Authors note: Hopefully I did alright with this story. I hope you guys enjoy it! So read on fellow rent heads, read on! Please comment!

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own the rights of the characters, but Jonathan Larson did and he still does. I myself like to decide all the characters future. So I hope you enjoy the future!!! THANK YOU JONATHAN LARSON!!!!

Maureen's heart trembled as she sat on her bed with tears falling in her lap. Her life in her mind seemed to be falling to pieces. Good job Maureen, you've fucked up your future for good. The vague flashbacks scared her and she desperately tried to let go of his face, his dirty, greasy face. She felt trapped, like being in a house fully engulfed in fire and no way out. The last two months had been harsh and cold for her. All because of a stupid rumor. Everyone knew Maureen had the reputation for screwing around. Everyone knew Maureen's partner Joanne Jefferson wouldn't take it anymore if she knew what Maureen had been playing at. Someone in east village had a strong hate for Maureen Johnson. That's where the rumor comes into play. Some 'dousch' as Maureen called them, had ruthlessly crapped on Maureen. Who said it, who had stated the big fat rumor that had greatly effected Maureen Johnson's future. The rumor stated that Maureen had slept with two men in one week. Of course, who would hear, only Joanne Jefferson., and enough said. Joanne didn't want to hear one of Maureen's excuses again and simply threw her out of the apartment to leave her at her old apartment where her best friends lived. But Maureen's explanation was the truth…after the death of their good friend Angel Dumott Schunard, Maureen did finally understand her full commitment to Joanne. She really wanted to be with Joanne and only Joanne for the rest of her life. The flashback started to leak in again. The flashback had been only two days after Joanne had broken up with Maureen and threw her out of the apartment for good. It had been a cold and wet night on January 23 1991 11:00 pm eastern standard time, when the gang including Mark Cohen (Maureen's ex), Roger Davis, Mimi Marquez, Tom Collins (and or Collins for short) and her decided to go and have some fun. It was Mimi's last night at the 'Cats Scratch Club'. She was finally ending her so called job there to go back to school where Collins was teaching at. In Maureen's eye's what better way to escape the last memory of Joanne, screaming and throwing the suit case at Maureen, then getting drunk, finding some random guy…screw him and succeed with the biggest revenge Maureen could think of, making sure Joanne would hear about the real screw and making sure Joanne wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. But why? Why would Maureen want to convince herself that she never wanted Joanne rapped in her arms again. She truly still loved Joanne and not the dirty, greasy face that had screwed her that night. She remembered the smell that lingered on him, it was wet and bitter… the smell of cigarettes and beer, the--

"So stupid, so stupid, so stuuuppiidddd" Maureen wined as she pounded her fist against her face. " I can't keep hiding this anymore…who to talk to, who…" she paused ad looked up into her mirror "Mark!" she quietly squeaked. Maureen got up from her bed and quickly opened her door. She now faced the door of Mark Cohen her ex boyfriend, the boyfriend she broke up with for Joanne. Taking a deep breath she knocked on his door.

"Markkkk…" she said speaking into the door. She heard a slight groan. "Pookie it's me Maureen… I need to talk to you!" and with one word "Pookie" it hit Mark like a torpedo and he quickly awakened.

"Come in" Mark said groggily as he was putting on his glasses and turning his lamp on. Maureen entered. "Maureen it's 3:15 in the morning what are you doing up?"

"Mark we need to talk…I need to talk!" she said in strained voice.

"okay okay, what going on?" Maureen closed his door and sat down on his bed. He know felt confused and his heart was racing. "Maureen what's going on your scaring me…"

"I uh Mark I don't know where to begin…I'm so stupid so so stupid. I ughh!!" she buried her face in her hands. "Remember the rumor?"


"Remember the screw?"

"Yes…seeing you drunk and being dragged off, how could I forget" how could he really forget. Seeing Maureen go home with that strange man scared the shit out of him and he would've risked anything if they hadn't left so quickly.

"Shit Mark! You just nod you head and say yes or no! Right now it's my turn to talk!"

"Okay…yes I remember" he sighed

"Ok good well, I went a few days ago to the family clinic to get a STD test…I felt scared after that ya know?" her petrified eyes pierced Mark and he suddenly felt worried and again his heart began to race.

"Oh gosh Mo don't tell me you're part of the STD committee!" after this Mark felt bad…after all, his best friends were all HIV + besides Maureen and he didn't want to hear what he thought she was about to say. It would tear him apart.

"NO NO! Thank god no, but they did tell me something else… something something I wasn't ready to hear. Marky…I'm." she closed her eye's, took a deep breath and just looked at Mark, something was stopping Maureen from saying what she was about to reveal. They stared at each other for only a short time until Mark quickly broke the silence.

"MO! Oh jeez Maureen! You're pregnant!" and with that, again Maureen buried her face in her hands and started crying. Mark just sat there "Maureen…come on Mo don't cry" he felt bad for her. She wiped her eyes and mascara ran down her face. "Maureen are you crying because you happy or because ---?" Mark knew that was a stupid question but it had slipped.

"No Mark I'm not happy! Because of my stupidity for sleeping with that bum I will never get back with Joanne!"

"You still love her?" again what was with Mark and asking all the stupid questions?

"Of course I do! When you love somebody that much you don't get over it that quickly! Damn I thought you would know that!" and with that Maureen lounged her body over Marks and began crying again into his chest. Mark should've known that, he was still in love with Maureen and everyone knew it.

"Mark I'm not sure about a baby…" Mark lied there with his arms stretched out until they finally closed around her.

"shhh…Mo think about it though…" he stroked her dark chocolate curly hair

"Think about what" she whimpered

"I know right now it may not be the best time but…Mo your going to have a baby" he cooed. "Thankfully you didn't a disease mo…but instead--" Mark was suddenly cut off

"I don't think you understand!" she shot up. "Mark, Joanne wont want anything to do with me know that I've gone and knocked myself up, not that she's talking to me now anyway because she's not!" she shot him furious eyes. "If I had never gone with him, I wouldn't be in this mess. I don't think she'll even want to hear my name once she finds out that I've gotten pregnant and all because of a sucky screw just to get fucking revenge on her! I could've explain myself more! But now!"…again she laid down on him trying to catch her breath.

"Please Mo, forget about Joanne, she hurt you. As your partner, she should've believed you! She out of all people, she should've listened to you, instead of throwing you out like you were unwanted trash! If she does still love you then she'll come back" there was silence for a while. "Mo?"

"Right" she nodded her head. " She'll come back to me, I shouldn't be sorry. She should be the one sorry. I feel bad for her that she let me go, and --" she stopped and twisted one of her curls around her finger and smiled "I mean…a baby…, yea I want children in the future, but just hearing the word, baby right now " she sat up straight again. " Now that I think about it Marky… I'm going to have a baby" she had a soft smile that matched the soft pretty voice she was now talking in.

Mark smiled and cooed " Oh mo…"

"What If I'm a horrible mother! What if I don't know what to do when the baby is about to come!" she mumbled frantically.

"Maureen you won't, your going to be great mom. Besides the baby's not coming for a while, we'll all help you get through it, you'll be great, you'll know exactly what to do when the baby comes" Maureen laid back again on Mark and sighed.

"You know what?" she said softly. "Fuck Joanne, if she cant be in my life right now then screw her" Mark couldn't help but chuckle. "Thanks Mark" she said gently

"Glad I could help" he smiled laid there for what seemed to be forever. "Mo?" but when she didn't respond and he could feel and hear her breath gently, he knew she had fallen asleep. He carefully took the blanket beside him that was scrunched up against the wall next to his bed, he rapped it over both of them. " Mo I love you" of course he knew she didn't hear it but he hoped she knew. He carefully turned off the lamp on his night stand, took off his glasses and fell asleep with Maureen sleeping peacefully snuggled in his arms.