AN: Alright! Here it is! My very first fanfiction with Kagome and Sesshomaru being the main characters!audience cheer and applause And it can be yours for only 3 payments of $69.99!
Ahhh you know I'm just joking. But, really, this is my first Kagome/Sesshomaru main story, and I've been working on it for over a month now. It's a two shot, so this is only part one. Part two is written up, but I think I'm gonna wait a day or two to put it up. Build the suspense, you know? What else? Ummm... oh! Part two has a lemon in it, just for fair warning. Annnnd... update! Another chapter of The Monk and the Miko is almost finished, so keep your eyes peeled for that as well. Yes! Check out my friend Lynn! We go to school together, and she's one of my bestie friends ever. I do InuYasha, she does Naruto, we gotta find one of our other friends to cover Fullmetal Alchemist and we'll be set! Her penname is pianapple. She's got a story she's working on right now, so don't worry, you'll have things to enjoy soon.
So please read, and love, and review!

What Now?

Part 1


He raced through the woods, having left his companions behind in the safety of the castle. He lifted his nose to the wind, sniffing as the scenery flashed by him. He couldn't help the faintest of smiles grace his lips, a predatory gleam in his eye. He was so close, and the smell was so strong. He went faster.

Finally, he was there. The steam rising and swirling around him weakened his senses, but he knew this was the place. He quickly disrobed and silently entered the waters, not knowing where he was going exactly, just knowing he'd reach what he wanted eventually.

She drew in a breath, butterflies filling her stomach as she felt familiar arms wrap around her waist, a nose buried in the crook of her neck, lips teasing her skin and the body of the man she had met secretly for over a month pressed against her back.

"Sesshomaru..." The name played on her tongue, caressing it. It was a name she didn't dare utter except for in such private times as these.

"Kagome..." He replied to her his own secret word. A name he rarely used, but always thought.

She smiled, biting her lip as his hands caressed her naked stomach, but she did not blush. Their naked state was something familiar to them both by now. In fact, it had been the start of their relationship.


Kagome walked through the woods trudgingly. It wasn't that anything was wrong it just... wasn't right either. She wasn't catching any breaks anywhere. They hadn't gotten a new jewel shard in almost a month, it seemed that the demons they were fighting had all been faught and defeated before, school was getting even harder to keep up with, and she had a nasty cut on her upper arm that was taking forever to heal and which she was positive would leave a scar. How was she going to explain that one to everyone at home?

And now, of course, she was going to have to go bathe in a cold, nearby lake because their weren't any hotsprings around for miles. Maybe they should've pressed forward for another hour or so, as InuYasha had wanted.

She shook her head to get rid of her troubling thoughts, as the lake finally came into view. It was more like a pond, actually. It was small, and secluded, with rocks jetting through the water's surface. The water was much cleaner than a pond's, though. One of the greatest things about this era- clean water.

She looked around once to make sure that no one was within sight before quickly discarding her clothing, folding it, and set it down along with her backpack on a rock near the shore. She took a deep breath, holding it as she entered the fridged water. She squeaked, lifting her arms up to keep anything above her hips from getting wet. Taking a deep breath and gaining her courage, she finally managed to dive under the water to soak her whole body. She finally surfaced, gasping and shivering, her teeth chattering together as she held herself tightly.

She cursed under her breath, deciding to finish as quickly as possible, afraid she might catch pneumonia or hypothermia. The only problem- when she turned around, her clothes were gone.

Sesshomaru had woken up to the sound of rustling clothes. He growled at himself, wondering how he could have been so absent-minded to have let himself nod off while bathing. The water had just been so refreshing and relaxing, and he hadn't slept in a long time. Even demons had their limits. But, either way, he had slipped up, and now someone was so close he could almost taste them.

He moved quickly, standing and peering around the rocks that seperated his part of the lake from the intruders. However, he stopped as he saw just who had intruded into his area. How could he have missed that scent? In front of him, about to enter the water, was the naked body of the girl who traveled with InuYasha, the girl who was the reason he lost his left arm, the girl who had foiled his second attempt to get the Tetsuseiga- and god did she smell good.

He disappeared back behind the rock before she could spot him, growling deep in his throat as he wondered what he was going to do. He didn't want to hurt her, this tantalizing woman, by any means, but he didn't want to simple leave her be either. She had intruded on his space, whether she knew it or not. Then, it hit him. He knew exactly what he would do.

Waiting for the perfect moment, ignoring his nudity, he placed himself on a rock and got ready to pounce. She got into the water slowly, almost painfully. He could see the displeasure about the cold water on her face, and almost chuckled. Humans were so sensitive.

Finally, the moment came. She dunked her head under the water, and before she could resurface, he raced to the spot where her clothes were and disappeared with them back behind the rocks. He perched himself ontop of a rock completely out of the water, set the clothes next to himself, and waited.

Kagome stood there, looking at the rock, completely perplexed. Where had her clothes gone? She was put back in motion as a breeze hit her wet skin, making her shiver and dip back into the water until it was up to her chin. The water was cold, but it was still better than the freezing wind.

After her body recooperated a bit, she started to turn back and forth looking for her clothes. She had other clothes in her backpack, sure, but that was one of her school uniforms, and now that she was in highschool, the uniforms were far more expensive to replace.

She didn't understand where they could have gone. She made her way to the rock and looked around, thinking it might have fallen into the water, but it wasn't anywhere near it. Maybe she had gotten turned around, maybe she hadn't put her clothes on that rock at all. But, if that was the case, why was her bag still there?

She muttered incoherently as she stood in the water, cursing herself. Now, she wasn't just cold, she was sleepy. She forced her eyes wider open and continued her way through the water, looking everywhere she could think of.

Then, she saw the end of the rocks, realizing that there were other areas her clothes could have been swept away to. It was a bit farfetched, but, figuring she might as well look, she walked around them to search the rocks. She stopped dead in her tracks, however, when she came face to face with a certain demon lord.

They just stayed there in silence, staring at each other. Kagome was at a complete loss of words. Here, in front of her, was the lord of the western lands himself.

And he was completely naked.

Her eyes travelled over his face, noting his demon markings to make sure it was really him, and it was. She couldn't stop her eyes as they ran down over his neck and to his shoulder. She made a mental note that he had both of his arms again, passing it off as part of his demon powers. She also noticed the marks on his wrists, matching the ones on his cheeks.

She traveled lower, her eyes running over his chest and on to his abs. She was amazed by his body, especially the fact that his muscles were so defined even when he was relaxed. His skin was smooth and blemish free, despite the fact that he had certainly been wounded in battle before. Her eyes travelled even lowever, unable to control herself as her eyes made contact with the junction between his legs.

A deep growl emmitted from within his chest, making her jump and tear her eyes back to his own. Her heart raced as she realized that she was still in immediate danger.

"Forgive me Lord Sesshomaru," she said, attempting to redeem herself as she looked away from him.

The area was in a tense silence for a moment. Kagome was afraid of the fact that she couldn't see what he was doing, but she was too scared for her life to look.

"Sesshomaru will do."

Kagome's head spun to face him, surprised by his words. She stuttered for a moment, her mouth opening and closing before being able to get a hold of her tongue. "Alright... Sesshomaru." She spoke his name slowly, the sound strange to her own tongue... though not that unwelcomed.

They fell back into silence again, Kagome swallowing every so often and holdering her jaw tight to keep her teeth from chattering together. It didn't work.

Sesshomaru's eyes were as cold and unwelcoming as ever. "I should go. I-I'm sorry for intruding," she said, giving a small bow before turning to leave.

"You may stay," Sesshomaru said, his voice startling her again.

She turned to face him, confused. His eyes were the same, and his demeanor as rigid, and yet... there had been something in his voice. "No... really," she started, swallowing again, "I need to finish bathing before I head back, and, uh..." she trailed off, a shiver running down her spine. Her eyes were so droopy. "And it's really cold. I- hey... are those my clothes?!"

Sesshomaru rose an eyebrow, wondering if something was wrong with the girl of if she always acted like this. He simple nodded his head, watching her intently.

"Well... give them back," she said weakly, not feeling up to putting up a fight.


"But," she was cut off by a cough, clearing her throat. "Why not? What do you want?"

He stared at her, thinking before a smirk played at the corner of his lips. "It seems as though you have been witness to this Sesshomaru's body... perhaps you should expose your own."

Much to his delight, her eyes bluged and cheeks reddened, accompanied by a fit of coughs. She didn't know that he had already seen her body, and he wasn't planning on telling her.

"I-I don't... uh..." she stuttered, swallowing as her hands unconsciously reached up and crossed her arms over her breasts, even if they were under the water. Sesshomaru almost growled. Was she really expecting such a low action as for him to... do something. "Can I just have my clothes back?"

"No," he stated again, enjoying playing with her.

"But..." she trailed off, a frown on her lips, feeling defeated. "Ugh. Fine. Keep 'em. I don't care," she told him, coughing again as she turned and started to leave the section of the lake, mumbling under her breath, though everything was heard by Sesshomaru anyway.

He growled as she turned, though she didn't hear it. The girl truely was clueless. She hadn't caught on to the fact that he was joking, and now she was mad.

'This is why you never joke,' he thought, letting out a disgruntled breath as he walked onto the shore and dressed.
-------------(SEPARATION! Wahcha!-just for Becca and Lynn-)

Kagome made her way through the water as fast as possible, wanting to get out of there and forget about everything that had happened. Though, She was almost positive that the view of Sesshomaru on those rocks would be burned into her memory forever. She was still debating whether that would be a good or bad thing.

She grabbed her towel and climbed out of the water, taking a step before stopping. Her eyes crossed, vision blurred, and head became fuzzy, diziness taking her over.

She tipped forward, but where she expected there to be ground, there was something else. Two arms wrapped around her waist, supporting her body. When she looked up, she saw the dry, warm, clothed form of Sesshomaru towering over her.

"What's wrong with you, human?" he asked, confused. He hadn't smelt any blood on her, so he assumed that she wasn't dangerously hurt. But then, he saw the cut on her arm. How could he not have noticed it before?

"Nothing," she said, coughing and shaking her head. "I'm gonna be fine."

She put her hands on his chest plate and pushed back, squeaking as she started to fall in the opposite direction.

He stepped forward and grabbed her again before she could hit the ground. He stood bent over her, her legs bent and his hair surrounding them both.

She groaned, her face flushed and body shakey, barely able to open her eyes. She reached up, grabbing desperately at whatever she could find, which so happened to be his sleeves.

"My name..."

He looked down at her again, not sure what she was rambling about, but made a small noise to let her know she had his attention either way.

"My name..." she started again, coughing. "Earlier... you said to call you Sesshomaru... I have a name you can call me too." Her voice was weak, and he knew she was barely hanging on to consciousness.

He stared down at her face, which had pain plastered on it. He clenched his jaw tightly, swallowing. He didn't know how she suddenly had such a grasp on him.

"I know... Kagome."

Her eyes opened as he spoke, the statement shocking her. His voice was so soft that she had almost missed it. Her name sounded so... foreign coming from him, but she still liked it. She stared deep into his eyes, the eyes that reminded her so much of InuYasha's, and were still so different. They were brighter, clearer... and there was something in them. Something she couldn't quite put her finger on. Whatever it was, it was the last thing she saw before her body went limp and her vision went black.

Sesshomaru stared at the unconscious girl in his arms. What the hell had just come over him? Sure, he had known the girl's name by hearing it in battle, but he had never used it. He had never even thought about it, he simply never had a reason to. But now...

He shook his head. He had more important things to do. Lowering his head to her cloth cover chest, he noticed that her heartbeat was slower than a normal human's, even one that was sleeping. Something had to be wrong, and it had to be that cut.

The towel started to slip from her body, and he quickly grabbed it to keep it in place. He didn't need to invade her privacy any more than necessary.

He lifted her into his arms fully, carrying her to a flat rock and laying her ontop. What was he going to do? He was stuck with a half-dead, half-naked young female miko who was strongly connected to his younger half-demon, half-brother. He positioned the towel so it covered her better, though it still didn't work to well. It showed even more of her legs then that damned thing she normally wore(which he would never admit he was happy for), and barely reached the top of her chest.

Her body started to tremble as she lay there, coughing even in her unconscious state. She started to convulse, her face contorted in pain. He stared down at her and growled. What was he going to do? He was getting frustrated by the question. She was only getting sicker by the moment, and the smell of death was starting to taint her intoxicating scent. It made his stomach churn.

He kneeled down next to her, dipping his sleeve into the cold water and ran it over her forehead, as he had seen humans do with their ill. But whatever it was supposed to do, it didn't. Her trembling got even worse and the stench strong, and he knew what was eventually to come.

He wanted to avoid that by any means possible. Sure, he could revive her with his Tenseiga, but then he wouldn't be able to ever again. Not that he planned on interacting with her again. He just... didn't want to use Tenseiga any more than necessary.

But then something unexpected happened- Tenseiga pulsed at his side. He looked down at it confused. What was it reacting to? The girl wasn't even dead yet.

Her chest heaved as she wimpered, her head rolling from side to side. She was getting closer and closer, but it would still be a while before she would depart. He didn't want to have to witness her stuck in this state for any longer than necessary. He suddenly felt responsible for the poor girl.

It was that damned sword, and he knew it. It did the same with Rin, and now it wanted to save this girl. But there wasn't anything to save yet.

The sword pulsed again, stronger, trying to get his attention. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled the blade out, not expecting anything special. Thought, it wasn't what he got.

He started as he held the plade in front of himself. Instead of it's usual blue, it glowed a bright while, illuminating everything around it. Everything glowed a soft light- except Kagome. She was dull compared to the world Tenseiga had created, and it didn't suit her.

Tenseiga pulsed in his hands as he stood, holding the blade confused. What was he supposed to do now? Looking down at Kagome, he realized that she was getting dimmer and dimmer by the moment, as though the light was being sucked right out of her. He realized that soon, her light may be gone completely, and she would no longer be allowed in this withe world. He wouldn't let that happen.

Following instinct, he raised the sword abover his head and slashed downward, cutting along Kagome's body, but leaving no mark. Instantly, her body reacted.

Light erupted from her whole being as her back arched, pushing herself from the rock. Her mouth and eyes opened, gasping for air as life returned fully. The would disappeared from her arm, her skin returning to it's usual, healthy color. Her body finally relazed, lowever back down to the rock and settled as the world returned to normal.

Sesshomaru stared at the Tenseiga blankly. What new technique was this? could his sword not only revive the dead, but heal the wounded and sick as well? Wha had been the reason of this new technique suddenly showing itself? Had it been the girl?

All questions were swept away as he heard her stir, however, and sheathed Tenseiga, forgetting the sword completely as he kneeled down. All his focus was on her. She groaned again slightly, her head rolling from side to side and cheeks flushing. He felt something twinge inside him, afraid his sword had failed, afraid she was still sick.

But then she settled down again, letting his insides settle as well. He sat back, crossing his legs as he started out at nothing. He didn't understand this girl. In less than an hour, she had managed to awaken something in both his sword and in himself. But, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that she had and effect on everything she came in contact with. She was a catalyst, and the world was hers to mold.

He looked down at her again, and she was still, looking as though she was sleeping peacefully. He could do nothing but stare at her for a long time, his mind racing and face blank. Finally, he brought himself back when the light shifted around him, night falling across the great islands, knowing he needed to return soon. He couldn't just leave the girl in her nearly naked state for demons and who-knows-what-else to find.

He walked over to her bag, picking it up along with the clothes he had brought and set to work.

Kagome began to wake up groaning as she lifted a hand to her head. She prayed the pounding would stop soon, but she knew it wouldn't. Slowly her eyes opened, waiting for them to focus again before sitting up. Then she realized how dark it was.

"Crap," she cursed, jumping up, though instantly regretting it. Sitting back down, she waited for her eyes to uncross before attempting to stand up again, cautiously this time.

She took a deep breath to calm her body, feeling her hands tremble from something inside of her. Something trying to settle comfortably, making her stomach churn until then. She looked around, seeing her backpack on the ground next to her, with her towel folded neatly next to it.

Seeing the towel, she looked down and realized that she was back in clothes, shoes and everything. She gasped as her arms wrapped around herself, looking around nervously. Sesshomaru had been the only one around. He had to be the one to dress her. That meant that he had seen her completely naked. She picked up her bag and ran.

She didn't care how much her head pounded, or how bad her stomach felt, she need to get back to the others. She kept trying to think what happened earlier that day, but the last thing she remember was climbing out of the water. What had he done to her?

She ran and ran, praying that she was running in the correct direction, but was stopped as two hands gripped her shoulders, jerking her back against hard armor. She gasped, closing her eyes as her bag dropped from her hands, preparing for the worst.

"Tell no one, and no one will know," Sesshomaru's voice sounded vaguely as he softly placed something in her hands.

She opened her eyes, peering down at the school uniform resting in her hands. She gasped softly, wanting to tell him something. But when she turned around, he was gone.

End Flashback

Kagome chuckled to herself as she remembered how afraid she had been of the man who now held her in his arms. It was interesting how fear turned so easily to comfort, and how a mild hate had turned into such a strong love. And yes, she meant love.

She loved him, and he knew it. She had told him the first time they had "been together." He hadn't said it back to her, but they both knew he did. She said it in words, he said it in actions. She knew well enough by then to tell. She knew him so well, she felt as thought she had known him forever.

They had been speaking for almost a month and a half, and were together whenever it was safe. He had originally tried to stay away from her, but the farthest he had managed was watching her from the trees as she slept- or attempted to sleep. She would toss and turn, and all he wanted to do was help her settle down, but he could. Sure, he could maske his scent(which is what he had done after that first night together), but he couldn't risk being seen by the others. He didn't want to deal with those pests.

It was only so long before he had approached her again, however. On the fourth night, he snuck up on her after she seperated herself from the group. She was walking through the woods when he showed up before her, the sudden appearance making the hairs on her neck stand up.

She was fearful at first, but eased as she realized it was him, having regained all her memories from their first encounter. She still hadn't been able to shake her head of the look in his eyes...

And that had been the real start of their relatioship. They barely spoke at first, but after a few weeks they were having complete conversations. They spoke about anything and everything, each wanting to know the other fully. They spoke every night, always giving excuses to get away from their group.s

They one night that he had missed their meeting, she awake the next day to a white lily on her pillow, which she had informed him two nights before was her favorite flower. She wore it in her hair the entire day as well as that night when she went to meet him.

That night, they kissed for the first time. Or, rather, Kagome had kissed him for the first time. They had been saying their goodbye's for the night when Sesshomaru had told her how beautiful she was with the flower in her hair, gently caressing its petals. She had thanked him bashfully, surprising them both as she leaned up and gently pressed her lips against his. She had turned and started to walk away before he had the ability to respond.

That instant had woken up his innder demon, setting it on fire. This was the woman he wanted, the woman he needed. From that day forward, he focused all his attention on making her his. And she would be his.

AN: And there it is! YES! Part one of my Kagome/Sesshomaru fanfiction! I'm so excited. Another notice that I didn't want to put earlier: this two-shot will be made into a full length fanfiction if you really want me to. So review and tell me to do so. I really hoped you liked it, and I really hope you'll check back for part two. Also that you'll go and read some of my other stories and fall madly in love with me!(I am currently excepting proposals) So... go and be merry my lovelies.
