this is my first story, so be nice! anyway, i hope you like my story,its actully from a comic i made, still in progres.

http://thecrowlastkill. rights belong to whoever made the crow

-1 Norway, 1982-

Blood and two corpses were all that were left in the churches pathway , as the most notorious killer in Norway whipped the blood from his hands. He smiled, and picked up a shiny locket from the puddle of blood. He laughed, looking at the picture inside; and young girl and her older brother were inside, who now were dead in front of the killer.

"How precious…"he chuckled" so sweet…." He pushed back his short dark hair, where his eyes, which were covered with black paint, showed nothing but pure evil.

"My girlfriend would KILL for this. I think ill give it to her."

He left, shutting the church doors behind him. The only living thing in the church was one crow, who watched the whole thing silently.

Poor soul…..

You would want to be with your sister forever, correct?…

What? You want to cast revenge?,,,

But now you are with her.

Still? We shall have an agreement. I will only bring your soul back. You must kill the one who has sinned upon you. Or, suffer hell for eternity.

Yes? You are determined.

The place was silent for at least ten minutes. The boy started to twitch, and gargle. Death was painful.

But being brought back to life was a real bitch.

His eyes opened wide, as he fought for breath, blocked by blood clogging it up. He coughed, and at last held himself up.

In his arms, he noticed quickly, his beautiful sister, covered in both blood, eyes wide open, dead.

"Mary?" he shook her.


"oh god..Mary!"

The crow watched. Poor boy, never saw death till now. It cawed.

Chad..we have to go, fool. Did I NOT tell you I would only bring you back? Its all I can do, we must get out of here! They are burning this place on fire.

" Theyre outside!" Chad yelled," ILL KILL THAT FU…"

get a hold of yourself! the crow interrupted. you are weak now. You must get out, and save his death for another moment.

Chad took his advise.

Now, one lonely corpse is all that remains of the massacre. In a pile of blood, in a church, where a statue of Jesus stares upon.