Cowboy U Konoha Style!

Chapter 1:

At Konoha High:

"Finally…that troublesome class is over." Shikamaru thought as he headed towards the cafeteria for lunch. Suddenly on his way there, he sees a blonde knuckle head name Naruto come walking towards him.

"Hey Shikamaru! What's up?" Naruto said with a grin.

"Nothing…..what do you want?" Shikamaru asked back lazily.

"I saw you staring at Ino during class today." Naruto said with a smirk.

"What?! No I wasn't staring at Ino! Are you crazy?" Shikamaru said. Ok maybe he was staring at her I mean come on Ino is beautiful you can't help but to stare. But to admit that Naruto? No way.

"Oh really now…It clearly says you were on your face!" Naruto said teasingly.

"No, it doesn't." Shikamaru shook his head.

"Then why are you blushing, huh?" Naruto then said.


"haha! I'm just messing with you!" Naruto said as he slapped Shikamaru on the back.

"Whatever Naruto…See you at lunch." Shikamaru said as he walked on by.

Meanwhile with the girls-

"What are you guys going to do for summer vacation?" Sakura asked her friends Ino, Hinata and Tenten.

"I don't know," Tenten said back while taking a bite of her teriyaki chicken.

"Yea me too.. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do. Probably work in the shop." Ino then said as she flipped her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder.

Sakura then looked over at Hinata and ask, "And you Hinata? What are you going to do for summer vacation?"

Before she could even say anything back there was a loud pitch scream coming from one of the popular girls. In the popular mean group there was Temari (a/n: btw I got nothing against Temari but sometimes she gets on my nerves.. So don't kill me!) Then there was Kin from the sound village and 3rd but not last there was Ayumi from the waterfall village. By the looks of it someone had just played a hilarious prank on Temari because she was covered with tons and tons of mystery meat.

"Haha! She totally deserved that" Sakura said while trying to hold back laughter but failed. All her friends didn't say anything cause they were too busy laughing.

"WHO EVER DID THIS IS GOING TO PAY!" Temari yelled very madly while storming out of the cafeteria with her friends in tow.

Meanwhile with Naruto and Shikamaru-

"hahaha I told you hahaha it would work" Naruto said while laughing his butt


"I have to admit Naruto that was pretty awesome" Shikamaru said to him in response.

Before they knew it they saw Temari and her little crew come storming up to them and I guess they overheard Naruto. And at that moment that was when Shikamaru disappeared knowing damn well what will happen next and left poor Naruto by himself.


"Nevermind. Why would I waste my time on a nobody like you? Come on girls lets go" she then said as she walked away.

"That was close," Naruto sighed he then saw Hinata running up to him.

"Are .. You ..alright Naruto-kun? I saw what happened." Hinata asked with her cute innocent face.

"Yea I am fine. There's nothing to worry about." Naruto then said back to her with a grin.

"Alright.. Well I better get going back to my friends" Hinata was about to walk away when all of a sudden Naruto grabbed her wrist making her turn around to face him and said.

"Wait don't go yet.." he said while trying to get the words out of his mouth. Hinata looked so beautiful like that just staring up at him with a confuse look on her innocent face, her hair was a lot longer and she also got over the stutter problem. Let's just say Tenten knocked some sense into her!

"I wanted to say thanks for coming over to see if I was alright." Naruto said.

"no problem Naruto-kun" Hinata then said with a sweet smile she then walked away.

"What was that?" Shikamaru said with a smirk while coming out of his hiding spot and placing his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"what do you mean what was that?" Naruto said being dense as always while pushing Shikamaru's hand off his shoulder.

"I swear your so clueless sometimes.." Shikamaru then said.

"I am not!" Naruto yelled defensely. Before Shikamaru could even say anything/do anything back Neji and Sasuke was walking towards them.

"oh yes you are dope.." Sasuke said while leaning against a locker with a smirk on his lips.

"You don't even know that Hinata likes you…" Neji then said after and was also leaning against a locker that was next to Sasuke.

"Hinata likes me I didn't know that?" Naruto said while being dense as ever.

"No duh dope! Stop being such an idiot!" Sasuke yelled, everyone then looked at Sasuke.

"whoa teme just yelled!" Naruto said shockly.

"Yes I did and I'm going to beat the hell out of you if you don't shut the hell up!" Sasuke said with a glare. Naruto then hid behind Neji.

"Neji don't let him kill me!" Naruto yelled getting scared.

"Actually Naruto, I would gladly let him kill you" Neji said glaring while stepping aside so that Naruto wasn't hiding anymore.

"but-" Neji then said, Sasuke then raised an eyebrow.

"If you die Hinata-Chan would be so sad… so… Sasuke just beat him up don't kill him yet." Neji then said.

"hn… I wanted to kill him." Sasuke then said while crossing his arms. Bell rang and so it was time for class.

"ugh… so glad that class is over," Ino thought while opening her locker to put away her math book. Fourth period seemed to went by fast for Ino but was very boring since she never like math in the first place.

" I just cant wait until tomorrow.. No homework just a free day and of course the last day of school," she thought while grabbing the book she needed for her next class and shut her locker.

"Hey.. What's up Ino?" she then turned around at the sound of the voice to see Shikamaru hovering over her while leaning against his locker which happened to be right next to her.

"why in the world did his locker had to be next to mine?!" she thought, she then notice the smirk on his lips and blushed.

"Wow…since when did he got taller than me? When did he suddenly got hot?!" she then thought.


"Right…so you heard what happen during lunch?" he then said still leaning against his locker.

"That miss drama queen got drench with mystery meat…" Ino said to him with a smirk.

"Yea that was all Naruto's idea," he said while opening his own locker to grab his biology book and then shut it.

" no way that Naruto could of thought of that on his own…unless some genius was in on it," she said while rolling her eyes and started to walk off to class, he then caught up to her and smirk and that was when she realized that he was actually in on it.

"You were in on the prank weren't you?" she then asked back to him

"Yup" he then said smirk

" wow ain't that surprising…" she said flipping her blonde ponytail over her shoulder.

"Did you hear that Temari almost kicked Naruto's ass?" Shikamaru asked.

"Nope I would have to if he did that to me" she said, looking around while saying hi to people as she went, he just rolled his eyes he didn't know why he was walking with her to class he just automatically did it just like when they were on missions when she didn't tell him to take care of her body and still did anyways. But then again he really enjoy walking with her and talking to her. In fact this is his first time, because every time he tried she just ignored him.

"Why are you being so nice to me" he asked her suddenly while stopping in his tracks, Ino then followed after, they were now in a empty hall way.

"What do you mean Shikamaru? I'm always nice to you," she then said and looked at him, and notice that he had a serious look on his face.

"Yea right…every time I tried to walk with you to class.. You always ignore me or tell me to go away… and you call that being nice?" he then said with smirk.

"I do not" she said defensely

"Oh yes you do and you still haven't answer my question why are you suddenly being so nice to me?"

" well I just….felt…like…being nice to you.. And all because I was mean.. these past years to you" she then said while blushing, she then turned her head so that he couldn't see the blush on her cheeks. But failed because he noticed it and smirk.

"You like me don't you?" he said to her huskily.

"I do not are you crazy?! I like Sai-kun not you!" Ino yelled while blushing, she folded her arms across her chest with her biology book still in her hands.

"Oh so you like the emotionless empty headed jerk huh?.." Shikamaru then said. Man he really didn't like that jerk from the beginning he met him and now he still hate him because after Ino gave up on Sasuke she just let Sakura have him and now she likes Sai well you can say that he is tired of it and is wanting to show her whats been in front of her this whole time.

"Don't say that about him! You're just jealous!" Ino then said defending her precious Sai.

"oh I'm so jealous.." he said sarcastically, he then leaned over in front of her with one his hands flat on the wall behind Ino while the other one was holding the biology book.

"Just admit it Ino you like me" he then whispered huskily into her ear.

Ino never even noticed that her back was flat against the wall, she blushed deep red redder then Hinata gets, after he said that he walked away.

"I told you a thousand times I don't like you! Ugh!" Ino then called out after him.

"I totally love getting her mad," he then thought with a smirk.

"Totally" his inner self agreed with him.(a/n: yes every character in my story has a an inner just like Sakura.)

Meanwhile in Biology with Sakura, Hinata and Tenten-

"Students get to your seats the bell already rung," Anko their biology teacher said loudly as usual. Everybody then took their seats.

"Where's Ino?" Sakura whispered as she turned around on her stool to face Hinata and Tenten.

"I don't know" Tenten then whispered while looking up at the board taking notes on what Anko was writing.

"The last time I saw her she was talking to Shikamaru at her locker" Hinata then whispered to Sakura while looking at Shikamaru and then back at Sakura. They then saw Ino came through the door and sat down next to Sakura. They then also saw Shikamaru walk through the door.

"Yamanaka your late and so are you Nara" Anko said not even turning around to face her, how in the world did she know that she came in? did she had eyes on the back of her head or something?!

"Sorry Anko-sensei" Ino said back, while opening her biology book. Shikamaru just shrugged and lazily walked towards his seat.

"Why were you late?" Sakura whispered to Ino, while elbowing her to get her attention, Ino then whispered to her,

"I was talking to Shikamaru about something."

"Girls you should be writing down what's on the board not whispering about boys and stuff" Anko turned around to look at them.

"Sorry Anko- sensei" the girls mumbled while starting to write. Sakura then took out a piece of paper and wrote:

"So what were you and Shikamaru talking about?" she then folded it up and wrote pass it on on the front of it so Hinata and Tenten could know what's going on. When she was done she passed it quietly to Ino, Ino then noticed the note and read it and wrote:

"I already told you …." she then turned around and then throws the note to Tenten without Anko noticing her. Tenten then picked up the note and wrote:

"Right girl we all know you are hiding something and oh we can notice that you like him too!" she then passed it to Hinata so that she could know what's going on.

" Hinata…. Here," Tenten whispered while elbowing Hinata.

"what?!" Hinata whispered, she then notice the note and thought

"oh" she grab the note, open it and wrote.

"yea I agree with Tenten….," she then folded it back up and passed it to Ino, Ino then grabbed it and read what her friends said.

"I don't like him!" Ino wrote and passed it to Sakura. She then grabs it and wrote

"Right….Ino don't deny it…just admit you like him," she then passed it back to Ino, Ino then wrote

"Now where did I heard that before…" she then passed it back to Sakura and Sakura wrote

"huh?!", Ino then read what she wrote and whispered

"I will explain it later after class," she then stuffed the note in her binder.

"oh ok" Sakura whispered understanding Ino.

Meanwhile with the boys-

"I wonder what Sakura and the girls are doing," Naruto whispered to Neji who was sitting next to him on his left.

"I don't know probably passing notes to each other like girls do," Neji whispered back, tapping his pencil on the lab table, he then looked over at Shikamaru who was fast asleep, his head down on the table, he then looked over at Sasuke who was just staring at the board. Neji then took out a piece of paper and crumple it up and throw it at Shikamaru and it hit him right on the head.

"What the heck?!" Shikamaru whispered while rubbing his head and turning around to face Neji, he could hear Sasuke and Naruto snickering while Neji just went back to writing notes.

"You should be writing notes not throwing paper balls. The same goes to you Nara, its not nap time and while I'm at it Uchiha and Uzumaki I don't want to hear any laughing understood?" Anko said while turning around to face them, they then just nodded their heads and said


"Man she's troublesome…," Shikamaru thought while picking up his pencil and started to take notes.

"ok for this assignment I want you guys to work in groups of four if you guys want you can put the tables together without breaking the beakers ok?" Anko said to the class while getting the papers for them, the class then got up and put their lab tables together.

"Does anybody know what time it is? I'm too lazy to look at the clock" Shikamaru asked while sitting back down in his seat facing Neji and Naruto.

"It's Ten Ten. Haha get it Tenten," Naruto laughed at his little joke that he made but apparently Neji didn't thought it was funny.

"Here you guys go…" Anko said handing them the assignment, she then went over to the girl's table and handed them the assignment also. They then started to work on the assignment that Anko assigned them to do.

After school with the girls-

"Is it just me or did school went by fast today?" Ino asked her friends while unlocking the doors to her purple convertible.

"I know right" Sakura agreed while getting into the passenger seat while Tenten and Hinata sat in the back.

"So did you guys bring all your sleepover stuff for our sleepover tonight?" Ino then asked her friends as they started to drive off.

"Yup," Sakura, Hinata and Tenten then said.

"Except the fact that I forgot my I-pod.." Tenten then said with a pout, she then put on her sunglass since the sun was soo blinding, as the cool summer breeze flowing through her hair since she finally left her hair down and not have it in buns. She then heard Ino asking her a question breaking her thoughts.

"So Tenten… Have you finally got yourself a date with Neji yet?" Ino asked Tenten with a smirk. Tenten could see Ino smirking in the review mirror.

"No not yet… he just doesn't want to admit that he likes me," Tenten then said.

"Just like you Ino… except you won't admit that you like Shikamaru" Sakura said with a smirk as she tapped her fresh manicured nails on the door.

"Would you stop with the 'admitting that I like Shikamaru thing' Sakura?…ugh.." Ino said getting a little annoyed by the fact that they kept bugging her about the whole stupid thing.

"Ok sorry whatever but in some point of your life in a dangerous situation you will admit your true feelings.." Sakura then said back to her. Ino just sighed and said

"geez Sakura fortune cookie much" everyone then laughed at the statement Ino just said, Sakura just smiled and said

"Well it does happen…"

"That is true, but tell me why you don't like him?" Hinata then asked. Boy did that question hit her good; she thought about it for a while before she answered her question and then said

"Well he thinks he knows everything, he likes to tease me and during missions he thinks I can't take care of myself plus always tell me stay out the way…. He just a fricken jerk.. That's why I don't like him," Ino said while stopping at a red light and then waiting for it to go green, the light then went green.

"Well is there anything you do like about him?," Tenten then said while yawning.

"I don't know I haven't exactly thought about that," Ino then said back as they got to the gate to her house, her house was kind of like a mansion except she doesn't have a butler and all that stuff.

"hey Mina-Chan can you open the gate for me?" Ino asked into the intercom that was outside by the gate, Mina is kind of like a house maid once in a while when Ino's parents are on missions or on vacation or at work at the flower shop. Mina will come and help with chores and stuff, she known Mina since she was little so Mina was kind of like an older sister to her.

"Your dad locked the gate again didn't he?" Mina's voice spoke out of the intercom.

"yup" Ino answered back as she watch the gate open and then driving up the drive way and into the garage.

"Who's Mina?" Hinata asked while taking off her sunglasses, then putting them into her black purse that said "shy girl" on the front of it. Ino forgot that Hinata, Tenten and Sakura haven't met Mina yet.

"She's a house maid…" Ino then said while getting out of her car and opening the trunk.

"I thought you didn't have any house maids Ino," Sakura smirked.

"well I don't… she is sort of like a house maid when I was little she will come and help out with chores around the house or baby-sit me when my parents were on a mission or on vacation or at the flower shop.." Ino then said while grabbing her backpack, Sakura, Tenten and Hinata then grabbed they're stuff.

"So by the looks of it your parents are at the flower shop?" Tenten then said shutting the trunk so that Ino wouldn't have to do it herself.

"Yup pretty much," Ino then said opening the door, they then went in, when they came into the house there was an older girl that greeted them at the door.

"Hi Mina-Chan… it's been a long time since I saw you!" Ino said giving Mina a huge hug.

"I know it's so good to see you.. So who are these lovely ladies?" Mina asked while smiling at Ino's friends, Sakura, Tenten and Hinata then smiled back.

"Wow she's pretty" Sakura thought, Mina defiantly did not wore no maid outfit! She just wore normal clothes just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and a pair of ninja sandals, she had shoulder length wavy yellowish blonde hair with part of her hair tied up in the back with a red bow and she had dark beautiful blue eyes and she looked like she was in her 20's.

"Well Mina they are my best friends Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuuga and Tenten Higarashi," Ino said pointing at her friends as she said their names.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you girls," Mina then said as they went into the living room.

"the same" Sakura, Tenten and Hinata said at the same time, they then laugh including Ino at noticing that they said it at the same time.

"Here let me take your girl's stuff to Ino's room," Mina then said grabbing there stuff.

"Oh ok thanks" the girls then said thanking Mina.

"Need some help Mina-chan?" Ino said offering help to Mina, Mina then said " its ok I got it," she then smiled and disappeared around the corner, Ino then sat on the couch with her friends and asked

"Want to watch some TV?"

"Sure," her friends then said.

"Ok," she then grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"Oh Ino.. These came in the mail today" Mina said coming back into the living room and handing her the mail.

"And oh there mail for you girls also" she then said looking at Sakura, Tenten and Hinata.

"Weird" Ino said while looking at her friends.

"Probably our parents drop it off at your house Ino since they knew we were going to spend a night at your house" Hinata said taking the letter that said her name from Ino as she passed it to her.

"Probably" Tenten agreed with her and saw that Ino was handing her letter to her she then grab it. Ino then handed Sakura's letter to Sakura and looked at hers.

"Well shall we open together since they are all from same address?" Ino asked them, she then noticed that Mina wasn't in the room anymore.

"ok" her friends shrugged as they all opened their letters together. In the envelopes there was two papers, one had list of things plus more information and the other one was a letter that said:

"Dear Ino/Sakura/Hinata/Tenten, your hokage/parents is assigning/sending you to a ranch over in the outskirts of Konoha for a mission also for vacation. Your mission and vacation will start on this Friday, the day after you guys get out of school and it will go for 4 weeks. There will be a bus to be picking you up early in the morning at 8:00 am. So make sure you set your alarm clock! where your hokage Tsunade- sama will be talking about your mission while we will be talking to you about other stuff. Also you will get a surprise when you get there from your parents! Oh almost forgot the bus will be picking you up at the front of Lord hokage's office. The list of things to bring and info are on another piece of paper, have fun and we will see you there! Sincerely, Twilight ranch"

"Hmm Twilight huh? Where in the world did I heard that last name from," Ino thought while looking at the letter she then grabbed the other paper that said the list of things to bring and other info. The paper said:

"Things to bring: 1) a warm jacket for cold chilly summer nights. 2) 5 or 6 pairs of jeans/pants that will last you for 4 weeks so you can ride in/ do mission in. 3) 5 or 6 pairs of shorts. 4) pair of cowboy boots/ work boots and ninja sandals/flip flops. 5) of course don't forget your pjs. 6) 5 or 6 pairs of shirts/ tank tops. 7) riding gloves( you will totally need them!) if you have some. If not we will give you some. 8) Riding helmet( bring one just in case!) 9) swim suit/ trunks so you can go swimming in the pool/lake. 10) camera to take pictures! 11) stamped postcards and pens so you can write to your parents/ guardian. 12) sun block( because you guys might roast like a chicken!) 13) bug spray( bring that too!) 14) spending money. 15) extra stuff you want to bring hope its party clothes and show clothes. 16) last thing to bring is of course your kunai and shruiken pouch for targeting practice or in case of danger."

The paper Ino was reading also had more info about the trip it said: "We will have a little party at the end of your 4 weeks here at the Twilight ranch where there will be a famous band performing, so that's where the P-A-R-T-Y clothes come in handy. Also there's going to be a rodeo that each ranch including ours will be competing in so that's why you will be needing the show clothes" she then put both of the papers back into the envelope.

"Well it looks like we have a mission/vacation," she then said with a smirk.

"Sounds like fun the last time I went horseback riding was when I went on vacation with my family and Neji came along with us" Hinata said getting excited.

"I wish I could go on a romantic vacation with Neji-kun," Tenten then said dreamily she was having one of her Neji daydream fantasies again.

"You and your crazy daydreams Tenten," Sakura said shaking her head at Tenten.

"Tenten do u have a fever or something?…because your kind of freaking me out here with all the Neji lovey dovey stuff," Ino then laughed at Tenten.

Tenten just ignored Ino's comment and said "well the only time I went horseback riding was when I was seven.." she then grabbed the remote and turning the channel.

"same here" Sakura then said agreeing with her.

"What about you Ino-chan?" Hinata asked while going into the kitchen and coming back with a glass of water.

"If I remember right I went horseback riding was when I was six at my grandparents ranch over in Okinawa. But that was ages ago" Ino then said.

"Hmm I wonder if the guys got the letter also," Hinata said while plopping down on the couch next to Ino.

"hope not there is no way I want to spend my vacation with Shikamaru," Ino thought while getting up and heading into the kitchen to make some popcorn and then came back with two large bowls of popcorn for them to share. She gave Sakura and Tenten who was sitting on the floor a bowl while her and Hinata shared the other one.

"So tomorrow should we go on a shopping trip?" Sakura asked from the floor.

"We should" Tenten said while answering Sakura's question.

"Like what time should we go?" Ino asked while grabbing a handful of popcorn and pop it into her mouth after asking her question.

"We could go after school and after we are done we can go home and pack and then gets some rest," Hinata then said.

"Sounds like a plan then" Tenten then said.

Meanwhile with Shikamaru-

"Man what a drag…why in the world would my troublesome parents/hokage send me to a ranch for 4 weeks," he thought as he grabbed his car keys that he had in his pocket and unlocking the door to his green corvette and then climbed into the driver seat. He then turned on the radio, the song Until the day I die( for my love) by the band Story of the year just started to play. He then turned it up and started to sing along.

"and now my troublesome mother got me shopping for the stuff on that list I got…even though I got half of it already.." he thought while putting on his sunglasses and pressing his foot on the gas pedal, driving out of the drive way of his house and he was on his way to the place he hated the most which happens to be the mall. His favorite song then ended and then his other fav song In the end by Linkin park then came on. By the time the song ended he was at the mall, he went in and started to look for a certain store called Rider's boutique, it had everything he needed for this summer trip. He then found the store and went in. The last time he ever went horseback riding was when he got invited including Chouji to go with Ino's family to visit her grandparents over in Okinawa. But that was when he was 6, now he probably forgot how to ride. He then looked at the list and crossed out half of the stuff that he already had at home and now was left with getting 2 pairs of cowboy boots just in case, riding gloves because he didn't want to borrow theirs because he's afraid that he will probably lose them, a riding helmet just in case even though he won't be caught dead wearing it, horse treats, party clothes and last but not least show clothes. When he was looking around for the stuff he needed he heard a voice coming behind him.

"So by the looks of it you got the letter also?" Shikamaru then turned around to see who voice it was and it belonged to Sasuke.

"Yup," Shikamaru then said.

" oh if you are wondering Naruto and Neji also got the letter and they are here too at the moment," Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked at a show shirt beside him, by the looks of it he really didn't want to be here, well at least he wasn't the only one.

"Shikamaru you got the letter also?!" Naruto yelled excitedly popping out of nowhere and startled the poor guy. Shikamaru then plug his ears.

"Yes ….geez your so loud," he then said.

"Yes he did dope," Sasuke then said.

"Hey I was just asking… sheesh," Naruto then said rolling his eyes at Sasuke. They then saw Neji coming up to them.

"geez Naruto I could hear you across the fricken store… oh hey Shikamaru… so you got the letter also?" Neji then said while noticing Shikamaru.

"yup how troublesome that may be," Shikamaru then answered back.

"So do you guys know if the girls got the letter also?," Sasuke then asked with a bored expression on his face.

"Hinata is over at Ino's so I don't know if my cousin got it or not," Neji said while picking up a show shirt and then putting it back on the rack.

"They probably did got it too," Naruto then said walking off to go look at the boots.

"hmm… well I got everything I need so I will see you guys tomorrow," Shikamaru said saying bye to his friends as he walked to the cash register to pay for his stuff.