I think I need to stop thinking about these stories for a while. It's day 4 of my holidays out of 13, and I have written/finished 6 stories on TMM! And here I am with a sequel to Falling For You! Well, there's a funny story on how I came up with most of the ideas in this story, but that's for another time ne?


1. Normality Returns… sort of

The sun shone through recently tugged pink curtains in a certain girl's room. The light was dazzling, but unfortunately for the girl, it was also a wake up call. She subconsciously tugged her blanket up towards her face to rid her eyes of the blinding light, but it was too late.

" Ne… I don't want to get up!" She mumbled sleepily. In normal circumstances, this wouldn't have affected anybody. Who would really be worried about a fifteen-year-olds mumbling as she awoke from slumber? Well, for Ichigo Momomiya, there was one person who did.

" Come on Koneko-Chan, I understand you're tired but you have got to get up sometime… come on." Standing over Ichigo's body was that of a sixteen-year-old alien boy with gold eyes and green hair, not to mention pointy elfin ears. He was stroking her cheek softly, knowing she liked to be awoken like this.

" Kish why do you have to be such a persistent alarm?" She mumbled grumpily, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Kish laughed at this comment.

" Because there's no way you can hit my snooze button or smash me to a million pieces like all your other alarms!" He giggled, stroking her ruby locks. She yawned and stretched out before standing out of bed.

" Well, good for me." Ichigo took out her phone and saw the time. " NINE O'CLOCK?" She yelled out, suddenly in a panic. " Oh god I'll be late! I only have an hour!" She grabbed out her clothes and was about to tug off her nightshirt, but then she noticed Kish was standing there, staring at her contently, watching the show. Well, wanting to anyway.

" Um… OUT!" Ichigo yelled, pushing him out the door into the hallway.

" Aw… that's no fun!" You could hear him whimper from outside her door. Ichigo locked it firmly and shut the curtains.

" Don't come in, you know better than that!"

It had been a month since Ichigo and Kish had been re-united. Within five days they had become a couple- it seemed two years of not seeing each other didn't hinder their affections for each other. Even if it had taken two years for Ichigo to see she really liked Kish, not Masaya. Her thoughts lingered back to this as she did her hair, and she cringed when Masaya's name came up.

' Mum was right when she said beware of the perfect ones, they're generally too perfect and uptight. You need someone who can play around and be fun with you, but cares a lot too.' Ichigo smiled. Kish was exactly that. She was a little surprised that she hadn't realized when she was fighting him.

Well, she sort of knew why she didn't realize she liked him so long ago, seeing he was the off-limits enemy.

She did, however, notice his cute elfin ears, his glistening golden eyes, hit soft green hair, his playful yet flirtatious way of going about things… and yet she had stopped any awakening feelings for him by reminding herself he was the enemy.

' Well it didn't stop him!' She thought firmly, finally finishing her hair.

" Ok Kish, it's safe for you to come in now!" She waited for that familiar ripple of air to indicate he had teleported into her room. And sure enough she felt it. And she also felt two strong arms snag her waist, pulling her closer to the owner of the muscular arms. Ichigo sighed.

" Good morning to you too Kish." She didn't even have to look over her shoulder to know Kish was behind her, smirking in the impish manner he always did. She knew all too well that he always did in the mornings. Ever since her parents had returned from their 'top secret' work trip, Kish had been her alarm clock, and Ichigo's parents were very impressed their daughter was becoming more mature and waking up on time. Well, they were sort of right, right?

" Ohayo Koneko-Chan." He nuzzled Ichigo's cheek, which made her blush slightly. " Sleep well?"

" Hai… never better really!" She smiled and released herself from his deadly grasp. He whined but Ichigo knew that if he was really upset, his ears would droop, his body would droop and his eyes would look dull. A.K.A, they would look nothing like they did now.

Kish stood tall, almost a head taller than Ichigo, almost always with an impish grin on his delicate face. At the moment however, he was floating around, his legs crossed and his hands behind his head. His eyes were sparkling with playfulness as he awaited Ichigo to return from the bathroom. The grin was evident on his face.

It had been like this every morning since… well it seemed like forever but in reality it had been little over a month.

Ichigo would always sleep in. Always. There was never any doubt that the red head would ignore any alarms she had set to awaken her. Kish felt proud, she never set him and it was always he who woke her up. Kish had an unnatural ability to sleep for a mere hour and feel refreshed.

He blamed it on Ichigo. If he hadn't been trying to destroy her and still win her love at the same time, he wouldn't have spent many nights wondering on how to do so.

" Kish! Breakfast is ready if you want some!" A voice called from below. Kish decided to teleport behind her again. It was his favourite game. Stay silent, teleport behind Ichigo and grab her.

And he did just that.

Ichigo was expecting it however, and knew he would try something of the sort. She knew him too well. After all, she had lived with him for a few days on his ship, then again on earth, and he was currently staying with Ichigo, but on more sneaky terms.

Kish didn't like the thought of living with Pai and Tart anymore than necessary. Hell, he'd spent a whole years worth of missions with them, and to add onto it, he had lived with them for another two years before they were exiled. He thought of them as brothers, but brothers have to have a break! Especially when one was nearly 18, one was barely 13 and the other (being Kish) was 16. The age differences made it hard to live together and get along all the time.

Ichigo started to walk up the stairs to fetch him, but she knew better. Feeling the ripple of air behind her, Ichigo waited for Kish to do something. She was right, he would try something and this time he scooped her up bridal style, tickling her in the process.

" K-Kish! St-stop-p it!" She laughed, thanking anyone who would care that she wasn't holding anything at the time, because it would have shattered with the way she was flaying her arms and legs around. Kish calmly carried her to the dining table where he placed her on her seat.

" There you go!" He smirked, showing his fang. Ichigo huffed at him, pretending to be annoyed. She mumbled thanks and began eating her pre-made pancakes and her fresh strawberries. Kish grabbed a few as well and sat down beside her.

" Gee Ichigo it's nearly ten, you'll be late for work again!" Kish taunted as she stuffed her face with her breakfast.

" I-m-m no-m-m-won!" She tried to speak with her mouth full, but it was failing. Miserably too. She swallowed her food and repeated her statement.

" I know!"

" I suppose you want me to take you to work again today Koneko-Chan?" Kish asked playfully, knowing very well Ichigo was useless at getting to places on time.

" What would I do without you?" She smiled, finishing off her food. " I get off at one today, do you wanna go to the park or something afterwards? My parents are at work and knock off about seven tonight, so I'll be free until then."

" Sure." Kish smiled. " Got everything?"

" Yup!"

Ichigo felt the world disappear around her and reappear as Kish teleported them to the small forest by the Café Ichigo worked at- Café Mew Mew. Ichigo sighed. She didn't like work at all. She didn't mind her friends Pudding and Lettuce there, or Keiichirou, the main baker, but Ryou, the owner, did annoy Ichigo. He was always making cruel jokes about her, blaming her for miniscule things, threatening to fire her or dock her pay and yelling at her when she was a minute late. Anything that would annoy Ichigo, Ryou made sure he did it.

" It's so weird working at the moment." Ichigo confessed to Kish, who knew what she was talking about. " People are still talking about what happened over a month ago! We attracted a lot more customers, but it's so awkward! Luckily I haven't let my cat genes show yet!"

" Ah Koneko-Chan, I knew it'd be alright. After all, it was I who came up with the plan to get everyone off your case, was it not?"

" Yeah yeh."

It was true, however, Kish did save Ichigo and the other Mew's skins by coming up with a plan to hide the Mew Mew's identities. While the reporters were outside screaming at Ichigo to come out, she made herself known and then Kish teleported her away where she transformed into Mew Ichigo and confused everyone out of their reports. He had also gone to the other Mews, who were also in trouble with various media representatives. Technically, he was the Mew hero.

And the villain in this ironic case was Aoyama Masaya, the traitor who spilled Ichigo's secret to his real mother, who spilt it to the whole of the café on day a month ago. He was visiting his adoptive family with his real family, but even so, he had no right what so ever to say anything of the like to anyone, no matter the circumstances. Apparently it just "slipped" when he was talking to them, and they decided as a family to expose them.

" Well I'll see you after work!"

" Alright then Koneko-Chan!" After quickly pecking her on the cheek, Kish waved and he was gone. Ichigo smiled and touched where he had pecked her.

' You're so cheeky Kish, you get at least one kiss out of me everyday!' She thought as she ran towards the café.

" Ichigo!" A voice called from the café as Ichigo swung the doors open. There were no customers yet, and Pudding and Lettuce were wiping down tables.

" Put a sock in it Ryou, I'm on time!"

" All I was going to say is you need to get dressed!"

" Oh shut up!"

Ichigo quickly dressed and saw Lettuce change the CLOSED sign to OPEN.

" Ohayo Lettuce!"

" Ohayo Ichigo-San! You're early again! I suppose having Kish as your personal alarm works well then?" Ichigo blushed slightly, she had told Lettuce and Lettuce only why she was on time.

" Hai… he sleeps on that tree outside my window now days, but sometimes I think he wakes up and goes to sleep on my floor. But either way he's always there on time to wake me up and he never lets me get back to sleep!" She grumbled, but she was grinning.

" I suppose its good that they returned then ne? I mean, you're happy with him still, Pudding and Tart are getting along…" She trailed off, thinking about what else to say. " And I suppose Ryou and Pai are getting along well too, they keep talking about experiments and the such."

" Yeh! It's been great! I haven't been this happy since… well since Aoyama." Ichigo admitted. " Pity he turned out to be a jerk. I suppose I thought Kish was the jerk. Ironic ne?"

" Definitely." Lettuce agreed, and then she noticed customers approaching the café.

" Welcome to Café Mew Mew na no da!" Pudding bounced around, leading the customers to a seat.

" Thanks Mew Pudding!" A girl called, but her mother gave her the evil eye.

" Ignore my daughter miss, she is still mistaken about the incident a month ago. Please, I am very sorry!" Pudding just laughed.

" Forget it na no da!" She grinned and took out a notebook. " What can I get you?"

Ichigo was thankful when the last customers, a teenage couple on a date, left the café at one. She had stayed behind and gotten there early to clean/set up for the past week, so it was her turn to go home first.

" See you later guys!" She called as she walked out the door. Seeing the couple on their date made Ichigo more anxious to see Kish. Since he had returned to his normal form, Ichigo made sure they still went out, but not so much in the public eye.

" Well my pretty kitty's off the clock!" A mischievous voice above called. " Are you going to come with me this time Koneko-Chan, or do I have to catch you?" He smirked again, not being able to help himself.

" Ohm…" Ichigo thought mockingly, knowing exactly what was on his mind. It had started two weeks ago, after work like this. Kish had decided he sort of missed having to chase Ichigo to get her to go with him, so he pretended nothing had ever happened between them.

At first, Ichigo was genuinely scared, thinking he'd lost it completely. She had run, truly scared about being caught. She ran through the forest and into a small clearing, past Kish's new house and deeper into the woods. Kish had eventually caught up with her, laughing insanely. It was then Ichigo realized it was a joke.

Since then, they played this "game" at least once a week. It was a type of reminder of how far they had gone since the Mew time.

" I'd rather run then go with you Kish!" she called out before sprinting off. Kish beamed yet again, his fang showing. He floated closer to the ground and sped off after Ichigo.

' What a good way to keep fit.' She thought suddenly, noticing that she wasn't out of breath by the time she reached the forest, unlike most other times. She kept running, taking a new course.

" Come out, come out wherever you are Koneko-Chan!" Kish called, noting she was taking a new route.

" Oh go away." She called out sarcastically. This definitely brought back memories. Except now it was in the name of fun.

Eventually Kish caught up with her and tackled her to the ground.

" Get off!" She moaned, sarcasm still dripping on every word.

" How about no honey?" Kish straddled her hips with his knees and placed his hands on hers. He bent down and placed a short kiss on Ichigo's lips, who kissed him back playfully. She was grinning so much it hurt.

" My name's Kish… thanks for the kiss." He smirked and licked his lips. Below him, Ichigo burst out in laughter.

" Very funny Kish!" He laughed too, floating up so she could have some room to sit upright. She sighed happily and crossed her legs. " We made some good tips today, but people kept annoying Pudding about being a Mew. I swear, if I ever see that backstabbing two timing---" Ichigo was cut off by Kish, who had his finger on her mouth.

" Hey calm down there. He's gone. And everything's calmed down since that all happened, but it's bound to come up from time to time. Just stay cool." He smiled and sat down beside her.

" You're right. Thank a lot." She smiled and leant against him. He put his arm around her and sighed.

" So what do you want to do Koneko-Chan?" Ichigo shrugged. It was hard, not being able to go out in public with Kish. She had asked Ryou about maybe inventing a potion that would just change his ears, but to no avail. Ichigo looked up and was staring at his ears. She personally had nothing against them. They weren't normal, true, but she found them cute. When he was showing extreme emotion they would twitch up and down.

" It's quite rude to stare Koneko-Chan, I thought you told me that though." Kish laughed, tugging Ichigo back to reality. " Not that I don't blame you. I'm just such a good sight to see."

" Wow. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more arrogant." Ichigo huffed. Kish failed to detect the sarcasm in this statement.

" Aw come on Koneko-Chan, I'm just joking around. You know that, right?" He lifted her chin up with his thumb and placed his forehead on hers. She blushed slightly, noticing how close he really was.

" I can't say you're the only one blameworthy of staring though, I find myself looking intently at you too. You're just too cute. And lucky for me, you're my pretty kitty, so I can stare all I want!" He giggled and Ichigo relaxed.

" True, true." She mumbled. He was still close to her, a small gap between their lips. She could feel his hot breath on her face, which made her blush even more.

Ever since they got over the shock of seeing each other again, which had happened about three days after the Mew incident, Kish and Ichigo had become a lot closer. He would always pick on her in a flirtatious way and Ichigo would take the bait. When Ichigo was with him on the ship, it was more romantic and serious as they tried to establish a relationship, but now, since they were definitely a couple, it wasn't.

" What're you thinking about Koneko-Chan?" Kish asked in a whisper, closing his eyes. Ichigo had already closed her eyes, enjoying the moment she had with him. She sighed slightly, her long eyelashes tickling his eyelids as she opened her eyes.

" Uh… nothing much really. It is Saturday after all, and work's over. What's there to think about?"

" The weather, the future, me…" Kish listed off, not breaking away from their close position.

" Ok, let's think of them all. It's hot today, and I see you in my future. Sound good enough?" Ichigo giggled and ran her fingers through Kish's hair.

" Good point. It is getting hotter ne? Closer to summer." Kish noted, finally caving in and kissing Ichigo. She smirked as they broke away- he had lost.

It may have been a silly game, but they just couldn't help themselves. Kish had figured out that he couldn't stay within two inches of Ichigo's face without kissing her for very long, and Ichigo figured out the same. So they did this, trying to see who'd cave in first. Ichigo had once, but only once.

" Let's go to the lake or something."

" I think I can do that." Kish smiled and picked Ichigo up along with him as he stood up.