloaded and closed down.
Again he felt those cold, beautifully tempting lips on his own, but harder this time. Suddenly they were at his neck, biting and sucking; he let out a moan as Orochimaru bit down on the sensitive spot where neck met shoulder. Orochimaru chuckled and whispered,
"You've been a very bad boy, Kabuto. I think that... You need to be punished."
Oh, how his legs would be hurting the next morning, but it was worth it. It was definitely worth it...
Bandaid: So how was it my dah'lings? Did you enjoy it? I might write a sequal chapter to this, it depends on the reviews.
Random voice: Yes, yes so review.
R&R DAH'LINGS!!! The Great Bandaid