Rayman was walking stiffly beside Raygirl, who was shivering. "This night... is... extremely c-cold." Raygirl said quietly. She blew out a breath cloud. Rayman began to shiver as well.

"Oh, m-my, yeright, I don't remember th... last time... it was this col-l-ld-d...." Rayman said stutteringly as they walked through the cold, foggy night.

"Hold on a second, is it me, or is this the fastest day you've ever seen?" Raygirl looked up. Rayman stopped moving.

"You're right... wait...." Rayman looked around while gripping his shoulders for warmth. He looked up. "It's an eclipse!" Rayman said startlingly. "But we haven't had one it so long!" Raygirl looked up with him.

"Why's there an eclipse? There wasn't anything that size around here even an hour ago!" Raygirl quickly looked forward again. It was intensely foggy. They couldn't see six feet in front of them.

"It's okay, we'll jus-just go home for now." Rayman put his hand around her. Raygirl looked very agitated.

"B... but I don't think everything's going to be okay... just like that." Raygirl closed her eyes and began to weep a bit. "All these bad things are happening, and..." She turned her head away. Rayman looked at her with wide worried eyes. "I'm afraid, really afraid... and cold, very cold...d...." She shivered violently. Rayman held his hand around her tighter.

"Raygirl, don't panic right now, just think about what we're doing now, which is going back to your place and having a good sleep with the fireplace to keep us warm." He started to shake. They were together walking home in the dark, illuminated only by the white mist they walked through.

"Mhmm...." Raygirl hummed a lullaby while leaning against Rayman's shoulder. Then he noticed something special, he was the only one who seemed to know the lullaby in the whole Glade. Noone else had ever known what it was. Raygirl sang the lullaby he had never taught anyone. Where was it from? He didn't say anything, just smiled and continued to walk on home with her by his side.


Rayman could barely keep walking and his vision was fading out over time. He had no clue how long he had been walking. It could have been half an hour, three hours, he didn't really know. He came back to consciousness when he saw a lighting change, from white to burgundy. This must be Raygirl's place. He reached out his hand up to his head to brush his hair back from drooping down in front of his face, until he saw something that didn't surprise him too much. He kind of saw it coming, although he hoped to death it wouldn't happen. His hand was a little darker than it was supposed to be, and when he lifted his hand up, he could see a dull yellow illumination casting on his hands at eye level. "Oh, no." He shook his head. But he kept walking and carefully pushed aside Raygirl's botanical door as not to wake her. He walked slowly through the main room and into the bedroom with Raygirl still asleep, leaning against him. The only thing he could see was a dull shade of pink light where the moonlight was shining through the window. He walked up to the bed and laid her down carefully and covered her up with the blanket while she was still sleeping. He stood there for a minute watching her lie there. It made him smile seeing how peaceful she looked. Rayman did a double-take of whether or not he should stay in the bedroom before he tiptoed off to the main room and lay down on the couch and almost instantly fell asleep.


Raygirl woke up as soon as the bright sunlight hit her face. She squinted. When that didn't work, she tried to roll over, but she flipped off the side of the bed onto the floor. She groaned as she stood up and shook her head. She looked around. "Wait, this is my house", she said out loud. She walked over to the smooth frozen barrel of water, which she uses as a mirror. My hair's really messy. Raygirl reached up to the right and opened one of her cupboards and pulled out a brush. She took off her hairband and combed her hair straight, then put her hair over her shoulders. Meh, it's good for now.

She walked over to the door and opened it. "Heh, at least the eclipse is gone." She looked to the left at the couch and kept walking. Then she turned her head back. "What?" She stared at the couch. "Rayman?"

"Oh hi, you're awake." He rolled over and got up. "How are you?" He asked plainly.

"Fine. Thanks for bringing me home." Her cheeks turned red and she rolled her eyes. "Did I really fall asleep while we were walking?"

"Yes you sure did!" Rayman laughed but it quickly went away. "Alright, I have to say something."


"Listen. I've got to set everything straight. I've got to get rid of the problem." Rayman said seriously almost sounding dorky.

"...Okay... but how?" Raygirl said unsurely.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."

There was a pause. "What?? That's crazy!" Raygirl stuttered. "You'll... you'll..."

"Am I not crazy?" Rayman pushed his hair back. "Is it possible to go through a huge land of candy to face Mister Dark and not be crazy?" Rayman laughed. Raygirl was speechless.

"B-but... ehm..."

"I'm leaving tomorrow." He said again and pushed his hair back again.

"I can't really stop you can I?" Raygirl leaned against the wall.

"Everyone still thinks I'm a loser." Rayman put his face in his hands. "I'm pretty sure I'd be better off on an adventure than staying around the rest of the guys."

"I guess... maybe...." Raygirl sat beside Rayman and tapped him on the shoulder. "I'm coming."

"No way. It's way too dangerous. We don't even know exactly where we're going."

"I would keep insisting, but I know it's not going to get anywhere." She said as she ruffled his hair. His right hair tuft sprang up as the other drooped. "Wow, your hair is frazzled. Do you need some gel?"

"Do we have any?" Rayman looked at her weirdly. Gel was extremely rare.

"No... but I have... boiled sap." She twirled her finger. "C'mon, improvise. It works almost as well! Just a little fiddlier."

"Fiiine." Rayman said.

She walked over to the wooden, beautifully carved desk she had by her window. It was almost as beautiful as her. Rayman leaned back. She picked up a little half-cut barrel pot and carried it back to him. She sat down beside him and took off the lid. There was yellow sap in the pot that had been liquefied a little bit.

"I didn't know you had everything convenient just sitting here." He laughed.

"Oh come on, I use it for other things too, like glue."

"Heh, alright then". Raygirl walked over to him and mushed it in his hair and shaped it into a nice, sturdy, even hairdo like it was when he had failed to give his speech on defeating Mister Dark.

"There you go! Isn't that much nicer?" Raygirl looked impressed at what she had done.

"It is, in fact, very well done!" Rayman looked at himself in the frozen reflection. He nodded at her.

"Why, thank you!" Raygirl looked around. "Say... I can help you sneak outta here if you want so noone sees you... if you're okay with that."

"Really? I mean... that'd be really excellent!" Rayman went over and hugged her quickly. Nothing could ever separate these two... or was there a chance love can't always win? Look behind you Rayman, are you cold, faded? You know... there can only be one Rayman in this world.