
Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates. I do however own Alex, Sawyer and of course, Katarina Sparrow.

A/N: Well, here it is. The final chapter in the adventures of the one and only Katarina Sparrow. THANK YOU SO MUCH to everybody who has read, reviewed, and added me to any favorites lists. I enjoyed and will continue to enjoy every minute of it. Now please read, the final chapter, of this story. R&R.

Katarina sat sipping a tankard of rum in The Faithful Bride, a bar in Tortuga she knew all too well. Not bad, she thought not bad at all. Katarina had grown into a beautiful twenty-three year old woman. She still wore her blond hair in a pony tail and still wore the hat she had bought as an ambitious thirteen year old girl. She still had the same sword, and her outfit hadn't changed much except that she'd got bigger and so had the clothes. That however, was the only thing about her that had remained the same. She was a captain now, of a large ship named The Persevere. No matter how she had tried she could not convince her father to part with the Black Pearl. So she had bought a new ship and sailed it happily.

Jack was still as mischievous as ever, but now being an aging captain who was over fifty he spent more of his time in his house by the sea in Tortuga. Much like Jack, Will and Elizabeth were back in their small cottage in Port Royal. Alex, however, sailed as Kat's first mate. Also in her crew were the prisoners from the Pearl and a few other friends she'd made through her teenage years.

Katarina couldn't be recognized if you looked at her at this precise moment in time for her hat was positioned in such a way that it shadowed her entire face. Now she couldn't help but smile as she listened to a man tell a story to a group gathered about him not two tables away.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," said the man to the other next to him.

"I would too!," the other insisted.

"Fine, I'll tell you. What would you say if I told you there is a pirate who rules the seven seas, who is so powerful she strikes fear into the hearts of men with her very name?"

"She?," the other man asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you've never heard the legend of the Black Kat." At this a stranger listening to the story stopped drinking and looked at the man strangely. His shaggy black hair sat uncombed on his head. His tanned and wind beaten face was dotted with a few freckles. He looked no more than twenty-four. And hearing the name Black Kat snapped him to attention and he was now listening very intently to the conversation. "Saw her the other day I did," the man continued.

"You have not seen the Black Kat!"

"I told you you wouldn't believe me!" Suddenly the stranger with the black hair lept from his seat. He grabbed the man who had been telling the story and thrust him against the wall, holding him here so his feet dangled just above the ground.

"Where is she?!," he demanded. "Where is the girl? Where is the Black Kat?!" Before the man could answer two men tried to pull the stranger away from him. Naturally this started a huge bar-room brawl. Katarina had seen hardly any action all week and decided to get in on it. She drew her sword and dove into the crazy fight. Kat was fighting back to back with the stranger, then she turned and they fought each other. They had clashed swords above their swords against each other but he was soon overpowering her and pushing her towards the ground.

At this point Katarina was staring up into the man's face, but more importantly his eyes. Those eyes were brown, inventive and looked like they were masking a story. They were eyes she would recognize anywhere. Now the stranger overpowered her so she was on the ground.

"Sawyer?" She barely dared to say the words as she lost her breath completely. The stranger cocked his head and suddenly gave a shocked reply.

"Kat?!" He looked at Kat, then at his sword, then back at Kat. "Oh my God!," he exclaimed dropping his sword. It landed on Kat's leg, cutting her. "Sorry," he said offering her a hand. She picked up his sword, took his hand, and got to her feet. She handed him his sword and smiled.

"Let's go where it's a little quieter," she said looking at the bar. Sawyer nodded and they went out the door into the alley behind the bar. As soon as they were outside she had her arms around him in a hug. As always, too proud to cry, Kat's eyes welled up with tears that she blinked back.

"So you're the Black Kat now huh?," Sawyer said.

"That's what they call me."

"Sorry about the leg," he said smiling.

"It doesn't hurt, I can't feel anything but my heart racing. Sawyer," she gasped "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"That makes two of us," he said pulling her into another hug. He stopped and reached into his pocket and pulled out Kat's locket. Lovingly, he took her hand, placed it in her open palm, and smiled at her. "I never stopped loving you," he whispered.

"That makes two of us." And the dynamic duo, reunited after ten years, let their lips meet in a kiss. When they finally pulled away she was smiling at him. "Would you like to see my ship?"

"I would love to" Sawyer said laughing. So Sawyer took her arm and as they walked off into the moonlight, their voices could be heard floating across the harbor. For years to come people would hear the story of one brave sea captain and his even braver daughter. Of Will and Elizabeth and their beautiful little girl. Of a boy named Sawyer, and his soon to be wife, the one and only, Katarina Sparrow.

The End