Chapter 7
By Miss. Bra
Disclaimer- I don't own Spirited Away, never have and probably never will. : D.
"So how was you're date?"
"Where are you going? Chihiro get back here. "
"Get any lip action?"
"Bet you're depressed now you didn't, or did that boy that you're staying with make it all up to you?"
"They have a two bedroom house; I wonder where he sleeps…"
Chihiro had just about had enough. It was only the morning and yet it seemed that Tee-jai and Yuna had only started prying into her social life. She took a swig of her
Cola soft drink and slammed the empty can on the wooden lunch bench.
"I cannot believe you two," She squealed. "It's been one period! One period only without you rattling off about my life, half the school thinks that I'm dying because of you."
"One period?" Tee-jai asked meekly, "Surely it's been longer than that? It's after period three isn't it?"
"No, it's only break after period one," Yuna replied, "We've only keep quiet for one period."
Tee-jai furrowed her brows, glancing over at Yuna quickly. "Really," She drawled, her Australian accent coming through. "My god that was hard!" She turned back to a fuming Chihiro. "So how'd it go? And don't worry about the school, we felt really bad about all that so we made up a rumour to cover a rumour."
Kill Me Now… Chihiro grimaced.
"Hey Rumi, that's the girl that went to the mental institute, that one, the brunette."
Chihiro snapped her head around, her teeth grinded against each other until they hurt. She glared at the young boy and his friend 'Rumi'. He backed off.
"Woah, it looks like she needs to go back there. They shouldn't let them out of that place, not when they're that bad!"
The boy and Rumi ran off quickly. Chihiro snapped her head back to her 'friends'. It would be a miracle if they would ever be friends after this was over. After Chihiro was through with them.
"Hey, it was better than you were dying. At least you wouldn't get pity dates," Tee-jai reasoned to her enraged friend.
"Nobu is probably a pity date you know," Yuna whispered to Tee-jai not so quietly.
"Excuse me!?" Chihiro screeched. "How dare you two? You we're meant to be my friends, look what you've done to me. My reputation is down the drink!"
"Look on the bright side Chihiro," Yuna said quickly. "At least people will know where you get you're great ideas for your stories from. It makes them even better if people think your insane!"
"And it makes my love life totally better too!" Chihiro spat.
Tee-jai grinned. "Oh, my little friend, that's where you're oh so wrong." She leant back triumphantly, "Nobu doesn't think your crazy- or so we think," Tee-jai added quickly, "And when you date people, people will see the real you and not that you're some mental and that's what they'll be attracted to. They will see the real you."
Chihiro sent a death glare. "You're so friggin cliché, which never works."
Tee-jai shrugged, "Whatever Chihiro, you non believer."
The bell blasted through the school yard and the children started looking for their next class. It was about time, Chihiro was about to murder her so called friends.
How could they do that to her? Why did they have to start rumour after rumour about her? They couldn't have been totally honest, that they had assumed something wrong and had gotten it all wrong and that Chihiro Ogino wasn't dying that she simply had her… mauled guinea pig die on her or something. Most of her year had no knowledge to back up if she was a guinea pig fanatic or not.
Chihiro shook her thoughts. They were getting much too whacked up for her liking. Whacked up like a mental.
She thanked the gods that she didn't have class with Yuna or Tee-jai for the next two periods.
She didn't want to see them.
She didn't want to talk to them.
And at this very second, she didn't even want to know them.
And so, Chihiro had managed to live the day without running into, talking, or even seeing Yuna or Tee-jai. Now she trotted home along the rough tar road. She passed the corner shop, giving a wave to the shop attendant who was whistling a tune as she swept down the dirty drive-way.
"Morning Chihiro, lovely day isn't it?" She said heartily.
Chihiro grinned sourly. "Yeah, totally. Great day, but I heard there's a chance of rain."
Mrs Honey looked up into the sky. "It all looks pretty good to me." She replied. Chihiro looked up. The sky was a clear blue, with no clouds in sight.
"Oh well, must be just Channel eighteens weather man."
Mrs Honey scoffed. 'Sweetheart, in 1979 Channel eighteen weather man predicted a hurricane to come here. Mr Honey and I looked up our house and travelled to the main land. We travelled to our daughter in Hong Kong and you know what, that hurricane never came and we left our homes, like the entire population of this here town for nothing. They have always been useless from that point on. Never trust em, Chihiro, never."
Chihiro smiled half-heartily, "Alright… Thanks Mrs Honey…"
"You're welcome dear," She replied softly, as she placed her broom to the side of the shop and went inside.
Chihiro continued walking up the street. The sun belted down on her and Chihiro wished that there was a small possibility that it would rain.
And what, let Haku see you walk in drenched with a see through t-shirt that sticks to your every cur-
She shook herself mentally. How dare she think that? Chihiro blushed heavily. That was so bad, it wasn't even funny. When did she become such a pervert? Especially about Haku, why was it not about Nobu? What made Haku so special? It wasn't as if she was going out with Haku or anything.
He looked at her with his soft brown eyes. His lips flicked up into a smile as he pulled up into her drive.
"Well Nobu, it really was a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed it," Chihiro said, picking her bag up from the ground and flicking open the car door.
"Chihiro," Nobu said quickly. "Chihiro wait."
She spun around. "Yes?"
Nobu sighed, running his hand through his cropped brunette hair. "Listen, I don't really ask this on a first date but… I really like you and I hope you like me too. Do you want to go out, as in for real? Chihiro, will you be my girlfriend?"
Chihiro blushed softly. "Oh Nobu, I – I don't know…" She giggled. "But, yes, I will be. I'll go out with you."
Nobu grinned. "That's great! Awesome, I'll see you tomorrow then."
Chihiro stepped out of the car. "Alright then Nobu, thanks for tonight. See you!"
The car sped down the road. Chihiro watched until it became out of sight and went inside where she knew a certain dragon would be awaiting her arrival.…
Her mind suddenly raced. It wasn't as if she was going out with Haku, but it was that she was going out with Nobu. How was she going to break her 'not so single' status to Haku? He was the one who would take it harder than anyone. Suddenly, her mind flooded back to all his gestures and sayings that had been 'not so innocent'; in which they all had a different meaning. Even when he declared that he'd do anything to her, the way he held her as he pulled her back was not in a friendly way- with his head resting against her shoulder blades and his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.
She couldn't break it to him, not just yet anyways. Her heart ached. She couldn't break his heart; she would never break his heart. She'd do anything to stop it. He didn't deserve that, after everything he'd been through.
The ringing phone echoed through the quiet house.
Chihiro yawned and rolled lazily off the lounge. She'd probably better answer that before it woke the snoozing dragon beside her up.
"Moshi Moshi?" Chihiro said sweetly, picking up the phone. She glanced back into the lounge where Haku was still sleeping peacefully in the stretched out recliner.
"Oh hey Chihiro," Tee-jai's voice came over loud and clear.
"Mm, hello," Chihiro replied coldly, "What do you want?"
"I know we were really mean to you today," Tee-jai said softly, "I'm really sorry, me and Yuna are so sorry."
"Yeah, Chi, please forgive us," Yuna piped through on the other end of the line.
"So we were wondering if at six you wanted to come out for dinner, as a kind of make up thing. We'll shout," Tee-jai replied.
"I can't," Chihiro said quickly.
"W-Why not?"
"Ai is going out tonight," She said, "and I have to stay home with Haku."
"Bring him along," Tee-jai suggested. "We'd love to meet him. I'm sure a night out would do him good. We'll pay for him too."
Chihiro bit her lip. Was it wise? She peeped into the lounge again where a groggy Haku was slowly waking up. She sighed.
"I'll ask him."
She wandered down the hallway to the lounge room. Haku stretched his bones, yawning loudly. Chihiro covered the phone.
"Hey Haku," She said softly. He looked up with glassy green eyes.
"Yes?" He replied groggily, settling down into the recliner again.
"Want to go out tonight, with me?" She asked, taking a stray strand of his emerald hair and pulling it back over his head so it rested in place again.
Haku sighed. "What do you mean?"
"My friends invited me out tonight; we go out to a restaurant for tea. Come with me?" Chihiro asked. "Please Haku, please."
If he wasn't so tired he would be lapping up the pleading that Chihiro was giving him. Suddenly the shoe was on the other foot and Haku could see he didn't need to do all the wooing in this blossoming relationship he was trying to create.
"I suppose," He said. Chihiro took her hand off he mouth piece.
"Alright, I'll come," Chihiro said.
"Great," Tee-jai squealed, "It's at Kimiko's families restaurant, 'Suzuki's at seven, an hour is that alright?"
"That's fine," Chihiro replied. "See you then."
She clicked the phone off and sighed heavily. "We had better start getting ready then Haku, we've only got an hour."
Haku exhaled heavily, opening his heavy eyes. He rolled off the recliner and groggily stood up.
"Are you feeling alright, you know, we don't have to go if you don't want to go."
He shook his head. "No, I'm going." He said defiantly.
Chihiro bit her lip as he walked past her. "Alright, go have a shower then Haku…"
Yuna was ecstatic as she smoothed her strapless black dress. Both her and Tee-jai stood out the front of 'Suzuki's' awaiting Chihiro's and Haku's arrival.
"I can't wait to meet him," Yuna said quickly, a large smile plastered on her lips.
Tee-jai however was more serious, "We cannot let her fall in love with him."
She said sternly, glaring down the excited, over the top Japanese teenager.
"What?" She screeched. "What do you mean Tee-jai? Why not? What if she already is?"
Tee-jai huffed. "She isn't. Look at it like this. I have Chihiro's best interests in mind. We can't let her fall in love with him because when he leaves; which he will, she'll be a wreck. An absolute wreck; I've seen it before. It's better that she gets with Nobu than this 'Haku' character."
Yuna furrowed her freshly plucked ebony brows. "That makes sense. I reckon you're right Yuna. Oh my god here they are."
Chihiro smiled softly, adjusting her black dress. "Hey guys," She said warmly.
"H-Hey, Chi," Yuna stuttered.
"Hi…" Tee-jai muttered a weak response.
Chihiro smirked; it was obvious who they were looking at.
"This is Haku, who you've been so dying to meet," Chihiro said, introducing the tall man by her side.
Haku smiled graciously, "Hello," He said warmly. Chihiro watched as her friends started to loose their footing. His voice was so alluring, like silk. He almost wanted to make her melt at that point.
"N-nice to meet you," Tee-jai said. Being the more mature one, she held out a hand to shake. Haku leant out from behind Chihiro and shook it.
"You too."
Chihiro watched as her friend flushed. Even Tee-jai could act like the school age teenager she really was, instead of her serious, troubled, hard as rock girl she was.
Yuna gave Haku a sweet and shy wave while giggling madly. Haku smiled back.
He turned back to Chihiro and placed his hand onto the small of her back inconspicuously. He was hiding too far behind Chihiro for Tee-Jai and Yuna for them to suspect anything. Though he saw Chihiro blush a little under the intimate gesture.
"Shall we go in?" Haku said, pushing Chihiro on the back slightly.
Yuna nodded, "Yes, yes we should." She opened the door. "Come on then, I've gotten a reservation."
"Chihiro," Haku said softly, leaning over to where the girl was looking at her menu.
She looked up, "What is it Haku?"
His eyes dilated and he bit his lip. Chihiro giggled softly. He was so adorable when he was embarrassed.
"Just tell me Haku," Chihiro said softly. "What's wrong?"
He placed the menu in front of her. His eyes wandered over to the two across the table, he scowled inwardly when he found the two pairs of eyes watching him intently.
He leant over towards the human woman. Chihiro smiled. Haku could smell the perfume she had put on before they had come; it wafted off her neck and intoxicated his senses. She could be his meal for the night.
"I don't understand it," He whispered so it was only loud enough for her to hear.
"What isn't there to understand Haku?" She asked him, turning his head. "You can read it right?"
"I can read it," Haku replied. His eyes wavered over to the girls across the table.
"Why can't you read it?" Tee-jai said, eyeing off the dragon dangerously.
Chihiro smiled. "Haku's native tongue is a… dialect Japanese. I was just wondering if he could read our Japanese, but he can. He comes from a small village. He's never been to a restaurant."
Yuna raised her eyebrows. "Really, well, I can help you with the menu," She said. "What do you like to eat?"
A smile played on Haku's lips. "Meat."
Chihiro smiled. "He eats mainly fish. His family lives on a riverbank, they catch their meals."
"Oh I'd look in the seafood section then," Yuna said. "Mmm, what about Salmon cutlet with creamy dill sauce, served with salad or vegetables."
Haku smiled, his eyes dancing over to Chihiro who smiled back. "Sounds good. I might have that then." He looked at his menu. "Won't need that then."
They ordered and the young waiter tried to take the orders while becoming very flustered with a flirty Yuna.
"So Haku, you're fairly grown up, aren't you." Tee-jai got the conversation going. "What do you do in that village then, what job do you have?" Tee-jai asked, intertwining her fingers together and leaning her chin on them.
Chihiro watched his reply with interest.
"Actually, I half own a bath house," Haku said. "I travel from the riverside a lot. Actually most of my time is spent co-owning the bath house, I only go back to the riverside once a week to check on… family." He chose the last word wisely.
"Really," Tee-jai said. "And mind me asking, but you look eighteen, do you drink?"
"I'm eighteen," Haku lied through his teeth. "And, yes I do drink. Sake."
Yuna raised her eyebrows. "Sake really? That's strong stuff."
"It's all you can get where I live. It's actually extremely popular. We get wines, but Sake is what everyone drinks."
Tee-jai nodded. "I see Haku. So, what about your family? What are they like?"
"My family," Haku repeated, he glanced over to Chihiro who bit her lip. "They are fine. My father is dead and I don't see my mother that often. I'm an only child."
"Oh that's horrible." Yuna said.
"I've been an apprentice since I was eleven. Now I part own the business," Haku replied.
"That's certainly impressive, What about you're…"
"You don't look Japanese," Haku cut her off quickly, before she could ask another question. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?"
Tee-jai smiled. "I'm from Australia, Japanese is my second language. My parents owned a farm in the outback before they died. I'm here with my aunt."
Haku nodded. "What did you farm?"
"Wheat and sheep," Tee-jai said. Yuna stuck her tongue out.
"Eww, livestock. Eww."
"Sizzling Mongolian lamb?" The young waiter said, holding up a steaming dish.
Yuna smiled. "Right over here my man."
The waiter blushed heavily as he placed the dish in front of Yuna.
"Oh great!" Yuna glanced up at the man. "You can leave now," She said as she picked up her fork. The man blushed before walking away. Chihiro snorted. Of course Yuna was the only female she knew that would flirt with a man and then totally cast him aside when food came into view. Typical Yuna, only thinking about her guts.
Chihiro's meal was next; she had opted for poultry and got a pleasant surprise when a chicken fillet was placed in front of her, topped with avocado, creamed cheese, sun dried tomatoes and a spicy sauce. It was served with a large baked potato and assorted, honey roasted vegetables.
"That looks so good," Chihiro grinned, "And it's all mine." She glanced over at Haku who was eyeing her with amusement. "Sorry Haku, there are some things in life that I have to have to myself."
"Reef and Beef?" The young waiter said again. Tee-jai put her hand up.
"That's me."
"And Salmon?"
"That's Haku's," Tee-jai said, pointing to the young man sitting across from her. Haku smiled graciously as the meal was placed in front of him, though he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
He still wasn't used to all these, tables and chairs. His world was so different to their world; the tables were high with high seats to sit on. It was really quite agitating because everything was out of proportion. He was a little scared if, in some unfathomable way if his meal decided to slip off his 'fork' and fall down his tunic.
His meal, the salmon, was tenderly cooked and the sauce was drizzled over the top. Haku got the same vegetables as Chihiro, which were also honey roasted and had a potato topped with sour cream. It was a large fillet of fish and Haku decided that, in some possible way, it may be adequate substitute for his first preference of his meal tonight.
"I'll pay for me and Haku, you're not paying," Chihiro objected, putting the fifty dollar note in front of the young waiter.
"Fine," Tee-jai sighed. It was useless to object to Chihiro when she was like this. All she could do was give in. "I'll shout you something else later on."
Haku pulled the door open. "Shall we leave," Haku said. Yuna giggled as she walked out the door.
"Oh, look at those thugs," Yuna said, pointing over to some teenage boys drinking and smoking across the road. "I think I'll need an escort home, Haku? Would you?"
Tee-jai scoffed as she walked through the door. "Stop falling all over him Yuna," Yuna turned bright red. "Your mums picking you up, She told you that as she drove off."
"Oh shut up Tee-jai," Yuna pouted. She spied Chihiro coming out of the restaurant. "Chihiro, Tee-jai's being mean."
"No I wasn't," The Australian protested. "I was just stopping her from falling all over your boyfriend, Oh…"
A smile tugged at Haku's face, though he managed to conceal it. He looked down to Chihiro.
Her heart lurched and suddenly Chihiro felt the urge to cry. Haku was not her boyfriend, Nobu was her boyfriend. She felt like she was betraying Nobu.
"Haku and I are not seeing each other," Chihiro said.
"Sorry, I know," Tee-jai said. Mentally, she was slapping herself. How could she say something as stupid as that when her main ambition was to not make Chihiro and Haku fall for each other? She bit her lip; but by the way they acted tonight, that task would become more arduous than she had expected.
"Tee-jai, you want a ride," Yuna snapped Tee-jai out of her thoughts. Yuna's mother had pulled up on the curb and had stuck her head out the front.
"You want a ride Tee-jai," Yuna's mother said. "Come on, hop into the car."
"Alright," Tee-jai said, clicking the back door open. She turned back to Haku and Chihiro, "See you later Chihiro… Nice to meet you Haku."
"See you," Chihiro waved.
"Nice to meet you also," Haku said.
The car drove out of the curb. It beeped as it travelled down the road.
Haku sighed heavily. "How are we getting home, are you ringing a…" He frowned as he thought of the word. "Taxi?"
"Yeah I probably should call one," Chihiro said, whipping out her mobile phone.
Haku smiled. He put his hand over the phone and lowered his lips to her ear.
"Perhaps I could be assistance in this department," He said seductively, taking hold of her hands in his.
Chihiro looked up with wide eyes. "Oh no Haku," She said, "What if someone sees."
"No one will see," Haku whispered, he looked at the teenagers out of the corner of his eye. "Fly with me, you'll love it."
"No Haku…" Chihiro said. It was so tempting.
His lips flicked up into a smile.
"No Haku," She repeated.
His eyes flashed.
"Haku!" Chihiro screamed.
In an instant she was thrown up into the air. She watched beneath her with horror as the area where Haku stood flashed.
She landed on his back. Chihiro grabbed hold of his horns as she slipped down his long body. Haku climbed into the sky as they light started to fade. Chihiro peered to the ground that was passing underneath them. The wind picked up her brown hair and she hiked up her dress so she could straddle him easier.
Chihiro nuzzled her nose into his mane. This was blissful. She didn't care if anyone saw them, she didn't care if she ruined her dress or her heel dropped and plummeted to the ground, she didn't care about anything at that moment except for them.
Nothing at all.
Hey, sorry. Oh my god, you know I promised another chapter early in the term and it's like, what two weeks until I break up again. My gosh I am so slack. No seriously, I am.
I had this half written and then my computer decided to kick the bucket and I lost everything. I had forty stories/chapters and some unpublished one shots not to mention multiple original stories I've been writing.
On a brighter note, let's reply to some reviews!
SaiyaNoKageruAi: You're right, you're cousin is a dumbass. I hope the poor kitty is alright. The thing started as one of my friends asked a strange teacher if he'd ever put a cat in a microwave, or a frog, or a cane toad and it went on. It was funny at the time (when I wrote the first chapter) but it's worn off, so don't expect to see anymore of it. I have four cats and love them all very much. Actually, I have two here with me now. They're asleep on my bed (How they do it with me banging at the keyboard is beyond me). Anyways, this reply is getting longer than the story! Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!
marium: The green eye of envy gets bigger. And bigger… Thanks for the review.
katiesquilts: Haku is just cute full stop. Yes, he is insanely jealous, though he won't admit it. I just admitted it for him. As above, his green eye of envy gets bigger and bigger.
saya-plus: I have so much on at the moment, I barely find the time to write my fan fiction. Thanks for your review and I hope you like this chapter.
Lillythemarshmellowqueen: This must have been millennia then! Yes, well after this chapter it gets very VERY dramatic. Oh, I've said too much…
Salru: I'm glad Ai and all my originals are likable. With Spirited Away and this sort of story you have to put in OC's, other wise it doesn't work. I'm trying to work on my character building but I'm glad to see its working. Fear not, you can read this now!
Plushietiger: Yes, when Tee-jai and Yuna really see Haku it will be a shock (If they ever do XD) Hehe. I hope this chapter fulfilled your meeting needs. Chihiro denies her feelings a lot, doesn't she?
.what.a.beautiful.calamity.: Yes, it is a CxH story so don't fret. Aww, Nobu is much too lovable to become a bad character, don't you think? I do. XP. He's just… controversial, that's all.
And thank you to the other reviewers:
freckles rule
Arya MageFire
fire dragonheart
Remember to read and review!