Demon parts

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Konoha or anything else like that. I DO however own the character Shukketsu Tsukí (Assuming the name's not already copywrighted.)


The village of Konoha was soaked in rain.

In an alleyway not far from Ichuraku's Ramen, a small figure ran across the stone pavement.

Though this person's features were obscured by the darkness, one could tell that it was a child, six or seven years of age, and that his clothing was entirely inappropriate for this weather, consisting of a T-shirt and shorts.

The figure darted around a corner and leaned against a wall, breathing heavily. A bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, and, for a moment, illuminated his face.

It showed a young boy, eyes filled with fear. It showed short, damp hair which hung loosely about his face. It showed a series of lines on his face, like the whiskers of a wild animal.

This was Naruto Uzumaki; the container of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, and one of the most hated people in Konoha.

As the lightning faded, Naruto glanced around. Seeing no one, he gave a sigh of relief.

"I think I lost him."

That hope was dashed when he heard a sinister voice above him.


Naruto gasped, and looked up, just in time to see a large shape land in front of him.

The figure is huge, at least 6' 6" and obviously male. His body was covered in an open overcoat and hood. The sleeves were so long, they hid his hands. Under the overcoat was another coat, closed, and with a high collar that obscured his face from the eyes down. On his feet were a pair of ninja sandals, and on his forehead was his Hetai-ate with the symbol of a stylized eye.

Naruto gaped. That wasn't the symbol of Konoha. This guy was a foreign ninja.

He took off, running further down the alley.

The figure turned to look at his retreating form, narrowing his eyes in the process. He speaks in a whispering tone.

"Do you really think you can escape, little jinchuriki?"

He threw out his arms, exposing his black-gloved hands, and made a few hand signs.

"Kazeton: Kuki Ha no Jutsu! (Wind Style: Air Blade Technique)"

The ninja made a slashing motion with his hand.

Naruto ran, hoping to get away from his pursuer, when his legs erupted in pain. He fell, his body skidding on the drenched dirt. Enduring the mind-numbing pain, Naruto tried to stand up┘ but found he couldn't.

Looking down, he gasped. The only thing coming out of his shorts was blood. The attack had severed his legs at the knees.

Looking back in the direction he came from, the grisly truth was confirmed. Not five feet away, were the bloody remainders of his main form of mobility.

And behind, the man who had so easily removed them.

This is just a small taste for now. I will expand on this chapter later.

Please review and tell me what you think