-1The Satanist charged out of the church, the last place he should be. Outside waited two men in plain white masks; one with a head full of hair, and the other clean-bald.

"Get ready to burn this shitty place down" He told them.

The bald one already poured gasoline on the church before the leader even went in to take care of the business. All that was left was the match, which the long-haired masked man got the pleasure of throwing. One clean swipe, and a small fire flickered on the matched head. He threw it, and caused the church to burn quickly.

All three watched in silence, with smiles on their faces. The burning of gods house satisfied them. Even the leader, whose life was grudged to get back at god for all his suffering and loneliness.

A voice called out to him, very familiar.


It was the voice of an American girl, who called out his name again.

"Even, what the fuck is this!"

Even looked at her. They go through this all the time. It was any wonder, why she hated when he burned churches, why she was even still with him. But yet, she was.

"hey babe, didn't know you were coming."

"No shit! What the hell!," she looked at the two masked men," you two are involved in this, too?"

They looked at each other.


"calm down. Look, I got you a present." Even threw her the necklace he held on to.

It took her a second to realize the thick blood on it. Stunned, she opened it slowly, and saw the picture of the two beautiful siblings in it. He wouldn't….

"oh god…."

"well? Like it?"

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. Even got hit with a rock on his head, thrown by the girl.

"I hate it! Why is it covered in blood? Do you think I'm stupid or something? What made you decide that they deserved to die?"

" Why do you care for the damn Christians anyway?"

"Oh, give it a fucking rest Even!" she yelled," You have no right to decide who should live or die! Your not God!

Even chuckled at that statement.

" Well I'm guessing you leaving me now?"

She wasn't expecting him to say that, but in her mind she knew this was finally the moment. Even though he pretty much helped her survive in Norway her whole life, she knew she couldn't take it anymore.

"Yeah. See you in hell."

With that, she ran off, to where was unsure. Now all three were alone with the burning fire.

"um," the bald one started to state in a awkward moment," don't take it so hard. I didn't tell you this before, but she's a bitch anyway,"

"Theo…" Even sighed.


"shut up."