Welcome to Starbucks: May I take your Order?: A RLSB OneShot

Summary: Remus takes Sirius to Starbucks; what was he thinking? Pandemonium ensues.
A/N: Slash, don't like, don't read. Also, this is Marauder era fifth year.

Sirius was bored. Not just "I'm-stuck-in-Potions-and-I-think-I'm-gonna-scream" bored, but full-out, cut-your-hair-out-just-for-a-change bored. And Remus couldn't let him cut his hair.

"Meet me at the old sycamore by the Forest, and bring James's cloak and the compass." The note held wonder for Sirius. The compass, and old Black family heirloom Sirius had attained through a combination of stealth and humor, could convey the holder anywhere in the world as long as it was on land.

Remus sat under the shade of the old tree, counting falling leaves and waiting. He didn't wait long. A rush of wind told him Sirius was near.

"Hey! Let go of me, you--" His words were drowned out as his tongue was occupied elsewhere.
"I missed you too, Moony"
"You saw me two classes ago"
"Yea, but two hours is a long time when you spend it in Potions with Snivellus"
"Oh well, I think I have an idea. Let's skip class"
"And go where? There's nothing to do, nowhere to go except detention"
"I love you, but you're an idiot sometimes. Have you forgotten the bloody compass"
"Oh, that compass"
"Hold me tight." Remus instructed Sirius.
"I love it when you talk like that." The dark-haired boy smirked.
He rolled his eyes, and whispered, "Starbucks"
"What'd you say?" But they were gone, gone, gone.

"Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order?" To Remus's surprise, the coffeehouse was empty.
"Yes, I'll have a Cinnamon Dolce Latte, grande, hold the whipped cream, and he'll have an Espresso con Panna solo and we'll get those to go." Sirius, who considered himself an expert on Muggle-speak (having passed Muggle Studies with an Acceptable) was completely lost. However, Remus seemed to know what he was doing, and kept a low-profile even as he shot a spell at the cash register. The clerk conveniently /forgot/ to demand their check, and the couple settled into the back booth.

"Yes, Pads dear"
"What is this"
"Great Merlin, don't tell me you've never had coffee"
"Um... sure I have... all the time!" He was not a good liar.
Remus took the top off of his cup and let him smell it. "See? It's good! Try it." He slowly sipped his own while Sirius took a long time getting it into his mouth.
"Yum! Tastes like chocolate"
"I knew you'd like that"
And Padfoot proceeded to down the whole cup in five minutes.
Soon, he was wired.
"Hey Remus have I ever told you I like to dance"
"Whoa, boy, sit! That's another time, for another place"
"PLEASE?!?!? Pretty pretty please with double foam on top"
Remus sighed, and checked his watch. "Well, we do have another forty-five minutes, I suppose"
But Sirius had already whipped the Cloak over their heads, and the compass flew out.
