Cowboy U Konoha Style!

Chapter 6-

Meanwhile Lily was all dressed up in her orangeish red flower sun dress, her white denim jacket and her white cowboy boots. It was almost six o' clock so she was helping her mom in the kitchen when she heard a knock on the door. That was when her dogs started barking. Her dogs bark at everything. I mean EVERYTHING. It was so annoying at times.

"Baruto! Deyuko! Go lay down!" Lily yelled but her dogs wouldn't listen so she tried to push past them to get to the door. When she opened the door she noticed that the girls were the first ones here and they were all dressed in sun dresses.

"Hey come on in! Don't worry my dogs don't bite they are really friendly," she greeted them as the girls walked in. Ino's face lit up when she saw the black and white husky looking dog.

"OMG! Such a pretty dog!" Ino said as she reached down to pet the dog.

"What kind of dog is this? Boy or girl?" she then asked looking up at Lily.

"It's a boy and his name is Baruto which is Japanese for Balto. He's husky, lab and great Pyrenees." Lily said noticing what Ino was wearing. Ino was wearing a white bustier sun dress that had purple flowers on it, a purple long sleeve cardigan and a pair of purple flats.

"What about this dog?" Hinata asked while petting the medium sized black dog that looks part lab. The dog was giving her kisses which made her giggle. Hinata wore a lavender floral print sun dress with intricately ruched front, a white long sleeve cardigan that had a crochet back and wore white Candice wedge sandals that had a bow detail.

"His name is Deyuko it's Japanese for Duke and I think he's a lab, Rottweiler, Chow mix. I don't remember. All I know he's part lab." Lily said.

"Do you girls know if the boys are on their way?" she then asked them. Tenten shook her head.

"Nope sorry," Tenten answered. She wore a red tribal printed high low hem sun dress that had a ruffle front, a dark blue denim jacket and a pair of brown cowboy boots.

"Knowing Naruto he will forget and come late," Sakura spoke next. She wore a red floral printed flutter sleeve chiffon sun dress with a brown belt around the waist and also wore a pair of brown cowboy boots like Tenten did. When Lily was about to lead them to the back yard, her mom stopped them in their tracks.

"Hi girls! I've been waiting all day to meet you all. Wait where are the boys?" Mrs. Twilight asked them.

"Apparently they are running late," Lily told her mom.

"Oh okaasan this is Sakura Haruno," she then started to introduce them by starting with Sakura.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you," Sakura said with a smile.

"This is Tenten Higarashi," Lily then said. Tenten just smiled and said hi.

"Then we have Hinata Hyuuga," she then said. Hinata did the same as Tenten did.

"The Hyuuga? As in the Hyuuga clan?" Her mom asked in surprise.

"Yes Okaasan. See I told we know and hear everything." Lily said.

"And last we have Ino Yamanaka. You remember Ino don't you okaasan?" she then asked. Her mom nodded her head and smile.

"Yes I do," her mom said.

"It's nice to see you again Mrs. Twilight," Ino said.

"Oh please call me Enjeru-san," Mrs. Twilight said.

"Let's go to the back yard and wait for the boys shall we?" Lily said as she lead them to her back yard where her dad and little brother was. When they got to the back yard they could hear some music blasting from the radio.

"Hi girls come sit down the food is about ready," Mr. Twilight said so the girls sat down on some lounge chairs that was around the fire pit where they saw Kono playing with his psp.

"If you girls need me I will be in the kitchen helping my mom," Lily said as she went back inside the house. About ten minutes later there was another knock on the door and her dogs started barking again.

"That's probably the boys. I will go answer it," Lily said as she pushed past her dogs again to get the door. When she opened the door she saw the boys like she said.

"Hey guys! Your just in time! Come on in," Lily greeted them.

"Hey Lily, Lookin good," Naruto said with a perverted grin as he put an arm around Lily.

"Get your arm off me or else I will rip it off you and beat you with it," Lily glared.

"Geez you're just like Sakura-chan," Naruto said quickly removing his arm off of her.

"Besides I have a boyfriend," Lily said.

"Hi boys! I'm glad you can come! I'm Mrs. Twilight but please call me Enjeru-san," her mom said coming into the living room where they were in.

"Hi I'm Shikamaru Nara," Shikamaru said introducing himself.

"I'm Neji Hyuuga. It's nice to meet you Enjeru-san," Neji than introduced himself next.

"If you are wondering okaasan Neji is Hinata's cousin," Lily said.

"Oh ok at first I thought you were her brother for a minute there," her mom said.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha," Sasuke than went after Neji.

"The Uchiha, As in last of clan Uchiha?" Her mom blurted out. Lily face palmed. Her mom sometimes acts before she thinks. She thought Sasuke would get mad but he was surprisingly ok with it for a subject that can be so touchy.

"Okaasan we went over this already. Sorry Sasuke my mom sometimes act before she thinks," Lily told him.

"It's ok," Sasuke told her.

"And I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto piped in last.

"Oh you're the famous Naruto that everyone talks about! We heard lots of stories about you!" Mrs. Twilight said with a huge smile. She was talking to him like he was like a celebrity or something. Naruto had a big ego grin on his face.

"Anyways let's go to the back yard shall we?" Lily said leading them to the back yard as her mom went back to the kitchen. When they got to the back yard, Mr. Twilight greeted him.

"Howdy boys! You're just in time. The food is done so we can chow down now," Mr. Twilight said. About 3 hours of eating, dancing and mingling, it was getting dark so Mr. Twilight made a fire and so everyone was sitting around it and just waiting for the stars to come out.

"Well I'm getting tired so I'm going to go to bed," Mrs. Twilight said getting out of her chair.

"It was nice to meet you all," she then said.

"It was nice to meet you too," the girls said. Mrs. Twilight started to head back to the house.

"Oyasuminasai Okaasan," Lily called out to her mother.

"Oyasuminasai Enjeru-san," everybody else said. But Mrs. Twilight was already in the house.

"Hey Lily," Naruto said. Lily looked over at him.

"Yea?" she asked.

"Where is Kono?" Naruto asked.

"In his room, why?" Lily asked.

"Just wondering," Naruto said. He didn't want the little twerp coming out of nowhere and attack him. You never know what Kono is capable of doing.

"Who wants Smores?" Mr. Twilight asked the group. Naruto's face lit up.

"Oooh! I do!" Naruto said.

"I agree with Naruto," Lily said.

"How about you guys?" she then asked the rest of the group. The rest of the group said yea.

"Alright! I will go get the stuff then," Mr. Twilight said as he got out of his chair and headed to the house. So it was just Lily sitting with the rest of the group, while everyone was waiting for Lily's dad. At that moment Neji decided to go talk to Tenten.

"Umm.. hey Tenten, can I talk to you about something?" Tenten looked up to see Neji standing there looking at her.

"Ok," Tenten said. Everyone was now looking at them.

"In private please?" Neji then asked. They then both got out of their chairs and walked away from the group.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Tenten asked as they were now alone. The image of them kissing flashed through her mind.

Neji couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. She wasn't wearing her hair in buns like she always did. Instead she let it down and curled it even. She even put on makeup which was surprising because usually she is a tom boy.

"Neji what did you want to talk about me about?" her voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh um sorry, I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for daring you to kiss me I didn't mean to blurt it out. But some reason I did. At that moment I forgot that you like someone so I apologize," Neji said.

"It's ok.." she told him.

"Why did I just say that? You should of said that you liked him!" she then thought.

"Ok well I'm glad we talked," Neji said as he started to walk away.

"Wait" Tenten said stopping him in his tracks.

"yea?" Neji turned around.

"Eh umm..I'm glad we talked too.." she should of told him that she liked him but she didn't for some reason. Neji then walked away.

"Gosh I'm so stupid.." Tenten thought.

While Neji Tenten were talking-

"hehe I bet Neji is going to make out with Tenten," Naruto whispered to Sasuke and Shikamaru.

"You're so stupid Naruto. Neji said he was going to talk to her about what happen when we played Truth or Dare," Shikamaru said.

"I'm not stupid!" Naruto automatically said defending himself.

"We are not saying that you are. We're just saying that you've got bad luck when it comes to thinking," Sasuke said annoyed.

"Well aren't you funny Sasgay," Naruto said glaring.

Sasuke was too busy staring at Sakura to even reply back to Naruto's stupid come back. He couldn't help but stare she just looked too damn beautiful to look away.

"Well, Well is the Uchiha falling in love?" a voice in Sasuke's head came out of nowhere asked.

"Who said that?!" Sasuke thought.

"Me duh," the voice said.

"Who's me?" Sasuke asked the voice.

"You're Inner. Basically I'm your conscience," the voice that claimed to be his inner said.

"Sasuke Uchiha does not have an Inner," Sasuke thought.

"He does now especially now that he is in loooovvee," His Inner said.

"I'm not in love," Sasuke thought. Him falling in love that will never happen, He's a lone wolf.

"No but you are crushing," his inner said.

"On whom?" he thought. He still can't believe that he's talking to himself.

"Pinkie duh!" His inner said.

"Oh did you know that pinkie has an inner too? And she is sexy!" his inner then said.

"Ok this is getting weird I'm done talking to you," he thought. Meanwhile Sakura noticed that Sasuke was staring at her.

"Why is he staring at me?" Sakura thought.

"Probably because he's thinking about you," her inner said.

"How would you know? You don't know anything." Sakura thought.

"I'm your inner. I know everything." Her inner said.

"I got the stuff for the smores! Plus got roasting sticks," Mr. Twilight said coming out of the house and sitting back down next to his daughter.

"Sweet!" Naruto said excitedly as he opened the bag of marshmallows and grabbed one. He then grabbed a roasting stick.

"Pass the bag around Naruto geez.. don't hog it all," Sakura said.

"I am geez don't get your panties in a twist," Naruto said annoyed.

"What did you just say?" Sakura glared.

"ehh nothing Sakura-chan," Naruto said.

"That's what I thought," Sakura said as she went back to talking to Ino.

"Don't talk to Sakura like that," Sasuke said elbowing him in the ribs.

"Oww! What the heck?" Naruto said rubbing where Sasuke elbowed him.

"See and now you're sticking up for her. You're totally crushing on pinkie," Sasuke's inner said.

"I am not!" Sasuke thought.

"Are too!" his inner said.

"tch" Sasuke thought.

"What did Neji wanted to talk to you about Tenten-chan?" Hinata asked Tenten quietly.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry Hinata-chan," Tenten said.

"Oh..ok.." Hinata said. She hated it when her friends are sad and she can tell that Tenten is. She wondered what they talked about that made Tenten sad. She hopes that she is going to be ok.

"Hinata your marshmallow fell off," Naruto's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"oh..oops" Hinata said. She didn't even notice that it did. She is such a klutz.

"Here have one of mine," Naruto smiled as he got out of his chair and walked over to Hinata.

"Thanks Naruto-kun," Hinata said reaching out to take the freshly cooked marshmallow from Naruto's hand.

"No prob," Naruto said. He then noticed that she was shivering.

"Are you cold Hinata-chan? Because if you are, you can wear my jacket," he then said.

"huh? Um no it's ok…" but when she said that Naruto was already taking off his jacket.

"I don't want you to catch a cold," Naruto said as he put his jacket on her.

"W-what about you? a- aren't you cold?" Hinata asked him.

"Nah I'll be fine besides I rather freeze than let you freeze," Naruto smiled. Hinata blushed. Naruto then went back to his chair.

"Sakura did you just see that?" Ino whispered to Sakura as she just witness Naruto being a gentleman by giving his jacket to Hinata.

"See what?" Sakura asked. She then took a bite of her smore.

"Naruto just gave Hinata his jacket," Ino said.

"Naruto? My teammate? giving Hinata his jacket? Being a gentle man? no way." Sakura said with a shocked look on her face.

"Yes way, look for yourself," Ino said pointing towards Hinata. Sakura looked at her and what do you know to her surprise Hinata was wearing Naruto's jacket just like Ino said. She couldn't believe it for once Naruto was being a gentleman. She had to admit she was proud of him.

"Wow! Your right," Sakura whispered to Ino.

"I told you so," Ino said. She could feel someone staring at her, when she turned to see if someone was, she was right. She end up meeting Shikamaru's eyes for only a second and then he looked away.

"Mmm I just love smores," Lily said.

"Me too, well my little munchkin I'm going to hit the hay. I will see you in the morning," Mr. Twilight told his daughter as he got out of his chair.

"Oyasuminasai otousan," Lily called out to her father. Before anybody else could say goodnight, Mr. Twilight was already in the house.

"So who is going to keep watch tonight?" Ino asked.

"It's ok Ino, I don't think we need anybody to keep watch tonight," Lily told her.

"Are you sure?" Ino then asked.

"Yea I'm not going to have you all keep watch every day," Lily said.

"Good cause I'm not going to get locked out of the cabin again," Naruto said. It was quiet for about 5 minutes until Sakura spoke.

"Hey look! The stars finally came out. They are so beautiful," Sakura said looking up at the stars. Everyone else then looked up to see the night sky light up like a Christmas tree. It was amazing sight to see.

"Wow they are so close up out here! In Konoha you can barely see them," Ino said.

"Yea that's because of the city lights. If the city lights were off then maybe you all can see them," Lily said.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" she heard Naruto asked.

"I'm glad you ask Naruto cause I was about to go over that," Lily said.

"Well since you all did a good job in your first lesson today, you all get to sleep in tomorrow," she then said. She then heard a bunch of "sweet" and "yay" out of the shinobies.

"But" the heard her say. Everyone then looked at her.

"Not till one. I want to start our next lesson at 10. Meaning you all have to tack up your horse by yourself and meet me in the arena," Lily said continuing what she was saying before.

"Ok I think we can do that," Sakura said. Everyone nodded their head in agreement to what Sakura said.

"What are we going to do after our lesson?" Tenten asked.

"That I'm not telling," Lily smirked.

"Why not?" Naruto asked.

"Because I want to surprise you all," she said as she watched the fire die down. She then yawned I think it's time for everyone to go to bed.

"Ok y'all, it's time to go to hit the hay," she then said.

"what?" Naruto asked confused.

"It's an expression Naruto," Lily laughed a little.

"It means it's time to go to bed," she then said.

"aww but I don't wanna," Naruto complained.

"Sorry Naruto but I'm super tired," Lily yawned.

"Yea I agree with Lily-chan," Ino agreed.

"Alright before we all go we need to put out the fire somehow," Lily told the group.

"It will be fine if we don't add anymore fire wood to it," Shikamaru said.

"You sure?" Lily asked.

"Yea it will go out by itself," he said.

"Ok," Lily said as everyone headed back inside the house. Once they were inside she then opened the front door for them.

"Be careful on the way back to your cabin. I will see you all in the morning," she said as she watched all of them walked out the door.

"Oyasuminasai Lily-chan!" The girls said. She then said bye and shut the door.

"It's so dark that I can barely see where I am going," Sakura said as her and her friends headed to their cabin.

"Me too, I'm afraid that I am going to trip," Ino said.

"I see a light up ahead. That must be our cabins," Tenten said spotting two lights up ahead. As they kept walking, the lights kept getting more and more visible. Soon they were at their cabins.

"Next time we should bring our flash lights," Sakura said.

"Yea," Ino agreed. The girls and the boys then went their separate ways to go inside their cabins.

"So what did Tenten say?" Shikamaru asked Neji as they were heading upstairs to their rooms.

"She said it was ok," Neji told him.

"That's it? You should have told her that you liked her," Shikamaru said.

"Because I knew she is just going to turn me down. That's why I never told her," Neji said. But before Shikamaru could respond, Neji was already inside his room. So Shikamaru just got ready for bed instead of bugging him about the whole situation.

Meanwhile before getting ready for bed, Naruto decided to go downstairs to use the bathroom since Sasuke was hogging one upstairs. When he was about to go into the bathroom, a knock on the door stopped him in his tracks.

"Huh? Who could be knocking on the door at this time of the night?" he thought as walked towards the door to see who it was. When he opened it, he saw Hinata.

"Hinata-chan what are you doing here? Is everything ok?" Naruto asked.

"I-I forgot to give back your jacket," Hinata said handing his jacket to him.

"Oh thanks Hinata-chan," Naruto said taking his jacket back.

"You're welcome Naruto-kun," Hinata smiled. An awkward pause later, Naruto spoke.

"Well umm goodnight," he told her.

"Goodnight Naruto-kun," Hinata said as Naruto shut the door. She then headed back to the cabin.

Day two-

Shikamaru woke up the next day with the sun shining through his window. He wanted to go back to bed but when he looked at his alarm clock it was time to get out of bed and get ready for the day.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. He could hear his alarm clock go off.

"I forgot that I actually went out of my way to set the alarm last night, and I woke up before it went off," He thought as his alarm kept beeping.

"I don't even feel like getting up to turn it off, but I can't deal with this stupid beeping forever. Thinking about all of this is so troublesome," He then finally got out of bed and turned it off. He then went over to his duffel bag and started to dig around for something to wear. He found a green and black plaid button up shirt, a black t-shirt to go under it and pair of jeans. He then put them on and went out of his room. When he walked out his room, he saw Sasuke. Sasuke also wore a plaid button up shirt but his was blue and black. He then wore a pair of dark blue jeans. I guess they were both heading downstairs cause that was where their boots were.

Meanwhile with the girls-

"What time does our lesson start?" Sakura asked coming down the stairs with Ino. Sakura wore a red and white short sleeve plaid shirt, a white tank top underneath, light blue jeans, brown belt and her brown boots.

"At ten," Ino told her as they got to the living room. Ino wore a pair of dark wash denim shorts with cuffed hem, a purple racerback tank top with a lace inset detail on front, dark wash denim jacket that matched her shorts, a brown belt and brown boots.

"So what time is it now?" Sakura asked as they both sat down on the couch and waited for Tenten and Hinata.

"It's eight thirty," Ino told her as she slipped out her phone out of her pocket and checked.

"Ok so we still got time to chill til we have to go to the barn," Sakura said.

Ten minutes later Hinata came downstairs. Hinata wore a pair of knee length light blue denim shorts, brown belt, lavender floral print short sleeve button down blouse with a feminine pleating detail at the neck line, and pair of brown boots.

"Ohayoo Hinata-chan," Ino and Sakura both said to her.

"Ohayoo Ino-chan, Sakura-chan," Hinata smiled as she walked over to them.

"Is Tenten awake?" Ino asked her.

"I don't know," Hinata told her. All she did was get dress and came downstairs.

"Is it just me or did any of you noticed that Tenten seemed to be upset last night?" Sakura asked.

"I asked her what she and Neji talked about but she said that she didn't want to talk about it," Hinata told her.

"Maybe it didn't go well between them," Ino said. After she said that, that was when Tenten came downstairs.

"Ohayoo," Tenten greeted her friends. She wore a chambray printed chiffon racer back tank top with front button up placket, dark blue denim capris, a brown belt and brown cowboy boots.

"Are we all ready to go to the barn?" she then asked.

"Yea let's go," Sakura said.

Meanwhile with the guys-

Sasuke and Shikamaru were sitting in the living room waiting for Neji and Naruto so they all can head to the barn together. As they were waiting, they saw Neji walking downstairs. Neji wore a simple black shirt, a pair of jeans, and his cowboy hat and was now putting on his black cowboy boots.

"Naruto isn't ready yet? He's usually ready before all of us," Neji said to them.

"I know," Sasuke said.

"I bet he's still sleeping," Shikamaru said as he looked at his watch.

Meanwhile Naruto was still sleeping just like Shikamaru bet he was. Naruto was all snoring away and apparently having an ummm… well.. a perverted fantasy. Ten minutes passed and so Shikamaru, Sasuke and Neji went to go see what was taking him so long. When they were upstairs to his room, the door was open so they just went in and what do you know? He was still asleep and snoring away!

"hehe sexy cowgirl," Naruto mumbled in his sleep. His blankets were completely off him and he was just in his underwear. He then kept on mumbling things while they thought about how to wake him up.

"Naruto wake up!" Shikamaru said. But Naruto kept on snoring.

"Stupid pineapple head," Naruto mumbled in his sleep.

Shikamaru wanted to smack him upside the head but he refrained himself from doing it. Sasuke then decided to give it a try.

"Hey idiot wake up!" Sasuke yelled.

"Stupid teme whose hair looks like a chicken ass," Naruto again kept on mumbling things in is sleep that would end up getting himself in trouble. Sasuke started to get annoyed. Sasuke wasn't the only one who was getting annoyed, Shikamaru and Neji were also.

While Shikamaru, Sasuke and Neji were trying to wake Naruto, Lily was heading to the barn because it was almost time to start her lesson. When she got to the barn she saw the girls getting out their horses and leading them to the tie up area.


The girls heard a voice that sounded like Lily's. They then turned around and saw Lily walking into the barn. She wore a white t-shirt that had two horses on it. One of the horses was looking at the other and was saying 'what's your name? mine is whoa damn it!', a pair of rip jeans, a brown belt and her brown riding boots.

"Ohayoo Lily-chan!" The girls said while going back to getting their horses ready for the lesson. Lily looked around but didn't saw the boys.

"Where are the boys?" Lily asked.

"I don't know," Sakura told her.

"Yea me either," Ino said.

"They weren't here when we came in," Tenten said.

"Well it's about time for us to start the lesson," Lily said.

"I'll be in the arena," she then said as she walked out of the barn.

Meanwhile with the boys-

After shaking and yelling at him, Naruto still wouldn't wake up. The boys were about to give up and let Naruto come late, when he mumbled something that got Neji's attention.

"Sexy Hinata shake it for me hehe," Naruto mumbled with a perverted grin on his face. Apparently 'The sexy cowgirl' that Naruto was fantasying about was Hinata. When he mumbled that, that was when Neji smacked him on the head.

"Oww, what the hell?!" That definitely woke Naruto up. He was now glaring at them. The boys were now dealing with a grumpy Naruto.

"It's time to wake up idiot! We are going to be late for our lesson!" Shikamaru said annoyed. He was starting to get a headache.

"We been trying to wake you up for about an hour," Sasuke then said.

"Well you guys didn't have to smack me on the head!" Naruto yelled.

"I'm sorry but you kept on mumbling things that you shouldn't have said," Neji said annoyed. Naruto then calmed down.

"Like what?" he asked with a confused look on his face. He didn't know what Neji was talking about.

"You called Shikamaru a stupid pineapple head and you called me a stupid teme whose hair looks like a chicken's ass," Sasuke said annoyed.

"That's why you guys smacked me on the head? I don't even remember saying that!" Naruto glared.

"Actually Sasuke and I wasn't the one who smacked you. We were thinking about it though." Shikamaru said.

"I smacked you because you were having a sexual fantasy about my cousin," Neji said. Naruto blushed.

"I was not!" Naruto said.

"Were too, you kept on saying sexy cowgirl Hinata shake it for me," Sasuke smirked.

"Great you guys are going to use that as blackmail now huh?" Naruto said embarrassed. He must have been sleep talking.

"Yup," Shikamaru, Sasuke and Neji all said.

"Naruto get dress we gotta go," Shikamaru then said as he walked out of Naruto's room. Sasuke and Neji soon followed after.

Naruto then got out of bed and started to dig around in his duffel bag for something to wear. He found an orange and black plaid shirt, a pair of jeans and put them on. He then ran downstairs to put on his boots. Apparently Sasuke, Neji and Shikamaru left without him so he slipped on his boots and ran out the door.