Trivial Matters

A complement to sea salt: Fish

Demyx nearly jumped out of his skin when a certain blue-haired diviner appeared behind him and brushed past. He managed to make it behind the counter before he realized that Saix was not after him, as strange as the idea was. The berserker was rummaging through the freezer, before pausing, pulling something out. The confused look on her face was absolutely adorable.

"They put fish in ice cream?" she mumbled to herself.

"They're chocolate fish," Demyx supplied, for the first time not scared to death of the berserker. It was a little hard to be scared of someone marveling at a small carton of ice-cream. However, he regretted his decision as soon as those golden eyes swung around to face him. Saix had obviously failed to notice him and it was never, ever a good idea to startle Saix. "They… They're fish-shaped chocolates that they put into the ice-cream because it was it looks funny, but they taste really good because they're crunchy and sweet and…" he was rambling, barely coherent, wondering how quickly he could run away and what would be the consequences if he did.

Death would be kinder.

When the killing blow didn't land, Demyx chanced a glance at the berserker, silently thanking every god whose name he had ever overheard. Saix was eating the ice-cream like a broken man nursing his mug of cheap beer. Only, ice-cream tasted so much better than beer that he couldn't understand why Saix would look so unhappy. Then again, this was Saix.

But Saix was a girl now, and all girls liked chocolate, right? Demyx shuddered slightly, reminded of that incident with Larxene and the chocolate fountain. It was really scary to be caught between the two, but chocolate was, like, some magic drug that made girls happy. So Saix should be happy now…?

Nervously, Demyx fought the urge to duck under the counter. "S… so, is it good?" he ventured, ready to bolt in a moment.

Saix looked up at him. She had forgotten about him. Again. If he wasn't so terrified, he might have thought to 'feel' a little hurt. Really, was his value to the Organization so negligible that people could forget that he existed? It was almost like he was some throwaway character inserted to make up the numbers.


She didn't look like the chocolate was making her happy. Demyx wracked his brain, trying to think up of something that was potent enough to negate the effect of chocolate (though he probably didn't use such big words in his head). Was it… hm… was it because of the baby? Was it because of the father of the baby? Demyx squirmed a little at the thought. He still couldn't believe that the guys had been betting on the Superior and… urgh.

Saix was giving him an odd look now, a look that wasn't unfamiliar to him. He got it every once in awhile, when they were forced to spar and he made mistakes like creating bubbles of water instead of useful projectiles. It was usually the prelude to him getting well and truly trashed by a very bored berserker, though it seemed Saix always made it a point not to hurt him too much.

"I… I was just thinking," he managed to get out, gripping the counter for support. "You look kinda upset, so it's good that the ice cream is good. It's mine, actually, but you can have it, no problems! I'll just go get some more the next time I get sent out on a mission…"

"Thank you."

Did she… did Saix just… thank him? And was she smiling at him? In a non-mocking fashion?

"It's no problem, really! I mean, I figured, you must be worrying about the baby, or the daddy, coz everyone's wondering who…"

He cut himself off when he felt the temperature in the room drop several degrees and with Vexen nowhere in sight. See, this was how he developed his instincts. It all came from babbling like a brook.

The ice cream was set aside, forgotten, as Saix advanced on him.

"Try to run and I will hunt you down personally and rip you limb from limb," she promised when she noticed the darkness gathering around his hands. Demyx stopped immediately, raising both hands with a squeak.

"Now, explain what you meant by that last statement of yours. 'Everyone's wondering'?"