Title: Hidden Beauty.

Author: Namassuki.

Genre: Romance, Humor, Angst.

Rating: PG-13.

Chapter 24: Hidden.

Day: Monday.

"You two…" Tifa tapped her foot on the floor, staring at the two 'Princes' before her. One of them was Riku who was scratching his silver hair while the other was Roxas, who was smiling ever so widely as if he had just accomplished something. Sora was between them, bowing down in embarrassment. "Have gone too far," said Tifa.

"It wasn't my fault," Riku said, glaring at Roxas. "He mocked me."

"Shut up!" Tifa shouted, silencing everyone. She coughed while being patted by Yuffie. "Anyway, like I said, you two have gone too far. You have ruined the script line, the storyline and the plot. You two have dueled for real and used some useless curses that weren't supposed to be in the Play and you two even hurt each other," Tifa said, frowning.

'Not my fault…' Riku thought. His hand was holding Sora's tightly, massaging the surface of the hand with his thumb.

"But…" Everyone watched as Tifa's face formed a wide grin. "Thanks to those dramatic actions, Leon, Cloud, Yuffie and I got A in our Grade!" Tifa exclaimed and bounced up and down with Yuffie. "Hahahaha! It seems that the Principal of Destiny College had come to the Play and had seen the Play and he said the Play was so cool and so heartwarming!"

"So…does that mean we're okay?" Riku asked.

"No," Tifa said, frowning. Riku cursed. "But I won't punish you because we got A ! So you three are free!"

"Thank god," Riku said, sighing.

"All right! Our seniors are happy and we're happy too!" Tidus exclaimed as he swung his arm over Sora and hugged him from behind. "We should thanks to Riku and Roxas that we got B in English Literature too!"

"My very first B ," Zell said, crying.

"There. There," Irvine patted his best friend's back.

"All right people! Since I'm so very happy today, how about we go to Baked Shop? My treat!" exclaimed Tifa.

"ALL RIGHT!" Everyone cheered.


Riku and Sora were sitting around the small table outside of the Baked Shop. The reason they were sitting outside instead of inside was because, one, the Baked Shop were already crowded with peoples they knew and some they didn't knew especially Axel's friends whom he had invited and some other Tifa's friends who also the student teachers.

While the second reason was because this very same place was the very first place they went after they became friend. And Riku will never forget every memory they had together at this very same place and he was sure hell won't forget that he had kissed Sora here too.

While the inside were filled with loud cheers, laughter, wails and even shriek, Riku and Sora were oblivious to those because they were staring at each other as if there's no tomorrow, with their hands holding each other in lovingly way. It was tiring yesterday, the play, but Riku did not mind since he had finally confessed his feeling to Sora and for the first time, Riku felt very happy.

He had been confused before. He never thought he loved Sora as a lover or crush and he don't even really believe in love before. He thought he just like Sora because he's cute and adorable but all those turned into jealousy when every time Roxas kissed Sora and his heart boiling in anger and thanks to that bloody blonde too, he finally realized he had fallen in love with Sora.

Though Riku prefer Roxas not to use fighting method to let him confess his feeling towards Sora.

"Lookie here! Two lovebirds who oblivious to their surrounding," Axel grinned wide at his scowling best friend.

"Leave us alone," Riku said.

"Nope. Not until you thanked to Roxas for making you confessed your love towards Sora," Axel said. Riku snorted. He looked at smiling Roxas who had leaned his head against Axel's arm, hugging the arm lovingly.

"Ch. Just because you want me to be with Sora, you don't have to be so mean to Axel all the time," Riku said.

"Aww…are you worried about me, Riku?" Axel asked, smirking.

"Shut up," Riku said, glaring at Axel before he looked at Roxas. "Thanks," Riku said. "You helped me realize."

"You're Welcome," Roxas said, smiling. "I don't know what I will do anymore if you're too stubborn to confess." Riku groaned.

"Well then! We won't interrupt you two lovebirds here!" Axel patted Riku's back before he and Roxas entered the Baked Shop. After the loud sound gone, Riku looked back at blushing Sora and smiled.

"I hope you're not like Roxas, innocent but mean," Riku said, grinning.

"Hahahaha. I wish I am so that I can force you to say those three words to me," Sora said, giggling while Riku pouted cutely. "But it surprised me that Roxas purposely acted he wanted me just to make sure you eagerly wanted me," Sora said, smiling.

"He's one genius," Riku said.

"And very kind friend," Sora said.

"But mean," Riku said. Sora giggled. Riku felt his heart warm upon seeing the giggle.

"Hey Sora," Riku shifted his seat to sit next to Sora. The brunet blinked innocently at him. "I love you," Riku said as he cupped Sora's cheek before he leaned down and kissed Sora. It was sweet and gentle and full of love but unlike before where they usually only kissed without involving their tongues, this time, they were using it and Riku sure hell love it.

"I love you too, Riku," Sora said, blushing and smiling.

"I know," Riku said, nuzzling his nose against Sora's. "My angel."

"H-Huh?" Sora blinked.

"What? You think I don't know who the angel from the Dance was?" Riku asked, grinning at blushing Sora.

"H-How do you know?" Sora asked.

"Well…Tidus told me," replied Riku. "He said he had seen your mask before and that cloth." He smiled when Sora blushed redder. "Where did you get the dress anyway?" Riku asked.

"Um…someone gave it to me," replied Sora.


"Someone…special," Sora replied. Riku didn't ask further for he sensed Sora's tone of sadness. So all he did was pull Sora closer to him and kissed his head. "Riku."


"You will love me forever, right?" Sora asked, looking up to see those aqua eyes. Riku smiled. He leaned down and gave the softest kiss on Sora before he hugged the brunet again.

"Yes. Forever," Riku said. Sora smiled though Riku couldn't see that but he knew. They both were happy.

"Hey Sora! Riku! Get in! We're cutting Graduation Cake here!" Tifa called.

"All right!" Riku replied. He took a glance at his lover, smiled handsomely and gave another love kiss on the brunet before the two of them get inside the Baked Shop. Everyone laughed, everyone happy especially Riku who was smiling ever so handsomely at his current lover who happened to be sitting next to him, blushing ever so red. There are no longer large and thick glasses but thin rectangular glasses and there was no nerd-look polo cloth anymore but a simple white tresses blue shirt and long black trouser.

Those blue eyes are now clear and beautiful thanks to the new glasses he wore and those cheekbones so silky like the angelic from Heaven from the Dance Ball. Coincidentally was that, it is belonged to the angelic from Heaven and it made Riku more than happy to find out the truth. Despite that beautiful appearance, there's a brace but Riku wouldn't mind.

He loved Sora and he wouldn't care about his appearance. What was important is as RIKI said,

Love doesn't consist of appearance.

All matter in love is the beauty hidden inside.