This is a request from Elidor-finding-acceptance and there for dedicated to Elidor. Here we go my first request story.

Hermione twiddled her thumbs nervously and bit her lip. Where could they be? She had said at 6:30 for him to come by her house for a get-together dinner. But where were the invited Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, and Neville? They were all late.

So Hermione sat on her small but comfy living room couch. Her parents were out on vacation and so Hermione thought that this would be a good time to invite her wizard friends.

Hermione was clad in a white and pink dress with frills, flowers, and ribbons. She thought she looked ridiculous in it and with the sparkles and straightened non-bushy brown hair. Truth was she looked really nice.

The doorbell rang and Hermione opened it to reveal Luna and Neville she ushered them in and sat them down apologizing for the delay in food because Harry, Ron, and Ginny hadn't quite arrived yet.

Soon the door bell rang with Harry. Afterward Ron and Ginny came and they could get started. They occupied themselves with various chit chat. Later, in Hermione's backyard (it was not visible to neighbors) they played some quidditch.

When it got darker Harry, Luna, and Neville 'left', but they were really hiding behind the bushes looking through the window. The plan was now launched. Ginny, however, had something more to do than leave.

"Hi guys! Why don't we watch one of those muggle things called TV? I brought a DMD from dad's muggle stash and decided that we should play one." Ginny announced pulling out a DVD which she had called a DMD.

"Okay sure, want me to do it?" Hermione asked.

"Nope I got it." Ginny fiddled with it for five minutes and then Hermione, growing impatient showed Ginny how it was done.

Soon they were watching a romance movie. Ron couldn't stop looking at Hermione which was a good sign which also meant that the plan was on its way to victory. Very quietly Ginny snuck out and was successful in doing so.

"Hey Gin nice job!" Harry told her.

"Thanks. It took forever!" Ginny replied. Now they were all watching the two forms on the couch.

Ron slowly put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and she let it stay. They were in that position for a good half an hour. When the movie ended Hermione looked around for Ginny.

"Where's Ginny. One sec I got to go find her." Hermione made a move to get up but Ron pushed her down.

"Ginny can wait, this can't." Ron pushed his lips against Hermione's. It sent shivers of pleasure up Hermione.

"And the plan worked."