Song I listened to while writing this: Your love is my drug by Ke$ha and Numbero Uno by matze Knop (and Love the Way lie)… Nice mix, right?

Chapter 10


Ino wasn't the type of sister you'd wish as Christmas present from Santa. With that said, she wasn't the kind you got if you were naughty. She had her own sense of justice, and only played according to her own rules and only to please her own interests. She could help the people she cared about, if it benefitted her. She didn't care much about her brother, and didn't plan to get to know him better either. But when her brother had stolen her boyfriend away, she had felt utterly humiliated. She had been praying to God to see him dead.


Kisame grinned at the blonde female, who played with the straw in her soda with her perfectly manicured fingers. He still tried to understand that he was currently on a real, actual date with this person, and to understand how she could drive him so crazy.

Kisame wasn't a fan of humans. He despised them, hated their ignorance and lack of intelligence. So sick. So fucking sick of the world was he indeed.

It all had begun when the siblings had transferred. When Sasori came dragging along with the new member he didn't even give "her" a second glance. But Akatsuki was a part of his life, so he didn't treat her any different, for example when Sasori's brother tried to hit on her, he joined them and taught him a lesson. It was later that very same day, he first saw his sister. In belief she was Deidara, he grabbed her shoulder roughly and told her the daily meeting was about to start. Ino had given him a clear hit with her fist and broken his nose in the blow. Kisame had never broken a single bone before, and the pain was new, and surprisingly thrilling.

"Call me machosist," he had thought through the bleeding, "but I just fell in love."

When the misunderstanding had been cleared out, Ino had, because of feelings of guilt, followed him to the nurse office. It was then Kisame found out about Deidara's little masquerade, which pissed him off. He didn't like to be fooled. A few days went by, with Kisame for the first time in his life being friendly to a woman. He greeted Ino, and time to time he skipped out hanging with the Akatsuki to spend some time with the blonde, of course without the others knowing that he was seeing her. The crash came when Ino told him about her and Sasori. He had never hated so hard. The hatred consumed him to the fullest, ate him from inside and drew the world in black and blood. His previous hate for the humans in the world was reduced to a nothingness, all his mental power was triggered to a depthless need to hurt, kill and rip Sasori's head off. If Pein hadn't interfered with some reason, he would've made his visions real. Pein was the only one Kisame actually held a tad of respect for. So, while feeding his hatred with physical pain caused by himself, he waited. His patience soon carried fruit, when Pein told him about Sasori and Deidara and their relationship. It was confirmed by Ino, who cried her heart out in front of Kisame, who happily, but rather clumsily, consoled her. Kisame now saw his chance to strike.

He knew all about Konan's obsession, and after gladly spilling Deidara's "secret", he followed her when she went to confront him. The rape was simply a spur of the moment, but it had more effect than he had thought. Sasori had finally gotten his punishment. When he left the beaten and bloody boy on the bathroom floor he walked straight to Ino and asked her out for a date. To his joy and surprise she agreed, and time and location was determined. His joy only last a few hours, 'cause Ino called and canceled the meeting, because her brother had been sent to hospital.

Kisame felt the panic taking over his head. Fuck! How could he possibly have forgotten something so important? Their relationship as siblings were the reason he fell for the bloody woman to begin with, how the hell could he forget! His breathing was heavy, he felt feeble and nauseated. Ino couldn't find out. If she did it'd all be over. His sins and his pain, his hatred and his struggle would go wasted, all for nothing! He had been fooled by his hatred, fooled by his search for revenge, fooled to play his own happiness out of his hands! Deidara would never tell her, he knew that. Neither would Konan. If Deidara told Sasori, or Sasori's brother who apparently had gotten quiet involved with the blonde male lately, Ino might find out eventually. But the blonde was probably too frighten to tell them, and even more importantly, for all Kisame knew, Deidara and Sasori had been treating each other like shit lately (see previous chapters). He probably had nothing to worry about. A few days after the cancelled date Ino called him, and asked if he still wanted the date that never happened. With a grin tattooed across his face he accepted the offer.


"I'm sorry I had to skip out last time." Ino said, breaking Kisame's trail of thoughts. He shook his head.

"Your brother was almost dead I heard, I don't hold no grudge."
"I'm glad to hear that."She leaned forward and whispered as she added "Did you know he was raped? If I'd find out who did that, his life would be a living hell, I'd make sure of it!"
Kisame felt how his heart sunk and said that he was sure she would. When she tried to pursue the subject further he excused himself and went to the bathroom. He couldn't blow his cover, not now! Shit, he needed to calm down. He was in love; he was just a guy in love with a girl. A girl whose brother he raped a few days ago. But it was because of her! If she hadn't dated Sasori, he wouldn't have had his first heart break and none of this shit would have happened! He wished he could make it undone. The feeling of hate hadn't shown their ugly face for some time now, and Kisame didn't want them back. The feelings for the female had replaced his hate, he had realized that. He had promised himself to never be consumed by his dark side again, if only he could have her. She had driven him crazy, in a very bad, bad, way. At the same she could save him, he knew that. He loved her. He loved her too much for his own good. Kisame drenched his face with water before going back out the café and was greeted with the smile of a goddess. She was perfect.

"Took you long enough." She said with a laugh hiding in her throat.
"Sorry. What a lousy guy I am, being late and then running off. I don't know how to make this up to you." He replied and swallowed some of his lukewarm coffee. It tasted funny.
"I think I'll come up with something." She said and made eddy currents in the remains of her coke. "Now finish that, my legs are starting to feel numb."


They walked in a park, Kisame didn't know the name of it, and honestly, he didn't care the slightest about it. He had a major stomach ache, and had to use all his strength to hide it. It was probably cause of his guilt and nerves. The conversation between him and Ino got affected by it though, so he shortly suggested that they'd sit down for a while. Ino checked her watch before nodding. He sat down, and just the second after the pain from his stomach took over his body and he gasped for air. He started to cramp and shake like a mad man, his body completely out of his control. What was going on? Ino just looked at him with despise in her eyes before kneeling down next to him.

"I know you what you did to my brother. You're sick. I can't even stand to look at you." She said disgusted, kicked him in the balls with her heels and walked off. Kisame cramped, both of the drug and her kick, as he saw her leave. He couldn't speak, but if he could he would've begged for her forgiveness. Maybe she would've listened, and maybe, just maybe, she would've understood. He felt neither angry nor betrayed. Not even the pain reached him right now. He just felt empty. For the first time in his life, tears raced down his cheeks.


When you find out your brother had been beaten up, raped and hospitalized, you'd go for any extents to punish the guilty. I guess, in the end, Ino was exactly the sister you wanted Santa to give you.


Hey people! Look, there was a backdrop story lurking here all the time! What do you think of it? Is Kisame still a crazy shit of shit? Or does he get your sympathy? I still haven't decided the next chapters outcome, but I get the feeling we're approaching an end to this. Just to clear things up: Ino drugged Kisame, and obviously it wasn't the drug Sasori and the others planned to use. She decided to make a move of her own.
Any Beta out there? Mail me: Idizen_
Love, narutard_Kiba