So, yeah, this is a legit update. How long has it been? 7 years? More? I don't know, but I suddenly had the urge to start writing again and ended up re-reading this story. I remembered how much I loved it, and decided to try and continue it.

Life has been busy. Getting married with a real adult job is difficult. But, enough about me, you guys probably wanna get to reading!

It's been a loooong while since I wrote anything like this, so let's see how it goes. Please be gentle. Hopefully I'll get some old readers back with this update and I'll be encouraged to update more.


As soon as Train heard the voice he immediately turned and made a run for it. It was his first day back after a few very mentally draining days, and the last thing he thing he wanted was a bone-crushing welcome back tackle from an overly zealous girl.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Back to bed with me, it is!

Train wasn't sure about coming back to school the day after his chat with Creed, but he knew he couldn't stop his life for very long. His friends were beginning to worry about him and he needed to get back on track with his classes. Plus, he started to run out of lame excuses why he wasn't in school. Yes, he could have just said he was sick again, but after the last time, Saya had made a promise threat? to track him down and force feed him medicine if that happened again.

And that's scarier than what's about to happen to me now!

Train frantically looked over his shoulder and saw that Kyoko was actually chasing him!

"What the hell?!" He shouted as he began to run a little faster. Why is she extra crazy today?!

Before any unseen forces could answer his question, Train's face collided with a broad chest, flattening him straight on the ground.

The Cat Boy moaned, raising his hand to block the overly enthusiastic sun and squinted up at the offending obstacle. Before he could muster up the correct cursing required for this situation, the brunette was greeted with a friendly hand.

"Train! You're back! Glad to see your legs still work!"

Although Train still couldn't see his face, he instantly recognized that husky voice. Smiling, the teen reached out to grab Sven's helping hand. "Yes, and it's a good thing too, because Kyoko must be off her meds today!"

Just as Sven was about to pull his friend up, a blur of black tackled him back to the ground with a loud thump.

"Silly Neko Neko! Kyoko doesn't need to take medicine!" The hysterical girl squeezed Train's neck so tightly he let out a kitten like yelp.

Sven could do nothing as he stared at the empty space surround his hand that his friend once occupied. He blinked a couple times before turning and staring down at the wrestling duo, Kyoko clearly giving too much unwanted affection.

The olive haired teen chuckled, "Um, Train… I think you got something on your neck."

Train glared at his unhelpful friend, vision now blocked by Kyoko's face. "Ya think?!"

The Golden Boy continued to pry at Kyoko's hands, trying to ignore Sven's amused snickering. It was a lot harder than usual. It's been three days! Was she lifting boulders just to prepare for my return?!

"WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" Train screamed as she clawed at her intruding limbs.

"Oh, he's gone for a couple days! Kyoko's sad, but then I remembered I can spend more time with my back-up boyfriend, just in case he doesn't come back!"

Train's hands dropped at this statement, realizing the horrors that laid before him. "Oh… dear God… no…"

Sven, no longer laughing after realizing the severity of the situation, looked dumbfounded at the busty girl. "So… you're just going to essentially cheat on him?"

Kyoko glared, "Of course not! Charen-san understands Kyoko has a lot of love to give! He said, 'Just try to be as good as you can be while I'm away.' Charen-san understands I need to keep my options open to cute boys like Neko Neko." She pinched both of Train's cheeks.

Train's face visibly dropped as a pained moan left his throat. "Please… No…"

Just as the teen was about to give up, an unknown force yanked Kyoko roughly by the back of her shirt, lifting her slightly, but forcefully, from the ground and away from Train. Rubbing his cheeks and neck, the Cat Boy glanced up gratefully at his savior, only to see a growling Creed emitting fire from his eyes at the girl. Train chuckled as he started to stand up.

"Thanks, partner!"

For once, Creed didn't seem to recognize Train existed. All his thoughts and emotions resonated fury at Kyoko, making Train worry a bit for the girl's safety.

"Umm… Creed?" Train stammered as his friend hovered threateningly over the terrified girl.

However, Creed did not touch her with violent intentions. He simply knelt down to her level, cupping her chin the most delicate, loving way possible and breathed loudly in her ear, loud enough so anyone within earshot could hear. "I already called dibs. Back off, sweetheart."

Creed released his gentle hold of her and stood to face Train. It was amazing how quickly his mood could change when regarding his beloved. One minute he was about to hurl a girl into the sun, the next he was enchanted with Train's golden irises.

The Silver Boy approached his cat, smiling wantonly. "Good morning, Train."

Without consent, Creed wrapped his arms around the brunette's neck smoothly, burrowing his face into his cat's neck. He made sure to make eye contact with the witch still stuttering on the ground, glaring daggers at her.

Kyoko could do nothing by stare and make nonsensical noises. A light bulb seemed to click in her head and a knowing look dawned on her face. "Oh! You two?! Really?!"

Train was just as stunned as Sven and Kyoko were. He thought the agreement he and Creed had was the Silver Boy was going to control himself. Especially in public! I mean, I know he said he'd try, but couldn't really make the promise… But still!

Train was about to remove Creed's arms from his neck and push him away when Kyoko stood up and brushed herself off. "Well… It's clear what's going on here…" She glanced between the two boys, a smirk across her lips, and a strange sparkle in her eyes. "It's kinda hot…"

"WHA!? No! It's not what you thi-"

Before Train could finish, he was interrupted by another familiar voice. "Aha! Told you, Sven!"

Train turned his neck to located the blonde girl which was a hard task since Creed seemed to forget the world as he lost himself in the Cat Boy's neck, making movement difficult. He could feel the bullied teen's hold tighten when he turned his neck, as if he thought Train was a balloon that would float away with the smallest movement.

"Eve! Thank God! Stop this madness that is my life!"

The short girl stopped, placed a hand on her hip as she looked the boys over. She beamed approvingly, nodding in confirmation. "No. It's about time."

Train's jaw dropped as he let out a groan. "Princesssss!"

Kyoko began to laugh as the cat whined, clutching at her sides and wiping a tear from her eye. "Stop! Stop! Kyoko can't take anymore!" She sighed, looked Creed and Train up and down before nodding in agreement with Eve, that sparkle still present in her dark eyes. "This will be fun!"

She spun away while blowing Train a kiss. The girl turned her back to the group of friend and skipped off to her own, waving excitedly to a gaggle of girls who seemed to be as interested in what was happening between Creed and Train as Kyoko was.

Train noticed the girls giggling and pointing, making the teen more self conscious of his predicament.

"N-NO!" He stammered while point and shaking his head at Creed. "I-It's not what it looks like! It's-It's... complicated!"

"No, it isn't." Eve butted in as the girls giggled louder at Train who was currently detaching Creed from his neck. "It's been a long time coming. I, for one, am relieved. I can't imagine how Creed feels."

Creed frowned deeply as Train removed his arms. Even though his arms felt empty without his hero's presence, Creed knew he overstepped his boundaries. His beloved gave him a frustrated look and Creed nodded apologetically.

"Sorry, Train… I just couldn't help myself. I lost control when I saw the horrible girl hanging on you. I know you're not mine… But I couldn't stand the thought of her thinking you were hers!"

Train sighed and rubbed his temples. What time is it? 7:40? This is gonna be a long day…

"It's… fine, Creed. Just… Yeah… I don't think I need to say anything."

Creed nodded. He knew what his hero was going to say. Neither of them wanted him to say it… To avoid the hurt if would cause.

"Wh… Wha…? The… Uh…"

The trio's' attention turned towards Sven, who had been standing in stunned silence throughout the entire ordeal. Train sigh heavily and placed his hands over his face while Creed blushed elegantly. "Sven… it's a long story…"

"I don't think so. Creed finally confessed how he really felt about you, Train, which is really why you haven't been in school the past couple days. Now, you're trying to repair the friendship you had before all this happened."

Six sets of eyes were now on Eve. The blonde girl tilted her head slightly, confused at the looks she was receiving. "What? Too blunt?"

She walked up to Sven, getting on her tippy toes to flick his ear. "Told you."

"Ow!" Sven exclaimed as he grabbed his ear. "Yeah, yeah, I get it! It's just… weird is all…"

Train ran his fingers through his hair, "You're telling me…"

The cat, finally able to see Sven's face, widened his eyes slightly after realizing something was different about his friend. "Sven! Your eye! I can see it!" The cat pointed accusingly, as if Sven's eye had offended him.

The olive haired teen instinctively reached for his eye patch, which was now gone. "Oh, yeah!" He exclaimed, as happy to change the subject as Train was. "That happened two days ago. It ended up needing to stay on longer than the doctors anticipated, but I'm glad to be finally rid of it. It was itchy."

Sven rubbed his eye subconsciously, as if he was trying to convince himself it was really gone. Eve reached her hand up to Sven's cheek, caressing it imperceptibly while examining his eye.

She smiled warmly, "It's nice finally being able to see that eye. Feels like it's be ages." The younger girl retracted her hand, that smile still honoring her lips. "This one was my favorite."

Sven blushed profusely, his mouth slightly agape as he stared down at the girl. Eve turned towards her other two friends, who were both smiling jovially. "Glad the gang is back together!"

Train nodded in agreement, but then looked around. "Hold up, where's Saya?"

She was the only one missing from their group and Train was looking forward to seeing her. Now that everything was settled with Creed, he needed to talk to her. He hadn't been putting it off. Something else had, quite literally, been thrust into his arms unwittingly.

The Cat Boy did his best to ignore Creed's very obvious jealousy and irritation that was exuding from his every pore. His lovesick friend clenched both his hands into fists, trying to contain the green beast dwelling within.

Creed… Come on…

Train's thoughts were interrupted with Eve's answer. "Oh, she's not going to be here today…" Her voice was sad, distant. As if she had just been dealt a low blow.

The cat cocked his head at the tone of voice. He glanced at Sven whose eyes were downcast, shoulders slumped forward like he was carrying weights on his back.

Train looked between the two of them, worry swelling in his chest. "What? What's going on?"

"Train… you know how she's been wanting to talk to you, right?"

He nodded, growing more and more concerned. Creed's demeanor had changed as well. His friend's rage and quelled slightly, being replaced with curiosity and apprehension. The two glanced at each other before looking back at their friends.

"Um… yeah…" Train responded, preparing himself for the worse.

Sven sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes before continuing. "Ugh… She wanted to tell you this herself… But, time is of the essence I guess…"

Train swore his heart stopped. He held his breath and began to sweat.

"Train… Saya's moving… To Argentina… Tomorrow morning… She's…"

"Leaving…" Train finished his sentence for him, voice and eyes distraught.

Creed clutched his chest painfully as he watched his beloved run off. He felt almost as low when Train rejected his initial confession. Seeing the pained look on his hero's face when he heard this news left the Silver Boy with so many emotions: sadness, jealousy, anger… guilt.

For so long, Creed had been making sure to take up all of Train's free time not only because he wanted to be alone with the boy, but to make sure Saya didn't get her hands on him. This whole time, he thought Saya was going to confess her undying love for Train when in reality, she was simply trying to say goodbye.

I'm such a jerk… They've been friends for so long and all I cared about was myself. All I cared about was making sure Train was mine. And look at what it got me… a broken heart and a lost friend…

Despite the complication Saya's existence had presented him in his race to Train's heart, she had never done anything wrong to Creed. In fact, she was always so sweet and wonderful towards him. She's the one that invited him over to their table a lunch for the first time, giving Creed more time with his love. She always had his back, making sure he was protected from his bullies whenever Train wasn't around.

And how do I repay her? With catty remarks and animosity.

Still, Creed couldn't help but take a couple dejected steps in Train's direction. He knew his savior was conflicted with his emotions towards the girl, and this may very well be the thing that pushed him over the edge. This may cause him to lose Train forever.

To be in love with someone all the way across the world…

Creeds eyes burned with tears, reaching his hand out towards his beloved. He couldn't imagine Train being in a different class let alone a different country… My poor cat…

Eve must have sensed his pain since the petite girl held his hand tenderly, thumb brushing against his fingers kindly.

Creed didn't need to look at the girl to know the look she was giving him. "I'm sorry…"

Creed nodded as Sven approached him as well, gripping his shoulder in a brotherly manner.

"Me too…" Creed responded, wiping the tears from his eyes as he griped Eve's hand back. He knew his friends must be hurting too. It's not every day you lose your best friend.

"I'll… I'll miss her too…"

The thing was… he would…

Train ran as fast as he could. It may have been a long time since he was at Saya's house and his memory may have not been ideal, but that didn't matter. His legs seemed to know exactly where he was going.

The Golden Boy was panting, rubbing the sweat from his eyes every minute, but he didn't care. He needed to get to Saya. Even if she was leaving tomorrow morning, that still gave him one more night to make up for years of neglect. One more night to set things right with his friend. One more night to…

Train shook his head before he could finish his thoughts. His emotions were running wild right now, and he had no idea what was right and what was wrong. All he knew was that he needed to get to Saya… now.

He finally made it to the door, banging obnoxiously, panting like a dog on a hot summer day. The teen didn't have to wait long for someone to answer. And it was exactly who he was looking for.

Saya opened the door, wearing a pink and white kimono, the only other thing Train had ever seen her in than her school uniform. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, revealing her face.

Train hadn't seen seen Saya's face fully in what felt like forever. He almost forgot how beautiful she was. Her raven colored bangs shadowed her eyes playfully, matching her outgoing personality perfectly. Her eyes a magnificent teal, strong and confident, yet inquisitive and nurturing at the same time. The snowy white skin was flawless and inviting, but the slight hint of pink hidden in her cheeks gave the impression of innocence.

All Train could do was stare and catch his breath. Which was fine since he didn't know what to say. He ran all the way here and the whole time didn't think of what to say. What could he say? Saya had been his first friend… his longest friend… and now she was leaving…

He had so many things to say, yet nothing to say at the same time. He found himself stumbling over his words, gesturing wildly with his hands towards the school where he had just run from to her house as if trying to tell her he ran all the way here to see her.

The whimsical girl giggled sadly, eyes glistening with unshed, yet grateful tears.

Finally, Train caught his breath and straightened up, his eyes beginning to fill with tears as well.

"You're wearing a Kimono." Train stated matter of factly.

Saya smiled. "Yes, I am."

"You're hair is up."

"Yes, it is."

"You only wear your hair down-"

"When I'm in my uniform-" Saya finished for him.

"Because the uniform makes you feel confined and your hair is a source of freedom…"

"But when I'm in a Kimono, I feel… free…"

"So you pull your hair back…" Train finished for her this time, showing how well he knew her.

"Saya… I-"

Train couldn't finish before Saya embraced him tightly, tears finally falling. Train returned the hug, allowing his tears to fall as well. The two stayed like that for what seemed like hours, crying and embracing one another…

It was a group decision to leave school early. Train hadn't even stepped into the building before he ran off to Saya's house. He didn't think of the consequences for missing school for yet another day. He didn't even think of missing his shift at work. When he got a moment, he stepped aside to let his job know he wouldn't be coming in. They weren't happy, but he didn't care. He hung up and got back to helping Saya pack.

Train was in the middle of loading a particularly heavy boxed he refused to let Saya carry, despite her angry protests, when the rest of his friends showed up, Creed included. That surprised Train since he knew his feelings towards Saya weren't the best. It was pretty conclusive that ever since she interrupted them that day, Creed just wanted to be rid of her.

The brunette smiled and attempted to wave, only to remember how heavy the box he was holding was. "AH! Help! Sven! Assistance is required!" Her twirled to the left, desperately trying to get his balance. "I'm going down! Friends! Help!"

Sven jumped to save the day, grabbing the end of the box Train had left go of. He grunted loudly and buckled his knees. "Oy! Train, this thing is unreasonably heavy! How in the hell were you carrying it on your own?!"

With a heave and a shove, the boys managed to get it in the back of the donation truck. Not everything could go with Saya, so her family had to decide what they weren't going to be bringing. Saya was a minimalist and a very charitable person, so it didn't bother her. In fact, it was her idea to donate almost all her stuff. She was happy to know her old toys and clothes could go to someone in need.

Train wiped his brow. "Really, Sven? Have you seen my arms?" The Cat Boy flexed flamboyantly, obviously making a scene on purpose to embarrass his friend.

Sven rolled his eyes and pushed the box in a little farther. To Train's credit, his arms were pretty impressive. He wasn't sure how he got them that way, but Sven often wondered if he owned a weight set at home, or just got lucky.

The teen noticed that as Train was flexing, Creed approached from behind, stopping in his steps as the Golden Boy jokingly flexed. Their silver friend blushed copiously, fanning himself a little as he grasped the side of the truck for support. He watched as Creed's hand went to his heart and breathed deeply, clearly trying to regain control of himself.

The olive haired teen cringed a little, not use to this very new and frankly, shocking news. "Alright muscles, go get another box."

Train saluted and ran off to do as he was told. He was clearly trying to make himself busy so he didn't have to think about Saya leaving. Creed's eyes were closed as he leaned his back against the truck, mumbling something to himself Sven could not make out.

After a couple minutes, Eve walked up him and squeezed his shoulder in a cordial manner. Creed tossed her a reassuring look, trying to show his young friend that he was okay. The petite girl wasn't convinced, but decided to let it go in favor of a smaller box to load. Tears were evident in her eyes, but she knew she needed to be strong.

Sven frowned and approached her, taking the box from her hands and putting it in the truck. He pressed the shocked girl against his chest, lightly caressing her plush, auricomous hair. Although she didn't let all her tears fall, he did feel his shirt get a little damp. He pressed his face against the top of her head, allowing the blonde girl to cry.

Creed watched this from against the truck. On the way over, he decided he was going to be there for his cat, just like he was when he found him at the graveyard. Just like when he was sick. If he ever hoped to win his beloved's heart, he was going to have to put his selfish thoughts aside and be Train's shoulder to cry on.

Just like Sven is for Eve… Train, my love… You won't be alone when she's gone… I'll be here… Always...

Now he just needed to make sure Train knew that. But first… I need to talk to Saya. I need to make things right.

Train stepped out of Saya's house, carrying two boxes at once as if it were nothing. Creed's body was set aflame watching, eyes glazed with greed as he inspected the arms that had distracted him earlier. The blue eyed boy shook his head violently, slapping his cheeks to get him out of his stupor.

Knock it off! Fantasize later! For now, find Saya.

Saya walked out after Train, laughing at something his cat had clearly done. It was easier to suppress the rage rising in his gut knowing he was going to have Train all to himself soon. The least he could do was let them have this moment.

I feel guilty thinking that… But I guess I can't put my selfish wants aside completely.

The teen was somehow able to ignore his love's inconceivably sensuous frame along with the enticing groans passing from his voluptuous lips in favor of his female rival. With a wistful groan and a heavy sigh, the teen bit his lip and tugged at the collar of his shirt watching Train effortlessly handle multiple boxes at once.

Damnit, how did his body get like that?! He doesn't have time to work out, he works too much!

It then occurred to Creed that he didn't know what Train's job was. It could very well have been something that called for extreme physical labor. That would explain his incredible shape and physical tiredness every day. Creed made a mental note to ask his beloved later what is job exactly was.

Creed approached Saya, managing to turn his back to his hero.

The Silver teen stared at the girl for a minute, trying to gather his thoughts. "Saya… Umm…"

Before he could complete his sentence, Train was running back up the steps into Saya's house. The teen had clearly been working hard moving boxes to the truck since Creed could see his love's shirt was unbuttoned more than usual, tie wrapped around his head to keep his hair and sweat from blinding him. Train obviously had a system going that he wasn't going to stop.

Does he have to walk right past us? God, he's making this harder than it has to be!

Creed's knees felt weak as he tried to speak to his teal eyed friend, doing his best to ignore his beloved. "Y-You… you have a lot of stuff to move, don't you?"

He chuckled awkwardly in an effort to act casual as Train passed by for a third time, bumping slightly into Creed who had begun to sway a little due to the immense heat flowing through his veins. His cat gripped Creed gently, apologizing as he continued to make his way back into the house.

Saya giggled watching her silver friend swallow hard and try to compose himself. "Well, my parents took an earlier flight yesterday to start getting settled in since my mom needed to start her new job today. They trusted me to get all our donations together on my own."

Creed nodded, loosening his tie to allow some heat to escape. That explains why she's leaving. Her mom must have gotten a job offer she couldn't refuse.

Saya peeked over her shoulder as she saw Train approaching once more, holding three boxes this time. The girl glanced back at Creed who was very clearly distracted by their feline friend. She smiled dearly and grasped Creed's hand, "Come on, let's talk inside."

Creed nodded hastily, needing to get away from Train's sweating body. The brunette's shirt had begun to cling to his well sculpted chest and Creed knew he wouldn't be able to talk with such a glorious distraction.

Saya pulled Creed into an empty room, the only thing left was a painting hanging from the wall carelessly, as if it felt that life was meaningless without Saya and her family and just couldn't hang on any longer.

The raven haired girl sat on the floor with her legs crossed into a pretzel shape, tapping the floor next to her with a sincere smiled sketched across her face. Creed obeyed the unspoken command and mimicked her position, folding his hands and playing with his shoe laces absentmindedly.

There was a moment of silence between the two, before Creed spoke up. "I told Train I loved him."

More silence passed before his friend chuckled quietly, voice a little sad, yet knowing. "Good."

Out of the corner of his eyes, Creed looked at the girl anxiously, as if waiting for her to explode and kick him out. When he saw none of that happened, he continued, "I'm sorry…"

Saya turned to him fully, confused at his apology. "Why?"

Creed blinked at his friend, not really comprehending the question. "What…?"

She smiled and placed her hand delicately on his shoulder. "Why are you sorry? What do you have to be sorry for?"

Creed opened his mouth and then shut it, trying to find the right words for his friend. "Because… Because I haven't been a good friend to you. I was keeping him from you on purpose because… I thought you were going to confess to him, and… I couldn't handle that… I couldn't handle losing Train before I even had him…" He took a deep breath.

He silver boy continued, "I knew how you felt about him and I knew you had more of a chance with him than I ever would or could… So… I made sure you stayed apart and I spent as much time with him as possible. And all this time… all you were trying to do… was say goodbye to a very dear friend…"

Saya watched as her friend let everything out, her hand never leaving his shoulder. When he was finished she couldn't help but let out a little laugh. She ruffled her friend's hair much like his beloved always did and leaned in to get a closer look at him.

"Creed… it's okay." She leaned back into her spot on the floor, smiling cheekily "I… kind of knew how you felt about him, but I think I was trying to ignore it… My feelings for Train are… complicated."

Creed held his breath as the girl continued. It was her time to confess.

"When we were little, about five-years-old, we met at a playground. He was there before me, climbing up on top of the monkey bars while his parents yelled at him to get down. Other kids gathered around to watch, some trying to climb up to join him. However, he eventually got down and apologized to his parents. It looked like he wasn't really sorry though, since he was smirking the whole time as he watched other kids attempt the same feat. He seemed proud of the new trend he had set."

Saya smiled wistfully at the memory, as though if she stopped thinking about it, it would slip away. She looked at Creed and continued. "After his parents let him back onto the playground, I walked right up to him, about to give him a piece of my mind for worrying his parents like that… but then I noticed he was starting to cry…"

"Oy! Little boy! Why are you crying?"

The spiky haired child looked at Saya desperately, then at the sandbox and back at his parents. He jumped into the sandbox and began digging frantically. It became clear that he was looking for something when he abandoned that particular spot and started to dig in the other one.

Saya looked back at the boy's parents as well, noticing they were busying themselves with her parents. It seemed like they were very involved in whatever conversation they started having. Her attention was brought back to the boy in the box when she heard him whimper a little.

"Kuro! Kuro, where are you?!"

The young girl blinked at her strange boy. "Who's Kuro?"

Train finally gave this new girl her attention, looking hurt at her callous tone of voice. "My best friend! My only friend…"

Saya's broke a little when she heard that. Poor kid only had one friend? That was sad...

She sighed as she watched him dig hopelessly. "Well, I'm going to need a little more to go off of than that if you want my help!"

Still staring at her, tears in his golden eyes, he nodded. "It's a black cat. A stuffed black cat. My dad is allergic to real cats, so they got me Kuro to make up for it. I love him!"

Back to digging the boy went, throwing sand everywhere, including on the young girl who had just offered her services.

"Hey! Watch it! You're getting my Kimono dirty!"

The boy stopped and looked her up and down, a little embarrassed. "Sorry! Your Kimonos very pretty!"

Saya smiled, "Thanks, I know!" She watched him a bit longer then sighed, rolling up her sleeves and jumping in the box with him. The two of them emptied the box in no time, much to the dismay of several children who were looking forward to playing in it. They left when Saya stuck her tongue out at them, running off to tattle to their parents.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Well, it isn't here. Where else were you on the playground?"

The boy pondered that for a minute, "Ummm, let's see... The swings, the slides, the monkey bars, and that maze thing over there."

Saya giggled, "That's the whole playground!"

The boy nodded confidently. "Yes! I've been busy!"

The girl frowned in return, "But, you're not here with anyone else? Just your parents?"

He returned her frown, "No! I was here with Kuro! I told you, he's my best friend!"

Saya smiled and stood up from the sandbox, brushing herself off. "Well, I'm sorry to say, but that's a little sad. I think you need a new best friend." She offered the child her hand, "I'm Saya."

He stared at the hand for a moment before taking it and smiling widely. "I'm Train!"

She laughed at his name, "Well, Train, it's nice to meet you! And I choo-choo-choose you to be my new best friend!"

It took Train a minute to get her joke, but when he did he laughed the hardest Saya had seen anyone ever laugh in her short life.

The two ran off together in search of his missing friend, clearly more interested in playing with each other than finding a stuffed cat.

Saya finished her story staring into the ceiling of her empty house, heart heavy with nostalgia. Creed watched her every expression as she told her story. His heart wept for his young love after hearing he had lost his best friend as a child. It wept harder when he heard Train used to have no friends. Like me…

"Did you… ever find Kuro?" Creed asked, hoping for a happy ending for his love.

Saya blinked, seeming to forget she was actually telling this story to another person and not just remembering. "Oh, the stuffed cat? No, we never did. But it didn't matter! By the time we left, we were having so much fun together, he almost completely forgot about it." She smiled happily, leaning back on the palms of her hand and stretching her legs out.

"Our parents called us over to take us home. When his parents saw he lost Kuro, they looked as if they were expecting the worse. After all, it was his only friend. They asked if he was okay and where Kuro was and Train responded, 'Oh, that old thing? Nah, I don't care, I have a new best friend!'"

Saya put her hand on her shoulder, as if she could still feel her oldest friend's hand. "After that, we were inseparable. About three years later, we met Sven and Eve and started our group. Train and I were always the closest, though."

It was Creed's turn to smile. "It sounds like in a way… you were his hero…"

Saya looked back down at her friend, happy to see he made the connection without her having to spell it out for him. "Yes, in a way, I was. After that, he was able to make friends with ease. I overheard our parents talking one day and found out they were worried about Train making friends. He was a little too strange for kids to ever hang around for too long, so he was having a hard time making friends. Luckily, he ran into someone as weird as me, and we got to be weird together!"

They laughed together, their voices bouncing off the walls of the vacant room which quickly brought them back to the sad reality. They looked at each other and Saya grabbed Creed's hand tenderly.

"Like I said, my relationship with Train is complicated. I love him with all my heart, and yes, there is a part of me that wants to be with him, just like I think there's a part of him that wants to be with me." She smiled knowingly at Creed's cringe. "But… I don't think it would have ever worked out… We're just… too similar. We'd never get anything done! You, on the other hand…"

Creed made eye contact with her, blue meeting mischievous teal, "You're somehow able to get him to open up. He actually talks to you. I don't know what's going on in his life, but I know it's something big. We've all been worried about him since his parents passed… but he wouldn't talk to any of us… That's why I'm pretty sure we'd never work together…"

At Creed's confused look, Saya elaborated, "I've known we were gonna move since last year, but I didn't tell anyone. I didn't want them to worry or fuss over me. I didn't want to make them sad. So, I tried to spend as much time with them as possible. With the exception of Train, who never seems to have any time for us…"

Creed squeezed her hand at her sad look, "He does care about you all… more than anything else in the world… More than you know."

Tears began to form in her teal eyes. They were normally so radiant and full of life, but right now they looked tired and sad. It broke Creed's heart, especially after hearing how she had saved his cat's childhood.

"Thank you, Saya. I… needed to hear that… I'm not gonna lie, it hurts… knowing how close you two are and knowing I will never be able to get that close to him, but… I'm happy you told me… and I'm happy to know he's had such an amazing friend looking after him his whole life."

They shared a smile with one another, allowing the silence of the moment to echo volumes. Finally, Saya broke the silence by moving towards Creed and giving him a small kiss on the cheeks.

"Take care of him, Creed. I know we'll never be together now, but it helps knowing he'll have someone like you that loves him so much…" An elegant tear trickled down her pearly cheek.

The silver boy smiled appreciatively and wiped her tear away. "I will, Saya. I promise."

They stayed with Saya all night as one last hurrah before their friend had to leave. She was supposed to spend her last night at her aunt's house, but Train and the others were able to convince her to cancel and spend the last night with them in her house. Her aunt understood and told Saya to call if they needed anything.

In the meantime, Eve called her parents and they brought over blankets and pillows for them. They group knew they'd have to sleep on the floor, but they didn't care. They hadn't had a sleepover since middle school, so they were excited.

However, it was Creed's first sleepover and he wasn't sure what to do. When they explain to him that you didn't actually sleep, it took awhile for him to understand. Only when Train told him they'd be spending the whole night together with not interruption just talking and hanging out was Creed excited.

"Wait… the whole night?! We get to be together the whole night?! No teachers or parents or anyone else interrupting our time together?!"

Everyone laughed at the animated tone in Creed's voice as he gripped tightly to Train's hands, an unrequited dream shining lustrously in his blue eyes. Train hung his head in defeat, trying to pry his hands free of his passionate friend who had begun rubbing his cheek against the cat's fingers.

"Yes… Yes, that's what I mean…" When the Cat Boy felt extra pressure being applied to his hands, he blushed and began to stutter. "N-Not like that, Creed! With our friends! All of our many, many friends!"

Train was still trying to pull himself free from Creed's strong grasp and his friends had completely lost it. Sven and Saya were doubled over in laughter at Train's obvious discomfort and Eve chuckled softly into her delicate hand as she spoke to her parents about ordering pizza for everyone. Her family was pretty well off, so they didn't mind providing everything for their last night together.

The night was amazing. They reminisced about old times, re-living and re-telling stories to one another. It never occurred to Creed how many years the four of them shared. He was a little sad to not have been a part of them, but was really happy to hear everything they had been through together. His favorite stories were the ones about his beloved.

"So, wait, you're telling me Train actually believed you?!" Creed asked excitedly, sitting close enough to his cat so they they were touching slightly. Train didn't really notice, since he was doing his best to hide his face.

"Yes! He marched into our classroom, proud as I had ever seen him, plastic shield and sword and all, in a Roman soldier's outfit!" Saya managed to get out between fists of laughter.

Train looked up at the girl between his fingers, "That was so mean... You actually convinced me that our teacher wanted us to dress up as part of our presentation!"

Saya wiped away tears from laughter pointlessly since more continued flowing down her face. "It was Sven's idea!" She pointed an accusing hand at the olive haired teen who looked extremely proud of himself.

Sven took a confident bite of his pizza and ignored his mortified friend. "Hey, what can I say? I didn't think you'd actually go for it! Man, our sensei's face was priceless!"

Sven, Eve and Saya choked on their laughter together, Creed smiling adoringly at his horrified cat. Why don't I remember this? I would have remember my beloved dressed in such a ridiculous outfit! Must have missed school that day.

Creed caressed his hero's arm lovingly, "I'm sure you looked adorable."

Train grumbled at his friend and retreated his arm defiantly, folding them across his chest as he leaned against the wall and finished his pizza in one bite. "That would be your first thought, wouldn't it?"

The Silver Boy blinked. "Of course it is Train. I love Romans."

The rest of group had finally composed themselves enough to hear that last statement only to lose it again as Train slumped further into the wall, as if he was trying to hide in the solid concrete.

The rest of the night went very similiar to that. Exchanging fun and embarrassing stories, Creed listening eagerly, hanging on their every word like it was a good movie. He didn't know having friends would be so much fun.

Jenos and Rinslet even stopped by. Eve had texted them to let them know this was Saya's last night and they were the first to show up. More pizza was ordered and Jenos finished an entire pie by himself. When he was done, he went down on one knee if front of Saya and took her hand gingerly.

"Oh, Saya… This is a sad day indeed… What will we ever do without your smiling face and bubbly personality around? So many hearts will be broken, so many souls lost…"

The group stared at Jenos in shock, Rinslet especially. They had never seen the pervy boy ever be so sincere and… gentlemanly towards a girl before.

"Wow… Jenos… That was actually… really nice…" Rinslet said, surprise evident in her voice.

"... I was also looking forward to you developing more, as it seems you're a bit of a late bloomer."

The next thing Jenos knew he was flat on the ground, three strong, feminine hand slaps evident on his face. Sven and Train howled with laughter at their friend's misfortune. He pleaded with Rinslet who hovered threatening over his body, screaming curses at him and demanding he apologize to their friend.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He begged, hands clasped tightly around his face. "I didn't mean it that way! I'm sorry!" He peeked at Saya between his fingers, the girl's face a bright scarlet as she folded her arms tightly around her chest. "But… I mean maybe… Just one last squeeze?"

Screaming and slapping continued, Creed covering his eyes between slaps, Train and Sven now using each other and the wall as support so they wouldn't became paralyzed on the floor with laughter.

Rinslet and Jenos left, the poor boy covered in slaps and bruises, Rinslet making it clear she did not care how much "pain" he was in.

"Oh please! You do it on purpose! You like being attacked by women." Rinslet did not face him as she spoke, favoring her other friends in the room instead.

"Okay, well... Maybe...But still! Look at this!" He tried to show her a particularly bright mark on his forearm. "That one's from you!"

Rinslet continued ignoring him, deciding a hug for Saya was a better response than anything she could say to her pervy boyfriend. "Oh, Saya… I'm going to miss you." When they departed from their hug, Rinslet didn't let go. "What are we going to do without you?"

Saya smiled and placed her hands on top of Rinslet's, "Well, you'll just have find someone else to dish with about what Sensei Himora is wearing instead of me."

The girls giggled to one another at their inside joke, hugging once more before separating. Saya then turned to Jenos who was still trying to show his wounds off to Rinslet who obviously didn't care.

"And you!" Saya punched him in the shoulder, then pulled him in for a hug. "Take care of her. Or else I'll come back and rip your head off."

Jenos gulped nervously, but returned the hug. "Of course, Saya. And, in all seriousness, I'm gonna miss you." They parted and Jenos pinched her cheeks playfully, "It's going to be awfully dull without you around."

Saya smiled and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "I know."

When they left, Kyoko showed up. She was overly dramatic about Saya leaving, as if she had just been shot in the heart. Most of the time spent with her around was Creed prying her off of Train and arguing at who the cat liked more. After the first couple of minutes, Train managed to find his own private corner, hiding from the two overly attached teens and just waited it out.

Eve frowned and looked at Saya. "Sorry, probably shouldn't have invited her…"

Saya laughed in response. "Seriously, Eve?! This is great! Hey! Train's over here!"

"What the hell, Saya!?" The cat yelled, quickly ducking under a table as Kyoko leaped for him. Creed grabbed her wrist and pulled her away just in time, protecting his cat from harm.

Kyoko and Saya hugged as she left, a tear present in the busty girl's eye as she walked out the door. It was getting late and Creed, Saya and Train noticed how Sven and Eve were falling asleep: Sven's arm was around the petite girl, her exquisite cheek pressed lovingly against his wide chest. The three of them smiled ardently at the duo, happy to see steps finally being taken.

Saya sighed and pulled a blanket over her shoulders. "Well, I'm happy I at least got to see the beginnings of that relationship…"

She rolled to face her two friends, smiling knowingly at Creed who blushed and glanced at Train. The cat let out an ungraceful yawn and collapsed on the floor with a loud thud.

"I'll keep you updated on them while you're gone." He yawned again, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "What time is it?"

Saya laughed, "Does it matter?"

Train shrugged his shoulders and pulled a blanket over his body as well, "Guess not, but I'm beat. So much for the 'not sleeping' portion of the sleepover."

Creed had moved his blanket not so subtly over to Train, laying right next to him, a little too close for the cat's comfort. Train frowned without looking at his friend. "Creed, just… a little more space?"

Creed moved away a couple of inches. He looked at his cat's closed eyes expectedly, asking if that was good enough. It wasn't, but as long as Creed kept his hands to himself, he really didn't care.

"Yes, fine, whatever floats your boat, I guess." The Golden Boy rolled over and turned his back to his silver friend.

Creed sighed longingly in return, reaching his hand out towards Train only to retreat it self-consciously.

Saya smiled fondly, her eyes shutting slowly as she watched her friends drift off to sleep. Her hand, however, did reach out to her cat friend, grabbing his hand before he fell asleep. Train opened his eyes at the touch and smiled, giving her soft hand a slight squeeze.

Luckily, Creed was unaware of this contact. Saya didn't want him to be hurt by the gesture, she just wanted to have a moment with her best friend.

The two of them drifted off to sleep holding hands tightly, as if they thought if they didn't let go, they wouldn't be separated the next morning…

The morning came too fast. They all woke up together quietly, knowing what the sun brought with it. Not much was said between them as Saya packed her last bag. Eve's parents picked up their pillows and blankets, giving Saya a big hug before they left. Train noticed a tear escaping Eve's mom's eye as she got in the car and waved goodbye. Saya waved in return, holding herself together as best as she could.

After that, everything else seemed like a blur. They all jumped in to Sven's car, Eve sitting in the front seat and grabbing Sven's hand desperately, like it was the only thing keeping her from crying.

Creed, Train and Saya got in the back seat, the boys letting Saya sit between the two of them. The Golden Boy was surprised at his silver friend. He expected Creed to insist on sitting next to him. He looked at the boy out of the corner of his eye, noting the sadness in his crystal blue orbs.

Huh… guess they patched things up…

With that thought, Train sighed and grabbed Saya's hand. The girl gripped his hand in return, but never made eye contact. She reached for Creed's hand as well, who also returned the gesture. That's how the three of them sat for the car ride all the way to the airport. No one said anything. Nothing else could really be said. They had a wonderful night together, but now the time had come for her to leave.

When they got to the airport, everyone exited the car expect Train and Saya, the two of them never let go of one another. Their eyes met for a second before retreating hurriedly. They weren't ready to say goodbye yet, so they left the car together instead, hands still tightly grasped around one another.

They walked to the terminal together, the only sound to be heard were their feet against the tiled floor. Eve grabbed hold on Saya's other hand, Sven trailing close behind the two girls with a hand on her shoulder. The teal eyed girl choked back a tear at the touch as Creed walked behind Train, keeping a close eye on his beloved.

When they reached her terminal, Saya let go of Eve and Train's hand unwillingly, taking a few steps forward before stopping. She turned to face her four best friends in the world, eyes glistening painfully with tears. She wiped them with the back of her hand and smiled that smile all her friends loved so much.

"Well… this is it…" She said, trying to sound brave for her friends.

Eve wept loudly and flung her arms around Saya's neck. Saya allowed the girl to cry into her shoulder, biting back the tears she felt. Her hands ran lovingly through Eve's blonde locks and she pressed her face against the top of her head.

"Eve… Little Princess…" Saya spoke softly, as if to her daughter. "Please, be strong for the boys. You know they'd be lost without you."

Eve looked up at her friend, tears staining her porcelain cheeks, "But… I'm going to be lost without you…"

Saya laughed and wiped away her friend's tears with her thumb. "No, you won't. You're so strong, beautiful and brilliant. Your life is going to be amazing with or without me… And know that if you ever need me, just give me a call. But… maybe give me a heads up first? TIme difference and all…"

Eve smiled and nodded. She gave her friend one last hug before stepping aside, allowing room for Sven to approach.

Saya smiled and opened her arms at her tall friend, who entered them without hesitation and squeezed her tightly. "Take care of yourself, Saya… I… we're going to miss you a lot…"

The girl nodded boldly and squeezed him tightly. "I will… and you take care of her…" Her head motioned towards Eve who was hugging herself sadly, watching the two of them through glossy, ruby eyes.

Sven grinned sadly, "I will… of course I will… Always."

The olive haired teen stepped aside and over to Eve, wrapping his arms strongly around her as she leaned her face into his shoulder. Saya turned to Creed next, hands behind her back with a sheepish smile across her lips.

"As for you… Be brave at school… Be kind to yourself and most of all…" She glanced at Train who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, not really listening to anything that was being said. "Take care of him…"

Creed nodded and embraced her. There was not much more he needed to say to her that he didn't say the night before. Despite everything that had happened between them, despite the jealousy and the anger he felt towards the girl, he knew how he felt about her now. He knew that no matter what had happened with them, he knew this one fact: "I'm gonna miss you…"

Saya smiled through tears and accepted his embrace. "I'll miss you too, Silver Dollar…"

They stayed like that for a couple minutes before departing from one another. Saya patted her friend on the shoulder before turning to Train. Her feline friend seemed distracted with the plane's arrival time. His bright golden orbs scanned the signed fiercely, as if he was trying to change the clock with his sheer force of will.

Saya snapped him out of his dream world by literally snapping her fingers in his face. The cat blinked and stared down at her, the same desperate look painted on his face. They stared at each other for awhile. Train was about to speak before Saya interrupted him.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I have something for you!"

She reached into her bag, ignoring her friend's gaping mouth and pleading look. She dug until she made a triumphant sound, producing a small stuff black cat. Saya placed the tiny critter in Train's befuddled hands, the cat unable to speak at the gift.

Train stared at the black cat, vision blinded with tears. When he looked up, Saya's face was inches from his, the same tears reflecting in her own eyes. His friend smiled and shut her eyes, gently placing her lips lightly against Train's.

The teen wasn't sure how to react at first. The kiss wasn't nearly as passionate as Creed's had been, but it was wonderful nonetheless. Train found himself returning the kiss, dropping one hand holding the cat to side, while his other delicately caressed Saya's cheek.

The kiss was brief, but spoke so many volumes. During that moment, Train saw a slide show of their friendship pass through his mind. He felt the tears falling frantically from his eyes, unable and unwilling to stop them. He wrapped his other hand gentle around her waist, pulling her a little closer, their lips remaining locked.

When they pulled away, they stared at each other for a few more painful minutes, Train's hand never leaving her cheek. Before the boy could say anything Saya turned and walked away briskly, wiping away a river of tears that was flowing down her face.

Train could do nothing by stand there and watch her leave. He gripped the cat tightly and shook the tears from his eyes. He ran after the girl, who was now at the security gate. "Saya! Wait!"

She stopped just before entering her first security check, not turning to face her oldest friend. It was too painful to look at him. Train stopped just behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her delicate waist. He buried his tear soaked face into her shoulder and squeezed tight.

"Goodbye…" He said, not removing his face from her body.

Saya whimpered loudly and nuzzled her face against his head, "Goodbye…"

With that Train released her and she stepped through the gate, giving her cat friend one last despondent look before disappearing into the sea of people surrounding airport security.

Train remained motionless, staring at where Saya once was for hours, gripping his new Kuro tightly, tears flowing down his face, burning his cheeks intensively.

"Goodbye…" He said one more time to space that once occupied his oldest friend.

That last part broke my heart :( I hope I get some past or even new readers attention with this. Let's see how the responses go if I decide to continue. I did really enjoy writing that… Maybe I will continue despite any reviews :p