Hello and welcome to Resident Evil Legends: Part Three. Sorry it took me so long to start posting this. I started a new job last month and have been very busy and very tired when I am home. Thanks to everyone who gave reviews or messaged me about the story so far. Part Three will be about 38 chapters long and around 200 pages (I'm still in the process of writing it). It covers the events of the original Resident Evil, and stars Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, and the infamous Albert Wesker of course. William Birkin, however, is not in this part of the story at all, so fans of Birkin will have to wait until Parts Four and Five to see the rest of his story. Fans of the game should be familiar with most of the events of this story, of course, but I suggest reading Parts One and Two anyway, to better understand the motivations and personalities of the characters involved. Part Two ended with Chapter 73, so Part Three begins with Chapter 74.

Enjoy! And please leave a review if you have time!


Jill slammed the door to her seven-year-old Corsica and ran across the parking lot to the police station's side entrance, her holster and supply belt bouncing against her hip. Uniform-clad officers greeted her at the doors, looking edgy and anxious. By now, word of Bravo team's disappearance was common knowledge within the station, although thankfully, no one had alerted the press or the public at large.

Officers loitering in the hallways or working at their desks watched her as she made her way through the station. On most days, she would ignore the attention. For a long time she'd been the only female S.T.A.R.S. member, in addition to being fairly attractive, and most of the men in the station watched her for that reason. In recent weeks, though, the new member Rebecca had been attracting the stares. Today, however, the attention had nothing to do with her. They knew what the Alpha team was preparing for, the whole station seemed tense about it.

She ran up the east wing stairway and down the long hallway to the S.T.A.R.S. offices, stopping first at the armory to get another pistol. She already had her trusty nine-millimeter Beretta sitting snugly in her holster, the same gun she'd had since she was a rookie. But there was no telling what Bravo team had gotten into. She felt the need to carry an extra gun, just in case. She donned a shoulder holster similar to the one Barry wore, and stashed the gun there.

She was dressed in her regular uniform. Black boots, dark blue pants and long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and her specially-made set of body armor. The armor was kevlar, like most bullet-proof vests, and covered her entire chest and back, with additional kevlar pads on her shoulders like bulky shoulder pads. She also had kevlar pads on her thighs under her pants. And the finishing touch to her uniform, a black beret atop her head.

It had been almost twenty-four hours since Bravo team had been deployed, enough time to declare an emergency and send in Alpha team to get them. No one knew what they would find, though, not even Wesker, who usually acted as if he knew everything. Chief Irons had blockaded himself in his office early that morning and refused to see anyone. Jill had left two messages on his voice mail to complain about the situation and criticize his judgment, as had at least a dozen other people. But Irons would not explain his actions to anyone, even his secretaries. It didn't matter now, though. Police protocols and S.T.A.R.S. directives stated clearly that any team gone for more than twenty-four hours without contact was officially in danger. For Irons to contradict that kind of order would completely destroy his command. Alpha team was going in.

Jill pushed open the door to the command center and found all the other members of Alpha team waiting for her. She felt embarrassed, but even she had arrived an hour early. They must have all came to the station even earlier than that.

Wesker had his arms crossed, leaning against his desk. His ever-present sunglasses were on, reflecting the room in his eyes. He wore black boots, dark blue jeans, a gray jacket with vest underneath, and black fingerless biker gloves. He did not look happy, but that was nothing uncommon.

Barry nodded toward her in greeting, standing by the radio and computer console. Like Wesker, his arms were crossed and he looked particularly unhappy. He wore his usual red vest with holster on the front, containing his massive .44 Magnum.

Chris was standing beside his desk, looking at the floor. He glanced up when Jill entered and gave her a quick, forced smile. He wore his usual black high-tops, black cargo pants, and white sweater. Over the sweater was a red vest similar to Barry's, and from his belt hung two holsters. In his hands, he twisted a red strip of cloth that he would tie around his head right before they got off the chopper. It was his lucky headband, or so he claimed.

Joseph was in the corner, sitting on the edge of Barry's desk. Dressed in flamboyant camouflage pants and a black sleeveless t-shirt to display his tattooed arms, he had an assault rifle propped up in front of him. His short black hair was spiked up, and an unlit cigarette dangled from his lips.

Brad stood in front of Enrico's desk, close to Wesker. As usual, he looked out of place. As the team's pilot, Brad usually did not feel comfortable discussing strategy. He liked to be in the chopper, flying the rest of the team into and out of danger. Being put in danger himself, however, was something he tried to avoid at all costs. He wore black jeans, and orange jacket with bulletproof vest underneath, and a black baseball cap turned backwards.

"Jill, how nice of you to come," Wesker said. He had a way of saying sarcastic statements like that with a completely straight face, making many wonder if he possessed even the merest shred of a sense of humor.

"I guess I'm late," Jill said.

"You're early," Wesker said, "but the rest of us were earlier than you. I've been here for three hours, trying to contact Irons."

"He won't talk to anyone," Chris said.

Barry grunted disapprovingly. "He's hiding from us, locked in his office. He's got something to hide, I can smell it."

"He's scared," Wesker said, his calm voice somehow carrying more weight than Barry's angry tone. "We've never dealt with a situation like this. Irons had no choice but to authorize the mission, but that was obviously a mistake. He regrets letting them go."

"Then he should tell us himself," Barry said. "You aren't his spokesperson."

"I'm just putting things in perspective. If something has happened to Bravo team, he will ultimately face responsibility for it. If they've come to harm, he feels that he is to blame. How would you like something like that on your conscience?"

That silenced Barry, for the moment. Wesker could always be counted on to see the other side of things, to justify what seemed to be unjustifiable actions. It was a skill that Jill wasn't sure she liked.

"When are we leaving?" Chris asked.

Wesker checked his watch. "Forty-three minutes."

"We should go now," Barry said.

"We've discussed this," Wesker said. "We probably should have gone after them last night, but we have to wait twenty-four hours. That's just the way it is, and I can't do anything about it."

"So we haven't heard anything from them at all?" Jill asked, speaking up.

The silence that greeted her was enough of an answer. Wesker and Barry said nothing and just stared at the floor. Brad changed his stance uncomfortably, probably wishing he was preparing the helicopter. Joseph took the cigarette out of his mouth and studied it. Chris looked at Jill and simply shook his head.

"They haven't reported in since last night," Wesker said. "And all of our attempts to contact the government facility have come up empty. They simply aren't talking to us. We don't even know what Bravo team was sent there for in the first place and we have no information about their current status. We're going in there effectively blind."

"Where, exactly?" Joseph asked, talking for the first time since Jill arrived. He held his cigarette in his hand, pointing with it as he talked. "How do we know were they are if they couldn't give us a location?"

"We have the transponder coordinates from their helicopter," Wesker said.

"Okay, so where is this place?"

Wesker went to the large map on the side wall and took a red pin off a tray underneath. He stuck it into the map and stepped away so the others could see. "It's fifteen miles from the city limits, in the west valley beneath Arklay Ridge. The closest paved road is Highway 88, but even that is four miles away."

"Looks like it's smack dab in the middle of nowhere," Joseph said.

Wesker agreed. "Well, if I was going to build a secret government base, that's where I would put it."

"You still think this is a government facility?" Barry asked.

"I'm just telling you what I was told," Wesker said, frustration entering his voice. "They identified themselves as a government agency and Irons verified it. What else do you want?"

"I don't believe them," Barry stated forcefully. "A government facility would never call for help from a local police department."

"We're a S.T.A.R.S. unit, Barry. We're not exactly beat cops."

"Whatever, we're still a local police force. They would call in the National Guard before they would call us. And even if they did, they wouldn't keep it under wraps like this. I'm telling you this entire thing stinks."

"And I agree," Wesker said. "So let's drop it, okay? I don't care who they are, all I know is that Bravo team got sent there last night and never came back."

"They should never have gone in the first place."

"Drop it!" Wesker shouted suddenly, stunning them all into silence. He pointed his finger at Barry and clenched his teeth in anger. "Do not start on me again, cause I am done arguing with you! We got a call and they took it, all right? What were we supposed to do, just tell them we didn't believe their story and ignore the call? We don't have that option, Barry. If someone calls us and says they're in trouble, we have to go and help them. That's our job. Bravo did their job, and now we're doing ours. If you don't like it, feel free to request a transfer."

Jill stared in shock at Wesker and then at Barry. Somehow, Wesker had managed to put Barry in his place. In her years there, she had seen Wesker angry several times. He had yelled at her before, he had yelled at Brad and Joseph a few times, he had even yelled at Chris. But Wesker had never yelled at Barry. No one ever yelled at Barry.

Barry might have been the oldest and most experienced member of the team, but Wesker was still the commander. Jill looked at Barry's face and saw anger and surprise on his features. Even he could not believe Wesker's outburst.

And for Wesker to imply that Barry was unwilling to go after Bravo team was simply unbelievable. Everyone knew that no one wanted to go after them more than Barry. But Wesker had to make his point, and even though Jill didn't agree with Wesker a lot of the time, she had to admit to herself that he was in the right this time. It was too late to complain about what happened last night. There mission today was to fix that mistake, not to point fingers and lay blame. Jill knew that Wesker truly had no choice, and she knew that Barry knew it too. But Barry was stubborn, so Wesker had to put him down a little.

"Brad," Wesker said, his voice still angry. "Get the chopper prepped. You have half an hour. Joseph and Jill, you two get down to the armory and supply depot and get everything you can think of. Machine guns, medical packs, night-vision equipment, anything that might come in handy. We don't know what we're going to face, so get creative. Chris, come over here and take a look at this map, you know the woods better than I do. Give me an idea of the surroundings in this area."

Finally, he looked back at Barry. "Get out of here. I don't want to see you again until we board the chopper."

Jill and Joseph bolted from the command center before Barry could respond. They headed down the hall, walking fast until they were out of ear shot.

"Jesus," Joseph said, looking over his shoulder. "I have never seen anything like that in my life. Barry looked like Wesker had punched him in the stomach."

"He's furious," Jill said. "I'm just glad he's not mad at me."

"I know one thing," Joseph said, leaning over to speak confidentially. "After this is over, Barry and Wesker are gonna have some words. I wonder if they'll be able to work together after this."

"I don't know. I really don't."