Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, Nor Harry Potter these are owned by Bandai and J.K Rowling. No money is being made off of this only enjoyment

Warnings: Yaoi/Slash. Gay/Homosexual – don't like then don't read

Author: SquiresBoy

Beta: Sable Gloom

A/N: A few changes have had to be made to the timeline, as Gundam wing is set in the future AC195/196 and Harry Potter is in the past at 1990's. Well here is what I've used Artistic Lisence to solve this. Harry Potter & Co have been moved up to AC 196. That does NOT mean they have timetravelled.They are NOT two different worlds but ONE. HP is just being moved up a bit (a big, big, big, big bit). This is set in 196 AC and Harry Potters 6th Year. Endless Waltz hasn't happened and nor will it, this won't be sticking to the Half-Blood Prince nor Deathly hallows.

Catherine Bloom gazed at the sky in wonder, the late June heat proving the sky to be a rich orange before fading into a coppery bronze. It was well into the night yet the blistering heat and light sky caused there to be little difference with the light. Her thoughts were varied and rushed a sense of uneasiness danced in the air.

The animals were agitated with worry they too picking up on the unpleasant feeling. Twirling one copper red strand of hair she turned her gaze towards her trailer, the off white colour looking dim and dirty even in the dull lighting. Looking back towards the sky she drifted off into her thoughts once more as she awaited her company.

A small thud had her startled out of her thoughts, whipping round her gaze until it rested upon the small-amused smirk of her brother. Gasping at his sudden appearance she brought one shaking hand to her chest before breathing deeply and scowling at her younger companion.

"Trowa… you, nearly gave me a heart attack there." She grumbled still attempting to calm her rampant heart.

Chuckling slightly Trowa gave no response other than placing his larger calloused hand over hers before laying back and watching the sky as well. Squeezing his hand gently Catherine smiled down at the young man who they'd only weeks ago proved was actually related to her. In her heart she had always known, his deep green eyes and auburn hair reminded her of their mother who'd they'd both lost many years ago.

"Catherine… something's not right go back to the trailer, lock the door and don't let anybody in" Trowa's deep firm tone brought her out of her musings before the words sunk in.

Swiftly turning towards him, she watched as he analysed the area surrounding them, gesturing for her to hurry. Catherine scrambled up and took off towards the safety of her temporary home. Almost reaching the door a sudden crack had her whirling around to watch as several dozen black robed figures dramatically appeared, surrounding not only them, but also the small circus they were working for.

Miles away at number 4 private drive, an ebony haired boy tossed in his sleep, covers pulled taut around him like a cocoon. Adding to the trapped feeling coursing through his veins. Twisting, a shuddery gasp was dragged from his lips as images of defenceless people flashed through his mind.

A woman with lavender blue eyes let out a crying scream, her eyes widened fractionally before filling with tears. Across from her a cinnamon haired boy whipped around, emerald eyes ablaze and yet his face void of emotion, the cold blank face sent terrifying shivers through the slumbering boy's body.

Convulsing emerald green eye's blinked in the darkness that encased the room, gasping for breath and shaking, circular glasses were shoved on. Struggling from the fabric prison he barely noticed as the bedroom door was thrown open.

"Freak- what are you up to, I thought I said NO magic!" came the rampant scream from a walrus like man stood in the doorway.

Gazing up as his hollering uncle, the green eyed boy paled as he stumbling forwards, one hand pressed to his forehead in an attempt to ease the pain thudding in his skull. Pushing past the still yelling man he rushed downstairs, throwing open the front door he slipped outside before dropping to his knee's gasping for breathe. Within seconds several figures surrounded the fallen boy, each displaying concern and questioning him.

"Wotcher Harry, what's wrong?" exclaimed a pink haired girl, her short spiky hair showing off her tomboyish attitude.

"Harry… what's happened?" another man asked, his magical eye whizzing around and analysing the child clutching his knees.

Standing up he clutched onto the pink haired girl and gazed deep into her eyes, the worry and concern shining back at him calmed him slightly. Drawing in a ragged breath he strengthened his grip on the girl before grounding out his answer.

"Tonks! ...There's an attack… not-not far from here, in a-a-a circus, death eaters attacking… there was this girl and she was so scared and-and we need to go! NOW!"

Staring wide eyed at the sudden change in attitude of the boy, Tonks nodded and closed her eyes briefly. Luckily with having a muggle father she knew exactly what Harry was talking about, being there only a few days prior she grasped onto her companion and shouted out the location to her co-workers before disapparition. The crack that sounded afterwards sent a chain reaction as the watching aura's too disaparated.


Harry shook his head as the nausea set in, he hated side-aparating. Immediately the chaos of the circus engulfed him, people panicked and screaming could be heard over the noise of the animals. Black robed figures swarmed the area shouting spells and laughing as their victims dropped like flies. Grasping his wand tightly he straighten before a green blur of light forced him to duck and take cover.

Aurors were apparating in all around them, and the pandemonium around them only seemed to increase. Spells were flying from all directions and the loud firing of gunshots could be heard overhead.

Eye's widening at the idea of straying bullets, Harry took off in search of the two people from his vision. Bodies littered the floor both animal and human. Carefully stepping over them he ran towards the gunfire. Instinct guided him; Harry had learnt that if he only trusted them they are what he needed to trust. Coming towards the area filled with washed out white trailers he came to a standstill, his eye's wide and alert showed surprise as the shock of the scene set in.

There in a circle lay four death eaters, blood spatter coated the floor where they dropped dead or mortally wounded. Behind two crates crouched three figures, one holding onto the convulsing form of fourth. Catching a glimpse of copper red hair he darted forwards, wand at the ready to cast a body bind on the girl obviously going through the after effects of a prolonged cructicus curse, only to come to a halt when a hot barrel was pressed into his forehead.

Gulping emerald eye's raised to meet the intense and cold gaze of aquamarine blue, blinking when he head wasn't immediately blown off he swallowed before babbling off in a hope to save his life.

"Wai-wait, please wait… I'm not trying to kill you… I-I-I'm on your side. Oh Merlin! Please don't kill me! I-I-I can help your friend. Just please… don't kill me."

The eyes gazing into his own clouded confusion flashed through and quickly disappeared to be replaced once more with the cold calculated gaze from earlier. Eyes darting the boy holding onto their shuddering companion, a slight nod was the only noticeable signals the two expressed before Harry was shoved down out of firing range. Shaking slightly emerald met emerald as the boy from his vision pinned him with his gaze, confusion and recognition briefly flashed through his orbs before the stranger gazed down at the shaking girl lying across his lap.

Grasping his wand Harry cast a simple body-binding spell before turning back to the three stony faced assassins.

"I-I've stunned her, she's been under the cruciatus curse, she needs medical help. Specialised medical help or she could have permanent nerve damage… I can get you it. But you're going to have to trust me, please trust me, please" the pleading tone he held seemed to grab something within them as twin calculated eyes gazed at the aquamarine orbs from before.

Closing his eyes briefly the boy placed one pale hand across his chest, just above his heart as he concentrated on the feelings radiating off the raven-haired stranger with them. Dragging his hand through platinum blond hair he opened his eyes and nodded to the two awaiting partners. At the nod weapons that were prior focused on him withdrew and once more were trained on the battle behind them.

As if sensing their need the sounds began to fade, screams stopped decreasing in strength until they turned into whimpering moans and sobs. The death eaters had scampered off on the arrival of the order members, the keen wails drifted to their ears of the wounded. A sudden shout had them all instinctively ducking for cover.

"Harry! Harry where are you? Harry…. HARRY!"

Realising that it truly was his name being called, Harry rose up pointing his wand to the sky and sending off red fireworks. Alerting the order to his position, within minuets the bubble gum pink hair alerting to Tonks presence was steadily coming closer. Behind her the two forms followed hot on her trail. Upon her arrival, Tonks swept Harry into her arms grinning madly at her little comrade.

"Wotcher Harry, we got um, we got um good." Came the excitable chatter from the bright haired witch.

Smiling up at the bubbly girl, he winced when she eyed the boys beside him warily. Trying to reassure her, he smiled softly before bringing the withering girl on the floor's attention to the Aurors. He heard the mutual gasps as the three recognised the obvious side effects of the cruticus curse.

"Tonks she's been hurt, we need to get her to Grimmauld place. She's been put under the cruticus, please Tonks I can't let her be in pain… not because of me." Harry's eye's watered slightly as he gazed at the quaking form of he girl from his vision.

Nodding distractively, Tonks glanced over her shoulder to the silent men behind her. She was the leader of this mission and she couldn't bear to see the pain filled eyes of the withering girl, nor the boy holding her protectively. Making a split second decision she nodded her consent before turning towards the men behind her.

"Right, we have four muggles, one obviously under the cruciatus curse, and from the extensive convulsions I predict it's been a prolonged attack, possibly up to several minuets or more… we will side-apparate them directly to headquarters and promptly fire call Pomfrey… any questions?" She barked her tone business like and demanding no nonsense.

"You can't expect us to take them to headquarters… they're muggles!" exasperated Moody his paranoia showing through

Tonks' face grew pink with suppressed rage, patentiently waiting for the elder man to finish before she could berate him. Harry's similar expression was thunderous, his temper only kept in check by the soft hand placed on his shoulder. However before either of them could explode, a burning hot gun was pushed into the man's temple, the heat causing swears to instantaneously gather.

Furious ice-cold Prussian blue eyes stared at the man. The death glare unavoidably screaming "I WILL kill you", eye's narrowed and for an instant a collective gasp broke out as mental images of the trigger being pulled dashed through the groups minds.

"You WILL, take me and my friends to… this, headquarters. There you will take care of our injured comrade… Do I make myself clear" came the quite yet deadly monotonous voice from the blue-eyed killer.

Gulping Moody attempted to grasp any confidence left only to have it evade him when the safety of the gun was unceremoniously clicked off, bringing the reality of the near death situation to importance. Nodding slightly and stiffly he paled when the burning tip was removed from his temple only for it stay trained upon its target. Avoiding the deadly gaze of the threatening man before him, Moody scowled at the relieved emotion dancing within Harry's emerald eyes.

"Well, then no probs just grasp a hold of us and don't let go okay?" Tonks sighed at the technical retreat happy another disaster was avoidable.

Harry's grasped onto Tonks, the adrelenaline from the attack disappeared and the fatigue steadily seeping in. He could feel her affectionate gaze on him before she nodded to their companions to do the same. Once everyone had taken hold, she nodded sternly towards the men beside her, nervousness evident in their eyes at having to take several strangers back to their base. Without another thought she aparated out and landed in the black's living room.

Weary from the side apparition as much as the stress, Harry dove towards the fireplace frantically throwing a handful of floo powder from on top of the mantle piece into the flames and yelling at the tops of his lungs.


Withdrawing his head from the fireplace, he turned back towards the newly arrived visitors before the appearance of madam Pomfrey herself forced him to move out the fireplaces opening.

"Wha-What's going on here- Oh MY… put her down, put her down!" came the southing tone of the mediwitch.

Trowa eyed the witch warily, the slight inclination of the blond head of his companion set him mind at rest and he carefully laid the still shuddering form of his sister on the table behind him. Madam Pomfrey hustled him out of the way, casting several spell's and before the quite noise of the blond forced her to turn around.

"She was put under the cruticus curse for three to four minuets before we could take down her attacker, unfortunately all the medical spell's I attempted have made no difference" he quietly pointed out, sadness etched in his angelic face.

"You- you're a wizard dear?" she mused her eyes wide as she poured potion after potion down the shaking girls throat.

"Yes… I've only had minimal training, but with the war I've been unable to acquire a tutor." The boy frowned, brushing back the blond bangs stuck to his forehead.

Glancing up at the boy in confusion, before she could question the boy more her eyes locked onto the emerald green gaze of the man beside him. All breath emptied from her lungs and her hands shuck with repressed emotion, the vial in her hand slipped out of her grasp and shattered across the floor, yet she did not move a muscle. Only when the emerald eyed boy's eyes laced with concern at the brief glance at his sister did she move, robotically turning around she gazed at the now slumbering form spread out across the table, coppery red curls cascaded around the her face like a halo, the feminine features so like her mothers.

Gasping at the sight, her eyes filled up with tears as she gently traced one pale cheek, looking up into the familiar green eyes she burst into tears as he grasped onto the boy hugging him close like a lifeline.

"Oh My boy… my poor little boy. How you've grown. I thought you were dead! Merlin child you are the splitting image of your brother oh Triton…" she trailed of as sobs racked her small frame.